The Fantastic Four

Savage Tide Adventure Path

Liberty's Edge

So I assume there's gonna be a new iconic four cover art adventurer party.
So how about:
fighter--female elven swashbuckler
rogue----male gnomish rogue with a tricorn hat and a bandolier of throwing daggers
wizard---female dwarven wizard with a parrot familiar on her shoulder
cleric---male human(olmec) covered in tattoos with a wooden club set with obsidian wedges
Any other groovy idears?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

As long as the gnome doesn't look like the Ominous Fabler in the Prince of Redhand interior pieces it's A-OK... Elven swashbuckler is perfect for this AP!

Warclub... groovy.

My guess is the make up on the new iconics as far as thr prototypical 4 go will be a little more exotic. I recall seeing that they intended to do the 4 classes they haven't covered yet, which if I recall correctly means we're looking at Monk, Druid, Wizard and Barbarian.

I also can't help think that they'll use Savage Tides to help flesh them out so I wouldn't be surprised to see some of the races from Stormwrack make an appearance. My vote (if I had my 'druthers)

Locathah Monk
Aventi/Sea Elf Druid
Dwarvish Wizard
Darfellan Barbarian

Then again, I like my party composition to be a bit more... off.

aquatic half-elf ranger with trident ?
pirate dwarf fighter rogue with eye patch and bandana ?
finhead saurial paladin ?

Hm . . . looking at the title of the thread I thought you were going to suggest a group composed of a half-earth elemental fighter, a half-fire elemental swashbuckler, a human female psion, and a half-choker/doppleganger/mimic/human expert (okay, a few too many halves there).

I would actually be interested in them being young humans of the 4 main classes (fighter, rogue, wizard and cleric of a good god). In other words an actual iconic group...

Sean Mahoney

Liberty's Edge

KnightErrantJR wrote:
Hm . . . looking at the title of the thread I thought you were going to suggest a group composed of a half-earth elemental fighter, a half-fire elemental swashbuckler, a human female psion, and a half-choker/doppleganger/mimic/human expert (okay, a few too many halves there).

Or maybe...just maybe... a half golem (adamantine) shifter?

Snickety Snikt! Snickety Snikt!

Why do male shifters always remind me of Wolverine anyway?

Actually, I don't want to think too much about Wolverine right now (still reeling from the movie).

How about
Half-giant Fighter/cleric of Pelor- Shield and maul.
Human Scout/fighter- paired hand crossbows- cowboy style
Dwarven fighter/barbarian- Paired Spiked shields and Armor
Elven Swashbuckler/Wizard/Bladesinger
Human Cleric of Obad-hai

Dark Archive

Seeing how the wait is for Wayne Reynolds commisions and the adventure path already decided I almost am certain that these guys are already designed. My bet though:

Human Barbarian
Dwarf Druid
Halfling Fighter
Elf Wizard

What I would like to see
Dwarf Barbarian
Halfling Fighter
Gnome Druid (twin-brother)
Gnome Wizard (twin-sister)

I seem to remember one of the editors mentioning a Dwarf Barbarian as one of the upcoming iconics in another thread, but I can't remember where.

I'm pretty sure they pull the iconics from their playtest group for the AP. So whatever they play is what will show up.

Kobold sorcerer
Feral orc fighter/barbarian.. later no doubt 1/2 iron golem aswell
Feral Neandertal Barbarian/Feral +some type of shifter to help that ability along..
Human VOP cleric/apostle of peace
Kobold Sorcerer4/rogue16

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