DM Kill Board

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Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

I'm starting this thread for DMs only. This thread is designed to serve as an account of PC deaths. Anytime you kill a PC, make a brief post here with the following information:

PC's Name
Circumstances of Death
Setting (and Adventure Path, if you're using one)

Remember to be brief. Just the facts, please. It makes us look more callous and soulless that way. And that's what we all want, right? :D

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Level 7 Human Barbarian
Telekinesis and very heavy machinery in a manufacturing plant.
Iron Kingdoms

PC's Name: Yeurk

Race: Human
Class: Barbarian
Level: 7

Circumstances of Death: Was ultimately brought down by a fireball spell cast by Xyrxog, an formidable illithid sorcerer.

Setting : Greyhawk (The Age of Worms adventure path)


1 person marked this as a favorite.

My all-time favorite for callousness:

1st-level dwarf fighter. Experienced player, but first time playing with me. First encounter of a new campaign. Dwarf opens a door. Two kobolds, lying in wait with heavy crossbows. Surprise round. First shot hits. Second shot hits and crits. Dwarf falls dead, never having gotten to do anything more than open a door.

Dark Archive

PC's Name: Eleyna

Race: Elf
Class: Bard
Level: 2

Circumstances of Death: Morningstar to the head, wielded by Veltargo, a cleric of Vecna.

Setting : Greyhawk (Mad God's Key)

My whole dang party: 7th level wizard, 6th level red dragon, 5th level druid, 5th level fighter, 5th level fighter, and 5th level thief.

Taken out by kuo-toa sorcerer 7 with 2 merrows and 2 blackspawn raiders (no class levels).

Caution about running a game with your wife as a player: make sure she is distracted by stuff like making dinner while your killing her characters (and make sure your couch is comfortable).

Jorey, Human Ranger 4.
Whacked by a Hill Giant who had Awesome Blow. Survived (barely)the hit, but the damage from the landing was enough to do him in.

Names: Thoriner & Rahven
Races: Human Death walker 5 (Dragon #312)& & Teifling Beguiler 6(PHB II)
Adventure path: Age of worms part 4, Hall of harsh reflections.
Rahven Died in sodden hold because of a failed balance check and subsequent impallation, Thoriner was fire balled by Tempkin the greater doppelganger.

Scarab Sages

PC's Name: Rosemary
Race: Halfling
Class: Rogue
Level: 5
Circumstances of Death: Wrapped up by a cloaker and killed through a combination of the cloaker's damage and the half damage from the other PCs trying to save her
Setting : Eberron

Oh, great idea!!!

PC's Name: Loganarius
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Level: 5
Circumstances of Death: Kazok ripped his heart out, but only after a juicy flamestrike....
Setting (and Adventure Path, if you're using one): Greyhawk, "Forest of Blood" Dungeon #103

PC's Name: Aria
Race: Human
Class: Ranger
Level: 6
Circumstances of Death: Sea Hag Gaze
Setting: Greyhawk, "Tammeraut's Fate" Dungeon #106

PC's Name: Drak
Race: Human
Class: Sorceror
Level: 7
Circumstances of Death: Undead councilman
Setting: Greyhawk, "The Styes"

PC's Name: Drak
Race: Human (Fiendish)
Class: Sorceror
Level: 8
Circumstances of Death: Vampires
Setting: Greyhawk, "The Dying of the Light" Dungeon #84

PC's Name: Wulfhere
Race: Human
Class: Barbarian
Level: 11
Circumstances of Death: Angel of decay...decay
Setting: Greyhawk, "Hateful Legacy" Dungeon #131

PC's Name: Aria
Race: Human
Class: Ranger
Level: 12
Circumstances of Death: Ambush by rival adventuring party
Setting: Greyhawk, town of Dullstrand

PC's Name: Drak
Race: Human
Class: Sorceror
Level: 12
Circumstances of Death: Revenge by old foes
Setting: Greyhawk, Hestmark Highlands

PC's Name: Aria
Race: Human
Class: Ranger
Level: 13
Circumstances of Death: Iron Golem
Setting: Greyhawk, "Maure Castle" Dungeon #112

PC's Name: Terranza
Race: Human
Class: Fighter/Rogue
Level: 7/6
Circumstances of Death: Iron Golem
Setting: Greyhawk, "Maure Castle" Dungeon #112

PC's Name: Thassos
Race: Human
Class: Wizard
Level: 14
Circumstances of Death: Disobeying commands of the Greyhawk City Guard (fellow party member's disobedience), multiple blasts from concussion wands
Setting: Greyhawk, Greyhawk City teleportation arrival chamber

PC's Name: Terranza
Race: Human
Class: Fighter/Rogue 7/8
Circumstances of Death: Kerzit
Setting: Greyhawk, "Maure Castle" Dungeon #112

PC's Name: Rando
Race: Human
Class: Barbarian/Dragon Shaman
Level: 1/7
Circumstances of Death: Spectres
Setting: Expedition to Castle Ravenloft
(I've been running EtCR for a few months and have about 12 or 13 PC deaths under my belt, this was the one that happened this week.)

PC's Name: Terranza (one day later)
Race: Human
Class: Fighter/Rogue
Level: 7/8 (I think?)
Circumstances of Death: Balor "implosion"
Setting: Greyhawk, City of Pontylver

That was fun!!!

That was annoying!! At least you never killed Silver! :) I'm not a DM but I have sex with one regularly so I'm allowed to post! :)

F2K's wife (whose lack of PC deaths has nothing to do with the sex part, trust me!!)

This thread is all about what I do. For the latest in player abuse, check out my current/ongoing "Killer GM runs Age of Worms" thread under the campaign journal threads.

I could easily relay many dozens of other memorable PC deaths for the enjoyment of readers. The funnier and more sadistic, the better. Here's one or two for starters.

#1 Year 2004, home brewed campaign, Ogre & Bugbear lair. One of the bugbear lieutenants went after one of my favorite targets... er, players. I (the bugbear) rolled a natural 20 to hit the PC fighter, I attempted to verify, and rolled another natural 20. I decided, what the hell, I'll verify again, and rolled yet another natural 20. In the midst of my laughter and jubilation, I merely turned to the player in question, and stated rather calmly, (Without even bothering to roll dice), "You're Dead."

Another memorable PC death occurred in one of my gang's two trips into 'Return to the Tomb of Horrors' (3.0 adaptation) in 2002. PC's are up in the Mountain Giant's cave above Desatysso's lair. PC's unsuccessfully try to attack the mountain giants. Several PC's (including the beloved Paladin) are grappled and thrown down the mountainside by the giants for 20 d6 damage. Mr. Paladin and two other PC's heal up and decide to climb back up for more punishment. Mountain giants beat them up again, and the other two PC's flee. Paladin is captured. Mountain Giants demand a ransom. The Paladin player doesn't even bat an eyelash before telling Me and my Giants to shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Three seconds later the 4 Hit Point (remaining) Paladin took another ride down the Mountainside, ending up at -71 Hit Points:)

Ok, now I understand the format. Sorry, forgive the previous extended post. Won't happen again...

Vegepygmy wrote:

My all-time favorite for callousness:

1st-level dwarf fighter. Experienced player, but first time playing with me. First encounter of a new campaign. Dwarf opens a door. Two kobolds, lying in wait with heavy crossbows. Surprise round. First shot hits. Second shot hits and crits. Dwarf falls dead, never having gotten to do anything more than open a door.

That is so precious!!!

Gurubabaramalamaswami wrote:
Caution about running a game with your wife as a player: make sure she is distracted by stuff like making dinner while your killing her characters (and make sure your couch is comfortable).


PC's Name: Xavier Firebrand
Race: Human
Class: Barbarian
Level: 1
Circumstances of Death: Goblin crit on a battle axe on 7th round of first combat.
Setting: Shattered Gates of Slaughterguarde

These were tournament deaths. So I can't remember names

Character: Gnome sorcerer 10

Circumstance: was teleported on the ground in front of a rampart manned by arrow demons. Arrow demons fire on him before he can get up. He's dropped to -55 hp.

Silver wrote:

That was annoying!! At least you never killed Silver! :) I'm not a DM but I have sex with one regularly so I'm allowed to post! :)

F2K's wife (whose lack of PC deaths has nothing to do with the sex part, trust me!!)

Great.....that's what I get for getting busted posting on Paizo and giggling like a madman. I actually had no idea I had killed that many PCs in my current campaign. PC deaths used to be fairly rare in my 2nd and 1st edition games. My wife's character did die in my old 1st edition campaign, despite the fringe benefits away from the gaming table.

Dark Archive

PC's Name: Mylock
Race: Human
Class: Scout
Level: 6th
Circumstances of Death: The rogue in the party was dominated by a vampire and was attacking others. The dwarf barbarian stayed back in the corner cuz he came in the room late and saw PC's attacking the rogue. So the dwarf held an action to attack anyone (friend or foe) that came near him thinking they might be enchanted. The rogue hit Mylock causing Mylock to withdraw. Mylock came near the dwarf who promply attacked with his scythe and scored a crit, killing Mylock.
Setting (and Adventure Path, if you're using one): Forgotten Realms, my own storyline

PC's Name: Gorlin Stonechewer
Race: Dwarf
Class: Fighter
Level: just reached 3rd level
Circumstances of Death: The PCs burst through a door into a room with three goblins in it. Gorlin's players laughs, and announces this was going to be an easy fight. Gorlin attacks one of the goblins and misses with a 2, while the other PCs kill the other two goblins quite easily. On it's initiative the goblin turns to flee through an open door behind it, and Gorlin's AoO misses with a 3. The goblin runs through the door and tries to duck behind a table, but fails a tumble check and lands prone. Gorlin chases after it, swings at the prone goblin, and rolls a 1. The two other goblins in that room move in and sneak attack him, one hitting and the other actually getting a critical. Gorlin drops to the floor at -1, and the original goblin rolls on top of him and applies the Coup de Grace.
Setting (and Adventure Path, if you're using one): Homebrew campaign.

PC's Name: Doran Lareth
Race: elf
Class: Cleric
Level: 2
Circumstances of Death: Instead of fleeing, he stayed and cured a fallen comrade, so a howler ate him.
Setting (and Adventure Path, if you're using one): Shattered Gates of Slaughterguarde in Faerun

PC's Name: Thdulgir Groidious Gjudmundson
Race: (as if it isn't obvious from the name) gnome
Class: Rogue
Level: 12
Circumstances of Death: Fireball, believe it or not. Opens door recklessly, fails Fortitude save vs. Paralysis (some sort of undead thing). Unable to evade subsequent Fireball. Takes 42 points of damage. Due to size is forced to make massive damage roll. Rolls a "1". RIP Thdulgir.
Setting: Merchants of Astephel Homebrew, ruined Roman fort, fighting a Death Knight Knight(PH2) and his unholy minions.
Irony level: utmost

Look of astonishment on the evading, cheating gnome's face: priceless

PC Name: Alexander Railley
Class: Wizard
Race: Human
Level: 11th
Campaign:Greyhawk-2nd Edition
Circumstances: While in the mountains, the party encountered giants. The giants had elevation, and were raining boulders on the hapless adventurers. Alexander's player cast Dimension Door to move to a spot in midair, with the idea of casting fly, then some artillery spells on the giants who would have no idea of what was occurring. The problem being that Dimension Door disorients a character for one round...result? One dead wizard and an hour of arguing over how far you can fall in one round!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

PC Name: Ari Moonshadow
Class: Monk
Race: 1/2 Elf
Level: 5th
Campaign: Greyhawk
Circumstances: Destroyed by an aspect of the Demon Queen Zuggtmoy in a sealed pit below the inbred and accursed town of Aylesbury.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

PC Name: Tas Bungleherd (sp.?)
Class: Priest of Yondolla
Race: Halfling
Level: 5th
Campaign: Greyhawk
Circumstances: Destroyed by an aspect of the Demon Queen Zuggtmoy in a sealed pit below the inbred and accursed town of Aylesbury.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

PC Name: Neilandyr
Class: Knight of Heironeous
Race: Human
Level: 5th
Campaign: Greyhawk
Circumstances: Destroyed by an aspect of the Demon Queen Zuggtmoy in a sealed pit below the inbred and accursed town of Aylesbury.

PC's Name: Greyhill Flacon
Race: Human
Class: ftr/wiz/Spellsword
Level: 4/3/1
Circumstances of Death: Fighting Strahd, killed by a magic missile.
Setting (and Adventure Path, if you're using one): Expedition to Castle Ravenloft set in Faerun

PC's Name: Deckard Caine
Race: Human
Class: fighter
Level: 8
Circumstances of Death: While fighting Strahd, an Arc of Lightning.
Setting (and Adventure Path, if you're using one): Expedition to Castle Ravenloft set in Faerun

PC's Name: Hernando Cortez
Race: Human
Class: cleric/church inquisitor
Level: 8/2
Circumstances of Death: While fighting Strahd, an Arc of Lightning.
Setting (and Adventure Path, if you're using one): Expedition to Castle Ravenloft set in Faerun

PC's Name: Tull son of Jethro
Race: Human
Class: dragon shaman
Level: 9
Circumstances of Death: While fighting Strahd, grappled and drained of blood.
Setting (and Adventure Path, if you're using one): Expedition to Castle Ravenloft set in Faerun

PC's Name: Adnor
Race: Human
Class: barbarian/dragon shaman
Level: 1/7
Circumstances of Death: While fighting Strahd, trapped in a bead of force awaiting the attentions of Strahd and his new minion.
Setting (and Adventure Path, if you're using one): Expedition to Castle Ravenloft set in Faerun

PC's Name: (It was 15 years ago, can't remember)
Race: Human
Class: thief
Level: 8

Background: The player was very annoying and the amount of times others tried to kill him was incredible, but I always fudged the rolls and allowed this player to live - but they finally got him :)

Circumstances of Death: Thief swam under water (with the help of a ring) in order to get under the pirate ship that was sitting in the bay. The water was about 10 meters (30 feet) deep.
The thief finally gets under the ship and the other characters on shore, using a variety of magic spells and items, manage to make the water under the pirate ship disappear. So the pirate ship falls to the ocean floor on top of the PC - I allowed the PC to live with one HP (to the howls of derision from the other players).
But then the water rushed back in and and drowned the PC, the pirates and the Princess who was a hostage on the ship.

15 years later we still laugh about this.

Setting (and Adventure Path, if you're using one): Home made

The Flame
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Level: 15

Killed by Kravichak's disintergrate ray, finished on -32hp
Campaign: Shackled City in modified version of Greyhawk

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

PC Name: Sampsa Delorfejo
Class: Barbarian
Race: Half-orc
Level: 4th
Campaign World: Greyhawk
Circumstances: Destroyed by an aspect of the Demon Queen Zuggtmoy in a sealed pit below the inbred and accursed town of Aylesbury.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

Race: Dwarf
Class: Cleric of Hanseth
Lvl: 7

Underestimated group of human 'guards' waiting inside a small home for the party's intrusion. The loose clothes wearing, bastard sword wielding combatants were not just warriors or fighters, but instead rogues. Melkin rushed in to receive readied, flanked sneak attacks.

Setting: Greyhawk, Gradsul in the Kingdom of Keoland

Name: Derkar
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Level: 5th
Setting: Eberron/Droaam

Death: I was getting very pissed off at a player who cheats constantly and hates dying, so I promised myself I would take care of the problem the next time we played.

I started them off in Droaam (a nation ruled by monsters) and at a small nameless village. Derkar walked into a bar, killed the bartender and proceeded to ask the patrons what they want. When I had two Ogre's ask for drinks he wanted them to pay! They got into a fight and I knew that Derkar was cheating from the massively high rolls he was getting even after I had warned him. The town police showed up (4 ogres, 1 minotaur, 1 medusa) and a long chase ensued. I finally got him to play dead in a field after I caught him cheating on his HP. I then rolled to see if any of the creatures were fooled. The minotaur was not and it proceeded to stomp on his head killing him.

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