FenrysStar |

As someone who prefers to play non-humans I am most interested in seeing what sort of alternatives Pathfinder will offer to communities other than humanity. Personally I am hoping some form of Lupin make it into the campaign as a viable option. Although if you wanted to make a kind of twist, drop the obsession with werewolves and make them related to gnolls with a similar relationship to them that most elves have with the drow in traditional or standard campaigns.

Sean Mahoney |

While I personally wouldn't be that interested in completely different core races (which is what any races presented in the first path or adventures will be), I think this is still an exceptional question that I can't believe I didn't think of.
What are the elves of this world like? What are the dwarves like? Will halflings become hobbits again or stick to the third edition view?
Anyway, great question, I look forward to seeing an answer on this one.
Sean Mahoney

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The assumed PC races in Pathfinder are human, elf, dwarf, gnome, halfling, half-elf, and half-orc. Our adventures will reflect that; you'll see humans rubbing shoulders with any of the above in a city, but you won't see humans rubbing shoulders with gnolls, centaurs, or lizardfolk that often (if ever). We may, eventually, introduce new PC races, but they'll be closer to the core PC races than monsters. ECL +0 is the mantra.
Monsters should be monsters.
That said... there's nothing preventing you from playing a gnoll or a half-troll or whatever except your DM! :-)

FenrysStar |

Last I checked the lupin were +0 ECL. Although if I DM they will deffinately be alive. Although I am not buying another set of D&D minis until they make one with a lupin ranger in it. Not sure if they are in the OGL or not. Might alright to use as nobody is touching Mystara that I can see. I see a monster or two every now and again but that's about it. Unless they are planning on putting in a version of the lupin in Monster Manual V, but I highly doubt it.

bubbagump |

The assumed PC races in Pathfinder are human, elf, dwarf, gnome, halfling, half-elf, and half-orc. Our adventures will reflect that; you'll see humans rubbing shoulders with any of the above in a city, but you won't see humans rubbing shoulders with gnolls, centaurs, or lizardfolk that often (if ever). We may, eventually, introduce new PC races, but they'll be closer to the core PC races than monsters. ECL +0 is the mantra.
Monsters should be monsters.
Thank you, Mr. Jacobs! Keep it simple, keep it core. That's what I like to hear. Leave it up to the DMs to personalize this stuff.
(Though I admit I wouldn't mind seeing the occasional "optional" race, just for fun.)

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Keno wrote:or better yet, Honey Bear people!Sugar glider people FTW.
Thanks Mike, I was much happier when I thought the Indiana Honey Bear was a made up creature.

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You know what? Screw it, let's just play freakin' "Redwall: The Roleplaying Game".
You know what...that doesn't sound as bad as I originally thought. It is totally possible to have everybody play intellegent animals...or possibly have the party play the animal companions/familars/mounts for some group. have their adventures take place while the group is resting or not using them. I'm going to have to try this idea now.

Fox_Reeveheart |

My biggest disappointment i see from pathfinder is the look for kobolds in their books.... bleh.... now they just look truely evil.
I love the other kobolds better, sure they may be evil but they have this rather neutral look about them and i know a few girls who even say they look cute with their lizardy-rat hybridness.
Sucks, kobolds are my favorite race. These ones look all evil half-dragon-ish with all their multitude of colors, blech.
I will still play regular kobolds though >.> just say there are some species differences in appearance or something, i dunno.