![]() while yes, flurry of blows does require a full attack action, the two-weapon fighting merely reduces the penalties for fighting with the 'off' hand. you are always free to take a -6 on your primary and -10 on your secondary (-4 and -8, respectively, if the offhand weapon is light). thus, two-weapon fighting (the feat) does not take an action in and of itself, but actually using more than one attack does. confusing issue, but one where shades of gray come into play. the question becomes this, though: is flurry of blows essentially a "monk weapons" two-weapon fighting virtual feat that gets better, and isnt actually called two weapon fighting? tog ![]()
![]() Celestial Healer wrote:
but isnt it nice to help people learn their errors? (and yes, i realize i dont use caps or apostrophes too often) Celestial Healer wrote:
except (apparently) when that guy is fake healer, assuming, of course that i use guy in the gender neutral, since i dont know fakey personally. tog
![]() alright, my turn... all i have is a cell phone, and, perhaps unsurprisingly, most of the people who call me are in the game. however, i do have a friend that goes through times where when shes ready to talk, she needs to, or an opportunity is missed. so with her, any call could be essentially an emergency. i tend to ignore most other calls during games, knowing that i can get back to just about anyone else without issue. granted, im also the veteran of the group and understand that if i miss info, i can either be filled in later, or can go without (allowing all the new players to know something i dont for a change). i also dont hang around in the room with everyone else and detract from the experience for everyone else, regardless of who called me. as for making calls, yeah... unless you REALLY need to get ahold of someone, there is no reason to make a phone call during a game. and if you REALLY need to get ahold of someone, why didnt you do that before you went to the game? as to text messaging... im used to reading books while playing, especially during combat, so i dont see a problem with texting during games, unless its taking up your time in combat/rp/whatever. again, this feeling probably has something to do with my knowledge of the game (thus, able to slack a little without losing track of whats going on) and probably shouldnt be done by relatively new players to the game. i dunno, i guess its just how i feel about it. mostly, i really feel for the posters who have said that the phone user stayed in the room, disrupting play, because its rude to expect the game to stop just for you to talk on the phone. tog ![]()
![]() well, monkey grip does what he wants it to... sort of. monkey grip allows a character to wield a weapon one size larger than normal, it does not increase the damage of a weapon. so, it really depends on what is being asked for... a feat that increases the damage of a weapon, or a feat that allows a character to wield a weapon that deals larger dice damage. if its the former, there is nothing that does that to my knowledge, if its the latter, monkey grip is exactly what to order. tog ![]()
![]() Gavgoyle wrote:
gods bless you, gav, another addict to the drug which is kol. the jick army grows... tog ![]()
![]() Sebastian wrote: Also, I'm no physics major, but isn't E=MC^2 only applicable if we are converting the creature's mass into energy? This should be a case of Netwonian physics, not Einsteinian physics. One of those momentum formulas or such. i am a physics major, and youre right, sebastian. the correct equation is u=mgh (potential energy is mass times gravitational constant times height). potential energy gets converted to kinetic energy as things fall. the sudden stop is what does all the damage. tog ![]()
![]() i dont recall the name of it (my silver marches book is a couple hours away from my university address), but it was an incremental version of the improved precise shot feat, and made the prc very cool when it was printed. i hated that they destroyed the peerless archer by adding in one new feat... that ability was the true hallmark of the class, and to take it away with a core rules feat that circumvented most of a 10 level prestige class was unneeded, imo. tog ![]()
![]() the peerless archer got one of its best special abilities stripped out and replaced by the core feat improved precise shot. other than that, a peerless archer may craft magic arrows (enhancement bonus only) as if he had the craft magic arms and armor feat. there are a couple other things, but those are the main points to the peerless archer. tog ![]()
![]() alright, everyone... ive asked this of the sage, ive asked askwizards, and neither of them have bothered to answer this: what does the protective aura special ability of this prestige class do? it references an apparently non-existant protective aura spell. at this point, im just wondering what it does... thanks all, tog edit: mr. jacobs, mr. mona (and anyone else with a look inside), inside info on where this spell disappeared to would be a wonderful addition, too. - tog ![]()
![]() ok, i researched the dmg page vegepygmy noted. this is what the designers state: a lyc with dr 10/silver and has some other dr granted to it (lets say 5/chaotic) works such that a non-silver weapon deals 10 less damage to it. a silver weapon still deals 5 less damage to it. it takes a chaotic silver weapon to defeat all the creatures dr. i take this to mean that dr stacks, but not in the traditional "stacking" sense... its much like the dr x/blah and bleh, like liches have, only its dr x/blah and y/bleh, or similar. (not trying to steal your thunder, vegepygmy, its just there is more there that is important to the discussion at hand.) tog ![]()
![]() assumptions: level 6 ranger, point blank shot, +2 dexterity modifier, masterwork bow. manyshot, outside 30': +6 + 2 + 1 (-range penalty) - 4 = +5 (-range penalty) manyshot, within 30': +6 +1 +2 +1 -4 = +6 rapid shot, outside 30': +6 + 2 + 1 (-range penalty) - 2 = +7 (-range penalty) {this modifier used twice} AND +1 + 2 + 1 (-range penalty) - 2 = +2 (-range penalty) rapid shot, within 30': +6 + 1 + 2 + 1 - 2= +8 {this modifier used twice} AND +1 + 1 + 2 + 1 - 2 = +3 the primary benefit to rapid shot is 3 attacks at up to 3 opponents; manyshot is 2 arrows at one opponent. rapid shot is more likely to hit, per roll, but manyshot has fewer rolls with which to miss. the other good thing about rapid shot is that it allows opportunity to critically hit with each arrow, which manyshot does not do (only the first one strikes critically, if the confirmation roll comes through). tog ![]()
![]() i am going to point out the fact that its a feat from a sidebar, not the main feats listing. this implies that it is a variant rule, which means he (she? i hate the whole pc pronoun thing...) should talk with you about whether YOU want to use that rule. and, since this player already brought it to you with the intent to use it, you should probably nix it now if you dont want this being used to circumvent the requirements. tog p.s. - to those of you who used the plurality technicality: does that mean my int 13 wizard, for example, has to be 4th level to qualify, whereas an int 14 wizard would qualify at 3rd? just wondering... tog ![]()
![]() the d&d system was designed so cure and inflict spells are two sides of the same coin - in other words, inflicts should act the same way wounding a target as cures do healing one. this can greatly increase the power of opposing clerics, who should be able to deal wp damage with just a touch. something to keep in mind... tog ![]()
![]() Delericho wrote:
well, i have where those other 2 spell levels come from on otilukes freezing sphere: all the useful effects you get from it. sure, it does a max of 15d6, just like orb of cold, but it also does d8s to elemental (water) creatures, freezes water to a depth of 6 inches over 100 square feet for 1 round per caster level (which can be used to trap swimmers), and you can essentially hold the charge on it (a delay-like effect) for 1 round per level. sounds like those 2 levels are worth it. there is no doubt, however, that in your particular example otilukes freezing sphere appears underpowered compared to the orb of cold. as for the orbs in general, if you look in the dmg, on page 36, you will see that the orb spells fall clearly correctly in the appropriate level to do 15d damage to a single target. if it is believed that otilukes freezing sphere is too light compared to them, it clearly shows 6th level spells can do up to 20d damage, so you could up it for your campaigns. tog ![]()
![]() well, i think about it like this: the classes are designed to be in (ideally) a 4 person group; thus no class should be great at soloing. that said, any class with 'cure x wounds' is much more survivable. about bards in particular: i think they tried to make them a bit too general. bards really dont fit as anything other than support, and a bit of adventurer (high skill points). if they were designed more with their music abilities in mind, rather than some music, some magic, as the current design is, they would probably pick up a much more specialized role, as their music abilities would be an effective replacement for buff-type spells and perhaps even some kind of healing song (among other things). no, i havent thought alot about what i would change about the bard if i was designing it for the next edition, why do you ask? ;) tog ![]()
![]() finally went to dmtools... its pretty cool. i would like to help with the whole worldbuilding thing... im an inveterate producer of crunch, across the board from races to feats to spells to prestige classes and more. however, i lack the focus (or ability, perhaps) to put together the fluff, and i think i have alot of great ideas i would love to share with others. so, i guess the question is how DO i help with it, exactly? i took a look around the worldbuilding part of the site, but was somewhat intimidated by how there wasnt much (obvious) to get me headed in the right direction. and i dont really know what kind of stuff is currently being accepted, either... i would hate to bring out a couple of my personal prestige classes if the site is bogged down with a bunch already. tog ![]()
![]() the other guy (aka tog) cn male human lich (physics-type)
str enough, dex more gifted than deserved, con healthy, int good enough to grasp physics, wis variable, cha undeserved fort like stone, ref not too bad, will nearly unshakable (near worthless with certain women) sq - blend in, logical argument, bards tongue languages - lucky to speak english and technical proficiently feats - imp. unarmed strike, skill focus (i belong here), skill focus (intimidation), great fortitude, toughness skills - i belong here +15, knowledge (physics) +6, knowledge (rpg games) +10 {breadth, not depth}, cutting wit +3, thought of it too late +12 possessions: many rpg books, some d&d minis, standard modern adventurers kit (credit card, sunglasses, watch and cell phone), computer (duh!)
a 31 year-old senior in physics at siu-c, tog is preparing to (hopefully) move on to grad school after (hopefully) graduating in the spring. 6 feet tall and rather not in the weight range he should be, he enjoys physics, reading (lovecraft, fantasy of any sort, some sci-fi), some video games (modern prince of persia line especially), rules debating, and music (metal, hardcore, punk, techno, industrial, rock, alternative, grunge). former line of work (factory, mass producing {ick...} doughnuts) has instilled a serious esteem issue if he has to return to said line of work. began with gurps about 18 years ago (was it really that long ago??) and played through the horrible 2nd edition years (hooray fixes from 3rd ed!). also enjoyed mage, vampire, ars magica, and other fine games from other companies. incurable comic book geek. lichdom attained as a result of accident in attempt to destroy senile lihc, ate the lihcs leftover breakfast... (some of you will find that humorous, others may not). currently works in a research laboratory at siu-c, and works on the side as a bodyguard in an entourage for a close friend (doesnt get paid for the more 'hazardous' job). ![]()
![]() well, i have played in mostly homebrewed settings, with a couple of forays into fr and dark sun (a favorite of mine). with regards to the deities question, the last campaign i was in, we were developing the entire world (primarily the dm and me, that is), which included new everything, including deities and domains. we were trying to get it to the point it would be publishable, without feeling like it was a one-off of any current or formerly published world. tog ![]()
![]() Samuel Weiss wrote:
i guess im just used to seeing 'errata' used in such a way as to appear as a verb. thanks for the etymology lesson, sam, that was pretty interesting. tog ![]()
![]() somehow, i see this feat being errataed in fairly short order to account for the 'sudden' feats, although it is beyond me how they managed to miss the potential of sudden metamagic with the metamagic spell trigger feat. as far as i can tell, thanis and vegepygmy have it right, though; either you use sudden metamagic on a spell you cast, or on a spell trigger item, once per day. tog edit: thinking on this, is 'errataed' even a word? -tog ![]()
![]() monk builds well with sor, although that isnt what youre looking for. i suppose it would probably build well with the favored soul, as well, but again, not what youre looking for. however, there may be something said for the all druid improved unarmed strike build, since with tome of battle, there is a feat called superior unarmed strike, which allows anyone who has this feat to have a scaling unarmed strike, similar to the monks class ability. there is a discussion of it elsewhere on the boards, as it relates to a monks belt and improved natural attack. the oa shaman is also a route to go (especially with superior unarmed strike), though they also may not be what youre looking for, either. but hey, you can always check it out. tog ![]()
![]() Tak wrote: My biggest concern was whether it was possible to trip two different targets, and it seems you guys think so. Now, can my DM think so once my fighter/cleric for the SCAP hit's 6th level... ok, i have a question for you: are you gestalted fighter/cleric or are you going to be fighter x/cleric y (x+y = 6) at 6th level? if the former, you should be tripping multiple opponents each round; if the latter, youll have to wait until your bab is +6 to get your multiple attacks. tog ![]()
![]() lil, i love you and your capacity to make those beautiful links to other sites. saern, if you do start delving far into gurps, you need to realize one thing... it is nothing, absolutely NOTHING, like d&d in any way, except possibly theme. tog btw, when did this become about stuff other than acronyms? -tog ![]()
![]() well, yellow is a primary color for pigments, but green is a primary color in light. (sorry, im a physics major, so answers like this are natural...) and as celetial healer said, that is the original line-up, too. yellow, purple, and orange, (and brown, too) for some reason, have never been added to the "official" chromatic dragons, just like mercury and steel have never been added to the "official" metallics. (i also think i may be missing a non-core metallic or two that isnt bahamut). and hey, theres always the new edition rumors going around... maybe they will add them then. tog ![]()
![]() Saern wrote:
saern, as i gather from your posts you havent been playing rpg's that long ( a few years, tops), you may want to branch out and take a look at gurps. very good, detailed system, and pretty modular, too. i think youd like it, based on many of your comments here. fun system, and their 4th edition rules absolutely rock. tog oh, yeah... acronyms... tog stands for the other guy ;) ![]()
![]() TheDrone wrote:
of course, you both realize that the player expended a resource to be able to do this, right? and, perhaps more importantly, they likely only get one shot at an attack like this? of course, if they are using this to defeat big critters in one round (including bbeg), maybe lots of minions or more fodder-types swarming around is a good thing to toss at them from time to time to slow down that sort of thing. thedrone: raw says all modifiers to the original roll affect the critical confirmation roll, which would include the +20 insight bonus from true strike. tog ![]()
![]() ts: dorje is a pretty interesting word, and i would argue that its a perfect word for what it means in d&d. my understanding of their (dictionary.com) pronunciation symbols appears to suggest your pronunciation is very close to correct, if it isnt. and, my group and i were using the same pronunciation from the beginning, too, so youre not alone in that. tog ![]()
![]() ericthecleric wrote: TOG, I checked the large FAQ for you. Page 20, right hand column. so it is. thanks eric. i was reading out of the monk section, which has a question about flurry of blows combined with natural attacks (as opposed to using natural attacks in a flurry of blows). it didnt dawn on me to check the feats section (im dumb sometimes) for a question about a feat... tog ![]()
![]() out of curiosity, where in the faq does it state that a monks unarmed strike works for the improved natural attack feat? i THOUGHT i read the faq thoroughly before answering... maybe i missed a section. however, i will defend with this: it was a part of the faq that caused me to write that the feat is not applicable to monks without natural attacks. im not saying youre wrong, nor that im right, just trying to clarify. tog ![]()
![]() Galin wrote: BTW, have you posted anything in the campaign journals? no, i havent. i dont do that sort of thing because of the excess bookkeeping it would cause on my part... as a physics major (senior, finally), and because our gaming group fell apart (long story), it wouldnt end up being worth the time, that i dont actually have to be writing this particular post (doing homework in another frame). if anyone is interested, the work i do have i will pass on, including races, feats, spells, and prestige classes. tog uh, yeah, you can reach me at danfreyr@hotmail.com if youre interested... -tog ![]()
![]() alright, i did alot of looking around this morning on these subjects. granted, i dont have access to the superior unarmed strike feat description, but everything else i do have access to. what i saw is this: monk unarmed strikes are not natural attacks. in fact, in the errata at wizards's website, they distinctly delineate between a monks unarmed attack and a natural weapon attack for creatures that have both. in other words, no improved natural attack for the monk, unless of course this monk has a natural attack, but the unarmed strike ability of the monk should never be affected by said feat. as far as the monks belt and superior unarmed strike... well, the belt is effectively +5 levels of monk for unarmed damage and ac, along with +1 use of stunning fist, if it is a feat the character has. superior unarmed strike is apparently +4 levels of monk for unarmed damage. everything suggests they should stack. however, i cant imagine them not making it like practiced spellcaster (see earlier post). of course, i dont know the prerequisites for this feat, either... to conclude, RAW suggests these things:
tog ps - dont let me ruin your fun if RAW suggestions get in the way of that. tog ![]()
![]() i think the way to view this, if youre interested in stopping this kind of rules "creativity," is to reread the duration text for time stop. it says "1d4+1 rounds (apparent time)." so, you have 2 options: option 1) as sebastian suggested, its an instantaneous spell. this is suggested by the fact that you get the extra time for preparation, running away, etc., but when the spell ends, everything picks right up where it left off. this option just plain stops the use of the persistent spell feat. option 2) go right ahead, take your 24 hours. since real time isnt moving, you wont be able to pray for spells (since RAW states you pray at a certain time of day that wont come during the time stop), and you cant manipulate anything held/worn/etc. this aspect makes it virtually worthless in combat. im not saying there arent other things you can do to make it worthwhile to cast a persistent time stop in combat, but the best types of things (shanking an enemy spellcaster, stealing the bbeg sword, and such) are gone. either way you go, its not much use for standard uses of time stop. now, robbing treasuries, thats a different story... and sleeping without being attacked... hey, actually, thats a pretty sweet way to go. you could heal your wounds (both spell and skill healing, if needed), sleep for however long, and be fresh for prayer as soon as you pop back into the timestream. now thats a use i could get behind. the preceding has been my opinions, and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website. tog edit: wish i had seen this was a double thread, as a couple of my points are on the other one... ![]()
![]() Steven Purcell wrote: I know that there was a 2e book (can't remember the title at the moment) where it had critical hit tables for slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing weapons on various creatures (6-8 pages of tables) against specific body parts ie head, neck, torso, arms, legs and described the penalties a creature took for getting hit there dependent upon damage dealt with potential for instant kill or crippling. I'll find the book and tell you guys the name. It may be helpful. combat & tactics is the book title. it was part of the players option line that came out near the end of 2nd edition, along with skills & powers and spells & magic. the only downside is the crit hit tables were, in total, like 10 pages, making looking stuff up an exercise in memorizing the appropriate page number, or just knowing. tog ![]()
![]() Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
that is some evil cheese... tog