Lords of the Boards - ASSEMBLE!

Off-Topic Discussions

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Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

As many know, a select few on the Paizo boards, whether due to the frequency of their posts, their enormous egos, or (in very rare instances), their intelligent and insightful comments have come to be known as the


How do you identify these so-called Lords of the Boards? Simple, you respond to this thread and identify yourself as such with an appropriate title.

Sebastian the First
Lord of Curmudgeons, Champion of 4e

The Exchange

Fake Healer
Usurper of the Cult of Banjo.
Champion of Core-class' proper spelling.
Changer of 2,156 Diapers (and counting).


Saern, Mesopotamian God of Bathroom Decor

Scarab Sages




You have heard the call from my three acolytes; The Triumvurate Titans of Text!
They have paved the way for my coming!
Tremble at the power of my 1000-word posts!
Gasp at my rhetoric!
Thrill to my sheer brazen sarcasm!
Feed my Ego!
Feed it, I say!
Unleash the Beast from the Id!

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Fatespinner the Iron-Fisted
Anathema of Hackenslash

The Jade, Lord Emperor of Anecdotia
and Herald of the Incaustum Veritas

Uhm; stammer; laughs at the idea of lord of anything;


Valegrim; Lord of Hmmmmm.
Patron of old guys, Inquisitor of better gaming everywhere.
"The mighty hotwinded one" hehe am an efreeti afterall. Not just a Redneck; my whole body is red

heh if I had a theme song it would be "things that make you go hmmmmm"

Scarab Sages

I was going to say "Lord of Opinions" but we could probably all fall under that title.

Lord of "Why not?"
Keeper of Options
Master of Excel

And Fakey -- You better get going on that diaper title -- I think that I am catching up to you.

Darkmeer the Dark,
Walker in Darkness, bringer of Light
Champion of Insomnia,
user of /d,
and changer of many diapers (although prolly not as many as FH)

BTW: This post made me smile, so thanks Sebastian for starting it.

Well, to be honest, I'm more of a "Lord of the Dance" kinda guy. No need to eject me, I'll just leave the way I came.


Steve Greer,
Lord of the Were_Cabbages,
Master of Semi-Helpful Suggestions,
Creator of the Legendary Black Hole Thread,
Writer Somewhat-Extra Ordinaire

Yes, that's right Stefan, Matt, Tom, Ashavon, Mike, Greg, and Nick, I have claimed the title. It's mine all mine!

MaxSlasher26 the Misplaced
-Lord of claiming to be a Lord of the Board despite being on the boards for only a month. (:P)

Oh, and I forgot, Herald of the Placing of Rants Here.

Got to go, someone in Sumeria is redoing their bath!


Lord of all Rhetoric

As ever,

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

My business cards say "Supreme Lord of All Code."

No, seriously, they do.


Gary Teter wrote:

My business cards say "Supreme Lord of All Code."

No, seriously, they do.

I know a guy who worked at one of those dot-com startups in Silicon Valley. His title was "UNIX Guru."

Zherog, the Sidetracker of Threads
Guinness Drinker Extraordinaire
Super Dad
and All Around Good Guy (tm)

farewell2kings, Lord of Unitentional Fireballs, Supreme Master of failed diplomacy, Premature Evacuator of gaming tables, the Hotwinded, Hottempered Tempest of Player scathing.

I grovel in your general direction, oh master of the were_cabbages, Lord McSteeve of the wobbly gaming table and unstable draconic representations, which failed their saving throws miserably against my lardous behind.

Yes, I am the ASS SLAYER of Steve Greer's DRAGONS!!! I am his man-at-arms, able to smite foes of the mighty Cabbage lord with BUTT a mere sitting.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Darkmeer wrote:

BTW: This post made me smile, so thanks Sebastian for starting it.

You can thank (blame) Saern. He's the progenitor of the phrase Lords of the Boards. I just thought I'd provide a place to designate the Lords so that everyone doesn't feel compelled to say something like "well, I don't know if I would say I am a Lord of the Board, but..." before posting.

Maxslasher, it's not duration of posting/lurking that makes one a Lord - it's the posting on this thread. That's the great part about making up arbitrary rules for imaginary titles, you can include anyone and everyone!

Sebastian the First
Lord of Curmudgeons, Champion of 4e

Grand Lodge

Vattnisse, arch-viscount of smug semi-witticisms, hijacker of threads, wordsmith quasi-ordinaire.

"He never left school"

That sounds about right...

The Exchange

Darkmeer wrote:
and changer of many diapers (although prolly not as many as FH)

I average 5 per day with the another 2-3 for the wifey and my youngest is 1 so I have 2 more years! The oldest is trained.

I did my math wrong also 5 per day for 3yrs for the oldest + 5 per day for youngest for 1-1/2 year= 8,212 total diapers with another 2,737 before the youngest is trained (roughly).


Sebastian wrote:
Darkmeer wrote:

BTW: This post made me smile, so thanks Sebastian for starting it.

You can thank (blame) Saern. He's the progenitor of the phrase Lords of the Boards. I just thought I'd provide a place to designate the Lords so that everyone doesn't feel compelled to say something like "well, I don't know if I would say I am a Lord of the Board, but..." before posting.

Maxslasher, it's not duration of posting/lurking that makes one a Lord - it's the posting on this thread. That's the great part about making up arbitrary rules for imaginary titles, you can include anyone and everyone!

Sebastian the First
Lord of Curmudgeons, Champion of 4e

Haha! You fools, I tricked you all! I was not the first to use the phrase. The phrase is older than time... we Lords are simply waiting for the proper prophecy to fulfill our conquest....

Okay, in all seriousness, I don't know who was the progenitor for certain, but it almost seems like... Heathansson? FH? I remember the call was to myself, Lilith, and the other "Lords of the Boards." I was thrilled someone actually found my ideas that valuable, and really liked the term, and have bandied it ever since.

Herald of Placing of Rants Here
Mesopotamian God of Bathroom Decor,
oh, and let's not forget,
Defender of the Alignment System and Obscure Academia in General

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Daigle - Rocket Surgeon

He Who Sighs at Alignment Posts

*more titles to come*


farewell2kings wrote:

farewell2kings, Lord of Unitentional Fireballs, Supreme Master of failed diplomacy, Premature Evacuator of gaming tables, the Hotwinded, Hottempered Tempest of Player scathing.

I grovel in your general direction, oh master of the were_cabbages, Lord McSteeve of the wobbly gaming table and unstable draconic representations, which failed their saving throws miserably against my lardous behind.

Yes, I am the ASS SLAYER of Steve Greer's DRAGONS!!! I am his man-at-arms, able to smite foes of the mighty Cabbage lord with BUTT a mere sitting.

Dissing the game table. For shame, F2K! The draconic representation may have failed its Reflex save, but a powerful regeneration spell had it back at full health the following day.


farewell2kings wrote:
Premature Evacuator

Alright - am I the only one who totally misread that the first time?

-- Zherog, Thread Hijacker
Drinker of Guinness
Super Dad
All Around Good Guy (tm)

Haun The Confused
- another claiming to be a Lord of the Board

Steve Greer wrote:
Dissing the game table. For shame, F2K! The draconic representation may have failed its Reflex save, but a powerful regeneration spell had it back at full health the following day.

LOL...had to give you some flak.....you said yourself that your gaming table needed more middle support. All your advice is going to be well used when we build our gaming table for my new garage game room this winter. Your game room rocks, Steve...had to give you some ribbing though since you claimed the famed cabbage throne.

Gwydion, the Lurker Below

farewell2kings wrote:
Yes, I am the ASS SLAYER of Steve Greer's DRAGONS!!! I am his man-at-arms, able to smite foes of the mighty Cabbage lord with BUTT a mere sitting.

LOL and Ouch! Those dragon minis tend to be kind of pointy. F2K must have gained his heroic, lordly status (and invincibility against dragon attacks) by wearing The Iron Underpants of Tuerny the Merciless. [Damn, I could have used said undergarment back when I was in the Navy!]

Peruhain the Pedantic
Supreme Speaker of Blarney
First Bard of the Brithondian College of Ollamh
Grand Master of the Ultimate Obscurity
and Court Historian of the Imperial Paizonic Boards

drunken nomad; official timekeeper and barkeeper

Kyravahne Ryhlfayne

Well if we are going to make up titles, I am no "Lord of the Board" if anything I might be a "Minstrel Knight" a "Warrior Poet" bound in service to the Spirits of the Game, the Muses of Role Play, and the Gods of Fantasy.

But I'll greatly exaggerate my importance in other aspects of my life.

Herald of the Lord SteelWrights
(Road rep for a Big 3 Automotive Manufacturer)

Warrior Sage of the House of Pain
(Martial arts teacher)

Farseer Knight in the Ancient Order of the Iron Dragon
(Armored cavalry officer in the army)

Minstrel Sage of Commerce Sweet Song
(Ajunct Marketing Professor)

Lord in the Choir of the New World
(Performer in a song and dance company)

Vagabond of the Dancing Blue
(Traveller - Scuba Diver)

Lord Father of their Emperial Highnesses Nathaniel Edward the Swift and Annika Kimberly the Gracious

Steward of the Realm of her Majesty Kimberly of the Golden East

Teller of Tales

Bard of Nonsense

Lord of Exaggeration

Prince of Hyperbole

Stebehil - Lord of the Old World

Silent Supporter of the World of Greyhawk

Dwarven Hero Extraordinaire

Consumer of scottish Whisky, irish Beer, german Beer and all kinds of Wine.

Poster of rambling posts.



Lord of the Invisible Avatar

Champion of Touchy-Feely Role-playing

Babysitter for Hire

Peruhain of Brithondy wrote:

LOL and Ouch! Those dragon minis tend to be kind of pointy. F2K must have gained his heroic, lordly status (and invincibility against dragon attacks) by wearing The Iron Underpants of Tuerny the Merciless. [Damn, I could have used said undergarment back when I was in the Navy!]

Actually, they succumbed to my infamous "earthquake" attack, which is good because my iron underpants were on back order, since the DoD had bought out the last thousand sets for the war against terror.

Scarab Sages

Know ye mere mortals, you do truck with-

the Laughing Doubter of Powers that Be
Lord of Left-Turns in the Conversation
Breaker of Seriousness
Sneering Biter of Flesh (that's what the word 'sarcasm' is derived from)
Lord Protector of Antiquities
Occasional Sniffer of Conservation Chemicals
...and have I mentioned that I have a Mammoth Bone? Well, I do, I just don't normally brag. Sometimes I take it out and let the people touch it...

Liberty's Edge

Heathansson, Warlord of Mars

Changer of fewer than 2,000 diapers, but enough to reasonably know what he's doing

The Exchange

Aubrey the Malformed

Champion of the Munchkins
Earl of Leicester

The Exchange

Fake Healer wrote:

Champion of Core-class' proper spelling.


Hey, Fakey - the spelling may be OK but what about the punctuation? What's with the random apostrophe? :-)

*incorporating my SCA title*

Lord Miklos Vizjec, Beacon of Oldenfeld
Constable and Chronicler,
Barony of Oldenfeld, Kingdom of Trimaris
Son of House Penarthmor
Keeper of the Old Ways (Ed.1 & 2)
Member of the Order of Sages of the Old Greyhawk
Master Cartographer, Summoner of the Great Lilithid and Creator of the NPC Stat Block Bank
Master of Old Dungeons, Parties of Evil
and Castle Chin
and its defending hordes (including 2 dogs and several fish)


Gavgoyle wrote:

...and have I mentioned that I have a Mammoth Bone? Well, I do, I just don't normally brag. Sometimes I take it out and let the people touch it...

...and as long as it's not a premature evacuator, there's nothing wrong with that ;)

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:

Champion of Core-class' proper spelling.


Hey, Fakey - the spelling may be OK but what about the punctuation? What's with the random apostrophe? :-)

Because class's would just be wrong.

Scarab Sages

farewell2kings wrote:
Gavgoyle wrote:

...and have I mentioned that I have a Mammoth Bone? Well, I do, I just don't normally brag. Sometimes I take it out and let the people touch it...
...and as long as it's not a premature evacuator, there's nothing wrong with that ;)

I'm just sayin' I've never had any complaints ;)

Silver Crusade

Celestial Healer, esquire, but recovering with the help of Rules-Lawyers Anonymous

Lilith, Demon Queen of Victuals!
Keeper of the Menagerie!
Pasha of PHP!
High Penguin of Linux!
Margravaine of MySQL!
Mistress of Doom!
One That Longs for Shiner Bock!
Consort of CaptRamses!
Chamberlain of His Supreme Majesty Otis Spunkmeyer! (my cat)
Eager Apprentice to the Legacy of Parkinson, Caldwell, Elmore, Easley, Lockwood and Reynolds!

Darkmeer wrote:

Darkmeer the Dark,

Walker in Darkness, bringer of Light
Champion of Insomnia,
user of /d,
and changer of many diapers (although prolly not as many as FH)

BTW: This post made me smile, so thanks Sebastian for starting it.

Ahem . . . thou hath forgoten Slayer of Important NPCs, and Skewerer of Potential Future Plotlines

So sayeth . . .


Slave to Realmslore and Bane of Happy Endings

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Cos the Great and Terrible.

hehe, I guess I am also Lord of the Sticky Places Between the Rules; cause I love conversations about things like alignments and any gray area. hehe, I too have changed thousands of diapers; gets that way when you are many more years older than your brother and then have a couple kids yourself; am real good at it until they starting eating solid food and start growing digestive bacteria; whew; then it gets very difficult; can you say more ventilation pls :)

Scarab Sages

Cosmo wrote:
Cos the Great and Terrible.

Pay no attention to the Customer Service Rep behind the curtain. You'll only encourage him.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Saern wrote:

Haha! You fools, I tricked you all! I was not the first to use the phrase. The phrase is older than time... we Lords are simply waiting for the proper prophecy to fulfill our conquest....

Doh! Oh well, I'm blaming you until someone else steps up. It's not about being right or wrong, its about saying the same thing over and over again until people think its true.

Also, I feel old now that there is a diaper changing record and I am eligible to participate.

Sebastian the First
Lord of Curmudgeons, Champion of 4e
Changer of Diapers, Teacher of Pottying Skillz

Josh, Eater of Words-worlds! Eater of WORLDS. Yeah.

Josh Frost wrote:
Josh, Eater of Words-worlds! Eater of WORLDS. Yeah.

Come on, I know you can do better than that!

Master of the Subliminal!
Taker of Bribes!


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