Computer software to be used with RotR

Rise of the Runelords

So, what computer software are you guys planning to use with this adventure path? I've yet to come upon anything that is more helpful for a campaign than the inevitable hassle of bringing a laptop and finding a place to put it, and not get in the way of playing.

Any suggestions?

Well, I'm going to use DM Genie. I introduced it in my Shackled City campaign, and it's been extremely helpful for me, especially for the big fights.

I'll continue using the only 2 programs I've found indispensible over the years - Excel and GIMP. Excel to keep all the data in the exact format _I_ prefer and do all the number crunching, and GIMP to draw the battle maps. ;)

Going to use DM Tools. :)

Liberty's Edge

MS-Excel... it works wonder in helping me to keep a tab on who the players meet.

Grand Lodge

trellian wrote:

So, what computer software are you guys planning to use with this adventure path? I've yet to come upon anything that is more helpful for a campaign than the inevitable hassle of bringing a laptop and finding a place to put it, and not get in the way of playing.

Any suggestions?

When I get round to actually running this I plan to use RPGXplorer to store the NPCs and manage my Player's characters.

As for game management I will stick with my own personal spreadsheets combined with Inspiration Pad and RPGXplorers Rules Viewer unless RPGXplorer releases their GM Tools before I start. To be honest there just isn't a likeable enough program currently out there that can manage my DM'ing style.

Although given the strength of my current group I could well be running this campaign over Fantasy Grounds.

Lilith wrote:
Going to use DM Tools. :)

I've never seen this before. Excellent for when you need an NPC in a pinch. Thanks!

Sovereign Court

trellian wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Going to use DM Tools. :)
I've never seen this before. Excellent for when you need an NPC in a pinch. Thanks!

Actually Lillith is the one doing most of the work and the person who brought the database into being... ;-)


Guennarr wrote:
trellian wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Going to use DM Tools. :)
I've never seen this before. Excellent for when you need an NPC in a pinch. Thanks!

Actually Lillith is the one doing most of the work and the person who brought the database into being... ;-)


That could possibly explain the hyperlink, yes... either way, thanks a lot! I have actually a registered version of DM Genie, and will probably use the campaign manager. Since we get the Pathfinders in PDF, storing the adventures in Dm's Genie is an easy task, as long as I get my hands on a good OCR-software. Any suggestions?

I never thought of using software before, I just have notes and notes. Are they really that helpful, if so which ones would be best.

The biggest issue, with any software, is "does it work for you?" The best, most expensive software in the world isn't going to be worth 2 cp if you can't use it in the way that you think and run your games. Try a bunch of different software, like the ones people have listed in this thread.

And I didn't add all those stat blocks to DM Tools - I just made it so other people could. :)

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I've always wanted to do my own CMS (Content Management System). I have a bunch of pieces that I've never finished. This might be the time to get going.

I have a d20Modern character creation program (partial generator) that's about 60-70% complete, a "Tavern Designer" that needs some serious work, plans for a Heraldry creator (I have the Tartan creator done, but it needs revising), still working on a d20 initiative tracker (the Hero System one works like a charm), journal "program" (not a blog) linked to a database that allows "tree structure" saving, attempting to populate the SRD into a db, CSS Calendar (only Gregorian at the moment), a pretty slick character sheet (doesn't print well, needs more CSS work), and a few other odds and ends. Mostly all of these are in the "final phases" and I just need to get around to them.

Also wanted use my own Wiki (I'm not ambitious enough to create one). Any suggestions on a good one? I was thinking of downloading the one for Wikipedia. Should work pretty well on my LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP for those not in the know) system.

MediaWiki (the one used by wikipedia) is great, but perhaps a bit much - PBwiki is quite good for campaign stuff. I use both on my LAMP system as well. PBWiki stores things in flat files, while MediaWiki does so on MySQL.

Well, DM's Familiar of course! Manage the combat, reference library, and to keep all my notes organized.

Course I wrote it so I might be biased.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Lillith, that's what I've been looking at. I'll need the MySQL installed for all my other stuff, so it's not a problem.

DMFTodd wrote:

Well, DM's Familiar of course! Manage the combat, reference library, and to keep all my notes organized.

Course I wrote it so I might be biased.

Thanks, but I'll pass. I kinda want to write my own some day : )

DMs Familiar ( - reference libraray & combat
MyInfo (or SeoNote that I use now) - notes
MapTool ( - map display

Checkout the other tools I use as well as my projector setup at
My Gaming Setup

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

The room looks pretty well lit. Do you have the lights low for when you're using the projector?

I'm currently using "show me" screens on my table. Here's some screen shots. The middle monitor for the GM is replicated on the two monitors for the PCs.

The software that came with the video card allows me to have multiple desktops. All you have to do is switch from FR, GH, Hero, SW, etc. Background images can be put up on each side of the middle, but we usually use PDFs and Media Player. If you want to show something, just slide it from one monitor to the other.

At first, the other GMs were hesitant, but they love it now! One drawback is that the monitors are hard to move. But I'm looking into display racks that can solve that.

Shadow Lodge

My group used to be exclusively computer based, using custom software one of the guys had written. When I took over in the DM's chair, I used the system only as long as I had to and then eliminated the use of computers at the table. Everyone was hidden behind monitors and did not interact as they should; the social aspects of the game had disappeared and browsing the internet became a problem. Since then, the game has become much better, and I don't think that anyone would have the systems back if given the choice. We have one laptop set aside for fast online references, PDF reference and character creation, but that is it. Thus, I will not be using software at the gaming table though I will continue to make great use of Excel and GIMP to track things offline, prepare images and do my planning.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

One thing I do like about technology is the IM aspect (see here. I think that the passing of notes can be a bit of a kill on the campaign.

You're right on the monitors. I would keep them however, just find monitors small enough (not easy, but I'm trying) to avoid things like web surfing and the "hide behind" aspect. That way I can still be "up to date" and social.

I use excel for many things, including tracking exp, loot, npcs, and other good stuff. You can grab my excel speadsheet I designed for use with Savage Tide and very easily use it with any adventure or campaign. I put a copy up at The RPGenius website.

For maps I use two tools, Gimp and PDF995 to create PDF versions of the maps that are scaled to tabletop size and then printed on tiles. It's a bit of work but the payoff is really nice. You can see an example map in play at my webpage.

I also refer to d20srd from time to time when I need a quick rule lookup on some things I don't use that frequently (e.g. underwater combat)

Did anyone else see the Microsoft Surface and go GAMING TABLE? Or is it just me...

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Lilith wrote:
Did anyone else see the Microsoft Surface and go GAMING TABLE? Or is it just me...

Totally. I'm thinking about getting a second and third job so that I can save up for one of these... because you know damn well they'll be over $10K.

Lilith wrote:
Did anyone else see the Microsoft Surface and go GAMING TABLE? Or is it just me...

Not to threadjack (since I doubt many people are using this for Runelords) BUT...

- Character sheets appear by tapping next to a miniature (or have cool looking image or animation, but I've spent too much money on DDM to not use them)

- Wait, make that fully hyperlinked character sheets with direct links to the original product sources that you can save on any wireless device

- computer "reading" what numbers you roll and auto-calculating (because, you still need real dice, of course) including suitable music for 20's and 1's

- area of effect animations for spells

- electronic item cards that can be slid to each character and automatically added to their possessions

- on the fly changing of maps for cave-ins, floods, and the like

- even beyond the combat maps, imagine a 3-D globe view of the campaign world that you can spin and zoom in on - complete with stats and NPCs

- etc.

Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if someone hacked together the ability for everyone to write their pizza preferences on the table, someone set down a cellphone, and it'll handle combining the topping choices and placing the order without debate and taking time away from the game.

As you can tell, I've also thought it can definitely be an awesome gaming table. Once they open this up for outside software development and the hardware prices start coming down, I am so unleashing my .Net-fu on it.

A lot of these things are available now in standard computers, but with the new interface, way neat-o wireless capability, and multiuser ability so that you don't have a bunch of faces hidden behind computer screens or secret surfing, Surface really takes it to a new level.

Fatespinner wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Did anyone else see the Microsoft Surface and go GAMING TABLE? Or is it just me...
Totally. I'm thinking about getting a second and third job so that I can save up for one of these... because you know damn well they'll be over $10K.

Actually, the Popular Mechanics video I saw stated $5-10K at the end of this year with models (aka prices) more suitable for home use within 3-5 years.

So looking at what people pay for pimped out gaming PCs or HDTV & Playstation 3's, the lower end of that range isn't obscene. It's still awfully high, but it's not out of the question for some people (well, it is out of the question for me and many others, but not like the level of how a Ferrari is out of the question). Plus as they get to be mass-produced and little bits inside get improved, the price will drop to I would think something comparable to other PCs easily within the 3-5 year range they mention. I think it's unique and useful enough for a variety of activities that it will have the momentum to make it past that initial "costs way too much for ordinary mortals" and survive to the point of becoming affordable.

At least I'm hoping so. :)

tdewitt274 wrote:
The room looks pretty well lit. Do you have the lights low for when you're using the projector?

No. We don't need to lower the lights. We often leave the light off that is directly over the table, but the projector is usable even with it on.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

For only $8,000, you get a much larger surface from Of course, not computer included. But it's a 42 inch touch screen!

HP is also doing the same type of thing (this is about a year old).

It is MULTI-touch. That technology is a huge leap forward. We were discussing it at work today for work applications, but of course my mind drifted to gaming and someone out of the blue pointed out at you could wear little fingerlets with barcodes on them to identify who was who and make a great pvp game that way. Guess I am not the only gamer in the office.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Festivus wrote:
It is MULTI-touch. That technology is a huge leap forward.

Yeah, but I'd think that the software is what allows the multi touch, not the screen itself. So, when the software came available (Win 2k15), you'd be a step ahead of the game : )

Sovereign Court

master0fdungeons wrote:

DMs Familiar ( - reference libraray & combat

MyInfo (or SeoNote that I use now) - notes
MapTool ( - map display

Checkout the other tools I use as well as my projector setup at
My Gaming Setup

Hi there,

I just watched your set up. Wouldn't a mirror cause the image to be side switched? (i.e. left for right and vice versa? So you would have to mirror maps in advance to display them correctly?


Most of the projectors we use at my work have a button to reverse the projected image (and flip it for that matter). If you were to rear screen project you would need the feature as well.

Guennarr wrote:
master0fdungeons wrote:

DMs Familiar ( - reference libraray & combat

MyInfo (or SeoNote that I use now) - notes
MapTool ( - map display

Checkout the other tools I use as well as my projector setup at
My Gaming Setup

Hi there,

I just watched your set up. Wouldn't a mirror cause the image to be side switched? (i.e. left for right and vice versa? So you would have to mirror maps in advance to display them correctly?


The projector has a menu option to switch the image around. Its very quick and easy. You can switch top/bottom and right/left, but there isn't a rotate 90 degree option, but I don't need that at all.

Liberty's Edge

Campaign Tracker: MyInfo (Hyperlinks all my programs together)
For Maps: CCPro & CC3 for large Scale Maps, Dundjinni for 1"=5' Scaled Maps.
DM Assistants: Excel, Virtual Dice Tray, Tablesmith, Cube's Treasure Roller
Digital Display: Optoma Projector

does anyone use a Mac with these programs?

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Does anyone have experience with Hero Lab?


Liberty's Edge

Durn wrote:
does anyone use a Mac with these programs?

As far as I know all these programs are PC-centric with "workarounds" for us Mac, no. I just make my own with Office for Mac and KeyNote (much better than Office).

Andrew Turner wrote:
Durn wrote:
does anyone use a Mac with these programs?
As far as I know all these programs are PC-centric with "workarounds" for us Mac, no. I just make my own with Office for Mac and KeyNote (much better than Office).

I prefer to use Heroforge and Spellforge, which covers more than just the SRD... and is free. Of course, you need excel to run it so there is that added expense. I have tried it in OpenOffice 2.2 but it seems to bomb.

EDIT: Sorry, above was in response to Erik Mona's question.

My Savage Tide excel sheet opens and functions just fine in OpenOffice 2.2, which I believe you can run on a Mac.

I was thinking of other tools I have been using:

Gimp - for blowing up images to tabletop mini map size/
PDF995 - for making PDF files of my character sheets and various statblock sheets and other stuff that is nice to keep in PDF format.
D20SRD.Org - On my laptop web browser, for quick rules refrence searching.

Scarab Sages

RPTOOLS.COM has some nifty tools for online play (say a player is out of town). The dice tool is cool for a laptop at the gaming table, but not really good for online play.

Erik Mona wrote:

Does anyone have experience with Hero Lab?


I got the demo today Erik ... has some promise :) Very easy to pick up and has a nice journal section for characters. I'm contemplating getting the full version.

I use PCGen for character generation (might be a good idea to create a Pathfinder dataset) and CC2Pro (when I have time) for overland maps. During play I consult and we keep our campaign notes in a php CMS, but I'm going to switch that to a MediaWiki installation.

Taurendil wrote:
I use PCGen for character generation (might be a good idea to create a Pathfinder dataset) and CC2Pro (when I have time) for overland maps. During play I consult and we keep our campaign notes in a php CMS, but I'm going to switch that to a MediaWiki installation.

I use PCGen too. Not only for the character gen stuff, but also for setting up all the NPC and monster encounters beforehand and then I run the in the GMGen tool that is included (which also calculates all the XP). Since Pathfinder is OGL content, there should definitely be a group effort to develop a dataset to support any new monsters, items, feats and what have you...

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

The PCGen team is just starting to make contact with Paizo about including their Open Gaming Content with future PCGen releases. As Pathfinder subscriber I am interested in that kind of support myself, and as a PCGen developer I'm also in a position to have some influence on this. So, unless Paizo doesn't want us to, which looks unlikely to me, I guess Pathfinder support will be included in PCGen sooner or later.

PCGen for all the characters and NPC's.

Excel spreadsheet to keep track of XP. I just put in the current party level, CR of the creature and either the name or short description and it adds it all up, etc.

Tact-tiles for mapping, and Peter (aka, "alternate" son) to keep the PCs maps, Skip to keep notes, and Chris (aka, son) to be the party strategist and planner.

-- david

Dark Archive

I plan on running the Pathfinder series using Fantasy Grounds - . I was going to put a post here but considering most of the people that post here are going to be purchasing the Pathfinder series it may be moot.


Greg Volz

A new announcement went up over on Hero Lab site late last night. It appears that a great deal of support for Pathfinder will be added to the Hero Lab product. I would expect the announcement to be posted here very soon as well.

I use DM Genie, it has worked very well for combat, experience, and game tracking so far in STAP.

Terok the Sly wrote:
I use DM Genie, it has worked very well for combat, experience, and game tracking so far in STAP.

OT: And now Janik is implementing Spell Scripting as well :D

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
evilash wrote:
Terok the Sly wrote:
I use DM Genie, it has worked very well for combat, experience, and game tracking so far in STAP.
OT: And now Janik is implementing Spell Scripting as well :D

Great news but where did you see this. Have not seen anything new on the DM Genie site for months.

Grand Lodge

Medriev wrote:
evilash wrote:
Terok the Sly wrote:
I use DM Genie, it has worked very well for combat, experience, and game tracking so far in STAP.
OT: And now Janik is implementing Spell Scripting as well :D
Great news but where did you see this. Have not seen anything new on the DM Genie site for months.

Check their forums.


Don't forget that RPGXplorer will also be supporting Pathfinder, and with their upcoming GM Tools (abbreviated as GMX), I don't think it will be long before we see complete Pathfinder adventure support including a completely interactive map of Varisia!

Medriev wrote:
evilash wrote:
OT: And now Janik is implementing Spell Scripting as well :D
Great news but where did you see this. Have not seen anything new on the DM Genie site for months.

Not to be a thread-jacker, but Janik returned to the DM Genie forums at the start of the week with an update on what he was working on at the moment.

Anyway, I will be using DM Genie in my upcoming ST campaign, and unless there has poped up a tool that's even better at supporting me as a DM in-game when it's time for me to run my first Pathfinder AP in about 3 years time I will be using DM Genie then as well. It's a lifesaver when it comes to tracking combat, spell durations, and so on.

E-Tools - I use it pretty much exclusively for everything from player character maintenance to NPC's, monsters, treasure, etc.

Surprised no one else does actually - it's incredibly powerful and customizable (and like paizo, got it's license revoked last Dec.) I use a separate copy to handle a completely different campaign with tons of customized rules.

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