I will call him Mini Me


What Mini's are people using for their characters?
I use mostly metal figs from Warhammer, Confrontation, and Warmachine. I get some at our store to paint them. WotC are good for cheap monsters.

In my campaign(s), all of the players have been using the D&D Plastic Minis (most are mine, but a few other players have the minis as well).

I used to use metal - and do on occasion - but I don't have the time to paint much anymore. Thus, the plastic ones work well enough for me!

Currently in use:

Warmage - for a Human Sorcerer
Renegade Worlock - for a Human Worlock :)
Talente Halfling - for a Halfling cleric
Kerwyn, Human Rogue - for a Human Rogue
Man-at-Arms - for a Human Fighter
Warforged Hero - for a Barbarian Warforged

Myself, I use the Half-Orc Assassin for my 1/2 Orc Barbarian in Living Kalamar

Capt. Sav-A-Hoe wrote:

What Mini's are people using for their characters?

I use mostly metal figs from Warhammer, Confrontation, and Warmachine. I get some at our store to paint them. WotC are good for cheap monsters.

As a DM, I'll pretty much use whatever I can for NPCs. I used to paint a few signature NPCs, but when my players started killing them in their first encounter, all that work modifying and painting the minis somehow felt cheapend.

As a player, though, I like to have a unique mini. A lot of times, I run into trouble because I almost never play anything "normal." I mean, what mini DO you use for the chronomancer or the ghost elf?

Right now, I'm playing an exiled-from-Evermeet sun elf erudite in a 'Realms game, and I just stumbled across a mini for it at the local game shop. It's a Reaper mini that you can see here: http://www.reapermini.com/gallery/2900s/2937_G

Capt. Sav-A-Hoe wrote:
What Mini's are people using for their characters? ...

I use the reasonably-priced line of WotC minis -- which means I don't use minis.

BrotherD wrote:
...As a player, though, I like to have a unique mini. A lot of times, I run into trouble because I almost never play anything "normal." I mean, what mini DO you use for the chronomancer or the ghost elf? ...

We make pogs -- I'll print circular counters for each character/NPC/monster we'll need, and glue them to foam posterboard from Walmart. Players can give me any image they want, so there's a lot of satisfaction in terms of customization. We keep a bag of generic bad-guy pogs for spur-of-the-moment needs.



We (unfortunately) have a large mini collection with the majority of them being naked metal annoyances on my (hardly-ever-used-these-days) painting desk. I just keep buying the nice looking 'heroic' or 'cool' ones and they mount up causing me to box them up and hide them away in the cuboard with 'one day' intentions. I really need to get rid of some of those and get hold of some enemies, like orcs, gnolls, goblins and generic monsters, tempted to buy some GW boxed sets of LOTR's to fill this need... maybe even some plastic D&D ones!

I like reaper, rackham, confrontation, heresy and freebooter mini's the best as they are nice looking and worth the money. Sometimes, we go to GW to check their goods out, only to be assaulted in the wallet and faced with overly friendly sales people that wont stop pestering you and false-smiling their way into your personal space, STAY AWAY FROM ME I'M JUST LOOKING!

Bless their little hearts.

Metal miniatures mostly. When the old "lead" minis from back in the day don't fill a slot, I usually get a Reaper miniature to fill in. Way behind on painting, a friend of mine is the only decent miniatures painter in our group and he's super busy so about 1/3 of our metal minis are bare metal, but no one seems to care.

Mostly I use the plastic D&D minis because I like painted minis and I don't much like to paint the things. The only problem I run into is having a solid mix of things the party won't often encounter vs things they will. Meaning, I'm going to run into situations where I don't have enough of a given monster to throw a horde at them where all the minis match.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

I use pineapples. If they aren't available, an eclectic mix of Warhammer minis, ral patha (generally PC's use those), chainmail (the newer edition), and D&D minis.

Liberty's Edge

Sebastian wrote:
I use pineapples. If they aren't available, an eclectic mix of Warhammer minis, ral patha (generally PC's use those), chainmail (the newer edition), and D&D minis.

Oh no, you ditt-int!

I avoid miniatures (they're all at my mom's house) because they're choking hazards for my toddlers. They look so tasty!

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Heathansson wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
I use pineapples. If they aren't available, an eclectic mix of Warhammer minis, ral patha (generally PC's use those), chainmail (the newer edition), and D&D minis.

Oh no, you ditt-int!

I avoid miniatures (they're all at my mom's house) because they're choking hazards for my toddlers. They look so tasty!

You should know by now that my evil is without limit...

Also, what about putting your minatures in cases? That's how I keep them out of the reach of small hands.


The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
I use pineapples. If they aren't available, an eclectic mix of Warhammer minis, ral patha (generally PC's use those), chainmail (the newer edition), and D&D minis.

Oh no, you ditt-int!

I avoid miniatures (they're all at my mom's house) because they're choking hazards for my toddlers. They look so tasty!

I prefer cantaloupes. I thought Ral Partha was Out of business (mid 90's).

I swallowed my pride and use a lot of D&D plastic minis along with about 150 painted metal ones I have had for a bit.
My 3 year old LOVES the huge Bulette.


Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Fake Healer wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
I use pineapples. If they aren't available, an eclectic mix of Warhammer minis, ral patha (generally PC's use those), chainmail (the newer edition), and D&D minis.

Oh no, you ditt-int!

I avoid miniatures (they're all at my mom's house) because they're choking hazards for my toddlers. They look so tasty!

I prefer cantaloupes. I thought Ral Partha was Out of business (mid 90's).

I swallowed my pride and use a lot of D&D plastic minis along with about 150 painted metal ones I have had for a bit.
My 3 year old LOVES the huge Bulette.


You must have a special cantaloupe stand. Mine roll all over the place.

Ral Patha may be dead, but the packrat tendancy of gamers is strong. Ral Patha minis still appear at my table, frequently taken from cases where they have been lovingly preserved.

Liberty's Edge

I bet a painted cantaloupe with a hard-boiled egg taped on it and some licorice with grapes taped on top would make a snazzy beholder. Until it all started to rot.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Heathansson wrote:
I bet a painted cantaloupe with a hard-boiled egg taped on it and some licorice with grapes taped on top would make a snazzy beholder. Until it all started to rot.

Then it could be an undead beholder.

Liberty's Edge

Ha Ha! The cogs of cojitation are turning. A new set of monsters, each vaguely resembling handy items of food.
Dreaded crimson pudding (ketchup).
Greenstalk stalker (a celery stick with some toothpicks for arms and legs).
A swarm of greenpea smileys.
A brocoli sprig could make a tuff-looking treant.
And of course, killer tomatoes.
Ah, yes. The Culinary Creature Compendium nears fruition.

Liberty's Edge

Fake Healer wrote:

I prefer cantaloupes. I thought Ral Partha was Out of business (mid 90's).

I swallowed my pride and use a lot of D&D plastic minis along with about 150 painted metal ones I have had for a bit.
My 3 year old LOVES the huge Bulette.


Partha is out of business, but most of the molds went to Iron Wind Metals (http://www.ironwindmetals.com/).

They have the advantage of being fairly close in scale to the current D&D minis. And of course there were some truly beautiful figs.

Having been around the RPG scene for a while, I've got an eclectic collection of minis from a lot of companies... the old ones from Heritage, Grenadier, Ral Partha, Citadel, some newer ones from GW, Reaper.... on my trips to Gencon, I invariably seemed to pick up some loose 'out of a big box' unpackaged minis that I have no idea where they came from... some of the first minis I ever bought were some Greyhawk based ones from a company I don't recall... thought that was a neat idea... along the way, I've picked up a few odds and ends like the ones from the short lived Aliens game, an Indiana Jones one, Sherlock Holmes and Watson from some British manufacturer, a big bunch of Zulus (used in the days I was creating and running African-type adventures). Looking through my collection, it's obvious that I had a thing for wild animal minis; I always like painting these, as it's a challenge to make them look realistic (no one knows what a dragon would really look like, but everyone knows what a wolf and lion looks like). Nowadays, my nephews got me interested in a couple of GWs' games, so I have a fair sized Warhammer Dwarf army, a bunch of Rohirrim for the LOTR game, and a whopping big Mumakil which I'm still painting...

Pennys, dice, poker chips...sometimes we have a few minis to use.

Capt. Sav-A-Hoe wrote:

What Mini's are people using for their characters?

I use mostly metal figs from Warhammer, Confrontation, and Warmachine. I get some at our store to paint them. WotC are good for cheap monsters.

There's a great selection of Dark Heaven Legends miniatures at the local shops here, I'm going to use a metal "Amarid, Elf Archer" for my Elven Fighter/Ranger eventually to be either bloodhound or cavalier. It even looks like he has a composite long bow and is wearing heavier armor (right now my fighter has chaimail, but a chainshirt is in the saddlebag for ranger type emergencies since I just went up in class to tack on Ranger at 3rd level) Lord knows if I'll ever get around to painting him. (Black hair, leaving metallic armor, tiny face, composite bow) I'm not sure how you guys do it, but it must take a lot of love to paint miniatures, plural. If I had a paint kit maybe I'd understand.

Since I DM, rather than play, I try to paint whatever I can get my hands on.

The bulk of my collection is Reaper, since they're cheap and have built in bases. That's a lot less fuss, for me, cuz I don't do bases so well.

But I also have some WotC Chainmail figs, old 7th Sea stuff, some Crocodile Games figs, a couple of Warmachine and some really neat warriors from Celtos.

My first PC fig was the Redlute bard from REaper.

Capt. Sav-A-Hoe wrote:
What Mini's are people using for their characters?

I saw a post @ Wizards that mentioned using Shrinky Dinks for figures...


This allows for total customization and you don't have to work with a teeny-tiny brush. Plus...it's cheap!

My crew uses the standard AD&D collectible figs, Odd figures can usually get traded to the Eberonn playing clan, except for the small warfroged figures, which get thrown at the Eberonn playing clan, Unless its a large based warforged, those get thrown at the eberron players cars

I'm lucky enough to have two absolutely manic collectors of the "reasonably priced" WOTC D&D minis in my group. Both guys are fanatic about having doubles of every single mini produced, and they both bring huge boxes of said minis to every game session, all organized in little boxes. I also have a pretty good collection of painted metal minis from back when I had time to do stuff like that, but we mostly use the plastic ones.


Dark Archive Contributor

Let's see... for Amai in Jason Bulmahn's Eberron game I use the Whirling Steel Monk from Deathknell. It's actually Jason's mini, but I plan on picking up my own copy soonish. :)

For Father Frothelthimble in Erik Mona's Greyhawk game (what? me namedrop?) I use some random halfling or gnome mini (I can't tell which). It's actually Erik's mini, but I might pick up my own copy some day. ;)

(For the record, that's because Whirling Steel Monk is just super cool looking even when not used to represent my character.)

For my PC, I use "Nirodel" from Reaper Miniatures, with a suitably customized paint job. :)

I've also done minis for other party members, and several of the monsters that show up when I am the GM.

-The Gneech, shamelessly showing off

Mike McArtor wrote:
(For the record, that's because Whirling Steel Monk is just super cool looking even when not used to represent my character.)

So how many boxes of completely randomized minis did you go through to get the one your heart desires?

Or are you still mooching minis off your DMs?

We just ran a metal mini painting seminar at the game store for PLAYERS JUST LIKE YOU, and it was a big success. Several painted metal versions of their PCs in my game.

So guess what happened the next week? Did the fellas bring their brand new painted mini to game with? Nope. They STILL ended up borrowing from me.

(You realize that it's unwritten DM law that mooching a mini off the DM means a deduction of at least 10 percent XP when it comes time to hand some out at the end of the session, don't you?)

Ah well, this thread makes me want to paint a mini, so I'll see you later ...

Now I've got "Minnie the Moocher" song by Cab Calloway stuck in my head.

Lilith wrote:
Now I've got "Minnie the Moocher" song by Cab Calloway stuck in my head.


I wonder if the "Blues Brothers" are on TV tonight. They're usually on somewhere in Cable-land. Since I'm from Illinois, watching the Blues Brothers is almost a religious experience. Almost.

Dark Archive Contributor

Troy Taylor wrote:
So how many boxes of completely randomized minis did you go through to get the one your heart desires?

The world may never know. ;)

I haven't actually picked up the monk mini yet... have been putting my moneys toward more important things, like anime. I mean, bills! Yes, bills!

Troy Taylor wrote:
Or are you still mooching minis off your DMs?

Yup! ^_^

Troy Taylor wrote:

We just ran a metal mini painting seminar at the game store for PLAYERS JUST LIKE YOU, and it was a big success. Several painted metal versions of their PCs in my game.

So guess what happened the next week? Did the fellas bring their brand new painted mini to game with? Nope. They STILL ended up borrowing from me.


I would do the same thing. I have a mostly painted metal mini right here that I have yet to use. I might use him as an NPC in my upcoming game, though. Hmm...

Troy Taylor wrote:
(You realize that it's unwritten DM law that mooching a mini off the DM means a deduction of at least 10 percent XP when it comes time to hand some out at the end of the session, don't you?)

And here I just figured Jason gave out so little XP because he hated players having fun.

Troy Taylor wrote:
Ah well, this thread makes me want to paint a mini, so I'll see you later ...

Show pictures when you're done!!!

Mike McArtor wrote:
Show pictures when you're done!!!

Will do.

Scarab Sages

For my RPGA mini, I've used one of Rackham's 'Archers of Alahan 2' minis (the unmasked one for now, but if he keeps on picking being pesky towards Old Wicked, he'll probably have to wear a mask). Since he's Flan, I painted him a little duskier and with black hair with silver shot through.

For other games, I have an assemblege of Reaper, Chainmail, Ral Partha, Magnificent Ego's, and too damn many of the pre-painted D&D minis crack packs.

I've gone on a official D&D miniature buying spree, so the prepainted plastic minis are filling up my gaming table, they work great for monsters and npcs, but I'm using them for my player's pcs as well. (since none of them seem to be buying their own, miraculously my semi-random purchases are fitting where the player characters are going.)

Such as using, these are for my players, Rydar Drow Fighter or whatever for my rather black human fighter from Thurkasia, A dwarf fighter for my dwarf barbarian, soon to be using the Gold Dwarf miniature for my Deathwarden Dwarf (he's even got a hammer, how convenient that I purchased a Gold Dwarf at DragonCon), Human Cleric of Bane for my Elven Cleric, he doesn't have pointy ears but he still looks like an Elven Cleric (and for 12-15 dollars I better get some use out of the miniature)
I just bought a halfling sneak for my rogue, a gnome recruit for my gnomish bard, and I plan on using the Deathlock for my npc lich necromancer.
(I also briefly used a Minotaur skeleton to fill in for an Albino minotaur on a 2e session I sat in on at DragonCon)
I've found that when players mooch off the dm for miniatures they're not so picky, but they love it when the right miniature falls into their hands.

Now my group that plays on wednesday each has their own metal miniature, one even managed to find a fat mace wielding cleric! He plays, guess what, a fat mace wielding cleric (Praise Arna!).
I doubt any of us are ambitious enough to PAINT ours though.

Also, what do you people think about using warhammer miniatures for D&D, do they fit on the typical miniature map alright? (I'm looking at a Skeleton Regiment to serve as part of my lich necromancer's undead army, and 20 for 30$ isn't too bad a price considering I missed my chance to stock up on the hard to find harbinger skeletons off of ebay).

Mostly WotC minis (my wife and I collect them as a secondary hobby; darn you Tiamat for eluding us so far!) but I have a lot of Ral Partha that Im slowly "updating". That is, stripping off my crappy "14 year old nerd" paint job in favor of new "26 year old nerd" ones.

And if done right, Warhammer rocks the socks for D&D use. My players hate it when the warhammer box comes out; means my cust Tyranid army is hitting the field. Nobody seems to like my Lillith Brood. Its not like the Thunderrunners do that much damage on a charge.... well, maybe they do.


we've got LOTS of DnD minis to use...almost the entire set of War Drums, War of the Dragon Queen, and tons from Aberrations, Anglefire, Deathknell, and Underdark.

plus, several Huge Blacks w/ Sorcerers, a whole shelf of assorted dragons, 1 (soon to be 2) Garagantuan Blacks, and a Colossal Red.

yeah, we spend too much money for them little plastic figs.

but it's nice to be able to have individual mini's for the PC's

(talenta halfling for my gnome beguiler, bonded fire summoner for the Kineticist, Whirling Steel Monk & Gwenevyar for the Monk/Druid w/ Predator-Cat-Form, Shifter Barb. for the shifter wiz/spirt shaman, swashbuckler for the swashbuckler, and Cleric of Syreth for the Divine mind (heavy armor + crossbow & morningstar? )

that, combined with plenty of options for when we "enlarge person" or use "expansion" (either the Corpse Collector for Large, or the Eldritch Giant for Huge), or polymorph forms, makes for a visually interesting game.

just last night, though, we fought a colossal fiendish monstrous centipede. since the only colossal we have (the red dragon) is actually TOO BIG (base: 6x6, should be 5x5), we used a gamecube, with a huge purple worm stuck on top. it was fun.

in the past, we've used soda cans (huges), poker chips (larges, and make great mount-tokens), candy (eat what you kill), and pennies (for those hordes of medium zombies/goblins)

but after getting all them damn minis, (not to mention my old Bretonnian archer-army, or the few 40k and lizard-folk i've got laying around)

but the best mini-use of all, has got to be in a convention game where we played in a "land of the lost" type area. when we encountered an Apatosaurus, the DM pulled out an 18" long dinosaur figure and slapped it on the table. awesome, and to scale, to boot!

-the hamster

Capt. Sav-A-Hoe wrote:

What Mini's are people using for their characters?

I use mostly metal figs from Warhammer, Confrontation, and Warmachine. I get some at our store to paint them. WotC are good for cheap monsters.

I have somewhere between 3000-3500 minis of which 95% are from GW (I also game Warhammer (with 6 2500+ point armies), WH40K (with 2 3000+ point armies), Bloodbowl (with 4 teams) etc...). The remaining 5% are from Ral Partha and other mini makers...

About 70% of the minis are painted, all by myself of course. I´m a modelmaker for 25 years now, starting with Tamiya, Ertl etc. plastic kits.

All my D&D characters including my current Drow Necromancer (Citadel?) have been found among my minis, except for one.
I once played a Gnome Druid and I made the mini myself by using the body of a Bloodbowl Goblin to which I made the head, arms and wargear from green stuff and got it just right.

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