Lords of the Boards - ASSEMBLE!

Off-Topic Discussions

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Liberty's Edge

Azzy, the Insane
Lord of Nothing (and occasionally of being Fashionably Late)

The Gneech -- Lord of Being Late for the Party!

-The Gneech

Tatterdemalion wrote:

Tatterdemalion, Lord of--

Ummmm, errrrr...

Well, maybe... How about... No, that won't work.

What was the question, anyway?


Lord of the Extended Pause
Baron Bervity
Duke of Dazed
Count of Confusion

Truly you are all wonerfully nerdy.
Long post the Lords of the Boards.

Eric Lord Tenneson

a.k.a. DarkArt

artist, poet, and Dungeon Master !!!!!

The Ascendant One

Grandmaster of the Eldritch Caffeine

High Lord of the Coffee Bean Forest

His Eminent Grace, The Grand Duke of Coffee

Champion of Caffinated Beverages

Supreme Chirurgeon of Intraveinous Caffeine

Greatly feared and admired progenitor of the dread Caffeine Drain[Su] Supernatural Ability.

You know I really didn't look through the whole post....
Oh well...I am the supreme Master of Caffeine!!!
Sweet! No one claimed it (not that their claim would have mattered...)
I am the True and only Lord of Caffeine!

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Daigle - Just some dude. ;)

(*and the other titles.)

Scarab Sages

Stedd Grimwold a.k.a "The Bored Lord", often quoted as being "Bored of the Lords of the Boards from the lowered fjords"


Lord of the Chocolatini (and Hard Coffees)
Taster of all things Edible
Champion of cheese

I need no introduction. My presence is Awe Inspiring.

The Saarländer
The Anarchon
The Voice of Anarchy
Defender of Gnomes and Gninjas and the Silent G
Creator of Heaven's Sake (sold in 0.7l bottles - that's 24oz)
Master of Bad puns
Archenemy of Seriousness
Tormentor of Players and Parties
Owner of a Golf Ball he won!

Slayer of Midgets,
Eater of Babies,
Killer of things,
and Breaker of stuff!

Woodengolem wrote:

Slayer of Midgets,

Eater of Babies,
Killer of things,
and Breaker of stuff!

Hmmm... I think you forgot "Smasher of doodads" also.

lojakz wrote:
Woodengolem wrote:

Slayer of Midgets,

Eater of Babies,
Killer of things,
and Breaker of stuff!
Hmmm... I think you forgot "Smasher of doodads" also.

Trampler of the easily tripped!

Juggler of Nothing!
Dancer of Cha-Chas!

The Waxer and milker of all y'all squares
The Eggman
The High Planes Drifter

Oh yeah!

Guess so...

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Matthew Morris,
The Livewire,
The Hermit,
Avatar of Chaos and Despair.
Lord of Psionics


King of the Black Coast
The crusher of heads
The WindLord Ikoris of Aaqa
Willie Moons

Lords Of The Boards bide their time in quiet peace,
Await their place within the ring of calm;
Still stand to turn in seconds of release,
Await the call they know may never come.
In times of lightness, no intruder dared upon
To jeopardize the course, upset the run;
And all was joy and hands were raised toward the sun
As love in the halls of plenty overrun

I am the mouse
that eats the cheese
that falls from the cupboards
of those who please
to call themselves
the Lords of the Boards!


He who knows more about nothing than most
The searcher for things he can't find
The lonliest man on the planet

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Yesterday, Yasha named me Daigle the Sage (of what, I have no idea...and might be afraid), Gracklemaster, and one other thing that I can't remember.

I'd like to add - Roach Whisperer

The Dark King of Blondies
He who Bakes
The Guy who gets the Girl because we are trapped on an Island and Ladies got needs too.

Daigle wrote:
Roach Whisperer

Clicked it, Saw it, Freaked out. I hate those things.

<== whose relationships mysteriously turn from wow this is going great into "we're just friends" in the blink of an eye.

The most cookinest MOFO on these here messageboards or so help me Kord.


Liberty's Edge

Valegrim wrote:
<== whose relationships mysteriously turn from wow this is going great into "we're just friends" in the blink of an eye.

<== has that problem as well.


The "Che Guevara" of grognards!
Lord Master of The Song Lyric Format!
Plagiarism pirate!I give no quarter, nor credit!ARRG!
Troll King of the 4E threads!"Bringing it down one post at a time"
The alias doppelganger!

Scarab Sages

Tobus Neth wrote:
The "Che Guevara" of grognards!

What? You mean you're a muderous thug who goes around torturing and executing non-grognards?

Aberzombie wrote:
Tobus Neth wrote:
The "Che Guevara" of grognards!
What? You mean you're a muderous thug who goes around torturing and executing non-grognards?


The revolution was 3.5!

Halfling Pirate Extraordinare

Nothing else matters

Kobold Cleaver (again), Lord of Whacking Bad People With Rubber Chickens and Killing Wascawwy Wabbits!

Doing my title again because I really am a LotB this time

Okay, last new title, I promise. It's not my fault I have to keep changing it!
Kobold Cleaver, Lord of Smrf Slaying.

He who cooks Kobolds...who use cleavers?

Most Unclean*
The NY Giants #1 Fan!!
The Incredible Amazing Turchin


*Disclaimer: Most Unclean for a guy who showers 2X a day.

The Most Illenist B-Boy.
The Sound of Science.

secretturchinman wrote:
He who cooks Kobolds...who use cleavers?

Yum, kobold.

Wait a sec...

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

New title I should have given myself less than a year ago:

Official Chatroom Furniture.

<== who had to update his profile as he wasnt wise enough to figure out that just friends means they were gonna disrobe and attack you like the kraken of the deep or a school of pirahnah

<== can still blush
<== really doesnt understand how women think; but knows a thing or two about uhm....kissing; hehe
<== who math dissablility so doesnt know how many is to many
<== who is off to read a Shiny new profile :)

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Valegrim wrote:
<== whose relationships mysteriously turn from wow this is going great into "we're just friends" in the blink of an eye.

<== has that problem as well.


Jon Brazer Enterprises

D McCoy the 1693
King of All Kobolds (Except King Torg. ALL HAIL KING TORG!)
Marquess of Queensberry (Yes they are my rules)
High Defender of Kingdom 3.5
and Freelance Writer the Somewhat

Liberty's Edge

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny: should have been named Mr. Awesome.

Watcher, you bastard.

Holy Crap I Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Fire. Except no Substitute.

<= stepping off his soapbox as a Lord O da Board am just plain vanilla i guess; well, make dat Sinamon 3817 posts from me

Dark Archive

Jeremy, Keeper of the gate of madness, Lord of the Voidminded

Liberty's Edge

Mr. Shiny, master of disappointment.

Secret Turchin Man the comforter of most things comfortable for comforts sake most comfortably

The master of I love myself

Disciple of the Shiny Life

The most mostest mosterer most most

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