Hey, cool! I would have bet good money that ours was the only group around still playing through the Savage Tide!
Well, I've got some catching up to do --
PC: Hugin, male human barbarian
Adventure: The Sea Wyvern's Wake
Location: sargasso sea
Catalyst: slain in combat by the Mother of All (or The Salad Monster, as the group called her). Later reincarnated, returning once again as a human male.
PC: Ula, wolf animal companion of the party's druid
Adventure: Tides of Dread
Location: Farshore
Catalyst: Killed in combat by Slipknot Peet. Wolfaen, the druid, avenged Ula's death by slaying Peet, and then continuing to hack his body until very little other than a red paste was left. Ula was replaced shortly thereafter by a fleshraker named Fluffy.
PC: Silbo, male human bard, cohort to the party's monk
Adventure: The Lightless Depths
Location: the cavern with acidic pools below the Isle of Dread
Catalyst: grabbed, grappled, and dissolved by the black pudding. Luckily, the party rescued Silbo's non-dissolved hand and were able to reincarnate him as a male halfling.
PC: Wolfaen, female half-elf druid/seeker of the Misty Isle
Adventure: The Lightless Depths
Location: Golismorga
Catalyst: Killed by a kopru behemoth during a pitched battle outside the ziggurat. Raised from the dead by the timely appearance of Tonatiuh, the party's couatl friend from Tides of Dread
PC: Hugin, male human barbarian/stonelord
Adventure: Serpents of Scuttlecove
Location: Scuttlecove, Red Foam Whaling
Catalyst: Assassinated by a yuan-ti assassin's Death Attack. Raised from the dead by the party's cleric/totemic demonslayer, immediately after the battle. But still, Hugin was not too happy about the snake's cheap shot taking him out so quickly.
That's it for now. Lots of named NPCs have also perished. I might post those later.