Jeremy Mac Donald |

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:I suspect your talking about Monkey Grip.Hmm, I don't think so, it sounds like he's talking about something similiar to improved natural attack but I have never seen a feat like that for a fighter.
anyways, if you can't remember you can always make one up ;>
There is a feat called Monkey Grip - raises the effective size of the weapon by one class. So a spiked chain goes from doing 2d4 to doing 2d6. Great Sword goes from 2d6 to 3d6.

the other guy |

well, monkey grip does what he wants it to... sort of.
monkey grip allows a character to wield a weapon one size larger than normal, it does not increase the damage of a weapon. so, it really depends on what is being asked for... a feat that increases the damage of a weapon, or a feat that allows a character to wield a weapon that deals larger dice damage. if its the former, there is nothing that does that to my knowledge, if its the latter, monkey grip is exactly what to order.

![]() |

Help me guys-
What the HELL is that feat where the damage dice of your specalised Weapon increases to the Next level of dice?
d 4 becomes D 6
D6 becomes D 8 etc
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I can't recall a Feat that does that but there is a spell in the Races of the Dragon that does. It's like one step for the Lesser version of the spell and multiple steps for the Greater. Can't remember the name unfortunately.
If you find the feat be sure to let us know.

Murkmoldiev |

Yeah- were still stumped- Its not monkey grip... One of my players says he saw it but cant remember waht it is.
He has weapon focus and weapon spec Dwarven Urgosh and he IS 15th level
So a feat that makes the damage go from 2d4 to 2d6 cant be too out of balance...
Any one wanna name it and write it out for me?

Jeremy Mac Donald |

I can only say that monkey grip does not increase the damage dice, it only allows you to use larger weapons in your main hand. I don't have my Complete Warrior with me here currently so I can't quote but it should be on page 100-103 somewhere.
Well you can use larger weapons with both hands as well. If a player is going for this you can probably expect them to couple it with a Great Sword or maybe a Spiked Chain. As to the fact that is does not allow higher dice of damage but instead allows larger weapons - in my experience, in play, this pretty much amounts to the same thing.

Murkmoldiev |

Can any one do better?
Greater Weapon mincing power [Fighter only.]
The damage dice of your chosen weapon, increases to the next damage step. Just like a monster with improved natural attack feat.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +10 or higher, Weapon Focus, Weapon specialization.
Benefit: The damage dice of your chosen weapon, increases to the next damage step.
Normal: Your weapon deals its listed damage.

Valenare |

As far as a feat goes, I don't recall one, but I believe there might be a prestige class that gives this bonus. I don't have all my books in front of me to look it up. However, if you want to make a feat for it, you have a good basis in what you have there, but I would also add Greater Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Specialization to the the list of prerequisites. It will only put more of an emphasis on the need to be HIGHLY skilled with the weapon to put out that much extra damage. Granted going from 2d4 to 2d6 damage only takes your potential damage/attack up by 4 points, but when you are talking level 16+, that is a potential of 16 points a round extra damage, and when you look at it that way, assuming average creature hit dice are d8's, that is 2 HD extra damage potential a round. Just to even make it sicker, you can also figure the one handed weapon can be dual weilded, that would be a potential of an extra 32 points per round which would mean 4 HD of additional damage a round.
Bottom-line is this, be careful of what you allow your characters to do as far as weapons go. Remember, those characters that typically can wield the bigger, higher damage weapons have accompanying ECL, and there is a reason, game balance.

Saern |

As far as a feat goes, I don't recall one, but I believe there might be a prestige class that gives this bonus. I don't have all my books in front of me to look it up. However, if you want to make a feat for it, you have a good basis in what you have there, but I would also add Greater Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Specialization to the the list of prerequisites. It will only put more of an emphasis on the need to be HIGHLY skilled with the weapon to put out that much extra damage. Granted going from 2d4 to 2d6 damage only takes your potential damage/attack up by 4 points, but when you are talking level 16+, that is a potential of 16 points a round extra damage, and when you look at it that way, assuming average creature hit dice are d8's, that is 2 HD extra damage potential a round. Just to even make it sicker, you can also figure the one handed weapon can be dual weilded, that would be a potential of an extra 32 points per round which would mean 4 HD of additional damage a round.
Bottom-line is this, be careful of what you allow your characters to do as far as weapons go. Remember, those characters that typically can wield the bigger, higher damage weapons have accompanying ECL, and there is a reason, game balance.
You're assuming maximum hp per d8 HD, which is not the rule. It's far worse than that, as all your calculations about how many extra HD can be burned through in a round effectively double.
I know of now such feat or ability that matches this description, save Monkey Grip.

Jeremy Mac Donald |

I believe that goliaths and the other race like them in the pychic book; are races that can used oversized weapons; if you monkey grip them then they as medium and us a weapon two sizes larger; with the enlarge spell; even bigger; but I dont know of a feat that increases the weapon itself.
That's the gist of it. I have a player who plays a Half-Giant Psionic Warrior with a spiked chain utilizing the monkey grip feat. When he s sizes up (in this case using the psionic warriors enlarge psionic ability) its just sick what he can do.
Of course I fully intend to play back at him at some point. Fire Giants with Monkey Gripped Spiked Chains ... I can hardly wait.
On a related note – if your a DM make the Half-Giant a +2 Level Adjusted class, I regret that I never did. It is sort of halfway between LA +1 and LA +2 as written and if a player makes a Half-Giant Sorcerer or something then it would really only be worth a +1 LA but that is not what happens. Players, in my experience, build on the strengths of a race and the Half-Giant becomes something of a munchkin class with the right feats and weapons. It has real strengths in areas of the game which can really give the DM a headache like tripping and grappling. A tripping or grappling player is hardly unstoppable but combine that with a class that can – when all else fails, do unusually good damage with oversized weapons and the class probably warrants a +2 LA.
P.S. Those DMs that feel that the Frenzied Berserker is a perfectly balanced class need not concern themselves with the above.

The Black Bard |

Note, as many already probably know, but often bears repeating:
Goliath & Half-Giant powerful build and Monkey Grip....
Also, a thourough reading of the two rules also gives the factor that reach is determined by the size of the creature, not the weapon. Neither powerful build nor monkey grip make the creature any bigger, ergo they have no effect on the reach the creature gets. Spiked chain in goliath hands, still only 10' reach.

Jeremy Mac Donald |

Note, as many already probably know, but often bears repeating:
Goliath & Half-Giant powerful build and Monkey Grip....
DO NOT STACK.Also, a thourough reading of the two rules also gives the factor that reach is determined by the size of the creature, not the weapon. Neither powerful build nor monkey grip make the creature any bigger, ergo they have no effect on the reach the creature gets. Spiked chain in goliath hands, still only 10' reach.
I know about the reach aspects but I'm unclear why the Half-Giants enhanced build would not 'stack' with Monkey Grip. I'm not even sure if we are talking about stacking in any manner like it is commonly understood. Neither of these benefits are traditional modifiers – named or otherwise. Even if we were to call them traditional modifiers then they would be unnamed ones coming from different sources. Do you have a FAQ or part of a rule I missed that would disallow this? I guess I need a reference.