James Jacobs Creative Director |
I love the Adventure Paths. I've been trying to find everything I can on AP 3. I am curious, when did work first start on AP 3? Has Wizards approved it yet? Will AP 3 begin with Dungeon 136 or will it begin a few issues beyond that?
Adventure Path 3 has been approved by Wizards. We started work on it several months ago, and have now assigned all 12 installments to authors. There will be a few non-adventure path issues between the end of Age of Worms and the start of AP3. Look to the editorial in issue #135 for more details.
Lord Vile |
Rasmar wrote:Adventure Path 3 has been approved by Wizards. We started work on it several months ago, and have now assigned all 12 installments to authors. There will be a few non-adventure path issues between the end of Age of Worms and the start of AP3. Look to the editorial in issue #135 for more details.I love the Adventure Paths. I've been trying to find everything I can on AP 3. I am curious, when did work first start on AP 3? Has Wizards approved it yet? Will AP 3 begin with Dungeon 136 or will it begin a few issues beyond that?
No hints?
Steve Greer Contributor |
James Jacobs wrote:No hints?Rasmar wrote:Adventure Path 3 has been approved by Wizards. We started work on it several months ago, and have now assigned all 12 installments to authors. There will be a few non-adventure path issues between the end of Age of Worms and the start of AP3. Look to the editorial in issue #135 for more details.I love the Adventure Paths. I've been trying to find everything I can on AP 3. I am curious, when did work first start on AP 3? Has Wizards approved it yet? Will AP 3 begin with Dungeon 136 or will it begin a few issues beyond that?
Here's a hint... SEND GARY AND I OUR NOTES, JAMES!!! Please? :)
Craig Clark |
There will be a few non-adventure path issues between the end of Age of Worms and the start of AP3. Look to the editorial in issue #135 for more details.
Any chance there will be some non-adventure path issues along the way? Maybe I am misreading things but I thought the AoW adventures felt a little rushed compared to the SCAP.
Anyway keep up the outstanding issues and I will keep subscribing.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Any chance there will be some non-adventure path issues along the way? Maybe I am misreading things but I thought the AoW adventures felt a little rushed compared to the SCAP.
We'll have a few non-advenure path issues between Age of Worms and AP3, but once AP3 starts, it'll run for 12 issues in a row, just like Age of Worms.
Jeremy Mac Donald |
Craig Clark wrote:Any chance there will be some non-adventure path issues along the way? Maybe I am misreading things but I thought the AoW adventures felt a little rushed compared to the SCAP.We'll have a few non-advenure path issues between Age of Worms and AP3, but once AP3 starts, it'll run for 12 issues in a row, just like Age of Worms.
This is a Good Thing IMO - I think the AP adventures are generally excellent but they are also space hogs and I was just begining to think to myself that it would be nice, every so often, to see some larger adventures not intimatly hooked into a massive epic were one has to commit to 18 months of play to use the adventure.
Admittedly one could use part of the AP as a stand alone ... but then one damages the whole epic making it less usuable as a future date. Hence I really enjoy the AP to read but am not likely to run it for years to come as other campaigns will be run in front of it. Thus I'd love to have some issues in between the APs were I can read some larger adventures that are note tied to an epic. I also want to see the APs be the best that they can possibly be and like the idea of the staff taking a few months between the APs in order to create the best possible product.
Steve Greer Contributor |
Steve Greer Contributor |
Bocklin wrote:Hey, Bocklin. That's GLH above. And please don't read anything into it all. Just trying to rib James a little bit, but it didn't work.Steve Greer wrote:Here's a hint... SEND GARY AND I OUR NOTES, JAMES!!! Please? :)"Gary"??
Am I reading too much into this?
GLH or GG?
EDIT: I seem to be putting my foot in my mouth lately on these boards. Damned foot!
DeadDMWalking |
Now that I think about it, the post I put on the Dragon board should have been here.
I really like the concept of the Adventure Path. Overall, the adventures are very good. However, they all are related. If a DM can't use one, he likely can't use any. So, whenever an adventure path is announced, we're looking at a solid year of the magazine with the AP + 2 other adventures.
Now, the AP is designed to cover 20 levels in about 12 adventures. Assuming 13 1/3 encounters before leveling, we're looking at approximately 22 encounters per adventure. Obviously this isn't happening. What's the AP missing? Sidequests.
I don't know if each AP needs to cover 20 levels. A smaller arc might be better. 5-8 levels or so might be fine. That's be closer to 6 adventuers of the scope that have been presented so far. Spread those over the course of the year, and you're looking at only 1 AP every other issue. I'd be strongly in favor of that.
Three or so of the other issues could have a "supporting side-trek" that doesn't advance the overall plot, but fits nicely into the "region" of the AP.
Personally, I'd like to see a long break between Age of Worms and the next AP. Maybe 4 months or so. It's good, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. I'd hate to see the good idea overdone to the point where it becomes perceieved as a mistake. I don't think you're there yet, but please consider my suggestion.
I just read that the next AP is going to hit 12 issues in a row. I'm glad you're taking a break before starting the next one. Hopefully AP 4 will include a few "breaks". Because 12 in a row is a lot.
Dryder |
Now that I think about it, the post I put on the Dragon board should have been here.
I really like the concept of the Adventure Path. Overall, the adventures are very good. However, they all are related. If a DM can't use one, he likely can't use any. So, whenever an adventure path is announced, we're looking at a solid year of the magazine with the AP + 2 other adventures.
I didn't find that true! It's always (if not always easy) possible to use any given AP-adventure as a stand-alone. Not because it is said in the text, but because it is true!
Now, the AP is designed to cover 20 levels in about 12 adventures. Assuming 13 1/3 encounters before leveling, we're looking at approximately 22 encounters per adventure. Obviously this isn't happening. What's the AP missing? Sidequests.I don't know if each AP needs to cover 20 levels. A smaller arc might be better. 5-8 levels or so might be fine. That's be closer to 6 adventuers of the scope that have been presented so far. Spread those over the course of the year, and you're looking at only 1 AP every other issue. I'd be strongly in favor of that.
Three or so of the other issues could have a "supporting side-trek" that doesn't advance the overall plot, but fits nicely into the "region" of the AP.
Nice idea! An AP does not always has to cover all levels up to 20. Sidetrecks would be great as well...
Personally, I'd like to see a long break between Age of Worms and the next AP. Maybe 4 months or so.(...)
Yes, 4 month's would be a good chance to have some others get their stuff published.
I just read that the next AP is going to hit 12 issues in a row. I'm glad you're taking a break before starting the next one. Hopefully AP 4 will include a few "breaks". Because 12 in a row is a lot.
If a new AP starts, I want to have all issues asap. If not, I can already see threads like "Hey, PAIZO, what are you thinking you're doing...?!!!"
farewell2kings |
Ditto on the congratulations from another, mostly dormant right now, were_cabbage......and Steve, I know a few things about putting my foot in my mouth, so don't feel bad.
The way I see the Adventure Path progression, I'm fine with the way it is. If a DM only wants an AP from levels 1-10, then I don't think it would be too difficult to modify the plot of an AP to have it end after the fourth adventure or so.
Even if I never used another AP, there are so many cool things in the AP adventures to plunder for your own game, maps, NPC's, towns, backdrops, etc....I really don't think any adventure is wasted space even if I never run it as written.
Hagen |
***Spoilers*** well... maybe spoilers
So far the higher-ups at Paizo have mentioned that AP3 will have ties with AP1 & 2. Here are some theories as to what the next AP will be about:
- Vecna+Erythnul+Hextor=???
- Spell-weavers in the jungle.
- The PC's must prevent Celeste's diabolical plot.
- Rod of 7 Parts
Bloody Root |
The AP's are the best thing that has happened to Dungeon ever! There have been a few mini AP's as well (the recent 3 arc watergate FR, and then the 3 arc invasion of the giants was really good as well, the GITH INCURSION could have been an awsome AP if they had known the Aps were going to be such a hit), but I do prefer the big ones.
Having the 3rd AP tie into the first two would be outstanding. Will it take three years to play the 3 AP's? Yes, but thats cool, I aint got much else to do. Most people dont know this, but children practicly raise themselves. :)
Joe Moon |
Now, the AP is designed to cover 20 levels in about 12 adventures. Assuming 13 1/3 encounters before leveling, we're looking at approximately 22 encounters per adventure. Obviously this isn't happening. What's the AP missing? Sidequests.
Hmmm... but isn't that 13.333 encounters of CR=Avg Party Level? Throw in a few higher CR battles (as Dungeon does) and you don't need as many. Also, I tend to pad out XP with story awards anyway, especially after an adventure's climax.
Lord Vile |
***Spoilers*** well... maybe spoilers
So far the higher-ups at Paizo have mentioned that AP3 will have ties with AP1 & 2. Here are some theories as to what the next AP will be about:
- Vecna+Erythnul+Hextor=???
- Spell-weavers in the jungle.
- The PC's must prevent Celeste's diabolical plot.
- Rod of 7 Parts
In another post James Jacobs indicated that AP3 was not about the Spell Weavers and I think someone from paizo mentioned that the Rod of 7 Parts was out becuase there already has been an adventure featuring it.
My first guess would have been the Spell Weavers but since they were ruled out we have to think about what they said about AP 3 in that they are getting away from outsiders(Shackled City) and the undead (Age of Worms).
The only clue I picked up on is that in the adventure "The Hall of Harsh Reflections" the PC's run into the mad Prophet of the Golden Eye. James indicated that it might be explorded in AP3.
So bottom line is we wont know for sure until Dungeon 135.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
AP 3 will indeed be unveiled in issue #135 of Dungeon. Until then, I can confirm that Spell Weavers and the Rod of Seven Parts do not play a role in AP3. I'm not discounting a name drop here and there, but they aren't in the outline we've given to WotC or the authors of the individual adventures.
The Prophet of the Golden Eye hint went nowhere; he's not in the AP3 either. That is to say, he's not in the outline.
But Outlines change.
Greg A. Vaughan Frog God Games |
Eric Boyd Contributor |
Greg A. Vaughan Frog God Games |
Big Jake |
***** More possible spoilers ****
My guesses at the AP1 & 2 Tie in:
The Seekers will play a part in uncovering some long-lost something, with help from the now-defunct Library of Last Resort.
The Haunted Village will finally be explored.
One of Alek's prophecies will begin:
"When thrice by thrice the ancient judgement falls, thunder strikes anew from Jarl Khurok's halls."
"The Striders wander, their history true, yet with each step they grow more cruel."
Greg A. Vaughan Frog God Games |
Greg V wrote:Howabout adding the legendary creature template?Sorry. I didn't want to say too much.
P.S. Those are RED were-dire flumphs of doom
I think we're going with more of the draconic templates. See there's these red, dragon-descended were-dire flumphs, and they want to invade this little valley and...oh, I don't want to give too much away. The last time I sent anyone the notes on it he went and shilled the thing to WotC...and as his own adventure!!!! The calumny!! Oh sure, there were a few cosmetic changes here and there...were-dire flumphs to hobgoblins, changing the Grand Poobah Dire Flumph of Death to Tiamat (yawn), stuff like that. It's really pretty pathetic. I think you'll find this AP version much truer to form (as long as we can bypass a certain sketchy editor in the creation process so nothing else mysteriously finds its way to Wizards first).
Laeknir |
Speaking of Iggwilv... I'd be completely sold on another Dungeon subscription if the AP3 took the players into the Hells or the Abyss.
Plus, if the AP3 can develop a little more Greyhawk background, even unofficially, that would only be a plus! I'd be equally thrilled (perhaps more so) if the AP3 tied in a little easier with the Forgotten Realms. =D
Magagumo |
One of Alek's prophecies will begin:"When thrice by thrice the ancient judgement falls, thunder strikes anew from Jarl Khurok's halls."
Hmm, the Ebon Triad seeks to unite three deities into an Overgod that should never be, and in each of the past two APs, their members have been assaulted and scattered by the PCs. Now, granted, it is likely that the Ebon Triad will no longer have a great part to play in AP3 (with Kyuss's rise prevented, we hope), but if I were to put an action to "Thrice by Thrice" I'd say that a sparring between the PCs and the Triad in the third path (even in only one of the chapters) would be a strong qualifier for initiating this omen... whatever it means ;)