WotC product releases


Silver Crusade

Being an accessory book junkie, I couldn't help looking this over.

There's some very interesting stuff here, but I'm greatly intrigued by the Rules Compendium. That seems really odd. Are they running out of ideas?

Elder Evils, Exemplars of Evil, and the Dungeon Survival Guide also seem a little unusual. I can't even speculate what those crazy people are up to.

What I would have expected to see, and did not, was a fourth warrior-themed book for the follow-up Complete series.

Anyways, just wondering if anyone has any thoughts. I like looking forward to new material.

Scarab Sages

I look forward to the Compendiums. I was happy about the Spell Compendium and I'm equally excited about the Magic Item Compendium. I'd like to see a Feats Compendium too.

I do feel these books should be less expensive though since it’s essentially reprinting old material in a more convenient form.

I is a much different line up for this coming year. I think there are probably more adventures being published this year than there have been in years since 3E has been released combined. How many mega adventures are coming out, and is this come kind of testament to the recent success of the APs in Dungeon? I certainly think they are starting to hurt for ideas for source books, although the magic item compendium will likely be handy, and I think I'll like the Elder Evil book, but to me it looks like they are starting to grind their wheels a little. There are only so many "Complete" books you can put out before they get old.

However, given that I pretty much always dm I'm excited about all the new adventures coming out.

Yeah, the big things to note are a shift away from splatbooks, a huge increase in adventures, and an apparent interest in dormant campaign settings (the "expedition to" series)

I’m glad someone started this thread. I had a look at the release schedule for this year, and frankly, there’s very, very little I’m interested in getting this year.
2006 was fantastic: Fiendish Compendium, PH2, Magic of Incarnum, Tome of Battle, Tome of Magic, the list goes on. But 2006 also had some clunkers, which mostly tended to appear at the latter half of the year: Weapons of Legacy, MM4, Complete Mage, etc.
As it is, there’s potentially only four products I want to look at this year, and I’m going to think hard about whether I actually want them:
Complete Champion
Elder Evils
Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk
And with the Greyhawk adventure, that’s only because it’s written by the Paizo editors. However, if it’s written in the Delve format, then it’s a definite no-no. While I really like Wolfgang Baur’s work, I’m starting STAP in a couple of weeks, so I don’t need more adventures.
I’d also say that the appearance of “X Compendiums” is a sure sign that 4th ed is on the way, which might make some happy, but not me.

If I remember correctly 2E went down the path of lots of "complete" and "Compendium" style books (as well as numerous settings) just before it was reprinted in the black covers and then fizzled out (along with TSR). I am sure a 4E is on the way at some point but I hope this is not the start of it yet as I've only just returned to D&D after a 15 year abscence and I'm just getting the hang of the 3.5E rules. Which IMO are excellent.


ericthecleric wrote:

2006 was fantastic: Fiendish Compendium, PH2, Magic of Incarnum, Tome of Battle, Tome of Magic, the list goes on. But 2006 also had some clunkers, which mostly tended to appear at the latter half of the year: Weapons of Legacy, MM4, Complete Mage, etc.

Man, are you kidding? I loved Complete Mage. Have you seen the reserve feats? Not to mention support for the warlock at long last. Guess you can't please everyone! Magic of Incarnum certainly wasn't my cup of tea, on the other hand, an opinion that seems to be shared by many.

I think I'm most looking forward to Complete Champion, the Expedition series, and the Forgotten Realms superadventure.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Keoki wrote:
Magic of Incarnum certainly wasn't my cup of tea, on the other hand, an opinion that seems to be shared by many.

Yeah, Weapons of Legacy and Magic of Incarnum were not to my liking either. I flipped through them while I worked at a store that sold them and was not impressed. I'm making a point to collect all of the 'Complete' books, however, because I find them to be incredibly useful. In fact, I ordered the Complete Mage and Complete Scoundrel from this very website yesterday! I will definitely get the Complete Champion when it hits the shelves as well. There's just too much good stuff in there.

This year I bought.... PHB2 is it, i think. I still want spell compendium, and I buy a ton of minis, but only from a local store who opens them and lets you go through em. I don't generally buy settings or adventures. I am a bad WOTC customer ;)

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Ender_rpm wrote:
This year I bought.... PHB2 is it, i think. I still want spell compendium, and I buy a ton of minis, but only from a local store who opens them and lets you go through em. I don't generally buy settings or adventures.

I know the Complete Mage and Scoundrel are in the mail, I bought the PHB2 last month, and... I think that's all the D&D stuff I've bought recently. The last WotC thing I bought before then was the Complete Divine whenever it came out (early 2006?).

I only buy pewter minis, not the WotC ones. I also don't buy adventures. I like settings, though. The only WotC settings I own are Eberron and Forgotten Realms. I also have Ravenloft (Sword & Sorcery), Iron Kingdoms (Privateer Press), and Dragonstar (Fantasy Flight Games).

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Celestial Healer wrote:
There's some very interesting stuff here, but I'm greatly intrigued by the Rules Compendium. That seems really odd. Are they running out of ideas?

After the Rules Compendium and the Feat Compendium get made, they're going to make the Compendium Compendium, which is basically a directory of all the books in 3.5 with tables that show you where to find stuff. For example, under the heading 'Warlock,' it will say:

Warlock - character class - Complete Arcane pg.XX (Supplemental: Complete Mage pg.XX, YY)

Then, the first book to be released after that will be the PHB 4.0.

I'm really excited to see how the rest of the expedition series plays out. I've heard good things about expedition to castle ravenloft, and I'm eagerly awaiting expedition to the demonweb pits. If you ask me, it seems like wizards is dipping their toes in the old campaign settings and other fluffy materials and testing the water.

I too would love to see an updating of the old classics - I hope to see more of these in the future.

I would also like to see another environment book come out - specifically one dealing with forests. Forests are encountered far more than cold regions, deserts, or ocean adventures in my campaigns.

I also like the compendiums and would like to see a feat compendium released soon.

But most of all I would like future sourcebooks to not have so much space devoted to yet more prestige classes!

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Man oh man I'm looking forward to "Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk."



Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:

Man oh man I'm looking forward to "Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk."



Don't you already have that one?

I guess being an old school D & D gamer I am most looking forward to the Expedition to the Demon Web Pits, Ruins of Greyhawk, and Undermountain books. Keep them coming!
But what about the actual "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks" adventure in hard back ? ( Hint, hint )And perhaps a Giant and Underdark/Drow expedition as well ?

I want spelljammer 3.5. That is all.

Scarab Sages

Today on the WotC site I saw and advertisment for a 20th anniversary of Drizzt product. It was a mini's set including Drizzt (in a new pose), Wulfgar, and Icingdeath the Gargantuan White Dragon. Personally I like the idea of doing the iconic dragon mini as a specific character with other minis. Maybe now they'll do the Gargantuan Green as Cyan Bloodbane with Raistlin Majere.

The Exchange

Fatespinner wrote:
Then, the first book to be released after that will be the PHB 4.0.

and after the 3 core 4.0 and an arms and armament guide they will release the PHB 4.5 within 7-10 months, making your $150-$200 investment useless and obsolete.....

I have just about enough of feats, alternate core classes and prestige classes. There is enough of them out there to choke a half-fiend half-troll red dragon that any DM with two brain cells to rub together could feasible take a preexisting one and modify it to suit.

That being said...I like the idea of more of the Environment books, those really intrigued me. More "alternate" ideas like incarnum and the Tome of Magic, more thematic books, things of that nature. Oh, and of course, a Greyhawk Campaign Setting book. :)

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

Lilith wrote:
.... Oh, and of course, a Greyhawk Campaign Setting book. :)

Here, here Sister! Preach it!

Lilith wrote:
...Oh, and of course, a Greyhawk Campaign Setting book. :)

Hope springs eternal :)

Tatterdemalion wrote:
Hope springs eternal :)

With Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk coming out, how could I not be hopeful? I keep hoping they'll "accidentally" let loose that a Greyhawk setting book will be coming out at GenCon. The walls of the convention center would ring, I tells ya, RING with the overjoyous sounds of gamers crying with glee!

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