Interesting PC options that tie in to the campaign

Savage Tide Adventure Path

So, thinking about PC options that might have resonance for future parts of the campaign.

For example- a Rakasta PC discovering the fate of his people in Tides of Dread.

A Demonbinder (or even Conjurer) who starts to realise the Prince of Demons may be at his mercy...

A swashbuckler who gets to play pirates and swing from the main sail in all the Pirate battles.

What else would you suggest to PC's as having an interesting hook for future developments?


Once it goes planar, any appropriately ECLd demon or otherwise native to the abyss critter. Maybe it sees the PCs as an opportunity to get out of the chaos. Maybe its working for one of the other demon lords. Regardless, enemy of my enemy and all that.


Complete Scoundral Comes out this week... I'm sure some of the classes and feats from that will make it into my group - especially since they mention Erryol Flynn and swinging from lines/chandaleers as a inspiration to some of the new feats and paths

Yeah, I have Complete Scoundrel on order. I think it will have some good stuff in it.

SJE, am I reading correctly that you have an idea for a conjurer who realizes that Demogorgon is at his mercy? How would that be possible? I don't think the Prince of Demons would ever be at some lowly mortal's mercy.

A rogue that used to be a member of one of the thieves guilds that were eradicated by the Lotus dragon.

A druid or monk coming from Fort Greenrock, that will see his home in ashes on his return in Sea Wyvern's wake.

cthulhu_waits wrote:

SJE, am I reading correctly that you have an idea for a conjurer who realizes that Demogorgon is at his mercy? How would that be possible? I don't think the Prince of Demons would ever be at some lowly mortal's mercy.

Reading the Campaign outline in #138 it looks like there is a fair amount of plane hopping and demon barganing to be done in the end game- a Demon summoning PC (or Nar Demonbinder type from FR) might well find himself in a situation where he could offer lieutenants of Demogorgon the choice between death or servitude. Perhaps even, in the Finale episode where they confront Demogorgon on his home plane, then perhaps even Demogorgon could be bound to the Binders will? Certainly that would be a cool and epic feat for a 20th level character to pull off after an extended campaign. After all, 20th level aint so lowly, even if by chance you are still mortal and dont have some outsider type already.


Another thing I've noticed - suggesting someone might want to play an architect or combat engineer type might pay huge dividends in Tides of Dread. (How many PC's have you seen that ever take Craft: Architecture ? Most would rather have a Daerns Instant fortress to go!)


The ranger of our group is a saurial shifter (a race from dragon) his ancestors were were-dinosaurs on the Isle of Dread.

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