Fang |

I will dress up in my Super-Fang costume, complete with baggy tights and silly mask, perhaps foregoing the cape (see Help with Drakthar's way post in shackled city section), and cavort about the neighborhood frightening all and sundry until I am carted away by local law enforcement officers and locked up in a nice white room with soft walls....ah...peace at last...

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i am gonna be a 36 yr old father which entails dressing in jeans and a t-shirt holding my diaperbag/man-purse in one hand and a Michelob Ultra in the other while trying to with-hold the screams of angst within and remembering the "cool" days. Or maybe a Barbarian. My kids will probably be something cutesy or adorable and the wifey is probably not gonna dress up.

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Well, I dont usually dress up anymore unless i am going to a party; love too though, mostly I carve the pumpkin and takes the kids on the T or T rounds.
heathonson, you have a template for carving a beholder pumpkin? that sounds pretty cool.
No template. I just draw wit' a sharpy and go to cutting. I use one of those dinky serrated sawin' knives, they work best.
I was thinking ping pong balls on coat hangers wrapped with aluminum foil for eyestalks, stabbed through the top of the pumpkin.
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I use a keyhole saw; works great; am thinking to find some glowing eyeballs and put them on stalks; this idea just sounds cool and totally doable
I use a coping saw blade for mine. I think I will also make a beholder, the idea is cool. I would do a mind flayer but I don't want no damned Chultulu (sp?) fans hounding my porch or performing some weird ritual in my yard.
OotS pumpkins would be pretty easy to make also....

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It's C'thulhu. And they don't do weird rituals on Halloween. That's just media hype.
The C'thulhu cultists in my city run a soup kitchen to feed the poor. And they give jobs to T'cho T'cho immigrants at the kitchen, until they can find jobs in the U.S.
Gosh, I hate the way there's so much media bullcrap out there about C'thulhu. Gimme a B.

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It's C'thulhu. And they don't do weird rituals on Halloween. That's just media hype.
The C'thulhu cultists in my city run a soup kitchen to feed the poor. And they give jobs to T'cho T'cho immigrants at the kitchen, until they can find jobs in the U.S.
Gosh, I hate the way there's so much media bullcrap out there about C'thulhu. Gimme a B.
So easy to cheese someone off with a bit of a jolly.

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Heathansson wrote:So easy to cheese someone off with a bit of a jolly.It's C'thulhu. And they don't do weird rituals on Halloween. That's just media hype.
The C'thulhu cultists in my city run a soup kitchen to feed the poor. And they give jobs to T'cho T'cho immigrants at the kitchen, until they can find jobs in the U.S.
Gosh, I hate the way there's so much media bullcrap out there about C'thulhu. Gimme a B.
I know, right?

Valegrim |

Lol; is this a spelling bee; will we have a wierd conversation on how to spell rogue next? hehe
anyone have a good suggestion on what to make eyestalks out of for the beholder eyes for our beholdero'lanterns? nothing totally cool that fits comes to mind; guess I need to hit the junk section of some toy stores.

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Lol; is this a spelling bee; will we have a wierd conversation on how to spell rogue next? hehe
anyone have a good suggestion on what to make eyestalks out of for the beholder eyes for our beholdero'lanterns? nothing totally cool that fits comes to mind; guess I need to hit the junk section of some toy stores.
I'm thinking curtain hangers wrapped in aluminum foil--goin' for nonflammable here...

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Lol; is this a spelling bee; will we have a wierd conversation on how to spell rogue next? hehe
Roge? Roag? Rouge? Cut-oo-loo?
anyone have a good suggestion on what to make eyestalks out of for the beholder eyes for our beholdero'lanterns?
How about using the scraps created from cutting up the rest of the pumpkin(s)? You could just round them out and run the coat hanger through them. Then stick ping-pong balls on the ends with those mini glow sticks inside. Different colors for the different beams.

Garjen Soulhammer |

Lol; is this a spelling bee; will we have a wierd conversation on how to spell rogue next? hehe
anyone have a good suggestion on what to make eyestalks out of for the beholder eyes for our beholdero'lanterns? nothing totally cool that fits comes to mind; guess I need to hit the junk section of some toy stores.
The past several Hallowe'ens I've seen little battery packs connected to two light-up eyeballs on posts (to avoid those evil open flames!) -- I suppose you could get several of these and run the wires down some tubing, then into the pumpkin?

Chris Manos |

Last Halloweeen I put together a basket for my neighbor's daughter that contained some fun Halloween straws. They were around a half inch in diameter and a foot long, accordianed and bendy. I think they would make great beholder stalks.
The company I work for, an eye care company, has eyeball stress balls they give out. They don't glow in the dark, but...

Curaigh |

Pumpkins already have stalks, just get some extras. If you want some inexpensive costume ideas I have been collecting them for a while in my annual Scary Scott's Two Dollar, Twenty Minute Halloween Costume Contest. Take a look, (only the last years are still up: hmmm need to get that fixed. :) www.webpages.uidaho.edu/~sjanke/2$20min.html

Valegrim |

wow with some of the eyeballs from that eye care center we could just paint them a bit with phosflourescent paint; that would work. Was trying to avoid the entrace of metal like hangers as that would clash; was thinking of using carrots or celery or some type of tubing and maybe mounting mini eyeballs in a miniature pumpkins; hmm will have to draw out a couple to better visualize what it might look like; maybe shoving some stiff wire through some pumpkin vines would be better and more visually appealing.

Lilith |

wow with some of the eyeballs from that eye care center we could just paint them a bit with phosflourescent paint; that would work. Was trying to avoid the entrace of metal like hangers as that would clash; was thinking of using carrots or celery or some type of tubing and maybe mounting mini eyeballs in a miniature pumpkins; hmm will have to draw out a couple to better visualize what it might look like; maybe shoving some stiff wire through some pumpkin vines would be better and more visually appealing.
Try looking for the heat-shrink tubing. That might be more aesthetically pleasing.

The White Toymaker |

Oh, and don't forget, if you're going to bend your PVC, to fill it with Sand (or something like unto it) before you even heat it up. It slows down and evens out the heat distribution, and keeps the PVC from kinking when you go to bend it. Half inch PVC glued to the shell of the pumpkin (PVC cement is the next best thing to Sovereign Glue, in my experience,) and you could glue whatever you use for eyeballs (ping-pong balls would work nicely, I suspect) directly to the end of the piping.
Hmm... I wonder how one would go about making a Bleeder style Jack o' Lantern... The ones where each "eyestalk" ends in a mouth instead.

Carnivore |

do they still sell chatty teeth; when i was a kid you could get a set of teeth that constantly opened and closed; you could put these on your eyestalks I guess; might really scare the little kids though if you have like 8 of them making a racket.
Heh... yeah they sell them still. My law firm represents a company that makes things like that.
Heh... that would be the awesomest jack-o-lantern evar!

James Keegan |

I will likely shave my head, grow my goatee out and be Dr. Venture for Halloween. I used to work on a pumpkin/christmas tree/strawberry/blueberry farm in CT, where my mother still works, so I could get a pumpkin to carve, but I have no idea where I would put it in the city that it wouldn't be eaten by the homeless or kicked in by miscreants. So, probably a party or drinking alone or going to my sister's place in Brooklyn for me.

James Keegan |

Heathansson wrote:Fake Healer wrote:Halloween comes regardless.Heathansson wrote:It...comes...Not if you leave "it" alone....Ooohhhh. Halloween. I thought you were one-handed typing again.
No, no, no. The furious one handed typist must use the Royal "We" form. Like the Queen of England, the man speaks for thousands, if not millions.

Valegrim |

Well, I just went to the pumpkin patch with the family this weekend and picked out some good ones :) The pumpkin patch is a great place to have a good time and get some pumpkins cheap; mine is about 3' in diameterish. Check out their website if you like; it think you can find it under McCall's Pumpkin Patch + New Mexico; they have a great pumpkin cannon their and a very cool cornfield maze, really big, and lots of other stuff.

halfling...no...death-ling |

I have a Halloween dance (in high school) on Friday and we have the option to dress up as sumthin...I might, might not, but I owuld need ideas if I was to dress up...
Needs to be sumthin pretty hardcore, no weapons, and I will actually be dancing so no beholder costumes (Excelent idea for Trick or Treating though, you can keep warm and also exchange padding for candy space...lol)

Valegrim |

are we talking about in good taste here or being a real fringer? do you have a date; things like this would help. Originality is easy for most D&D ers but having anyone not in our little, but growing, niche often has costume ideas not recognised. It has always been my idea that Halloween costumes should be scarey so all these benevolent costumes like powerrangers and princess dora costumes are out as far as I am concerned unless you give them at least some vampire teeth under the wolf in sheeps clothing idea. Its a dance so a lot of costumes are out if you want to shake your thing or snuggle up close. How are you at wearing makeup? if you are gonna tend to scratch it and smudge it then that limits some stuff on your face.
hehe do you have an overcoat? you could wear a skeleton suit and a overcoat over it and be a flasher; you know; flashing your ehem; bones; can you cackle? lol; add a few fake rats hanging off your bones and other accessories and that might be pretty cool; that prolly takes a A type personality; if you more the lurker kind; you can just wear the best suit you own or can borrow; accessorize and get someone to help you put on a foundation and some moisterizer; then lightly powder you face and arms, wear white gloves and be one of those elegant ventrue type vamps; prolly need some fangs or if your more comedic; you could wear very flashy clothes with lots of rhinestones; kinda the elvis look; and be a cheesy vamp; I did a great werewolf costume one year; as it was mostly just ripped jeans with a few tuffs of hair sticking out; a red flannel shirt; and put on lots and lots of packages of red and black hair; used some character puddy on my nose; put hair over my long hair (then) and on my beard and cheeks; got a nice set of fang non vamp type; wore short half gloves and put on 4" nails that I had painted black; wore monster shoes ie slipper like things with claws; costume looked great and nobody recognised me, but all that hair was very hot and it was hard to drive or pick up glasses to drink with 4" nails. for more complex and tailored costumes; well; you should have asked a few weeks ago because some of this stuff takes time to dry and set right; then coats of paint and stuff.

PayToFlay |

Anybody else got their pumpkins? Am thinking to start carving on Sat; anyone else?
The family and I went to the patch down the way this past Saturday. Three nice sized punkins. Carved 2 of them last night. A skeleton face for me, a tiny and happy 5-fanged pumpkin for our daughter. Das wife is still out on what to carve hers as.
We liked it so much, we're going back again before our pumpkin carving party this Saturday.
Damn, I love Halloween.
I'll try and get some pictures up of the Beholder costume up as soon as I can. The party is this Friday... I'm curious to see how it turns out!
And as for hardcore, no weapons costumes... go as an IRS auditor. No one in their right mind would mess with them. Might be lost on you fellow students, but the teachers would be terrified.