d20 Modern / Halo

Other RPGs

Liberty's Edge

Would any body be intrested in a d20 Modern game set in the Halo universe. I've been working on a template for Spartans, but I'm not real good at setting CRs. I'll post the stats when I find my notes and see what you guys think. I also have stats for Covies, weapons, vehicles, and the Flood. I think it would be pretty cool, but wanted some "professional" advice (seeing as most of the people on the boards have been playing for like 15 years longer than I have).

Liberty's Edge

I'm not one of those guys who've been playing for 20-odd years, but here are my suggestions:

For Spartans: Just use a base human, and give them +3 to Str, Con, and Wis, plus a +2 level adjustment.

For MJOLNIR armor:
- +8 AC
- wearer granted low-light vision, DR 1/-, and energy resistance 5

For Covie stats:

Grunt = 1st-level goblin warrior
Elite = 3rd-level githyanki fighter
Jackal = advanced Medium 4-HD kobold 1st-level rogue
Brute = 1st-level ogre fighter
Prophet = Mind Flayer Sorcerer

Not sure how to handle the Flood, though...

Liberty's Edge


Plasma Sword: use the stats for a Githyanki Silver Sword
Plasma Pistol: energy weapon; quck shot: 1d4 (uses 1 charge), power shot: 3d4 (uses 3 charges); 20 to 40 charges
Brute Shot: melee: use stats for a chainsaw; ranged: use stats for a grenade
Carbine: energy weapon; 2d8 damage; 20 charges
Needler: Roll d20. Roll equals the number of shots that hit (maximum number of hits is the number of needles left in the clip). Each needle detonates after 1 round, dealing 1d2 damage. Needler shots also bypass DR. One clip contains 20 rounds.
Plasma Rifle: energy weapon; quick shot: 1d6 (uses 1 charge), power shot: 2d8 (uses 4 charges, chance of overheating--roll d%, if roll>60, weapon is unuseable for 1 round)

Assault Rifle = P90
SMG = Skorpion machine pistol
Battle Rifle = M-16
Pistol: any semiauto pistol
Sniper Rifle: just guess what you should use. C'mon, guess.
Rocket Launcher: (see entry for Sniper Rifle)

Liberty's Edge

It's cool that this thread got started, because this type of conversion is the kind of thing I do for fun. Go ahead. Tell me I have no life. I dare you.

And now my darling son will be driving me crazy to RUN a HALO adventure for him... Thank you *ever* so much! [/sarcasm] :D

Vissigoth wrote:
Would any body be intrested in a d20 Modern game set in the Halo universe. I've been working on a template for Spartans, but I'm not real good at setting CRs. I'll post the stats when I find my notes and see what you guys think. I also have stats for Covies, weapons, vehicles, and the Flood. I think it would be pretty cool, but wanted some "professional" advice (seeing as most of the people on the boards have been playing for like 15 years longer than I have).

If you haven't already go over to the WOTC Modern/Future baords pretty a long thread on this topic that may help you out?

other than that can't really give any input, as only thing I know about HALO are screenshots and its a FPS.

Liberty's Edge

Vissigoth wrote:
Would any body be intrested in a d20 Modern game set in the Halo universe. I've been working on a template for Spartans, but I'm not real good at setting CRs. I'll post the stats when I find my notes and see what you guys think. I also have stats for Covies, weapons, vehicles, and the Flood. I think it would be pretty cool, but wanted some "professional" advice (seeing as most of the people on the boards have been playing for like 15 years longer than I have).

It could be advantageous to create the Spartans as a prestige class.

Liberty's Edge

Spartans are a template

Ok, here's the Spartan template.

The Spartan-II template is an aquired template, but there are sever restrictions on when a character can take the template. Unless the campain starts at the begining on Spartan training, most GMs should treat it as an inherited template.

Spartans are screened for genetic supperiority. A Spartan character rolls 5d6, rerolling 1s, and discards the lowest two dice to determine abbility scores.

Spartans begin training at a very early age. To create a Spartan character still in boot camp, roll up his abbility scores and apply the following modifiers:

6 years old: treat like a normal child
8 years old: 1/4 abbility scores 1 level (usualy Strong)
10 years old: 1/2 abbility scores 2 levels
12 years old: 3/4 abbility scores 3 levels
14 years old: full abbility scores 4 levels (usualy Soldier)
16 years old: aquire Spartan Template 5 levels (Boot Camp Graduation)

All Spartans have the Military Occupation.

Abbility Scores: +6 STR, +6 DEX, +6 CON, +2 INT
Enhanced Senses: +5 Spot, +5 Listen, Low-Light Vision
Fearful Presence: +5 Intimidate
Boost Moral: Spartans radiate a 30ft. aura that gives all friendly human characters a +1 moral bonus to attack rolls and saving throws. Bonuses from multiple Spartans do not stack. This bonus does not apply to other Spartans.
Electricity Weakness: Because of the numerous cybernetic implants, Spartans take double damage from electricity.
Cybernetic Network: Spartans can use equipment which requires a nural link to use (such as MIJOLINR armor).

Any ideas on LA for this.

DR 10/- (using armor as dr instead of defense)
+ 6 STR, + 4 DEX
Shield: 50 hp, if you go three rounds wiht out taking damage, they recharge at 5 hp per turn. crits & sneak attacks bypass sheild

This makes for a super high powered game. Enemies will be like wise high powered. I'm useing d20 Modern for the base rules.

Liberty's Edge

Doc_Outlands wrote:
And now my darling son will be driving me crazy to RUN a HALO adventure for him... Thank you *ever* so much! [/sarcasm] :D

Once I get all the info finished, I'll put it all into a text document so you can run a game. What format do you prefer?

Liberty's Edge

Vissigoth wrote:

Spartans are a template

** spoiler omitted **

Any ideas on LA for this.

Meh. I think it may be more than a bit overpowered. I'd leave it at a +4 to said abilities, just to tone it down a bit. Other than that, 'sall cool. For your version, I'd suggest a +5 LA. For my version, probably a +4 or +3 LA.

Vissigoth wrote:

DR 10/- (using armor as dr instead of defense)
+ 6 STR, + 4 DEX
Shield: 50 hp, if you go three rounds wiht out taking damage, they recharge at 5 hp per turn. crits & sneak attacks bypass sheild

This makes for a super high powered game. Enemies will be like wise high powered. I'm useing d20 Modern...

Armor is good. However, I'd go for a less-high powered game. I'm generally not a rules lawyer about such things, but it just seems, well, unnecessary.

Liberty's Edge

The whole point of playing a Spartan is to be able to flip over a 66 ton tank, take massive amounts of damage, and kill pretty much anything they want to. Grunts are gonna be fodder, but Elites are going to be on the same power level as the PCs. LA +5 sounds about right. Thanks for the input.

Liberty's Edge

Vissigoth wrote:
The whole point of playing a Spartan is to be able to flip over a 66 ton tank, take massive amounts of damage, and kill pretty much anything they want to. Grunts are gonna be fodder, but Elites are going to be on the same power level as the PCs. LA +5 sounds about right. Thanks for the input.

Cool. I was just voicing my personal opinions. Take whatever floats your boat and sail with it.

By the way, when you get around to creating a copy of the rules for Doc Outlands, could you send me a copy?
My email is yogsothoth@wildmoo.net.

Liberty's Edge

Ok, made a Spartan Character. Just out of boot camp, fixing to go on his first misson.


Vicktor - 148
LN Male Spartan
Strong 3/Soldier 2
ECL: 10

roll racial armor total mod
Strength 16 +6 +6 28 +9
Dexterity 16 +6 +4 26 +8
Constitution 15 +6 21 +5
Intellegence 14 +2 16 +3
Wisdom 13 13 +1
Charisma 11 11 +0

base abil total
Fortitude +4 +5 +9
Reflex +3 +8 +11
Willpower +1 +1 +2

Hit Dice: 5
Vitality Points: 61
Wound Points: 21

Armor Worn: MIJOLNIR MkVI -4 armor check
toatal dex class
21 +10 +8 +3

Damage Reduction: 10/-
Energy Sheild: 50 vp

BAB: +4
Grap: +13
Init: +7
Speed: 40ft.
Action Points 8
Reputation +0
Wealth +3

MAB5 Assault Rifle +13 2d8+2 20x2 70ft.
Rifle Butt +13 1d6+11 20x2 melee
Frag Grenade +12 4d6 20ft. burst

ranks abil armor racial total
Climb 6 +9 -4 +11
Jump 8 +9 -4 +13
Demolitions 8 +3 +11
Knowledge (tactics) 8 +3 +11
Drive 8 +8 +16
Repair 6 +3 +9
Intimidate 2 +0 +5 +7
Listen 2 +1 +5 +8
Spot 2 +1 +5 +8
Survival 2 +1 +3

Feats & Talents
Simple Weapon Proficency
Personal Firearm Proficency
Advanced Firearm Proficency
Burst Fire
Melee Smash
Improved Melee Smash
Combat Reflexes
Weapon Focus (MA5B)
Weapon Specialization (MA5B)

Special Qualities
Low Light Vision
Boost Moral
Electricity Weakness
Cybernetic Network
Athletics Training
Enhanced Senses
Fearful Presence

and heres a Minor(blue armor) Elite


Elites as Characters
+10 STR, +10 DEX, +6 CON
Frightening Comander: Grunts fear of their Elite commanders give them a +2 bonus vs. Intimidate checks to demoralize.

Used 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 spread

Minor Elite
Male Sangehli Strong Hero 3/Soldier 2
LN Medium Humanoid/Extraterrestrial
Spot +1
Listen +0
Darkvison 60ft.
total dex class
Defense: 20 +10 +7 +3
Damage Reduction:10/-
Health: 5 HD
Wound Points 19
Vitality Points 39
Energy Sheild 50
Fort +4 +4 =8
Refx +3 +7 =10
Will +1 +0 =1
Melee: Rifle Butt +8* 1d6+12* 20 melee
Ranged: Plasma Rifle +10 3d10+2 20 80ft.
Plasma Grenade +9 3d6 20ft. burst Sticky**
Base Attack:+4
Attack Options:
Auto Fire
Burst Fire
*4 point power attack
**If attack scores a direct hit, the attack counts as a crit.
Strength 26 +8
Dexterity 24 +7
Constitution 19 +4
Intellegence 12 +1
Wisdom 10 +0
Charisma 8 -1

Special Qualities
Darkvision 60ft.

Feats & Talents
Simple Weapons Proficency
Personal Firearms Proficency
Advanced Firearms Proficency
Burst Fire
Ignore Hardness
Improved Ignore Hardness
Power Attack
Weapon Focus (Plasma Rifle)
Weapon Specialization (Plasma Rifle)

ranks abil armor total
Knowledge (tactics) 7 +1 +8
Drive 7 +7 +14
Intimidate 7 -1 +6
Jump 7 +8 -4 +11
Spot 2 +0 +2

Plasma Rifle
Plama Grenades x4
Combat Armor DR 10/- Armor check -4

Any ideas on LA for the elite. I'm thinking of a +4 or +5.
Also, I probably spelled Sangheli wrong (I can't find any of my books).

Liberty's Edge

Vissigoth wrote:

and heres a Minor(blue armor) Elite
Elites as Characters
+10 STR, +10 DEX, +6 CON
Frightening Comander: Grunts fear of their Elite commanders give them a +2 bonus vs. Intimidate checks to demoralize.

Used 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 spread

Minor Elite
Male Sangehli Strong Hero 3/Soldier 2
LN Medium Humanoid/Extraterrestrial
Spot +1
Listen +0...

I'm thinking a +5 LA.

I got an idea- THE ARBITER

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

Vissigoth wrote:

I was being facetious.

You want a P90 or any other modern weapons from our world ,well you'll have to look up D20 modern Armory Locker book which I barely found. All you need to do is convert the equipment in the book

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