Converting Savage Tide to Pathfinder?

Savage Tide Adventure Path

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I would like to check out the conversions as my players want to run this AP and the help would be appreciated!! Thanks in advance!!!

TBA wrote:
Not been about here for a while. Added everyone upto Vaellyn if you're still interested!

*Casts raise dead on thread*

I'd love access to these as well!

TBA wrote:
Not been about here for a while. Added everyone upto Vaellyn if you're still interested!

I'm planning on running this for my group in the coming weeks. I'd love to see your conversions.

Sorry, don't come back here all too often. Although I am running this campaign again (currently in CoBI)

Everyone to this point added.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

You can find several demon lords and high level stat blocks for Savage Tide here (PF1)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I rarely check this website anymore due to lack of free time, but I still have my old PF conversions (at least what I managed to do before the campaign ended early) for "Enemies of My Enemy," "Into the Maw," "Serpents of Scuttlecove," and "Well of Darkness."

Let me know by private message (forgive me if I take a week or two to send them as I rarely check my profile on Paizo anymore) which adventure you like my conversions for and I will send them to you (the earlier adventures I had already ran them in 3.5E so redoing them into PF was not necessary for my purposes).

Fair warning ahead, I did those conversion YEARS ago so don't expect conversions made with hybrid classes and so forth.

Again, I repeat, I did not complete ALL of the npcs and monsters for the adventures I mentioned earlier - but I have some preliminary stuff done for those that I did not finish (I think), but I hope they will be useful for you. :)



Owner - Legends Comics & Games

I would love to be added for the mailing list.

I would appreciate being added as well.

JDragon at intotheshadows dot net


Dark Archive

If it is still available I would love to see a copy of the STAP conversion documents as well. My email is

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sent to those who recently asked for a copy; if I have not sent a copy to you, just ping me on a private message here so that way I can keep track if I missed anyone.



Lantern Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Canadian Bakka wrote:

Sent to those who recently asked for a copy; if I have not sent a copy to you, just ping me on a private message here so that way I can keep track if I missed anyone.



Would love a copy as well! Thanks for putting in the work!

This is super old, i feel like a necromancer, but been looking for a STAP conversion for a while and this seems to be the only place ive found some info. Would it be possible to add me if this still exists? Thanks in advance. _ at _ g mail dot com.

Canadian Bakka wrote:

Sent to those who recently asked for a copy; if I have not sent a copy to you, just ping me on a private message here so that way I can keep track if I missed anyone.



add me to it, please, I'd love to have a conversion.

gurps at gmx dot de

Thank you!

Hello, I'd greatly appreciate getting a copy of that conversion!

paes.igor@hotmail dot com

At this point, maybe a google docs could be made available?

Would love to be added to the mailing list if still available -

Thanks! :)

Not been around for a long time, have added everyone to this point


Shadow Lodge

Sorry to necromancer this again, but TBA if you're still around I'd love to see your conversion work.

marcaes [at] gmail [dot] com


Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
PsionicFox wrote:

Sorry to necromancer this again, but TBA if you're still around I'd love to see your conversion work.

marcaes [at] gmail [dot] com


Me too!

Drsparnum at Yahoo dot com

Both added :)


I would love to see this conversion work - please :) Pretty please :)

rohdester at gmail dot com

Added Rohdester


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wow! I'm impressed that this is still going on! :)

Please add my e-mail below for any/all conversions available. (I've had some computer crashes in the intervening years and need to be sure that I can recover as much as possible.)

bellonarpg at gmail dot com

Dark Archive

I'd like a copy please.
ckdragons at

Arises from the dead.

My apologies to anyone who had previously requested my PF conversion notes for the Savage Tide AP. I have been away from the site for years.

If you are still seeking a copy of my conversion notes for Savage Tide (as far as I have completed them), send me a PM on here with an email address (so that I don't forget whom I accidently send the notes multiple times to the same person).

I might take a crack at converting the last adventure though (which I never did before) - might be fun doing so with the mass combat rules as well.



Canadian Bakka wrote:

Arises from the dead.

My apologies to anyone who had previously requested my PF conversion notes for the Savage Tide AP. I have been away from the site for years.

If you are still seeking a copy of my conversion notes for Savage Tide (as far as I have completed them), send me a PM on here with an email address (so that I don't forget whom I accidently send the notes multiple times to the same person).

I might take a crack at converting the last adventure though (which I never did before) - might be fun doing so with the mass combat rules as well.



Private message sent!

And thank you for sharing your work.

Sorry, not been about for a while. Added Bellona and ckdragons


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