What Is Titanic Games Doing?


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Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Can you solve the mystery?


Vic Wertz wrote:

Can you solve the mystery?


That's just cruel.

Lone Shark Games

Gwydion wrote:
That's just cruel.

Perhaps. Well, not long from now, that puzzle will illuminate things. Stay tuned.


Mike Selinker wrote:
Gwydion wrote:
That's just cruel.

Perhaps. Well, not long from now, that puzzle will illuminate things. Stay tuned.


:bangshead: Darn you and your enigmatic advertiing!

Now it's in the corner of the website!


Okay. I'm lost.

Making a new series of minis terrain building blocks?
Unveiling their new sourcebook for celtic adventures?
Summoning the Fenris Wolf so Ragnarok can begin?

OOH I know!!! They're revealing Stonehenge, the next boxed game from Titanic. This "anthology board game" is by a host of famous game designers: Richard Garfield, Bruno Faidutti, James Ernest, Mike Selinker, and Richard Borg.

....yeah, I know....that's the description from elsewhere in the site...

*grins* Or it could be "Kill Druid Lucky," a 3-6 person game where you wander through Stonehenge on a dark and moonless night, scavenging sickles, bad holly, or simply trying to push the standing stones on top of the dastardly druid! :)

Could be the set of the Spinal Tap reunion gig.

Orcwart wrote:
Could be the set of the Spinal Tap reunion gig.

Stonehenge shown in actual size

I kinda thought it was a prehistoric druid smiley.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Mike Selinker wrote:
Well, not long from now, that puzzle will illuminate things.

Feel free to discuss the puzzle here (it may be a group project for many of you), but please don't spoil it for others by posting the answer.


What puzzle?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Alwin wrote:
What puzzle?

The one that begins by answering the question "what puzzle?"


Vic Wertz wrote:
Alwin wrote:
What puzzle?

The one that begins by answering the question "what puzzle?"


So. Mean. I like it! :D

The solution to the mystery: "There is no mystery."

A single CGI picture doesn't make a mystery.

I might possibly be interested with additional new clues, but until then, it's not grabbing me at all.


Grand Lodge

New for your minatures game it's "Fog of War". Shroud your map with mysterious darkness so your players don't see that ancient black dragon just beyoned your henge, be it stone, wood or straw*, **. "Fog of War" ask for it by name!

* actual henge not included.

** when actually creating your henge, please remember that " stands for inches and ' stands for feet.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Marc Chin wrote:
A single CGI picture doesn't make a mystery.

Hmm. There's also some text there.

Marc Chin wrote:
I might possibly be interested with additional new clues, but until then, it's not grabbing me at all.

Hmm. I wonder when there might be additional new clues.


Where can I post or send my solution? I think I know it.

I think that "what" is the second question to answer. The first question has already been answered.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Lord Silky wrote:
Where can I post or send my solution? I think I know it.

If you know the solution, you'll know what to do with it.

Lone Shark Games

Lord Silky wrote:
Where can I post or send my solution? I think I know it.

I would be mightily impressed by that. That date and time is important, and we aren't there quite yet.


Scarab Sages

The date and time is presumably the dawn of the autumn equinox, but I still don't see any mystery here.

It's a simple matter of splitting the time between the longest day of the year and the shortest.

I have an idea what will happen, but one would assume they are quoting local, Stonehenge(ie UK) time, and I'll be damned if I'll OD on caffeine and prop open my eyelids with matchsticks, just to watch an advert.
It's OK for USA/Canadian members, who can watch it in the evening, but over here, all sane people will be in bed...

Snorter wrote:

It's OK for USA/Canadian members, who can watch it in the evening, but over here, all sane people will be in bed...

You've got sane people?


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Snorter wrote:

The date and time is presumably the dawn of the autumn equinox, but I still don't see any mystery here.

It's a simple matter of splitting the time between the longest day of the year and the shortest.

I have an idea what will happen, but one would assume they are quoting local, Stonehenge(ie UK) time, and I'll be damned if I'll OD on caffeine and prop open my eyelids with matchsticks, just to watch an advert.
It's OK for USA/Canadian members, who can watch it in the evening, but over here, all sane people will be in bed...

It would pretty silly if we required people to visit our site at a precise moment in time. Perhaps you are close, but have not yet achieved a rolled tobacco product.


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Snorter wrote:
It's a simple matter of splitting the time between the longest day of the year and the shortest.

Not that this is anything you'd need to know for the puzzle, but that wouldn't be accurate, since the speed of the Earth varies as it orbits the Sun. The summer solstice and the autumnal eqinox are 94 days apart, but there are only 89 days between the winter solstice and the vernal equinox. (Oh, Wikipedia, is there anything you don't know?)


Prior to the Stonehenge image, are there any other clues that have been made available?

Have I ever mentioned how much I despise viral marketing?

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

It's only viral if you send a link to your friends.

So what are you waiting for? Send it!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

fluxxuate wrote:
Prior to the Stonehenge image, are there any other clues that have been made available?

http://titanic-games.com/equinox will have everything you need.

Vic Wertz wrote:

http://titanic-games.com/equinox will have everything you need.

Now is not the time.


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Hey, um... anybody know what time it is?

Lone Shark Games

I just woke up to see Stonehenge shrouded in fog. Maybe if someone lets a mouse loose on Stonehenge, it'll shed some light on things.


The Exchange

Hmm. If you start clicking on some of the stones in the ring they light up with different colors. A combination of some sort perhaps?

Liberty's Edge

the question is what combination ...

I spent the four minutes my brain would allow me to on this and this is what I tried. Nothing happened, however, so this must be wrong but if you get it please post!

The colors of the visible spectrum from lowest frequency to highest frequency are:

Red 1
Orange 2
Yellow 3
Green 4
Blue 5
Indigo 6
Violet 7

I tried clicking the colors in this order (twice) but nothing happened. Then, I tried clicking them in reverse order (twice) but still nothing happened.

Next, I tried something else. Starting from the 12 o’clock position I wrote the colors down in the order they appeared: Orange, Yellow, Indigo, Violet, Green, Red, Blue.

Assigning the numbers I chose from above (i.e. Red= 1, Orange= 2, …) I get 2 3 6 7 4 1 5. Now this could be a telephone number to which I could call and speak with God, but I do not know the Area Code. That sucks…

Lastly, I took the first letter of the colors as they appear “O Y I V G R B,” but this has no meaning for me. Could it be a website??

Please note I did not use any thing from Stonehenge in this. Perhaps some Stonehenge lore needs to be considered, but I hate the Brits and want to know nothing about them.

May the Emperor bless your weapons.


I've read that what Newton called "blue" was actually closer to cyan and that what he called "indigo" was the color of indigo dye, which has been used in blue jeans.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Tensor wrote:
Please note I did not use any thing from Stonehenge in this. Perhaps some Stonehenge lore needs to be considered...

http://titanic-games.com/equinox has everything you need.

Scarab Sages

Tensor wrote:
Assigning the numbers I chose from above (i.e. Red= 1, Orange= 2, …) I get 2 3 6 7 4 1 5. Now this could be a telephone number to which I could call and speak with God, but I do not know the Area Code. That sucks…

Isn't it always "555" in Hollywood Movies? Maybe you should ask Jim Carrey...?

Anyone read "The Fandom of the Operator" by Robert Rankin?
The 'hero' blags a job in a secret service telephone exchange, where he finds he can speak to dead people by dialling a number based on their birth-date and date of death...and much hilarity ensues...
Very peculiar, surreal British humour.

Tensor wrote:
Please note I did not use any thing from Stonehenge in this. Perhaps some Stonehenge lore needs to be considered, but I hate the Brits and want to know nothing about them.

Crikey! What did we do to rattle his/her/its cage?

Maybe he/she/it has been watching too many of Mel Gibson's 're-imaginings' of history?

Lone Shark Games

I found this an interesting website. I'm not sure how useful it is, but it might spark some theories.



There's a lot more information about Stonehenge on Wikipedia.

Hah, got it. You really don't need to read about Stonehenge on Wikipedia. Just one hint: You don't need to click on things, just mouseover them. You can tell this by looking at the file source; it has nothing to do with the solution.

No real hints from me - I'll leave that to the admins.

I will say that I expect the, ah, result to be interesting in the coming months.

One thing that still baffles me: why are there two different "You have not found the key" pages?

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm thinking it must have something to do with the light blue block since it is in the correct position to reflect the sun's position based on the shadows...

Also, one of the pillars underneath the blue lintel is unusually close to the edge of the circle. The pillar's top is not in shadow, unlike the other pillars near it.

Lone Shark Games

Here was another article I found interesting. Mostly the last paragraph before the correction, really.

http://tech2.nytimes.com/mem/technology/techreview.html?res=9A06E0DC1630F93 6A15750C0A96F958260


There is no article there Mike.

Lone Shark Games

Ironwing wrote:
There is no article there Mike.

How mysterious. Just like Stonehenge, I guess. Well, what I found interesting was this:

"The builders of Stonehenge left no alphabet but knew astronomy: the lintel
stones and the "heel stone" to the east of the circles form a giant sundial
in line with the summer solstice. English Heritage has done extensive
radiocarbon dating of the site, dating antlers in the surrounding ditch to
3000 B.C., many of the main stones to between 2800 and 2200 B.C., and other
parts to 1400 B.C. To some archeologists, the most amazing thing about
Stonehenge is not the construction itself but the huge span of time, more
than 1,500 years, in which it held an active place in prehistoric society."

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

LurkerBeneath wrote:

Also, one of the pillars underneath the blue lintel is unusually close to the edge of the circle. The pillar's top is not in shadow, unlike the other pillars near it.


I don't believe the 3D artist even knew what the puzzle was, so don't bother looking for hints in the rendering. All you need to know is that certain locations light up in certain colors when moused over.


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