Polymathis |

PC: Avner Meravanchi (Aritocrat 3 / Cavalier 1)
Adventure: Here There Be Monsters
Location: Olangru's Harem, Temple of Demogorgon
Catalyst: Combat Death - ripped apart by Bar-Lgura
PC: Skald (5th lvl Ranger)
Adventure: Here There Be Monsters
Location: Domogorgons Shrine
Catalyst: Combat Death - decapitated by Olangru (critical hit)

Polymathis |

PC: All four of the Jade Ravens
Adventure: Tides of Dread
Location: East Gate of Farshore
Catalyst: Combat death - the Jade Ravens attempted a frontal attack on the entire tribe of Troglodytes and their Giant Lizard pets, and were overcome by weight of numbers.

Robimus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hey, cool! I would have bet good money that ours was the only group around still playing through the Savage Tide!
Well, I've got some catching up to do --
PC: Hugin, male human barbarian
Adventure: The Sea Wyvern's Wake
Location: sargasso sea
Catalyst: slain in combat by the Mother of All (or The Salad Monster, as the group called her). Later reincarnated, returning once again as a human male.
PC: Ula, wolf animal companion of the party's druid
Adventure: Tides of Dread
Location: Farshore
Catalyst: Killed in combat by Slipknot Peet. Wolfaen, the druid, avenged Ula's death by slaying Peet, and then continuing to hack his body until very little other than a red paste was left. Ula was replaced shortly thereafter by a fleshraker named Fluffy.
PC: Silbo, male human bard, cohort to the party's monk
Adventure: The Lightless Depths
Location: the cavern with acidic pools below the Isle of Dread
Catalyst: grabbed, grappled, and dissolved by the black pudding. Luckily, the party rescued Silbo's non-dissolved hand and were able to reincarnate him as a male halfling.
PC: Wolfaen, female half-elf druid/seeker of the Misty Isle
Adventure: The Lightless Depths
Location: Golismorga
Catalyst: Killed by a kopru behemoth during a pitched battle outside the ziggurat. Raised from the dead by the timely appearance of Tonatiuh, the party's couatl friend from Tides of Dread
PC: Hugin, male human barbarian/stonelord
Adventure: Serpents of Scuttlecove
Location: Scuttlecove, Red Foam Whaling
Catalyst: Assassinated by a yuan-ti assassin's Death Attack. Raised from the dead by the party's cleric/totemic demonslayer, immediately after the battle. But still, Hugin was not too happy about the snake's cheap shot taking him out so quickly.
That's it for now. Lots of named NPCs have also perished. I might post those later.

Robimus |

PC: Wolfaen, female half-elf druid/seeker of the Misty Isle
Adventure: Serpents of Scuttlecove
Location: The Minting House
Catalyst: Killed by The Leech, shooting his bow while using his ability to take 2 rounds' worth of actions. Final attack on Wolfaen was a crit that dropped her to -33 hit points. In the previous round, The Leech had Baleful Polymorphed Wolfaen's dinosaur animal companion into a garter snake. It wasn't a good day for nature lovers! After the battle, Wolfaen's companions raised her from the dead.

Polymathis |

PC: Morgause (8th lvl Slayer)
Adventure: The Lightless Depths
Location: Holashners Ziggurat Q3
Catalyst: Combat death - Dissolved by Bilewretch spittle
PC: Captain Amella Venkalie (Fighter 6 / Rogue 4)
Adventure: City of Broken Idols
Location: Taboo Lake
Catalyst: Combat death - Swallowed by the Giant Crocodile.
PC: 8th lvl Life Oracle
Adventure: City of Broken Idols
Location: Taboo Temple (Room 3)
Catalyst: Combat death - a frontal assault on the Skinwalkers went badly. Two other pcs needed to be reincarnated!

Polymathis |

Ouch, the bilewretch is nasty. It's a long time since I read STAP, but levels 8 and 10 seem low for COBI?
Six players and multiple NPCs splitting the experience, coupled with far too many reincarnation spells without Restoration to hand!

Polymathis |

I'm AFB at the moment, but I don't recall the Reincarnate spell imposing negative levels/level loss.
"A reincarnated creature recalls the majority of its former life and form. It retains any class abilities, feats, or skill ranks it formerly possessed. Its class, base attack bonus, base save bonuses, and hit points are unchanged. Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores depend partly on the new body. First eliminate the subject’s racial adjustments (since it is no longer necessarily of his previous race) and then apply the adjustments found below to its remaining ability scores. The subject of the spell gains two permanent negative levels when it is reincarnated."
I'm normally pretty generous with hand waving level loss once they get back to the big city, but in this campaign lack of resources due to being cut off from civilisation is part of the challenge... ;)

Polymathis |

PC: Jakara of the Tiger Clan (Ranger 5 / Totemic Demonslayer 7)
Adventure: City of Broken Idols
Location: Lost Temple of Demogorgon (Used to expand Taboo Temple)
Catalyst: Combat death - vapourised by a Destruction spell from the troglodyte High Priest.

Robimus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Heh! I've got a new one that just happened last night. It's curiously familiar to the last one Polymathis posted. Strange coincidence!
PC: Jakara of the Tiger Clan (Totemic Demonslayer 10 / Ranger 5 / Fighter 3)
Adventure: Wells of Darkness
Location: Overlook
Catalyst: Rolled a Natural 1 to save against a nightwing's finger of death.
Don't worry, he's already back to life, thanks to a raise dead from his wife, Chimalxochitl, a PC totemic demonslayer / cleric.

NorthernOkie |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

PC: Monterey Jack Babcock, Warblade
...Tizok was on the floor, bleeding heavily from a slash wound. Monty fought bravely against Drevoraz, but was clearly outmatched, and two rounds later he was slain by the brutal pirate...PC: Arson, Goblin Ninja
...he was spotted by Rowyn, who gained initiative on him, and paralyzed him with a Hold Person spell. She then walked up behind him, and ended his life with a coup de gras..PC: Paris St. Mary, Rogue/Cleric of Olidammara
...Moments later black pseudopods shot out from below the surface of the water, slamming her and dissolving her armor, then pulling her onto the pudding and dissolving her cloak. She fell unconscious and was dissolved completely by the pudding the next round.
These are great mini-scenes. I cringe at their deaths, especially that last one!
My group has been playing ST for the first time here in 2020, steadily but slowly. We use PF 1e in Golarion are having a BLAST! We have finished "...Gambit" and no deaths yet, although if they hadn't stocked-up on some healing potions there would have been at least one death both in the caves at Kraken's Cove and almost 3 deaths at the Manor.

Polymathis |

PC: Lady Celeste (Cleric 18)
Adventure: Prince of Demons
Location: Battle of Gaping Maw
Catalyst: Assassinated (Death Attack) by Zulu-Thurg
This perms-death was particularly poignant as Celeste was the only (N)PC to survive the finales of both Shackled City and Age of Worms... third time is sadly not lucky!

Orthos |

PCs: Aidan (Human Oracle|Harbinger 7)
Adventure: Here There Be Monsters
Location: Olangru's Lair
Catalyst: Failed his save versus the Fear Howl from the Lemorian Golem and went fleeing through the dungeon. But because he was Life Linked to the rest of the party, who were still taking damage from fighting said golem, he kept losing HP and couldn't heal himself or turn the Link off while panicked. Eventually fell unconscious to the draining health; the party managed to finish off the golem in the same round, and quickly healed him back up from the brink of death.
PCs: Audra Volante (Halfling Magus|Swashbuckler 8)
Adventure: Tides of Dread
Location: The Tar Pits
Catalyst: Critical Bite from Temahuti-Tecuani that she couldn't successfully parry away. A breath of life from the party Oracle brought her back the next round.

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Running Savage tide again and had the first death of this new run.
PC: Brizo, Human Magus 9
Adventure: Tides of Dread
Location of Death: Wreck of the Sea Wyvern
Catalyst: Elmosaurus bite Critical.
when the party arrives to the Wreck of the Wyvern and are confronted by the Kopru Druid Skephilipika. After a verbal confrontation Skephilipika dominates the Half-Orc Barbarian. Being capable of flying, Brizo bypasses him and engages the druid in combat.
The magus manages to defeat the Kopru in single combat, but remains afar and isolated by the whole rest of the group and falls to the attack of the avenging Elmosaurus companion while the rest of the party is occupied keeping the barbarian off the bard and bringing him back to his senses.

Aivars Liepa |
PC: Woulff, halfling summoner (unchained) 4
Adventure: Bullywug Gambit sidequest from Madness in Freeport
Location of Death: Black Pete's caves
Catalyst: failed saves agaisnt Black Pete ghost
Players went into the Black Pete's treasury room. Pete's ghost warned them and asked to leave. P{arty alchemist managed to speak of 'aren't you lonely there all alone' (of course he was!) and 'do you want some rom?' (impossible to get for ghost pirate!!!). After ensuing battle, two party members got leveldrained for 2 levels and Woulff totally drained down to 0. Party grabbed his corpse and took a very fast retreat.