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Wife's pregnant with #3. It'll be a girl. Born round October.
And I ain't naming her no MEEPO.
Heathansson wrote: Wife's pregnant with #3. It'll be a girl. Born round October.
And I ain't naming her no MEEPO.
Congratulations! Kid won the lottery, I'm tellin' ya, with a dad like yerself.
Congrats! The world needs more Heathies running around. Its a cooler place with you and yours in it.
Hows about naming her Snig the Axe? or Acererak?
Thanx Jade!
Kikai, I like Snig; I'll see what my wife thinks.
3's the charm! I agree with Jade’s sentiment completely.
I have a great idea for her name, it begins with a “C”… :-)
~huffs, snarls, and then fidgets~ Er... um... Drat! Congragulations, oh whimpy were-poodle! ~flys away in a huff about having to say ***anything*** nice to my arch-rival, no matter how well deserved~
Congrats Heathy!! You're on your way to having a compound!
Congratulations, werewoof!!!
Thanx y'all!!!
I need another job!
Congradulations! I wish my father was into RPGs. It would be so nice to have a father that is cool and not rather boring. Make sure that you let her know how lucky she is about that.
You foolish, foolish man, what have you done?
Seriously Heathy, congratulations. You've got a lucky brood to have a man like you in their lives. Best wishes to you and your family.
Thanks, fellers!!!
Seb, I asked myself the same question. Over and over one night, 2 months ago... ;)
Ya be a braver beastie than I! 2 is my limit, snippy, snip! Fakey's fixed!
Congrats, 1 more and you can have enough for a 4 player party with dada as the DM!
Heathansson wrote: Thanks, fellers!!!
Seb, I asked myself the same question. Over and over one night, 2 months ago... ;)
Heh, well done! We've got the boy on the way for next month and he's our first. I'm about 50/50 scared and excited.
As ever,
Congratulations! I guess that Skill Focus (Craft: Baby) feat you took is paying off big time.
Huzzah!Congratulations Heath:):):)
Fake Healer wrote: Ya be a braver beastie than I! 2 is my limit, snippy, snip! Fakey's fixed!
Congrats, 1 more and you can have enough for a 4 player party with dada as the DM!
Oh yeah! I've got the in-house D&D game covered.
Actually, more oblivious than brave am I...
theacemu wrote: Heathansson wrote: Thanks, fellers!!!
Seb, I asked myself the same question. Over and over one night, 2 months ago... ;)
Heh, well done! We've got the boy on the way for next month and he's our first. I'm about 50/50 scared and excited.
As ever,
ACE It's definitely a learning process. But you'll be surprised what you can learn and do.
I think the 50/50 fear thing is with you for the rest of your life.
The entirety of what you are has just changed.
You can do it, though.
James Keegan wrote: Congratulations! I guess that Skill Focus (Craft: Baby) feat you took is paying off big time. Yep...the best of all craft feats.
Arctaris wrote: Congradulations! I wish my father was into RPGs. It would be so nice to have a father that is cool and not rather boring. Make sure that you let her know how lucky she is about that. I hope they're appreciative. Kids rarely are...I never was. ;)
Richard Pett wrote: Huzzah!Congratulations Heath:):):) Thanks!!! I look forward to warping their minds with your adventures!
Huzzah!!! ;)
*cheers for Heathy*
Congrats man!
That is great news. Big time congrats.
Heathansson wrote: Wife's pregnant with #3. It'll be a girl. Born round October.
And I ain't naming her no MEEPO.
Keep one aside for me...
farewell2kings wrote: Heathansson wrote: Wife's pregnant with #3. It'll be a girl. Born round October.
And I ain't naming her no MEEPO. BIG CONGRATS!!!!!!! So, when you come to Dallas in the fall, I might be kinda busy, depending... ;)
Grats, Heathy! I believe you can file for 'Litter' status now on your tax return!
Ultradan wrote: Keep one aside for me...
Will do. P.S. where does your avatar shop for diapers?!? ;)
Fatespinner wrote: Grats, Heathy! I believe you can file for 'Litter' status now on your tax return! Hells yeh!!!
Big GRATZZ!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heathansson wrote: P.S. where does your avatar shop for diapers?!? ;) At the SUPERmarket, where else...
If it's a girl, name her "Tyralandi."
Hmm. When my dog had puppies, she had six. Three's no litter.
Seriously, congrats, Heathy!
Congratulations to you and your wife Heath, very good news.
At least there's some good news around here ...
Heathansson wrote: Wife's pregnant with #3. It'll be a girl. Born round October.
And I ain't naming her no MEEPO.
Soon there will be three lil Heathies running arround. Just what the world needed more were-wolves, May the Heathansson Clan grow prosperous.
God bless!!
Congrats to you and your wife both. Best Wishes.
I thought werewolves propagated by biting...
Celestial Healer wrote: I thought werewolves propagated by biting... Best not to go there...
Which reminds me 5 werewolves one street...Note to self avoid Heathansson's neighborhood during the fullmoon.
Thanks fellas!!!
Oh, and irony of ironies, I live on Baskerville Drive, so werewolves are cool!!!
Huge congrats, Heathy! Although, I'm of a similar mind to Fakey... never let the kids outnumber the grown-ups! I took myself out of the gene pool after two, as well.
Anyway, we're super happy for you, ya dirty dog!
Excellent. A new gamer-to-be in the house. And you already have the makings of a 4 pc party if you recruit your wife as the 4th.
But how are you gonna afford put all of them through UF? I figure my two are going to break me!
You and your wife are gonna have to start playing zone defense!
Hopefully, scholarships...
Gavgoyle wrote: Huge congrats, Heathy! Although, I'm of a similar mind to Fakey... never let the kids outnumber the grown-ups! I took myself out of the gene pool after two, as well.
Anyway, we're super happy for you, ya dirty dog!
I'm gonna get snipped, or someone is this time for sure.
when you're sure you're done, it is completely worth it. no more eating bananas with the peel still on.
nudge nudge.
Luke wrote: when you're sure you're done, it is completely worth it. no more eating bananas with the peel still on.
nudge nudge.
Who eats bananas with the peals still . . . oh . . . I get it . . .
Yeah, consequence free sex for the rest of your life! Whenever your wife demands/allows it. And your kids are asleep. Or out of the house.
Congratulations mate that's great. I never know what to say in these situations so let's try... well done? :)