Queen Telandia Edasseril

Crimson Clover's page

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Since I have seen a bunch of negativity, I thought hey lets have a look at the good stuff. So here's the question. What is your Favorite of the Adventure Path's and why do you like it so much ? I collect them all through my local game store, and so I have them all, I haven't run them all, and so figured --Hey, lets see what other's enjoyed !

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This might be an unpopular opinion but my group hasn't really made use of the Pathfinder Society, they are widely a group of people who want to work together, and not be in various lodges, and groups, which works for my game. So I guess you can say as a whole its not widely liked.

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The PC's usually, and characters who come from backwater areas. Were adventurers and were meant to care. (well the good ones anyways ) The Whispering Tyrant is only as much a joke as you make him out to be. I run a very Ravenloftish, style game of Pathfinder, and he's certainly no joke. He's quiet dangerous, its all in how you use him.

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I purchased the Bestiary and Players Guide from my local gaming shop. And I got to say the art work never fails to amaze, I am still processing the differences between Pathfinder, and Pathfinder 2. I just wanted to peek in here and say, the lore and are absolutely lovely, thank you.

@ VRMH- It depend I am a full time student and I work, its why I use modules, so I can read it and go. I use to do my own back when I was a part time student, but I am a medical student and the deeper in studies I get the less time I have.

@silverhair2008 thank you are there any titles that stand out to you ?

Okay so I own almost all of the Pathfinder adventures, and I run them regularly but my players have noticed a theme and they are getting to the point where the comment of -Is it another succubus- coming up. So I am going to ask for some adventures without succubus in them, since I want my group to have a good time and once something gets to the point where your group is "Oh god not another one" its time to switch it up a bit for them. (This happened in 3rd edition with vampires. )

So that said, thanks for all(any) the help in advanced.

So I had a bit of an issue with Arueshalae (for one there have been so many succubus antagonists in the books, my groups is really wary of them ) than we have the fact that its a worldwound, and the party did not buy that it was a "good" succubus. They asked Aravashnial about it(via Sending) and his hatred of demons colored his answer to them. This was impacted when Jaruunicka caught the party rogue and tried to lure out the succubus, who didn't fall or it, and the party lost their rogue who was already badly wounded. Sacrificed. They were very angry and upset and as she was still CN did not radiate as a good.The managed to kill her, ganging up on her. So since she is suppose to be present later, what can I do, for one the party won't trust her if I were to bring her back...

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I am sure I will pick this up I loved the other ones. I'd very much like to see more info on places in Ustalav.

It is my thought, and just my thought that a character is more than the sum of its stats. It is a living breathing creation. It can be more than a fighter if you take cross-class skills, if you want to specialize in something that isn't just fighting.

I am wondering if I missed his stat blocks somewhere, can anyone give me the proper page he is on ? Thank you so much. I feel so blond for not being able to find them. >.<

cthulhu_waits wrote:
Blackbard, do you mean for repairing the Sea Wyvern? At least one of them has craft (shipbuilding) which should cover it, as well as the repair damage spells.

Tavey's Story

As I have it written out, this is what I did with Tavey, he was a cabin boy on the Sea Wyvern, I didn't bother to worry with it being a type since Amalla isn't going to be in my game anyways either. He was there at the Cove in TBWG and he saw what happened, he was pretty much tramatized by the whole situation, and through the grace of the gods, themselves he escaped it unscathed, where others did not.

Completely terrified he hid below deck on the Sea Wyvern and stayed there, he was rescued in our game by the character that will wind up being the ship captain, as she has sailed before, and is a good captain, her boat went down, and she knew Tavey, when the Sea Wyvern is given to the party and she finds Tavey again she treated him like he was her long lost son, and has begun to groom him to be a captain as well.

Our players started out with so very little that the treasure was a big needed step, and the fact that people keep loosing stuff over board the ships, really really doesn't help.

Tik Tok Our Warforged, let loose with his +3 Hammer, botched his roll, failed his dex check to grab his hammer, and it went over the side of the boat, not before putting a crack in the railing, the sailor's were none to happy with him about.

So magic item pretty much come and go. There are always alternatives than totally denying them, change out things to something you want in there, that you feel your party should have.

*lol* That would be neat, in our game, she kidnapped one of the NPC's and impersonated them. Until the young woman was found by one of the party, below deck, when her insomnia made her wander around the, ship, realizing something was wrong, the party went to confront the kidnapper, and found she'd already charmed Avner, and she managed to sway the groups Paladin, which was terriable as he is concerned that he's done wrong, and seeking to atone.

It was alot of party drama!

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Oh and: Huzzah! We need more thespians in gaming! Great! Wish I could throw the bones with you all!

Well if your ever in the VA area *lol*

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Crimson Clover wrote:

So far I have the group shopping for masks, so when we meet they will have choosen masks, just in case. :)


Awesome! Why can't I get my players to do this kind of stuff! I had to provide all the mead, bread, nog, and music for our Yule Viking D&D adventure. Sometimes its the extra trimmings that really make an adventure super-fun!


If you were closer---Our group is largely from the drama club, and the fantasy club, back when we were in school, so people understand the joy of props. So masks are something every one likes.

I read your adventure it was really wonderful, must have been a blast of a game. I didn't have a chance to comment on that before. I would have at least brought nog, heh.

I've had players offer to bring rum, I don't think that would be good for the continued adventure path, if everyone was acting funny because the gm who rarely drinks, was drunk. -lol-

Great Green God wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:

I agree! This is a very tasty way to kick off a campaign!

Awww, guys you shouldn't have. Thanks. :)

Good luck Double C.

-Triple G

Thanks :)

*LOL* And I see we have become a gamer rap song :D GO us.

Reflex for Half wrote:
But what about the various passengers? Shouldn't they need a check?

As has been said, that is up to you, when we got to this point, we had a secondary problem of the alchemist messing up an alchemical fire check, also so the group was a mess,however I was extremely proud of my players, they went the distance, and wanted to save everyone they could, they were split into two groups pretty much, because they got as many other's as they could to rescue, they were adament about it, the Paladin started it, and the rest of the group felt it would be good.

Our Warforged went back for the lost, to at least give them last rights, and our healer exsausted all her cleric spells for others, our eldarin, also exsausted her abilities, on the others to make sure they lived, though the party had also taken some damage.

So depending on how your party is, that is a great roll play potentiual.

Great Green God wrote:

Thanks for including "Masque" in your AP (I'm sure my official notice was lost in the mail or something). Anyhow consider this link your official web enhancement. I'll be curious to hear how it goes.


OOoo, a Web Enhancment thats lovely thank you, I will be sure to write a synop of how things go :) And Let you know, just how well it went. So far I have the group shopping for masks, so when we meet they will have choosen masks, just in case. :)


Seriously, as a gm, if you want some NPC's to survive you can have them wash up elsewhere on the beach, or have them grab onto a piece of drift wood, that sort of thing. Its up to you, you can have them roll a swim check, to survive also. Even Survival might work, if another character attempts to rescue NPC's. (like our paladin did) than give them the benifit of the doubt, it is all about how you want to play it.

Courtney! wrote:

Oh, no, another Meravanchi bastard son? There's one in my game, too... Those wacky Meravanchis! :)

I have a friend who's a photoshop wiz that would prolly whip a crest up for us if I asked real nicely...

So, what do you suppose is on the crest? I'm thinking maybe a golden chalice of wine?

No Bastard Children in our game yet, though some said I ought to have Avner have a kid pop up, and call him daddy. I thinks its a wonderfully evil idea---but not sure where to plop that in.

Aureus wrote:
Will LD be the STAP-dungeoncrawl I am waiting for or do I have to wait for City of Broken Idols?

Hm, Sounds like the Lightless Depts will be an Underwater Adventure, maybe it will be a sunken dungeon crawl ?

Larry Lichman wrote:
Crimson Clover wrote:

We had something similar occur, Rowyn would only animate her baby as a last resort to save her life. In our game, she had two potions, and both retreated, because later on she in game she still has gut-tugger, he is still alive and well.

Until the next encounter with the PC's, but I won't go into that here.

We had a similar thing happen. Rowyn escaped, and Gut Tugger negotiated his release. The PCs just let him go. They'll pay for that mistake later on... <insert evil laugh>

LOL! Yes he is quiet the smooth talker, though he was almost cleaved in half by our Warforged.

Michael Kortes wrote:

Well I got my #142 and am reading through it and I was wondering if anyone has had a chance to play Masque of Dreams yet? It is great to be back to the Lost City, be it ever so found.

In particular, the adventure looks like an interesting way to bring a new party together to kick things off: "Oh, us? We all met at an oasis party, with most of the guests under a drug-induced haze, while being raided by goblinoids for sacrificial slaves. You know how it is. I recollect the crab-cakes were terrific."

I think I will give XP awards for players who come up with particularly interesting masks for their PCs. I also suspect one of my players in particular will be disappointed if his PC doesn't manage to consume some elixir of fantasy of his own and get to ham up his own delusions. Chapter One may call for some Mountain Dew (Yes, we're wild and crazy).

Finally, Durakka just rocks. Beware getting pummeled by bugbear women. Yikes! Just say'in is all.

Good stuff GGG! Keep bringing it.

I am about to add this into my Savage Tide Game, I will let people know how it goes. In a side adventure the group rescued a certain half-elf who in return invited the whole group to her ball--so it should be interesting to see what happens, I fear some of my PC's might wind up having some of the elixir as well---with there magical luck!

I am plotting masks for the NPC's, I will allow the party to choose there own, just in case.It should turn into an interesting adventure over all :)

Mothman wrote:
hmmm... yeah, don't think she actually wants to test out her cuddly owlbear theory, I certainly wouldn't want to embrace one!

Oh no she's smarter than that but she likes animals. It was how she identified it to the party. They were ambushed in a random encounter by two owlbears. She said "Oh dear, we have two fluffy fuzzies, and there mean and dangerous too." the rest of the party didn't know what to make of that, since she initally failed her K.Nature roll and had no idea what they were. She refused to fight Gut Tugger too, and concentrated on the Lotus Dragons, because of her soft spot, makes for interesting role play.

The Paranah she knows she will have to release once it's well again. Its tried to eat her fingers twice. Our group actually thinks before it randomly kills things.

Sol wrote:
I also see Druids as a good thing considering the location and direction of the campaign. I also happen to have my own ideas about druids and sea faring. I mean what better class to have on board your ship than a druid, who can control the winds and weather, attack with fire, heal a bit, heal and manipulate wood, and also deal with sea creatures. It seems like the perfect sea faring class to me, so I will probably even expand their presence a bit in my campaign once I get to it (currently I am running SoLS in AoW AP).

Oh I like druids, and we have quiet a few running around, but to me Urol was more of an Archivest. So I thats what I made him in my game, it seems to have gone over well, and he can boost the party, rather than just annoy them with his desire to protect wild life.

Mothman wrote:

Sounds like there's one or two party members who would accept the challenge on Tavey's behalf if Avner ever did decide to challenge him to a duel or anything...

So are you going to make Tavey a DM controlled NPC, a cohort, or is he actually going to be run by a player as a PC?

Currently he will be a DM controlled NPC, he may become a cohort yet, and if someone decides to play him as a PC than I will let them take him over. Usually my group is good about that sort of thing.

As for sticking up for Tavey, yes Anfawnniamh the tulani has on a couple of occassions, though to all perceptions she's a teen. She was the one to threaten Avner for picking on him. She said something about feeding him to the fishies ( her fishy is a piranah she rescued and put in a bowl, she feeds it chicken) , this is also coming from the girl, who called a owlbear cuddly...she's still a teen aged girl mentally, and so the powers she does have are amazing to her.

The warforged was the one who told Avner he'd risk being dismantled and toss him over board when he saw sharks if he hurt Tavey. So the boy is covered.

Mothman wrote:

Sounds good Crimson. I like the sweetheart angle, and it sounds like you've made Tavey a really memorable npc.

Haha, I'd love to see Tavey win the Eladrin's heart over Avner!

Yes it was surprising that the party took to him, the ranger is attempting to woo the captain, and I have various odd romances going on, one of the elves is courting Lavinia the other and Skald have similiar interests, and our gnome and Urol seem to have struck up a romance, the Shifter and Warforged aren't really to interested, the Shifter is a widow, and the Warforged is curious about human emotions.

Which leaves the Tulani girl, who was taken in by Lady Abasani(sp) as her heir. Which is another reason Avner has his eye on her, but he also thinks shes beautiful which she is, but he's a scoundrel. He's also persuing two other woman on the ship, and Tavey managed to find out about one of them because he was helping out in the rigging repairing something that had broken, and over heard it.

Avener threatend to challange the boy to a duel when he mentioned it to said Tulani when Avener was trying to woo her, and Tavey didn't back down. (Avner failed his intimidate roll). So there's a explosion waiting to happen between those two...

Drawdy wrote:
Crimson Clover wrote:
Is there a description of it anywhere ?

Vanderboren crest? I do believe there is a description, but don't recall exactly where. The description matches the art on the web page link.

For Meravanchi I unfortunately do not ever remember reading a crest description.

Well if we can find a description I would give it a go drawing a crest for it. Its a pain when someone asks what the crest on the ring is and you have to go uhhh---*lol*

Mothman wrote:
Crimson Clover wrote:
In our Game Urol is an Archivist from Hero's of Horror, since they like to know odd things, and gather information, that man kind was never meant to know etc---it helps to the lead in with Demegorgon.
Actually that's a good idea for Urol. Despite his interest in nature I always thought him being a druid was a bit of a stretch, but Archivist works for me.

Yay! Glad you like the idea. I thought it fit quiet a bit. Seeing as he wants to record stuff, and he fits the bill for the class,it still gives him acess to spells, and he's still a well spring of knowledge.

Mothman wrote:

I've flipped through the book of exalted deeds, but don't own it. But I figure they'd have a few new types of Eladrin in there.

Is it necessary to advance Tavey in a PC class? I'm not saying its a bad idea at all, but what's your motivation behind doing so? I think in my game, Tavey will probably idolise one of the PCs, and may want to be an adventurer like them, but I might rule that he just doesn't "have what it takes" to advance as a PC class.

If the champion of freedom class you mentioned is the one I'm thinking of, it's probably a good choice for a young, innocent lad as Tavey seems to be who's taken an Eladrin as his role model.

It was mentioned that he didnt have a role after Here there be monsters, and that he could take any path from there. As Gm I am going to add him to the party since all the other character's have a grand romance with this person or that person, and there's is more a sweethearts thing than an actual romance at the moment. Also Avner has an eye on her, and Tavey has made more than one impressive roll that merit he be something, so when it was mentioned Cleric, Monk or Paladin, I figured towards the CG aligned one.

He's made a good impression on the whole group, the Shifter likes him, the Warforged calls him little brother, because he went out of his way, to get the crew to be warm to him. The two elves find him amusing and the ranger is using him as a go inbetween so he can woo Amella. That why he warrents a class.

Mothman wrote:
Crimson Clover wrote:

The Eldarin is a Toned down Tulani using Savage Species and she has no class levels, she is just a eldarin. It was for Tavey I was looking for a class, since she started out as a first level eldarian, she is not really that old, she is relatively new to the world. The player made her the equivilant of 16 since she was 1st level, she's higher level now due to the adventure but not much older than him.

I like the idea of maybe a paladin, perhaps a champion of freedom.

Crimson, yes I see you meant the class was for Tavey - but I suppose if the Eladrin is teaching him the basics of the class it should probably be something she has an understanding of, and potentially take herself one she finishes her monster class progression.

Is the champion of Freedom the chaotic good paladin variant? Sounds like a good choice.

I'm not really familiar with Tulani, are they like the "noble" Eladrin?

Ack, I confuse myself from time to time! Yes Tulani is a noble Eldarin, they are from the Book of Exalted Deed's originally, and she's so young currently she doesn't have many of her abilities.

I can give you more information on the Tulani if you like.As I am torn in what to make him.

We had something similar occur, Rowyn would only animate her baby as a last resort to save her life. In our game, she had two potions, and both retreated, because later on she in game she still has gut-tugger, he is still alive and well.

Until the next encounter with the PC's, but I won't go into that here.

Is there a description of it anywhere ?

Our group actually very much liked Urol I turned him into an Archivest as I mentioned in the druid thread. He immediately made an impression on the party. He did not come across as useless or inconciderate, in fact he explained his view on rescuing animals, and archiving new plants, so that it was fun for the PC's, so the group is deffinantly eager to keep him around, despite a near death experience for him, he survived due to combined efforts of the group. So yes <b>my</b> Group likes Urol. <b>LOL</b>

In our Game Urol is an Archivist from Hero's of Horror, since they like to know odd things, and gather information, that man kind was never meant to know etc---it helps to the lead in with Demegorgon.

We are currently finishing up Here there Be Monsters, and the group is having a great time so far!

The Eldarin is a Toned down Tulani using Savage Species and she has no class levels, she is just a eldarin. It was for Tavey I was looking for a class, since she started out as a first level eldarian, she is not really that old, she is relatively new to the world. The player made her the equivilant of 16 since she was 1st level, she's higher level now due to the adventure but not much older than him.

I like the idea of maybe a paladin, perhaps a champion of freedom.

Okay, our party has a savage species character, a eldarin she has the highest Charisma in the group, and Tavey took up with her right away, now she's not very old concidering her level, so I would assume there close to the same age, so it really isn't a problem. ( I made Tavey 15 since he has 2 levels of expert)

Now the character has no real class levels so she can't really teach him to be what she is, though she is one of the parties best fighters...(lucky dice rolls) What class should I have Tavey persue ?

I would appriciate any help anyone can give me in this.