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I just thought it was interesting that I am seeing more and more female posters on the site. It is great to see and I was wondering if anyone else had been noticing this also.
We have Lilith, Tegan, Neko Tenshi, Lady Aurora, Duchess Dragonlady, Tensor just to name a few!
It's good to hear from the ladies.
I have a couple of questions for the women: Do you post on other D&D sites or just Paizo? If only Paizo, why?
I like to think it's because we have a good board here.

Lady Aurora |

Only Paizo. Went over to peek around at WOTC once but it was pretty chaotic over there. I like it here. People are friendly and generally intelligent. There's great advice, freely given without rancor.
To be honest, sometimes I do feel like posters are ruder to me than they were when I occassionally chimed in under my husband's avatar (Sir Marcus). Sometimes I wonder whether male posters are quicker to respect another (perceived) male poster than a female - still, in general, everyone is very polite and capable of civil discussion (even on heated subjects with strong disagreement).

Fizzban |

Not me! I think I'm ruder to men and politer to women.
Same here I was raised by a southern baptist woman who tended to back hand me fairly often. So I still open doors, I don't swear in front of women, I say yes ma'am, do the little dainty hand shake etc. I still get a mental image of a hand being swung at my head when I slip up...I think that constitutes as abuse.

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Not me! I think I'm ruder to men and politer to women.
Yep. I was born and raised in the south. We're taught to be extra rude to other males to make up for the fact that we can't be rude to females. Hold the door for the ladies - kick the guys in the shins.
And I agree with the OP. My game group is split even. 2 men. 2 women. Since I'm the DM, female PCs normally outnumber male PCs at my table.

Lilith |

Do you post on other D&D sites or just Paizo? If only Paizo, why?
Yes, but not as often. The WotC site is just really...bleh, and I'm not a huge fan of EnWorld either. WotC seems to be full of "you must do it this way because IT'S IN THE BOOKS - oh noes, how dare you think that putting X creature in Y location is WRONG, because the BOOK says on page 45, subsection 3 that they ONLY appear here." Yuck. EnWorld has its share of campaign/system elitists and some are so rabidly against hearing another's position that I don't care to involve myself in it.
I prefer Paizo because of the community here - for the most part, we can agree to disagree and take objective stances on flame-sensitive subjects. That's what I like the most - we know we all have different methods of approaching topics (like dice rolling ;) ), but can be adult enough to say, "You know, that wouldn't work for me, but if it floats your boat, sail on."

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"Seems the Female Gamers are Starting to Multiply"
Don't you need male gamer for that?
I see you are a bit curious so let me explain. When a man gamer and a woman gamer love each other very much (or just get freaky without being smart) they may decide to embrace in a beautiful act (or decide not to use their real names while enacting hideous acts upon each other) that can result a wonderful new "baby gamer" (or a child support order and visitation schedule) that brings the joy of heaven down to earth ( you get the point).
If you need the details do a web search. The internet never lies.FH

Tegan |

I'm monogomus, I only post on Paizo. I like the fact that not only is it civilized but also that there's a fair amount of 2ed & 3.xed advice. As I stated in the Paizo post, as to why we're here, I'm going to DM for the 1st time (when the current game is over) and I feel comfortable that I'll get good answers from competent folk.
*To Fizzban - if we ever meet face to face, please give me a firm hand shake, I don't much care for the "little dainty" ones. It's like holding a fish, just kinda slimy. :o)
*To Chopswil - A male gamer is preferred for multiplication but with science nowadays, it's not required. :o(

Fizzban |

*To Fizzban - if we ever meet face to face, please give me a firm hand shake, I don't much care for the "little dainty" ones. It's like holding a fish, just kinda slimy. :o)
Don't worry I'll make a note of it, but don't worry if I do you won't care because you'll be twitter patted with my smiling southern charm and my adorable accent. lol.

Tegan |

Tegan wrote:
*To Fizzban - if we ever meet face to face, please give me a firm hand shake, I don't much care for the "little dainty" ones. It's like holding a fish, just kinda slimy. :o)
Don't worry I'll make a note of it, but don't worry if I do you won't care because you'll be twitter patted with my smiling southern charm and my adorable accent. lol.
Then between your accent & mine, no one else will be able to understand us. :o)

Bill Lumberg |
chopswil wrote:"Seems the Female Gamers are Starting to Multiply"
Don't you need male gamer for that?
I see you are a bit curious so let me explain. When a man gamer and a woman gamer love each other very much (or just get freaky without being smart) they may decide to embrace in a beautiful act (or decide not to use their real names while enacting hideous acts upon each other) that can result a wonderful new "baby gamer" (or a child support order and visitation schedule) that brings the joy of heaven down to earth ( you get the point).
If you need the details do a web search. The internet never lies.FH
That was nothing short of brilliant. There should be a Nobel Prize for message boards.

Steve Greer Contributor |

It does seem that the hobby is attracting more and more females or maybe they are just becoming more visible to the public eye.
While doing some work errands a couple of weeks ago I had to go to the courthouse to deliver something to the attorney I work for. I was carrying one of my D&D books with me in anticipation of sitting for a while waiting for him and I was going to do some reading. He and a woman attorney came out to get the stuff I had. The woman saw my book and said, "Oh! Dungeons and Dragons! You play? Man, I miss gaming. I haven't been able to play for a couple of years."
Later, getting some lunch and carrying my book with me again to read while I ate, a girl behind the counter at the fast food place I was at saw my book and said, "Dungeons and Dragons! You play?"
I'm not sure what the moral of the story is. Perhaps, carry around a D&D book and you can start conversations with chicks... OR There are more female gamers out there than us male gamers realize. You just have to find them.

Fizzban |

Then between your accent & mine, no one else will be able to understand us. :o)
Where is your accent based in? I have a West Tennessee accent which is kind of a mix of East TN Appalachian draw, with a touch of Georgian delta cotton plantation sound. It comes out less harsh and hickish than an East TN draw, and not as up tight as Georgia delta draw.

Sir Kaikillah |

Heathansson wrote:Not me! I think I'm ruder to men and politer to women.Same here I was raised by a southern baptist woman who tended to back hand me fairly often. So I still open doors, I don't swear in front of women, I say yes ma'am, do the little dainty hand shake etc. I still get a mental image of a hand being swung at my head when I slip up...I think that constitutes as abuse.
I come from the deep deep south, Hawaii. I've been taught to be polite to women, respect my elders and be nice to children. I say yes ma'am and no ma'am. I tend to have a problem with other men my age or younger telling me what to do. But I can let a little girl order me arround. I have always done better with women bosses. My friend says its all about nuts (the ones bellow the belly and above the knees).
NO wonder I'm the DM, at least most of the time. I have never played with a women DM. Any women DMs on Maui?

Tegan |

Then between your accent & mine, no one else will be able to understand us. :o)
Where is your accent based in? I have a West Tennessee accent which is kind of a mix of East TN Appalachian draw, with a touch of Georgian delta cotton plantation sound. It comes out less harsh and hickish than an East TN draw, and not as up tight as Georgia delta draw.
I was born, raised & still living in Central Texas but apparently I throw in some East Texas occasionally. I have noticed that if I'm talking to someone with a heavy northern accent, I tend to thicken mine. I had a boss (R.I.P. Jack) at a flower shop and when we would have to call NYC to do a wire order, he would make me do it. He said if he couldn't understand what they were saying then making them listen to me was his revenge. :o)

Tegan |

It does seem that the hobby is attracting more and more females or maybe they are just becoming more visible to the public eye.
While doing some work errands a couple of weeks ago I had to go to the courthouse to deliver something to the attorney I work for. I was carrying one of my D&D books with me in anticipation of sitting for a while waiting for him and I was going to do some reading. He and a woman attorney came out to get the stuff I had. The woman saw my book and said, "Oh! Dungeons and Dragons! You play? Man, I miss gaming. I haven't been able to play for a couple of years."
Later, getting some lunch and carrying my book with me again to read while I ate, a girl behind the counter at the fast food place I was at saw my book and said, "Dungeons and Dragons! You play?"
I'm not sure what the moral of the story is. Perhaps, carry around a D&D book and you can start conversations with chicks... OR There are more female gamers out there than us male gamers realize. You just have to find them.
So, now you've figured it out... to a gamer girl, a guy with D&D book(s) is like a guy with a puppy!

somnamancer |

Mostly off topic from this discussion, but seeing as talk of accents was being bandied about...
Due to a theatrical background, I reflexively mimic accents I am exposed to for any length of time. But, fun point of fact: Learning to enunciate and project for stage has resulted in my pronouncing words properly, so even people in my hometown think I have an accent of my own!
Back on topic: Yes, lately I have been becoming more aware of both female gamers and gay gamers (male variety... cannot say I've met any lesbian gamers yet, though I did try to get a lesbian friend of mine into gaming).

kahoolin |

Back on topic: Yes, lately I have been becoming more aware of both female gamers and gay gamers (male variety... cannot say I've met any lesbian gamers yet, though I did try to get a lesbian friend of mine into gaming).
I DMd a few games with a lesbian couple and three guys. They were great fun - they acted just like teenage boys. But I spent half the game fending off advances on the female NPCs from ALL the characters, not just the male ones!

Corvin Kilgannon |

Fake Healer wrote:Do you post on other D&D sites or just Paizo? If only Paizo, why?Yes, but not as often. The WotC site is just really...bleh, and I'm not a huge fan of EnWorld either. WotC seems to be full of "you must do it this way because IT'S IN THE BOOKS - oh noes, how dare you think that putting X creature in Y location is WRONG, because the BOOK says on page 45, subsection 3 that they ONLY appear here." Yuck. EnWorld has its share of campaign/system elitists and some are so rabidly against hearing another's position that I don't care to involve myself in it.
I prefer Paizo because of the community here - for the most part, we can agree to disagree and take objective stances on flame-sensitive subjects. That's what I like the most - we know we all have different methods of approaching topics (like dice rolling ;) ), but can be adult enough to say, "You know, that wouldn't work for me, but if it floats your boat, sail on."
This is off topic, but I have a friend who subscribes to the DDO boards just so he can read the idiotic flame- and nerf-wars that go on in said boards.

Duchess DragonLady |

I'm here because several of the gamers in my group are here and said I needed to post here too. And I've noticed that female gamers are not the rariety now that they were when I first started gaming some 18 (OMG has it been that long?) years ago. Lucky for me I married a gamer so I've always had a group to play with.
At first I wasn't accepted, just tolerated and as time went on, the guys realized I was just as good at gaming as they were. In fact they began to really listen to my ideas because I brought a different perspective to the table.
Once,early on, when I got fed up with the antics at the table, always being the one to "cook" the meals or "seduce" the enemy, or other typical female chores, being treated as either the Bi**h or ho (and usually the B when I wouldn't be the ho) I complained to my hubby/dm. I told him I was fed up and was going to give them a taste of their own medicine. He said fine, so for our next game I rolled up a character, who had a VERY high Charisma. She was a total bed hopping brat. She seduced all of the other characters in the group, even causing us to be attacked, because the guy on watch wasn't watching his post (or maybe he was LOL). It was really funny watching them look at hubby before they would roll or make response to my character for fear that he would take it personally...he didn't, knowing that it is my character doing these things, not his wife. He even brought out his Sexual Combat sheet for the rolls. I gained a new level of respect after that game because they understood how they had been treating me.

James Keegan |

Lilith wrote:What's DDO?Corvin Kilgannon wrote:This is off topic, but I have a friend who subscribes to the DDO boards just so he can read the idiotic flame- and nerf-wars that go on in said boards.Wow - those flame/nerf wars on the DDO boards can get nasty. Yay for the Cube! :D
Dungeons and Dragons Online: Stormreach, the D&D MMORPG. From what I've heard (and this is heresay and conjecture, so none of you online game fanboys get up in my craw; just take the clothes off of your female night elf character again, as if you need my permission) it may be more fun to complain about the game on the forums than to actually play it.

Lilith |

From what I've heard (and this is heresay and conjecture, so none of you online game fanboys get up in my craw; just take the clothes off of your female night elf character again, as if you need my permission) it may be more fun to complain about the game on the forums than to actually play it.
That goes for any game really - it's the b~+~*ing and moaning without having something constructive to say that's the most irritating.

Birmy |

Strength in numbers, ladies.
"For Gamer Chicks, by Gamer Chicks" (not their actual slogan, but it sums up the intent of the site). It's still pretty new but there's a lot of potential, especially if you're looking to contribute.

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Here is a true story:
When I went to my first GenCon back in 1982 (UW Parkside, the spot it was at before it moved to the MECCA in Milwaukee), I went with my friend Rich Rydberg. As we were walking through the halls, I overhead the following conversation:
Dude #1: "Hey what's that?"
Dude #2: "Oh, I think that is a girl."
Dude #1: "Really?"
Dude #2: "Yeah."
Dude #1: "Wow!"
I felt like one of those rare white tigers or something. Maybe Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster.
We've come a long way, baby!

farewell2kings |

Of course, I've bragged about this before, but my gaming group consists of mostly women. 3 men including me, 4 women including my wife and sister-in-law. I've found that is has not affected how my campaigns go. The hack and slash vs. roleplay factor is exactly the same as when it was just a bunch of high school boys.

Pholtus |

There does seem to be mroe Female D&D players in these last few years. I know that White Wolf in gerneral and Larping draw a lot more Female gamers. My Changeling ST is a girl and her BF is asst ST. I'm the DM for our D&D group, which only has one female, her BF two other straight boys and my Husband (mean 2 gay boys for those keeping score).
I've also noticed that a lot of Gaymers are coming out of the Closet so to speak and letting there gay friends know that they are gamers.

windnight |

Of course, I've bragged about this before, but my gaming group consists of mostly women. 3 men including me, 4 women including my wife and sister-in-law. I've found that is has not affected how my campaigns go. The hack and slash vs. roleplay factor is exactly the same as when it was just a bunch of high school boys.
It must be the southwest itself:
up here in ABQ, my gaming group consists of 4 males and 4 females, though up until very recently it was 3 males vs 5 females. I find that, more often, the people who are interested in learning to play and actually follow through are women.
And, I'm gonna back up that point about hack/slash vs. Roleplay - It's aobut the same as I remember it being back in high school (and before).