Poll: What is the one true faith?


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Liberty's Edge

How can you marginalize 31% of your voting population? Especially when they vote for CROM!!!!!

No one voted for Crud but you, dog-breath. (I kid!) :P

Gary Teter wrote:
What is the one true faith?

Wenta! ("Divine spellcasters make their holy water from blessed beer or ale.") This gal gets my vote.

For Tempest!!! wait damn For Kord!!!


The Exchange

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Kord. Nuff said.

I like you more with every post!

Crom backwards sounds suspiciously alien.

Grand Lodge

And he looks like Robin Williams.

And drinks with his finger.

Fake Healer wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:
Kord. Nuff said.

I like you more with every post!

That's what she said.

Heathansson wrote:
How can you marginalize 31% of your voting population? Especially when they vote for CROM!!!!!

Crom himself already does, so why not the rest of us? Your god doesn't even give a crud about your devotion!! You've been living a lie!

Liberty's Edge

secretturchinman wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:


Praise him.

Amen! All shall praise Kord!

CRO m__and__KOR d

This proves a simple formula for giving fighters' patron deities names that will work. KOR or COR in any order ending with a consonant.

The Irish god Crom Cruach is suing Howard's ghost for stealing his name. Howard is suing John Milius for creating a riddle of steel that never actually existed in his novels. The afterlife is apparently a very litigious realm.

Liberty's Edge

I doubt REH was the litigious type. He would've just pounded the guy... ;)

Liberty's Edge

James Keegan wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
How can you marginalize 31% of your voting population? Especially when they vote for CROM!!!!!
Crom himself already does, so why not the rest of us? Your god doesn't even give a crud about your devotion!! You've been living a lie!

I know!!! It's virtual atheism!!!

Silver Crusade

I'm voting Erythnul. I figured leaving him at zero would be a blow to the poor little guy's self-esteem.

That and I want to slaughter you all. This angel get-up is a ruse.

Liberty's Edge

The Jade wrote:
And drinks with his finger.

How can you knock that?

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Heathansson wrote:
The Jade wrote:
And drinks with his finger.
How can you knock that?

Because of what else he does with that finger...

Scarab Sages

The way I see it, if they only wanted people voting for the core deities listed, then they should have clarified the poll question with something like, "considering only the Core Deities from the Players Handbook..."

Liberty's Edge

Firreals, Zombieman.

I've always had a soft spot for Wee Jas ...

I'm also surprised at the relative popularity of Kord ... I've never been in a game where a PC chose Kord as a cleric or a DM presented followers of Kord.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
superpriest wrote:
Other: The Greyhawk gods are pretty crappy compared to FR gods.

I was having this discussion only yesterday with one of the other members of my gaming group. He has only been playing for about 7 or 8 years, and his primary argument was that Lolth was WAY cooler than anything in Greyhawk. When I pulled out my old handy Queen of Spiders, he acquiesced that maybe the Greyhawk gods ARE better.

fan of the original game setting, not the copy.

Thus far Obah-hai and Yondalla are at zero votes. They sit in folding chairs at opposite ends of the high school dance. Amidst the twinkling disco light their glances meet and lock across the gynasium floor through the momentary breach in writhing student dancers between them.

His eyes say, "Hey."

Her eyes respond, "Kord is so sexy. Why won't he notice me?"

Heathansson wrote:
I doubt REH was the litigious type. He would've just pounded the guy... ;)

REH was a total mamma's boy, despite being 6 feet+ tall.

Aberzombie wrote:
Core deities - ha! Fraggin wimps! BANJO is the one true faith! All praise to the Puppet God, Lord of All That is Stringed and Manipulated!

I too once worshipped Banjo. But Fake healer has shown me the error of my ways in worshiping a hand puppet.

I now worship another deity, Wee Jas, goddess of death, magic and love.
Soon my stern mistress shall recognize my total devotion to her dark and mysterious beauty and charm.

Then..,, then I shall be fullfilled.

Oh sweet goddess of death and magic consume me!!!!

consume me whole!!!

I am yours!!!

Fharlanghn- King of the road, baby! (and old VW ad campaigns?)

Scarab Sages

LOLTH, SET, and CROM...In that order.



There is only one GREAT GREEN GOD.


Now where's that cult when I need them?

As an alternative you can all unite with SEHAN, or be served up as the main course at the feast of ZARGON!

Accept no substitutes.

Pelor loves you!

The Exchange

Al Adhim? Mystara Setting...

Dark Archive

I would guess that Vecna would have a lot more votes if his worshippers didn't have to worship him in secret...

I see heretics that need smiting! All bow before the power of Wee Jas!
Olidimmara is cool but if I'm actually a cleric I like somone who's name is feared so that I in turn may strike fear into the hearts of peasants and kings alike.

Wee Jas . . . She's the Goddess of Love and Beauty after all . . . Everyone's devotion and love of their deity, is actually justa form of worship to the Ruby Sorceress.

The Exchange

Shar. I'm certainly not going to argue with her.

The Jade wrote:

Thus far Obah-hai and Yondalla are at zero votes. They sit in folding chairs at opposite ends of the high school dance. Amidst the twinkling disco light their glances meet and lock across the gynasium floor through the momentary breach in writhing student dancers between them.

His eyes say, "Hey."

Her eyes respond, "Kord is so sexy. Why won't he notice me?"

Never wear open-toed shoes with hairy feet! Has Mr. Blackwell taught you nothing, girlie?

Liberty's Edge

So Obad-hai finally musters up the courage.
He asks, "Yondalla, do you want to dance with me?"
She answers, "oh, would I! Would I!"
He answers, "hairy feet! Hairy feet!"

the one true Faith is Hill. She has a great voice.

William Pall wrote: Wee Jas . . . She's the Goddess of Love and Beauty after all . . . Every one's devotion and love of their deity, is actually just a form of worship to the Ruby Sorceress.

Wee Jas is the goddess of Death and Magic, not love and beauty.

I'm changing my vote to other; Myself as the god. For he is mighty and good. His hand creates worlds and crushes empires, engulfing all things. Entire races prospere or fail at his whim. All join the Church of Arctaris, ad you will be rewarded mightily, both in this life and the nxt for your loyal worship. Free cookies and punch every Friday night after the services, 6:00 P.M-6:30 P.M.

(sits down to contimplate; Life, the Universe, & Everything)

Sovereign Court

Some of my favourites:

Camazotz, Olman god of bats (Howabout some holy guano...)
Blibdoolpoolp, Goddess of Kuo-Toa (What a name...)
Raxivort, God of Xvarts (Xvarts deserve some respect!)
Verenestra, Goddess of Dryads, Nymphs, & Sylphs (Good times indeed)
Norebo, God of Luck (Consort of Wee Jas!!!)

Alas, none of these were on the list, so I voted for Pelor.

Arctaris wrote:

William Pall wrote: Wee Jas . . . She's the Goddess of Love and Beauty after all . . . Every one's devotion and love of their deity, is actually just a form of worship to the Ruby Sorceress.

Wee Jas is the goddess of Death and Magic, not love and beauty.

Death, magic, love, beauty...there is a difference? But indeed, Wee Jas is mostly known for domains of death and magic but she is also goddess of love and beauty. Crafty one, she is.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

And the Death portfolio is a relatively new one for her. She picked it up after the Twin Cataclysms.

Daigle wrote:
And the Death portfolio is a relatively new one for her. She picked it up after the Twin Cataclysms.

What a party that was. Everyone was so hammered. I don't usually kiss and tell, but think I picked up the Death Portfolio too, either from her or from that Hel chick. Important safety tip for every divine being, always use a condom. I mean, have you seen Zeus lately?


Scarab Sages

Vecna knows all your secrets. Vecna has been here before you, and will remain after you. All that you try to hide from others, Vecna knows the truth of it.

All hail Vecna! The one true god.


Liberty's Edge

I usually would say Pelor & Mayaheine... if I play a strong evilfighting PC (and I voted Pelor, since I do think Mayaheine is another of Pelor's aspect...).

If I am for a nice'n'fresh PC, I would go for Olidammara (or Tymora in the FR).

I also like Ehlonna, Trithereon (ah, I do praise freedom !).

GH has so many nice deities !!


I'm like Benny from the Mummy. When some CR 20 monster is about to chow down on me I'll pray to just about anyone! Considering this, here is just part of my own personal list:

Lord Arioch (Moorcock fans will know who I'm talking about)

Heward, of the Handy Haversack (what a nifty magic item)

Murlynd, the Spoon-God (nuff said)

Apomps, the Triple-Aspected. With a name like that you gotta love him.

Hiisi, Finnish god of hate and where the saying "To chuck a hiisi fit" came from ;)

Crom, Kord, and Thor after an all-night bender. Would you dare not worship them?

Aphrodite and Sune (wearing next to nothing in a bubble bath). Praise them!

Paizo. One day he will hear my devotion and print another one of my adventures.

May Justice follow you!
Let Honour be your shield!
May the Axe grow great!
May we find valour in His name!

I'll let you all guess...

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