Australian Gamers

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Any weekend is good for me atm but it seems a few can't make 26th/27th. How about the w/e before or after?

Liberty's Edge

Might not be a bad idea.

Awe... :(

*hugs Shifty*

Ah, the cruel tides that fate has befallen us!...*shakes fist at uncaring sky*

*rifles through Shifty's back pockets for tickets...


Weekend after?

, wrote:

Awe... :(

*hugs Shifty*

Ah, the cruel tides that fate has befallen us!...*shakes fist at uncaring sky*

*rifles through Shifty's back pockets for tickets...


You'll have to roll a Sleight of Hand check opposed by Shifty's Perception. >:)

, wrote:
Weekend after?

Weekend before or after is fine for me.

Peasant Railgun wrote:
, wrote:

Awe... :(

*hugs Shifty*

Ah, the cruel tides that fate has befallen us!...*shakes fist at uncaring sky*

*rifles through Shifty's back pockets for tickets...


You'll have to roll a Sleight of Hand check opposed by Shifty's Perception. >:)

, wrote:
Weekend after?

Weekend before or after is fine for me.

Sounds fine to me as well

So, two weeks time it is then?

Looking forwards to it.

, wrote:

So, two weeks time it is then?

Looking forwards to it.

, I think Chubbs was suggesting FEB. :-)

In two more weeks, it will virtually BE February...:P

15th + fourteen days = Approx Jan 29th ;)

Much cheers to you and yours.

Shifty wrote:

That would be Rabbitoh's, but now I live in Bear Country.

I haven't accepted the Norths+Manly caper.

Haven't had much luck finding much northside still with regard shops, ditto with Larps generally in Sydney apart from sparkly vampires and emo kids.

Some guy was coming out around GenCon and was going to set up a LARP out West, but the GenCon canned their forums so I can't work out who/where the guy is.

Never mind...!

I actually saved the blog site I think you're talking about. Try this site.

I'm pretty sure he hasn't updated it in months though. Probably, the whole thing has stalled.

Neil Mansell wrote:

I actually saved the blog site I think you're talking about. Try this site.
I'm pretty sure he hasn't updated it in months though. Probably, the whole thing has stalled.

Yeah that was the one!

Well spotted that man!

Bummer on the revelation it seems to have come to bubkis though :(

Is no-one else from Victoria? - I'm about an hour north of Melbourne and have NO gaming group at the moment (sadface).

... I'm even willing to DM!

Hymenopterix wrote:

Is no-one else from Victoria? - I'm about an hour north of Melbourne and have NO gaming group at the moment (sadface).

... I'm even willing to DM!

I think Dark White and Matthew Goodall (Who won RPG superstar last year) are from Victoria...

Liberty's Edge

So have we settled on a date as yet?

Mothman wrote:
So have we settled on a date as yet?

The 19th or the 20th of FEB....?

Grand Lodge

D'v'us wrote:

Just out of interest, how many Australians are on this message board. I know a few (and all of them go to my school), but I don't know if there are any more on this website. Come out of the closet and celebrate living in this parched (I wish, I live in Melbourne) and dusty land.


Sydney sider here... interested in anyone who wants to touch base to see if something can be hooked up. Cant say how longterm I am as I may be heading to China for work.

The 8th Dwarf wrote:
Mothman wrote:
So have we settled on a date as yet?
The 19th or the 20th of FEB....?


*Sees bump

Okay, I am on holidays for the next two weeks...any one able to make it to the venue in that time?

After that I'm back on random call...

Much cheers to you and yours.

, wrote:

*Sees bump

Okay, I am on holidays for the next two weeks...any one able to make it to the venue in that time?

After that I'm back on random call...

Much cheers to you and yours.

Sorry , ... got things on (birthdays farewells)

The weekend of the 19th or 20th has been negotiated with "she who must be obeyed".

The 8th Dwarf wrote:
, wrote:

*Sees bump

Okay, I am on holidays for the next two weeks...any one able to make it to the venue in that time?

After that I'm back on random call...

Much cheers to you and yours.

Sorry , ... got things on (birthdays farewells)

The weekend of the 19th or 20th has been negotiated with "she who must be obeyed".

I started a separate thread SYDNEY AUSTRALIA Paizonian Pub gathering .

*Nods* Looking over it, thanks. =)

Liberty's Edge

Hey all...just jumping on the back of this long message-post...

I am a avid gamer living in Lyneham, Canberra. Have been playing D&D since the good old days of the D&D red box. I am ashamed to say that Bargle got away on me - but have been hunting him down ever since!

I regularly run pathfinder games for a group of 4 (now recently 3) other players. We are currently working our way through Rise of the Runelords, having just completed The Skins-Saw Murders...

We regularly meet to play every fortnight (though currently taking a 4 week break whilst one of our players disappears up to Port Stephens for teacher prac training). We are in the uneviable position of having just lost our Fighter/Barbarian brawler and now need to decide as to what we are going to do with the campaign...

Everyone is keen to go one, though i think we might need to rejuggle characters to allow the party to continue. The current make-up is a Teifling cleric of Sarenrae, a gnomish summoner and his brother, a gnomish witch...

Anyway, just wondering if there was any one on the forums who would like to participate in a friendly and regular Pathfinder campaign. We meet, we eat and we roll dice...All in all - good fun..

Hope someone is out there who might want to join our regular games..

Ashpin wrote:

Hope someone is out there who might want to join our regular games..

Hello Ashpin I am not in Canberra but keep bumping the thread and hopefully somebody will pop up.

Ashpin wrote:

Hey all...just jumping on the back of this long message-post...

I am a avid gamer living in Lyneham, Canberra. Have been playing D&D since the good old days of the D&D red box. I am ashamed to say that Bargle got away on me - but have been hunting him down ever since!

I regularly run pathfinder games for a group of 4 (now recently 3) other players. We are currently working our way through Rise of the Runelords, having just completed The Skins-Saw Murders...

We regularly meet to play every fortnight (though currently taking a 4 week break whilst one of our players disappears up to Port Stephens for teacher prac training). We are in the uneviable position of having just lost our Fighter/Barbarian brawler and now need to decide as to what we are going to do with the campaign...

Everyone is keen to go one, though i think we might need to rejuggle characters to allow the party to continue. The current make-up is a Teifling cleric of Sarenrae, a gnomish summoner and his brother, a gnomish witch...

Anyway, just wondering if there was any one on the forums who would like to participate in a friendly and regular Pathfinder campaign. We meet, we eat and we roll dice...All in all - good fun..

Hope someone is out there who might want to join our regular games..

Hi Ashpin,

I have a couple of friends in Canberra who are long-term gamers and may well be looking for a game. Mail me at ajrigg [at] gmail [dot] com and I'll get them in touch with you.


Ashpin wrote:

Hey all...just jumping on the back of this long message-post...

I am a avid gamer living in Lyneham, Canberra. Have been playing D&D since the good old days of the D&D red box. I am ashamed to say that Bargle got away on me - but have been hunting him down ever since!

I too am an avid gamer living in Lyneham! Our group has five players but might be losing one soon to join the army. We are all 30+ and don't take things too seriously.

We are currently halfway through Kingmaker (Fighter, Ranger, Arcane Trickster and Cleric) and will start Serpent's Skull in a few weeks while our KM DM goes on holiday for 2 months. When he returns I suspect we will alternate every few weeks.

We play every Friday and would welcome another player or two.

ahellyer [at] grapevine [dot] com [dot] au

Liberty's Edge

Hey Guys

Thanks for replying. Good to know there is some more of us out there!

Gallo, amazing that we live in the same suburb and connect via an american website - but there you go!

A couple of my players are very keen on trying Kingmaker too - something about ruling realms and crushing opposition under foot appeals to the closet meglomanias! But we are currently working through Rise of the Runelords. The goblins were simply too cute to ignore! Although I was really tempted to run the arabic themed AP, it did have a very funky feel about it...

In terms of catching up, not sure you can fit in another 4 players into your game (unless your kingdom is doing really well!), but might be an idea to catch up for a beer some time...

We are actually planning on meeting up at the Wig n Pen in town on Thursday night, if you wanted to join us. We will probably be kicking off around 6.30. More than welcome, we will just be having a quiet brew or two and catching up...

Anyway mate. Hope to hear from you again.

Ashpin (Neil)

Melbourne (Parkdale) here.
we have a group of 6ish regular gaming each Thursday.I run Carrion Crown ATM.

Grand Lodge

Chilling in perth. Any idea who a guy's gotta kill to find a decent game in this town?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

for those in the west Brisbane area I am starting a new campaign designed for who ever shows up here.

Ashpin wrote:

Hey Guys

Thanks for replying. Good to know there is some more of us out there!

Gallo, amazing that we live in the same suburb and connect via an american website - but there you go!

A couple of my players are very keen on trying Kingmaker too - something about ruling realms and crushing opposition under foot appeals to the closet meglomanias! But we are currently working through Rise of the Runelords. The goblins were simply too cute to ignore! Although I was really tempted to run the arabic themed AP, it did have a very funky feel about it...

In terms of catching up, not sure you can fit in another 4 players into your game (unless your kingdom is doing really well!), but might be an idea to catch up for a beer some time...

We are actually planning on meeting up at the Wig n Pen in town on Thursday night, if you wanted to join us. We will probably be kicking off around 6.30. More than welcome, we will just be having a quiet brew or two and catching up...

Anyway mate. Hope to hear from you again.

Ashpin (Neil)

We did Legacy of Fire before Kingmaker and Age of Worms before that. Three of us take turns to GM entire campaigns. Looks like the guy we were going to lose isn't going so we have a solid group of five. If we find someone who can't make our regular Friday's we can point them in your direction to see if your group'd timings suit better.

I'm from wagga wagga actually. We have our gaming group in town, I'm one of the regular DM's there.

If there's anyone there I can give info on were we meet.

Townsville here.

Free RPG Day this year is a fortnight today (Saturday June 18th) and this year, Paizo have prepared We Be Goblins!, a most unusual adventure for 1st-level goblin characters:

I'm organising play sessions on Free RPG Day at Good Games Sydney and Burwood:

  • Good Games Sydney, Level 1, 857 George St, Sydney, 02 9281 1760. Start at 10:30 with lunch break approx. 12:30-13:00, and aim to finish by 16:00.
  • Good Games Burwood, Level 1, 195a Burwood Rd, Burwood, 02 9715 3229. Start at 11:30 with lunch break approx. 13:30-14:00, and aim to finish by 17:00.

Depending on how much chaos the roleplaying opportunities incite, we may run for about an hour over.

To secure your seat, please email me [ajrigg AT gmail DOT com] and let me know which store you will be attending. Please notify your gaming groups and other contacts who you think will be interested. Look forward to seeing you on the day.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
STR Ranger wrote:
Townsville here.

Hi STR Ranger!

I am in Townsville as well! Great to see someone else here!

Grand Lodge

Central Melbourne here. I’d be more than happy to get a regular adventure path running with some sensible role players who have cool characters (no savantish number crunching or speaking in draconic). Maybe we could get 2 adv paths running, so both DMs get a chance to be players? I’ve been playing for 11 years, so I’m happy to DM.

Perhaps meeting for beers and talking PF would be the best first step? :)

I'm not Aussie born but live in Central Melbourne. Running one game (council of thieves) but I'd love to be a player.

I'm from the Gold Coast. We've got quite a strong gaming community up here and I'm involved in a regular fortnightly tabletop game as well as running a gaming forum at RPG World.

I'm currently recruiting for a couple of online Pathfinder games and love to hear from other Aussie gamers, or even just players on the same timezone, who can hook up for a regular game.

Feel free to drop by or send me a PM if you're interested.

DeuxExMachina wrote:

I'm from the Gold Coast. We've got quite a strong gaming community up here and I'm involved in a regular fortnightly tabletop game as well as running a gaming forum at RPG World.

I'm currently recruiting for a couple of online Pathfinder games and love to hear from other Aussie gamers, or even just players on the same timezone, who can hook up for a regular game.

Feel free to drop by or send me a PM if you're interested.

I'm down for some PbP and all the games on this board seem to fill up by the time I read them. I usually play on the GitP forums because I know how to use them. For example, I can't figure out how to send a PM on this one.

Glad to hear acid_ninja!

Take a look over at and we'll talk some more about setting up a character for the game.

For the record, I can't seem to work out the blasted PM system here either... and it's not the first time I've tried.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

For those of you in Brisbane or surrounds my new group finally has a date 95246/

July 23, 2011 at 3:00 PM till 10PM

Hey Catprog, I just hit that link and it took me to a page that doesn't exist. You might want to double check it.

If you like, you're more than welcome to advertise and/or host your game on the gaming forum I've recently setup for Australian players at

I'm on the Gold Coast near Broadbeach and would love to hook up with some more Aussie gamers!

Sandgroper from the West Coast, specifically Bunbury region in the south-west corner.

Hey all

Wagga Wagga player here looking for a group, although looks like I will be in Sydney next year (probably Eastern Suburbs!)

El_Bandito wrote:

I'm from wagga wagga actually. We have our gaming group in town, I'm one of the regular DM's there.

If there's anyone there I can give info on were we meet.

Hey El_Bandito - I was going to rock up to the community hall down from 'Logical Thought' this Saturday because apparently there is a group who meets there every 1st and 3rd Sat of the month (are you a part of this?)

If not I am looking for some casual games, if you need a player that is?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

meetup (there was a space in the link)

Pathfinder Society at Good Games Sydney and Burwood

On the last Saturday of each month, starting this July 30, we'll be running Pathfinder Society scenarios at Good Games Sydney and Burwood.

To kick off, we'll be starting with the introductory scenarios for Season 3 which are specially designed to introduce new characters to the Pathfinder Society so it'll be a great start for both veterans and novices alike.

On Saturday July 30, you'll play 'In Service to Lore' where, in your first mission as a Pathfinder agent, the head of the Grand Lodge sends you on a number of missions throughout the metropolis of Absalom, all in the pursuit of knowledge. And if enough time remains, you'll also play 'To Delve the Dungeon Deep', in which you venture for the first time into the massive haunted dungeons beneath an abandoned siege tower in the deadly Cairnlands.

The venues are:

  • Good Games Sydney: Level 1, 857 George St, Sydney, 02 9281 1760.
  • Good Games Burwood, Level 1, 195a Burwood Rd, Burwood, 02 9715 3229.

The games will begin at 11:30 and we'll aim to be finished by 17:00.

To secure your seat, please email me at ajrigg at gmail dot com and let me know which store you will be attending. Some time may be available before the games so, if you need any help building a character, let me know.

Hope to see you there.

Just throwing this one out here. Brisbane based Pathfinder group looking for some new members. Play bi-weekly on Saturday nights starting 6pm.

Anyone interested please contact me at a.beven at Gmail dot com.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Regretfully, due to differences of opinion between our PFS organisers and GMs, and the SRGA, the organisers of Sydcon, we have decided to pull out of organising Pathfinder for Sydcon 2011. However, we are still offering Pathfinder, at an increased capacity, albeit at a different venue just down the road.

I'd like to emphasise that our decision to pull out of Sydcon was not made lightly. Literally hours of negotiation with the SRGA while trying to work with them over the past two Cons has simply resulted in our conclusion that, in order to offer Pathfinder players the sort of experience that we, as lovers of the game, deserve, we need to do it ourselves, at least in this instance. The decision was unanimous amongst all ten of the Pathfinder organisers and GMs. We simply didn't feel that the faceless internal committee that pulls all the strings behind Eyecon and Sydcon, the SRGA's "Decemvirate" if you will, were willing to work with us to meet some modest requirements in order to ensure our game's best interests were met.

And so, we have decided to organise "Shadow Lodge", a Pathfinder convention that will be held on October 1st-3rd at the Roxbury Hotel (, 182 St Johns Road, Glebe, just down the road from Sydcon. We felt it was important that Shadow Lodge was offered on the same long weekend and close to Sydcon as many people will have organised to travel to Sydcon already, and possibly even paid for games. And so it will be easy to walk between the venues to play games at either. We bear the SRGA no ill will and remain open to working with them again in the future should they become able to better accommodate Pathfinder players and GMs.

The Roxbury is a great venue, with a fully-licensed bar and good, inexpensive, food. The price for each game at Shadow Lodge will be a fraction of their cost at Sydcon at only $2 each. If you are under 18, or will be bringing someone who is under 18, or if you have already paid for Pathfinder games at Sydcon, then please email me immediately at ajrigg at gmail dot com, or call me on 0415 050 568. We will make sure you are accommodated and don't lose out. We are committed to building the Pathfinder community across Sydney and Australia and welcome your support.

I will follow up with details regarding registration and other things this weekend here and on the various other places we Aussie Pathfinders hang out.

I look forward to seeing you all at Shadow Lodge!


Hi all,

Registrations for Shadow Lodge 2011 are now open at Warhorn here so go and sign up to make sure you get a seat! It would be great to see you all there!

We have 30 sessions on offer over the three days of the long weekend, featuring Pathfinder Society scenarios from the close of Season 2, the Year of the Shadow Lodge, and the launch of Season 3, the Year of the Ruby Phoenix. And we are also offering the latest Pathfinder Society sanctioned module, "The Feast of Ravenmoor" as a three-part special!

Register now and sign-up to play to ensure that you don't miss out! Our sessions run from 10am to 3pm and from 3pm to 8pm each day, and the price per session is only $2!

More information is available here.


KestlerGunner wrote:

Central Melbourne here. I’d be more than happy to get a regular adventure path running with some sensible role players who have cool characters (no savantish number crunching or speaking in draconic). Maybe we could get 2 adv paths running, so both DMs get a chance to be players? I’ve been playing for 11 years, so I’m happy to DM.

Perhaps meeting for beers and talking PF would be the best first step? :)

I've been looking for a group to play with for a while. Live about 1hr north of melb but I'd come in for a game once every 2 weeks or so to run or play Pathfinder on weekends.

Liberty's Edge

BrisVegas here. Have a regular fortnightly campaign going with a group of fellow gamers that have been gaming together for over 20 years now. Currently in the middle of a kingmaker campaign.

Announcing exciting updates to Shadow Lodge 2011!

We're giving you more of what you've asked for!

With several sessions booked out or oversubscribed over the last week, we have made some changes to the schedule to open up more opportunities to play the most popular scenarios.

Among other changes, we have created a second stream of the popular Feast of Ravenmoor three-part special and created two new special sessions called "Player's Choice". Here, with your fellow players, you'll be able to negotiate with the GM ahead of time or on the day itself to play any scenario from any of the Seasons of Organised Play! So if you haven't yet registered, make sure you sign up straight away at our Warhorn site here in case these new seats fill up fast too!

So, with two weeks to go, 19 of the 30 sessions are now running (an increase of 7 tables from last week) with:

  • 1 session booked out,
  • 4 sessions with 1 seat left,
  • 5 sessions with 2 seats left, and
  • 9 sessions with 3 seats left.

Of the 11 sessions still to reach minimum numbers:

  • 6 sessions need only 1 more player,
  • 3 sessions need 2 more players, and
  • 2 sessions need 3 players.

More details are available here.

See you at the Shadow Lodge!


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