GM FurtiveZoog |

Well, they are expensive. And getting all of the different things Paizo puts out would be, for me, mind-boggling expensive. Even the Pathfinder Society modules would run you about $75-100 per year, I'm guessing (25 at $3 to $4 each). Since we are on student incomes (read, "student borrowing") at this time, I have limited myself to $10 of 'fun money' per week... That doesn't go very far at all, but is still $520 per year.
Still, a PDF of the Core Rulebook is only $10 ($9.95 or something). In PFS play around a table you technically need to own the book for each feat, trait, archetype, etc., that you use in your character.
Of course, as will be pointed out by many, the hobby would disappear if no one bought the books and other products.

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Totally makes sense, I gotta say I love this games community, I was really into WoW when it first came out cause of the closeness of the players and I would even RP in it. But then a shift happened and after that the player bases of most games I've played recently seem to have that same shift in them. Just people being jerks to be jerks and elitism, but I've gotten a lot of warm welcome.

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I work erratic hours and got a kid so I try to check each hour or so, i'm off today so yay. If i'm at work ill post on my phone but you'll notice it'll be brief cause my phone is horrible at navigating this website and editing typos is almost impossible, or at least super duper frustration.

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Hi guys. Yeah, I woke up this morning and there was 20 posts from u guys!
I just got home and read them, so I will try to catch up.
I work 9am-5pm most days with Sundays off.
We game every other Sunday here at my house, although
we just lost 3 of our players due to job situations!
I'm in Michigan if anyone wants to join our Sunday game.
Matt that isn't TOO far!.....lol!

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So I know I stalk the boards quite a bit throughout the day but I was wondering is there a day during the week where we could set up a couple hrs of gaming as a group? I understand most ppl have busy schedules and might even live in different times zones. I work Tuesday through Sunday from 3am til about 2pm, Thursday and Sunday nights I have my nerd sessions from 8pm to about midnight. Maybe we can work out a day that most of the party and gm can post and kinda have the content grind session? I don't know if that's how pbp go from time to time but I think I'd would be cool to at least consider trying assuming everyone is interested

GM FurtiveZoog |

I probably will only be able to do little bits here and there, but fairly frequently (at least for now) as you can probably see.
Some people do live games, certainly, with free or free-ish sites and programs like https://app.roll20.net/ and MapTool/rptools, commercial programs like Fantasy Grounds, and things like Skype and Google Groups/Hangout.
But, I see this kind of gaming, which can be much more roleplaying intensive, as complementary to around-the-table gaming. You can really take your time here - well, as much time as the spouse and toddler allow, anyway - to compose what you are going to say and to think about what you are going to do.
Another route people take to 'get more done' and have more to do is just to join several more games. Hopefully, after completing this campaign, you will have more of the characters, cred, and experience to get into other games, and maybe someone will decide to GM one (or two or three). I'm currently in two and GMing two of this scenario.
As a GM, there can be more things to manage, and more work is expected - this scenario would only take 4-5 hours as a PFS table game, for better or worse, and I've probably spent that much time getting the map ready and messing with it. But, it is also easier for new GMs to look up things like rules. I'm going to have to spend some time on grappling and 'combat maneuvers' when those topics come up...

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Yeah I know the massive time sink DMing can be and def appericiate you taking the time to run this for us. Those map campaigns like the one you are using are a pain in the butt and can be hard to build/navigate through.I agree that this format is awesome because of the time you are able to plan what to do and delve more intk the rp aspect I guess I just want my cake and eat it too as it were

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I absolutely love this format!
My home group only games every other Sunday (not today!)
and this allows me to get my 'fix'!
Matt, you are doing a great job of it too!
I am very familiar with DMing, and it does take a lot of your time.
I am still new to this though, but one day I may attempt to DM a senerio.
I first need to learn how to manipulate this computer.
If we were at the table, then I would be happy to DM you guys!

GM FurtiveZoog |

Yes, they do, unfortunately.
So, you can either avert your eyes, which gives you a 50% chance of not have to make a save each turn and gives a 20% miss chance for concealment,
or you can close your eyes, which negates the need for a save but gives a 50% miss chance for concealment, a -2 penalty to Armor Class, loss of Dexterity bonus to AC (if any), and some other effects. I am not sure which one is better, strategically.
If you have a high dex, probably averting your eyes, at least until blinded.

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I just wanna try to hold him still and make him easier to hit, so I'd have to do a gaze check since its round 2, if I fail I roll 1d100 for concealment? or just the regular 1d20? I'm not sure which modifier modifies the grab ability, I have improved grapple and my graceful grappler A tetori uses his monk level in place of his base attack bonus to determine CMB and CMD for grappling.
sorry still learning

GM FurtiveZoog |

Oh boy, it is getting confusing, isn't it? Well, there is the 50% miss chance, but you would also be grappling something that blinded people are taking swings at.
I do encourage your 'do not kill' philosophy, but it is a tough one. Then again, the question could be asked why this creature is fighting to what may be its death... And, while that is how the scenario is written, there did seem to me to be one possible way out of it. Unfortunately, no one succeeded on an arcana check, which might give one bit of information, and there may not be time for alternative strategies.

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First, you make a Cmb vs its Cmd roll.
Second, you make the 50% concealment roll,
due to blindness/not looking at it.
Third, you either smile, or you say, 'oops!'.
(Imp. grapple= +2 to your Cmb)
(graceful grappler=Monk level as Bab for grapples)
So your 'grapple' roll= Str. + Monk level +2
I think that covers it...

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Pathfinder did make combat maneuvers easier to do,
compared to 3.5e, although it still takes a bit of practice.
I enjoy teaching new people how to play.
I have been playing PF for almost 2 years now,
and I still am learning things too.
The Alchemist is a completely new class for me,
so I am learning--and enjoying--as I go.
I usually play Trappers and Wizards,
but I wanted to play something different.
The Inquisitor is a top 3 class in my book too!
(As Matt can tell you).