Tavey Nesk - Now you tell me!

Savage Tide Adventure Path

So I'm reading through "Here There Be Monsters" because my players are about to start "The Sea Wyvern's Wake" and I like to keep at least one adventure ahead so I can foreshadow stuff, and because I'm checking out the survivors and how important they are.... anyway I come Tavey Nesk background.

"Tavery spent most of his young life aboard the Sea Wyvern after he was rescued from the sea six years ago."

What so he's from the The Sea Wyvern, he survived the Savage Tide in Karken's Cove, and the crew of the ship going savage and killing each other.

Forgive me but shouldn't he have been mentioned in "The Bullywug Gambit."? Shouldn't he have more of a story to tell? shouldn't he have been discovered at some point either during "TBG" or at the begining of Sea Wyvern's Wake, not only really be introduced in Here There Be Monsters?

It's a bit late to reveal he's been a cabin boy on the Sea Wyvern for the last six years.


so here's how you could play it off. he could have been told to go out into the wildnerness around the cove to gather supplies, explore, do whatever, while the real business was going on between the captain and vanderboren. he was outside the blast radius and didn't know what was going on. how he got to sasserine could be another story. maybe he found the ship and was afraid when he saw the adventurers and hid out on the ship until then, hiding in the hold.

or you could just say he was a kid from another boat altogether. easy as that.

I did a quick search and James says it's a misprint he's basically meant to have been on ships with Amella since he was rescued six years ago.

I won't have Amella in my campaign, as one of my PCs is a captain, so I'll probably figure some other way to introduce him. I'm thinking of having him have been on the Sea Wyvern, but have perhaps been swimming quite a ways out when the savage tide hit the cove. I like your idea of having him hide in the hold when the players first find the Sea Wyvern.

cthulhu_waits wrote:
I won't have Amella in my campaign, as one of my PCs is a captain, so I'll probably figure some other way to introduce him. I'm thinking of having him have been on the Sea Wyvern, but have perhaps been swimming quite a ways out when the savage tide hit the cove. I like your idea of having him hide in the hold when the players first find the Sea Wyvern.

No need to ditch Amella just because she's not on the crew. By the book, she's still booked up for the trip to Farshore whether she sails as captain, crew or passenger.

MarkB wrote:
No need to ditch Amella just because she's not on the crew. By the book, she's still booked up for the trip to Farshore whether she sails as captain, crew or passenger.

That is true, but if she's not captain of the Sea Wyvern then she really doesn't fulfill a neccessary purpose. The adventure already has enough NPC's, if I can remove one then it seems like a good idea. I may have her be captain of the Blue Nixie. That way she's still there in HTBM if I need her, but she won't be in SWW.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Yeah, that's an unfortunate typo. Tavey never served on the Sea Wyvern. He served with Amella on her previous ships. The first time he steps on board the Sea Wyvern is at the start of "The Sea Wyvern's Wake."

*cough* Craft (Carpentry) *cough*

Amelia does have a use later on, unless your PCs are also master carpenters. Just so you know.

Blackbard, do you mean for repairing the Sea Wyvern? At least one of them has craft (shipbuilding) which should cover it, as well as the repair damage spells.

cthulhu_waits wrote:
Blackbard, do you mean for repairing the Sea Wyvern? At least one of them has craft (shipbuilding) which should cover it, as well as the repair damage spells.

Tavey's Story

As I have it written out, this is what I did with Tavey, he was a cabin boy on the Sea Wyvern, I didn't bother to worry with it being a type since Amalla isn't going to be in my game anyways either. He was there at the Cove in TBWG and he saw what happened, he was pretty much tramatized by the whole situation, and through the grace of the gods, themselves he escaped it unscathed, where others did not.

Completely terrified he hid below deck on the Sea Wyvern and stayed there, he was rescued in our game by the character that will wind up being the ship captain, as she has sailed before, and is a good captain, her boat went down, and she knew Tavey, when the Sea Wyvern is given to the party and she finds Tavey again she treated him like he was her long lost son, and has begun to groom him to be a captain as well.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
cthulhu_waits wrote:
Blackbard, do you mean for repairing the Sea Wyvern? At least one of them has craft (shipbuilding) which should cover it, as well as the repair damage spells.

That's one very imporatant use for Craft[Carpentry]. Also, Farshore has the only metalworkers in an island chain with plenty of virgin old-growth timber. It's kind of like a gold rush for woodworkers, so she'd have a reason to go for that. Maybe you could have her be a captain who wants to retire to the wood business. Lumber is the power base for at least one Sasserine noble house, after all.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

All of the NPCs in "Sea Wyvern's Wake" have an important role. Amella's is one of the few that exists beyond that adventure though; when the PCs get to Farshore and need someone to captain a ship back to Sasserine to establish a trade route (a task that takes 6 months), Amella's the best choice (unless a PC wants to sit out of the campaign for 6 months, that is...). If you're looking to boot NPCs off the Sea Wyvern, I'd vote for booting some of the nameless colonists. Barring that, boot an NPC whose use is focused primarily on one adventure, like Father Feres or Skald.

Silver Crusade

Amellia was one of the first NPCs one of my players met at the start of the adventure, he got into a fight with some drunken sailors & Amellia helped him, long story short, she invited that PC to the Plucked Parrot for a few brews & she told him the story about the gnome betrayal & the murder of her husband & such. At the end, the PCs has a contact just in case they need a ship captain for hire. Werther my PCs use that option it's up to them.

I've done this with Urol & even did the Jade Ravens (one PC decided to kill time by visiting Vandee Manor & was hiding on the wall (he's a gnome thief) & observed the JRs as they were coming into the manor for their meeting with Lavinia).

Great way to further give some meaning to the NPCs & such, hopefully I've portrayed Kora (some how she ended up being a gnome in my game, WHOOPS) as a innocent person that only cares to help out Lavinia as a grandmother would & the impact of what happens to her in the 2nd adventure is meaningful.


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