STAP Minis

Savage Tide Adventure Path

I think it would be VERY groovy if there were STAP minis. They could be compatoble with the minis game. Maybe a booster pak for eash issue--so you would get lavina, some ravenous zombies, maybe a worg or a croc, maybe an ixititiaiaita (ray thingie) for the first issue, a bunch of bulllywugs and a stiltwalker or two for the second pack. I know it's late for this now, just saying how pleased I would be if there was a product like this. Anyone else think so?

I know what you are saying, but there ARE bullywugs available if nothing else.

i used them and was glad to find such a use for them.
Until then I was unable to find good way to do so.

Balron wrote:

I know what you are saying, but there ARE bullywugs available if nothing else.

i used them and was glad to find such a use for them.
Until then I was unable to find good way to do so.

Did you buy lead bullywugs or did you happen to have them from some D&D plastic mini set? It would be nice to have some idea what you are getting in the mini packs, which ---I know, I know, takes away from the "collectible" aspect of the standard box sets. I just think there would be a market for minis made especially for an AP. Seems like lots of people have bought stormwrack for the STAP--

I got a set of 10 plastic bullywogs for 4.oo off of ebay.

Par-a-dox wrote:
I got a set of 10 plastic bullywogs for 4.oo off of ebay.

I made an excel spreadsheet of all the encountered monsters and NPC's in the campaign so far, and am locating figs for each of them... been pretty successful so far, if I can't find an exact match, I can find something pretty close. Hardest so far have been the Rhagodessa... torn between small dragons, or Mad Slashers...

But I nabbed some Bullywugs from someone, and some Sharn Cuthroats and Cloudreavers for rogues/pirate types.

I can probably email the spreadsheet to anyone who wants it.


I made a list (with good old pen and paper) of the various threats and friends the players might come across during the first two adventures. I intend to paint up what I need or (if theres a lot) buy them in plastics. It's a pitty D&D miniatures are random.

yeah for Rhagodessa, I used mad slashers. Also, you can find almost any D&D mini you want on ebay...hence, eliminating the Randomness of buying a booster.

The Exchange

Par-a-dox wrote:
yeah for Rhagodessa, I used mad slashers. Also, you can find almost any D&D mini you want on ebay...hence, eliminating the Randomness of buying a booster.

I'd also recommend miniature market at

They sell minis cheap, and include individual D&D minis. Some of the common ones are really cheap, as in $.25 or so. Those make great figs for bad guys... I bought 10 "Kobold Monks" at $.40 each in my last order from them and they'll get use as whatever small random bad guys i need, in addition to the figs I already have.

Paizo is great for lots of stuff, in fact I have a $130+ order with them at present; but for figs, you really can't beat that.

Somnambulant wrote:
Par-a-dox wrote:
I got a set of 10 plastic bullywogs for 4.oo off of ebay.

I made an excel spreadsheet of all the encountered monsters and NPC's in the campaign so far, and am locating figs for each of them... been pretty successful so far, if I can't find an exact match, I can find something pretty close. Hardest so far have been the Rhagodessa... torn between small dragons, or Mad Slashers...

But I nabbed some Bullywugs from someone, and some Sharn Cuthroats and Cloudreavers for rogues/pirate types.

I can probably email the spreadsheet to anyone who wants it.


I'd love it if you could email that to me. my email is skooter3 @ (deleting spaces of course).

I'll be starting the STAP on Tuesday, Dec 5th and I can't wait!

El Skootro

The Exchange

me as well please...that would be great. send to:

wesleytj (at) yahoo (dot) com


I'd love to have the mini list as well! Thanks for all the work you put into making it.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Add me, too, please.

I had considered the Fiendish Giant Scorpion and the Huge Fiendish Spider as what most closely resembles a rhagodessa. However, the rhagodessa is a medium sized creature so those large minis would throw off the combat.

Drawdy wrote:

Add me, too, please.

I had considered the Fiendish Giant Scorpion and the Huge Fiendish Spider as what most closely resembles a rhagodessa. However, the rhagodessa is a medium sized creature so those large minis would throw off the combat.

You could just make it a large creature, but that might make them really tough for low level PC's...

Also - I've emailed out the spreadsheet to those who requested above. Enjoy!

Dark Archive

Somnambulant wrote:
[Also - I've emailed out the spreadsheet to those who requested above. Enjoy!

Slip me summa dat spreadsheet goodness, please: steelhorse (at) mac (dot) com

I would be eternally in your debt.

Well, maybe not eternally, but a really long time, anyway.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

If you would be so kind as to mail me the spreadsheet as well at Thanks!

Nerak the Numb wrote:
If you would be so kind as to mail me the spreadsheet as well at Thanks!

Sent to Nerak and Steelhorse.



Thanks Somnambulant. I placed a big order with the non-Paizo website yesterday (sorry guys, you're still my favorite). This is the first time that I'll really be using minis in a campaign, so I'm excited to see how it'll turn out.

El Skootro

Dungeon used to have (or so I am told) counters for many of their adventures, but this is now the niche of the 'minis'. I thought about asking for a sidebar on each of the adventures that might show which minis fit best for which figures. Something like:
Dragotha=Dracolich, War of the Dragon Queen,
wyverns (6)= wyvern, Underdark (or whichever set).
Lizard men (4), whichever set.

just my two coppers O:)

el_skootro wrote:

Thanks Somnambulant. I placed a big order with the non-Paizo website yesterday (sorry guys, you're still my favorite). This is the first time that I'll really be using minis in a campaign, so I'm excited to see how it'll turn out.

El Skootro

No prob, El Skootro! I hope the minis make it more fun for you and your players, and that my sheet makes it easier to keep track of it all.

On that note - Anyone have any ideas on what to use for the Ixitxachatil (i'm sure i'm spelling that wrong) at the end of There Is No Honour... I just realized I don't have anything for them either...

For the rhagodessa I suggest using a Starhip Troopers Bug.

For the "Ray Creatures" whose name is too hard to spell I suggest that you buy some black construction paper and cut shapes similar to manta rays.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Somnambulant wrote:

On that note - Anyone have any ideas on what to use for the Ixitxachatil (i'm sure i'm spelling that wrong) at the end of There Is No Honour... I just realized I don't have anything for them either...

That would be the 64,000 GP question...

Liberty's Edge

Somnambulant wrote:
I can probably email the spreadsheet to anyone who wants it.

Me too please!

dungeon (at) parrais (dot) co (dot) uk

Many thanks in advance.

Somnambulant wrote:

I made an excel spreadsheet of all the encountered monsters and NPC's in the campaign so far, and am locating figs for each of them... been pretty successful so far, if I can't find an exact match, I can find something pretty close. Hardest so far have been the Rhagodessa... torn between small dragons, or Mad Slashers...
I can probably email the spreadsheet to anyone who wants it.


If you still have that excel sheet, would it be possible to get a copy. You can e-mail it at



Could I have a copy too please??


I have more then enough minis to sell a few sets - i must have 50 bullywogs, countless pirates and rogue types. i sold an adventure pack last summer for about 25 dollars- it came with 50 minis.

J PAslawski wrote:
I have more then enough minis to sell a few sets - i must have 50 bullywogs, countless pirates and rogue types. i sold an adventure pack last summer for about 25 dollars- it came with 50 minis.

I might be interested. Please contact me at

Sent minis spreadsheet out again.

If you didn't receive it, let me know, I may have missed you.


Scarab Sages

hook me up with some spreadsheet-y goodness too. Out here in Iraq it's tough to find time to compile all the goodies.

game_ops_director (at) yahoo

I often find great stuff at the DOLLAR STORE. I don't know what they call it in your area (Dollar Jim, Everythings a Dollar, etc.) but check it out sometime.

I have found plastic dinosaurs that with a little help from a modeling knife and dry brushing turn out very nice.

And for ruins and terrain try a Pet Store (NO LIE!) Look at the stuff for aquariums. You will be surprised!

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Somnambulant wrote:

Sent minis spreadsheet out again.

If you didn't receive it, let me know, I may have missed you.


Som, if you could send me your spreadsheet, it would be great!

I'm at

I can't express how awesome it is that you are doing this for so many of us gamers. Thank you!

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Jib wrote:
For the "Ray Creatures" whose name is too hard to spell I suggest that you buy some black construction paper and cut shapes similar to manta rays.

Has anyone figured out a good mini for these yet?

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