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![]() Cosmo wrote:
Cosmo- Is it possible to get a refund on these PDF's as I really do find them painful to read? Happy to provide whatever proof of deletion you need. (also assuming you are a Paizo employee) I think (given the popularity of Ipads now) that it might be worth putting in some warning to the description text of the product that the PDF's may not be readable on Apple PDF readers, so that others are not stuck with bum PDF's. The thing I cant get my head around is that the Font works fine for 25 letters of the alphabet, but the 1st letter doesnt? Something weird going on there. Thanks, Steve ![]()
![]() Hi, I just downloaded the Advanced Players Guide and Games Mastery Guide PDF's for use on my Ipad. When I view the files in Goodreader, a strange thing occurs- in the Text, any Section Headings dont seem to resolve the letter "A" which leads to such gobbledegook as F VOURED CL SSES, and you dont even want to see what it does to B RB RI NS..... Could whoever formats your PDF take a look at this? Its makes the books almost impossible to decipher. I have also downloaded the corebook and Beastiary and they both appear fine and have all their A's. Thanks, Steve ![]()
![]() So I noticed something mising in the final battle against Demogorgon. After going on and on about his divided nature for so long, and how the Savage Tide is the plan of one head to absorb the other, I thought it a mistake to ignore that in the final scene. Its set up as yet another battlefest, but isnt this a more interesting opportunity for the 20th level Bard/Diplomat to reveal to one head, the others plans to destroy it? Sure one half of Demogorgon wants the Savage Tide, but the other half has a very serious investment in not letting it go ahead. Having the two heads and arms battle over the master pearl should be as much an option as the PC's battling a united Demogorgon. Thoughts. SJE ![]()
![]() So, is a quick way back to Sasserine from Farshore might be demon binding the local Bar Iguras- it looks like their "Abduction" ability is basically Greater Teleport for 2, and it should reach Sasserine (even if you have to break it up into multiple hops, the demon can teleport at will). So, other than Lesser Planar Binding (same level as regular Teleport) is there any way to bind a Bar Igura before 9th level? SJE ![]()
![]() Par-a-dox wrote: ...not to mention, there are evil clerics of weejas. But I agree w/ the above post. If they are a good party, they wouldnt want to spread evil by selling an evil item. Just noticed that the Book of Exalted Deeds has a section on redeeming Darkskulls (so they emit a Hallow effect). Maybe encourage them to pursue this goal (could come in handy at the Battle of Farshore) SJE ![]()
![]() Griselame wrote:
Dude, if you dont like the Adventure Path concept, why on earth are you posting to the Adventure Path forum? Why threadcrap all over the discussion of the people who are enjoying it and getting something out of it? If you want to campaign against Adventure Paths in Dungeon, maybe you should write a letter to the editor or use the general Dungeon forums? SJE ![]()
![]() Reading through the adventures so far, it looks like the Must Have books (to understand what is going on, offer useful feats to PC's, answer background details etc) beyond the 3 Core books are- Fiendish Codex I- all the stuff on Wells of Darkness, Gaping Maw, Demogorgon, Melcanthet etc
Any more that I've missed? SJE ![]()
![]() cthulhu_waits wrote:
Not the way I'd run it. I'll explain momentarily. For anyone reading who believes in "playing D&D by the rules" is a good or desirable thing in itself, please skip this message as I'm sure to cause you physical pain, and I would prefer to avoid a flamewar. My approach to D&D is a bit more cinematic- I'm trying to have a cool and fun time by emulating cool and fun movies, books, ideas or stories. D&D doesnt always emulate that, so I'm not afraid to throw away the rulebook and judge it myself. So if I was running the Lotus Dragons like the Crazy 88's from Kill Bill, this is what I'd do. First off- forget using battle maps with grids- miniatures on a cool map with lots of scenery to use and abuse is fine, but dont get hung up on movement or range- just use the map to illustrate who is surrounded and who is next to a table they can roll along, while attacking half a dozen people. Second, I'd be flexible with the rules - not just letting PC's quaff potions without going for the AoO, but also things like encouraging badass fighters and barbarians to give the thieves such a stare that the surrounding mob back off and face him one at a time (call it a free action Intimidate if you will). I would reward innovative and dramatic actions- want to roll along a dining table, parrying the flashing blades of 6 thieves to surprise the guild leader at the end an impale her? Sure- call that a Full defence, and get a sneak attack if you succeed on yer Tumble. Third, while I'd make it a challenging fight (22 thieves vs. 4 PCs) I wouldnt be afraid to drop a thief if the way they were injured was particularly cool. Equally I might not use every Lotus Dragon crit if it wasnt cool or didnt advance the drama. Essentially I'd hope to judge the combat, so by the end of it, 3 of the PC's are maybe unconcious and the last PC is barely standing and holding a blood drenched katana surrounded by 22 dead Lotus Dragons! SJE ![]()
![]() Hopefully we might see an article on Rakastas as PC's in one of the Savage Tide articles, but if not, how would you make them a playable race in 3.5? My memory of them in D&D is a bit limited to the old Princess Ark articles for Mystara in Dragon. But the way I'd do a Cat person woul look a little like this- Favoured Class- Rogue/Bard
Comments, thoughts or official stats? SJE ![]()
![]() Dag Hammarskjold wrote:
You'd think (especially in such magic heavy places as Eberron) that every bank loan of over a 1,000gp would also have an Augury surcharge (naturally added to the cost of the loan for the borrower to repay) asking if the bank would have Weal or Woe in getting its money back. SJE ![]()
![]() cthulhu_waits wrote:
Reading the Campaign outline in #138 it looks like there is a fair amount of plane hopping and demon barganing to be done in the end game- a Demon summoning PC (or Nar Demonbinder type from FR) might well find himself in a situation where he could offer lieutenants of Demogorgon the choice between death or servitude. Perhaps even, in the Finale episode where they confront Demogorgon on his home plane, then perhaps even Demogorgon could be bound to the Binders will? Certainly that would be a cool and epic feat for a 20th level character to pull off after an extended campaign. After all, 20th level aint so lowly, even if by chance you are still mortal and dont have some outsider type already. SJE ![]()
![]() So, thinking about PC options that might have resonance for future parts of the campaign. For example- a Rakasta PC discovering the fate of his people in Tides of Dread. A Demonbinder (or even Conjurer) who starts to realise the Prince of Demons may be at his mercy... A swashbuckler who gets to play pirates and swing from the main sail in all the Pirate battles. What else would you suggest to PC's as having an interesting hook for future developments? SJE ![]()
![]() From what I've read, theres a lot of random combat encounters in Dungeon (partly how D&D is structured) that I'd cut out as fairly meaningless and dull. For example, the Lotus Dragons looks like a fairly long winded dungone crawl- if my PC's wanted to kick ass there, I'd probably run it more like the Crazy 88's scene in Kill Bill- none stop frenetic action against the whole guild thieves, before going to a climatic battle with the boss. Equally, Bullywug Gambit would be better as a Hostage Rescue movie than interminable number of fights in seperate rooms. SJE ![]()
![]() Now its reached the Isle of Dread (and bringing up nostalgic memories of running that module 15 years ago!), I'm potentially interested in running the campaign. Is anyone running it already? Hows it going? Encountered any problems or discrepancies? Are you having fun? I'm also wondering what optional books to include. I'd definately like to include Rakasta as a potential PC race, any idea where I might find them? Thx. SJE ![]()
![]() So I vaguely remember this Age of Worms document/download that had conversion notes for other settings and a summary of the plot and 12 adventures to help the GM understand the campaign they were running and answer PC questions. Does anything similar exist online for Savage Tides? Many thanks, Steve |