joshua johnson |

I think it would be VERY groovy if there were STAP minis. They could be compatoble with the minis game. Maybe a booster pak for eash issue--so you would get lavina, some ravenous zombies, maybe a worg or a croc, maybe an ixititiaiaita (ray thingie) for the first issue, a bunch of bulllywugs and a stiltwalker or two for the second pack. I know it's late for this now, just saying how pleased I would be if there was a product like this. Anyone else think so?

joshua johnson |

I know what you are saying, but there ARE bullywugs available if nothing else.
i used them and was glad to find such a use for them.
Until then I was unable to find good way to do so.
Did you buy lead bullywugs or did you happen to have them from some D&D plastic mini set? It would be nice to have some idea what you are getting in the mini packs, which ---I know, I know, takes away from the "collectible" aspect of the standard box sets. I just think there would be a market for minis made especially for an AP. Seems like lots of people have bought stormwrack for the STAP--

Somnambulant |

I got a set of 10 plastic bullywogs for 4.oo off of ebay.
I made an excel spreadsheet of all the encountered monsters and NPC's in the campaign so far, and am locating figs for each of them... been pretty successful so far, if I can't find an exact match, I can find something pretty close. Hardest so far have been the Rhagodessa... torn between small dragons, or Mad Slashers...
But I nabbed some Bullywugs from someone, and some Sharn Cuthroats and Cloudreavers for rogues/pirate types.
I can probably email the spreadsheet to anyone who wants it.

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yeah for Rhagodessa, I used mad slashers. Also, you can find almost any D&D mini you want on ebay...hence, eliminating the Randomness of buying a booster.
I'd also recommend miniature market at http://www.miniaturemarket.com/
They sell minis cheap, and include individual D&D minis. Some of the common ones are really cheap, as in $.25 or so. Those make great figs for bad guys... I bought 10 "Kobold Monks" at $.40 each in my last order from them and they'll get use as whatever small random bad guys i need, in addition to the figs I already have.
Paizo is great for lots of stuff, in fact I have a $130+ order with them at present; but for figs, you really can't beat that.

el_skootro |

Par-a-dox wrote:I got a set of 10 plastic bullywogs for 4.oo off of ebay.I made an excel spreadsheet of all the encountered monsters and NPC's in the campaign so far, and am locating figs for each of them... been pretty successful so far, if I can't find an exact match, I can find something pretty close. Hardest so far have been the Rhagodessa... torn between small dragons, or Mad Slashers...
But I nabbed some Bullywugs from someone, and some Sharn Cuthroats and Cloudreavers for rogues/pirate types.
I can probably email the spreadsheet to anyone who wants it.
I'd love it if you could email that to me. my email is skooter3 @ gmail.com (deleting spaces of course).
I'll be starting the STAP on Tuesday, Dec 5th and I can't wait!
El Skootro

Drawdy |

Add me, too, please. Drawdy@msn.com
I had considered the Fiendish Giant Scorpion and the Huge Fiendish Spider as what most closely resembles a rhagodessa. However, the rhagodessa is a medium sized creature so those large minis would throw off the combat.

Somnambulant |

Add me, too, please. Drawdy@msn.com
I had considered the Fiendish Giant Scorpion and the Huge Fiendish Spider as what most closely resembles a rhagodessa. However, the rhagodessa is a medium sized creature so those large minis would throw off the combat.
You could just make it a large creature, but that might make them really tough for low level PC's...
Also - I've emailed out the spreadsheet to those who requested above. Enjoy!

Curaigh |

Dungeon used to have (or so I am told) counters for many of their adventures, but this is now the niche of the 'minis'. I thought about asking for a sidebar on each of the adventures that might show which minis fit best for which figures. Something like:
Dragotha=Dracolich, War of the Dragon Queen,
wyverns (6)= wyvern, Underdark (or whichever set).
Lizard men (4), whichever set.
just my two coppers O:)

Somnambulant |

Thanks Somnambulant. I placed a big order with the non-Paizo website yesterday (sorry guys, you're still my favorite). This is the first time that I'll really be using minis in a campaign, so I'm excited to see how it'll turn out.
El Skootro
No prob, El Skootro! I hope the minis make it more fun for you and your players, and that my sheet makes it easier to keep track of it all.
On that note - Anyone have any ideas on what to use for the Ixitxachatil (i'm sure i'm spelling that wrong) at the end of There Is No Honour... I just realized I don't have anything for them either...

Drawdy |

On that note - Anyone have any ideas on what to use for the Ixitxachatil (i'm sure i'm spelling that wrong) at the end of There Is No Honour... I just realized I don't have anything for them either...
That would be the 64,000 GP question...

Guillaume Godbout |

I made an excel spreadsheet of all the encountered monsters and NPC's in the campaign so far, and am locating figs for each of them... been pretty successful so far, if I can't find an exact match, I can find something pretty close. Hardest so far have been the Rhagodessa... torn between small dragons, or Mad Slashers...
I can probably email the spreadsheet to anyone who wants it.somnambulant.
If you still have that excel sheet, would it be possible to get a copy. You can e-mail it at c_guillaume_godbout@yahoo.com

Jib |

I often find great stuff at the DOLLAR STORE. I don't know what they call it in your area (Dollar Jim, Everythings a Dollar, etc.) but check it out sometime.
I have found plastic dinosaurs that with a little help from a modeling knife and dry brushing turn out very nice.
And for ruins and terrain try a Pet Store (NO LIE!) Look at the stuff for aquariums. You will be surprised!

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Sent minis spreadsheet out again.
If you didn't receive it, let me know, I may have missed you.
Som, if you could send me your spreadsheet, it would be great!
I'm at sstjohn1@yahoo.com.
I can't express how awesome it is that you are doing this for so many of us gamers. Thank you!

Drawdy |

For the "Ray Creatures" whose name is too hard to spell I suggest that you buy some black construction paper and cut shapes similar to manta rays.
Has anyone figured out a good mini for these yet?