Great Green God |

A group of friends and I sat around pondering this for a while and came up with the poker table of iconic evil which included: M'Lady d'Winter (Three Musketteers the book, or Faye Dunaway in the Three and Four Musketteers movies from the late 70's), Darth Vader (the iconic heavy), The Master (The Doctor's arch nemisis in Doctor Who), Captain Ben Peas (Nate and Hayes - movie, yeah he's obscure but he has that certain something that makes him lovable and hatable all at once). And because there is one in every deck The Joker (DC Comics).
The rules for admission to the table insisted that the villain in question best his or her foes in some dramatic fashion in a way that really seems to badly hurt the protagonist.

Lord Vile |

Vecna from D&D, The Anti-Monitor from DC's Crisis on Infinitive Earths, Thanos from Marvel Comics and Lord Foul from the Thomas Covenant Chronicles.
The Honored Matres from Dune would be my first choice. Yeah, they have a bad attitude but they conquer worlds by "forcing" men into having sexual intercourse with them to the point the ecstasy is so great it inslaves men to their will.

drunken_nomad |

What about Powers Boothe playing Jim Jones in 'The Guyana Tragedy'? Or is Jim Jones off the list because he's a real person? I guess we can call him a 'person'.
Every time I see Powers Boothe...he still frightens me.
Top Dollar from 'The Crow'.
and the "Locnar", the glowing orb from 'Heavy Metal'.
and Scut Farkus from 'A Christmas Story'...man, that kid TOTALLY deserved the beating that Ralphie dished up!
Walkin' Dude (Flagg) is another all-time pick.
Darth Vader.
Mr. Croup and Mr. Vandemaar are new adds to this All-Star Lineup.
Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty.
Fonda character from 'Once Upon a Time in the West'.
Doc Doom, Thanos, Magneto, Darkseid, Mephisto, Anton Arcane, Kingpin from the world o' comix.

Lilith |

Lilith wrote:Ozymandias from The Watchmen.What do you mean? He was the hero.
He may have been, but he certainly fell into the area of "What price victory?"
Another one I liked, though not really a true villain but just an outstanding character with a great backstory, is the Saint of Killers from the Preacher series. The Saint never failed to steal the scene for me.
Really, he scared off God. How cool is that?!?!
And if the rest of y'all don't know what I'm talking about...go forth and read, I command ye!

Koga: The Ninja Trick |

The Koga wants to say Dr. Doom, afterall, we have so much in common..
Dr. Doom refers to himself in the 3rd person.
The Koga refers to himself in the 3rd person.
Dr. Doom is a meglomaniac who will fight God Himself if that's what it takes to get what he wants.
The Koga is a meglomaniac who will fight God Himself if that's what it takes to get what he wants.
Dr. Doom is very self consciense about his looks which is why he hides behind a suit of armour and doesn't tell Susan his feelings.
The Koga is very self conscience about his looks which is why he hides inside his house and doesn't tell anyone about his feelings.
Dr. Doom blames that accursed Reed Richards for all his problems.
The Koga blames those accursed liberal-democrats for all his problems.
Dr. Doom actually originated from a 3rd world country he soon took over.
The Koga comes from Florida, and wasn't confused by the ballots.
But despite all the simalarities, The Koga actually finds himself acting more like Baron Zemo then Doom, and Zemo was very impressive with the whole Thunderbolts movement, prior to that he was a decent recurring villains, and after that he became more obsessed then ever with destroying The Avengers because hey, everything's going as planned and all of a sudden "we weren't dead! we were just stuck in a pocket dimension and had no idea of there being a 616 universe we left behind! Good thing all these cosmic beings intervened and this kid who's like some kindof diety saved us 101z!eleven!11"
Also, Dr. Doom is not a team player, (despite how he's been forced to be one on more then one occassion) where as The Koga can, and actually prefers to function in a group, IE: The Masters of Evil!

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The Koga wants to say Dr. Doom, afterall, we have so much in common..
The best thing about Dr. Doom as a villian is the raging contradictions hidden behind that mask in that brilliant mind of his. Not only is he a master of science but of the sorcerous arts; EVERY Halloween he remembers his mother by battling the very lord of darkness for her soul. He is a tyrannical despot whose subjects adore him. He is evil incarnate, but his word is his bond; his sense of honor is warped but he will not sell out his principles.
He is ruthless, but wouldn't harm a defenseless innocent.That's what, in my opinion, makes him about the most three-dimensional comic villain there has ever been.

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The Aberzombie just stumbled onto this thread and decided to add his two cents.
The Aberzombie has always considered the Anti-monitor to be one of the greatest comic book villains of all time.
The Aberzombie also likes the Joker, the Red Skull, and Magneto.
Lastly, the Aberzombie also likes the Manhunters. An entire race of evil robots with cosmos-spanning plans and plots. Always a plus in my book.

James Keegan |

Not quite a villain, but definitely not a hero, Horus (the Egyptian God) in Enki Bilal's The Nikopol Trilogy is quite enjoyable. Being the craziest of the Egyptian pantheon, he was on the run from the rest of the gods before he was found in a meteor and started possessing mortals, leading to their deaths because of their incapability to contain him. That is, until Alcide Nikopol, a French guy that was cryogenically frozen as punishment for desertion and then shot up into space, crashes back to Earth and makes a perfect patsy. It's a crazy story, but worth checking out.

d13 |
Majestico wrote:Clegane is a right bastard, but in some ways I pity him - I just finished up "A Clash of Kings" and was intrigued how they portrayed him.In comic books : Juggernuaght
In books: Ser Gregor Clegane from George R R Martin's superb 'A Song of Ice and Fire'
Hey Lilith,
You must've meant SANDOR Clegane AKA "The Hound". Gregor, AKA "The Mountain" is a friggin' monster!There are a lot of great villians in this series

secretturchinman |

Thanos 'nuff said.
I havent looked at this thread since I started it, and in a sense I just sort of stumbled upon it. I decided to take a gander and realized maybe qouting Stan Lee with 'nuff said really is not 'nuff said. Thanos can fight the Avengers all by his self, he killed half the Marvel Universe, he made Death his cellmate, beat the bejesus out of all the Marvel U's beings of great power, and pretty much only loses cause deep down he wants to be beat. Now your playing with power.As for literary villain Raistlin Majere, just because he's so bad that his apprentice (Dalamar), can tell a wizards conclave if they try to invade the Tower, while his master is a way he will kill them all.

Lilith |

Hey Lilith,
You must've meant SANDOR Clegane AKA "The Hound". Gregor, AKA "The Mountain" is a friggin' monster!There are a lot of great villians in this series
It's possible - those books have a pretty large cast. "The Hound" was the one I was thinking of.
Both of them are right bastards, irregardless. :-P

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Heathansson wrote:Rouge was pretty cool, before she turned all good and joined the X-men.Respek. There's so little respek left in the world the word has been tsken' out of the dictionary.
You know who gets no respek? Snarf. He paved the way for annoying sidekicks in the 80's. Without Snarf, no Jar Jar. It's a crime, I tells ya.

David Roberts |

The best thing about Dr. Doom as a villian is the raging contradictions hidden behind that mask in that brilliant mind of his. Not only is he a master of science but of the sorcerous arts; EVERY Halloween he remembers his mother by battling the very lord of darkness for her soul. He is a tyrannical despot whose subjects adore him. He is evil incarnate, but his word is his bond; his sense of honor is warped but he will not sell out his principles.
He is ruthless, but wouldn't harm a defenseless innocent.
That's what, in my opinion, makes him about the most three-dimensional comic villain there has ever been.
Can't get enough of Doom. Got to agree with you on the character's complexity. Two scenes have always stood out for me when it comes to Victor Von. One, when the Fantastic Four invade Latveria and Reed Richards slowly realizes that Doom's adoring subjects aren't being mind controlled. The second is when Dagger's (of Cloak and Dagger) powers don't work on Doom because he is free of sin - meaning in his own mind he is not at all evil. I think that's the greatest feature of Doom as a villain: he truly beleives that what he does is right and that the world would be a better place if he had supreme power.
In that respect I guess there are similarities between Doom and Ozymandias (also a fantastic villain, Lilith).
Lord Vile |

I'm impressed that Lord Foul even got a mention. I was begining to think that only I had ever read those novels.
If you like anti heros, Thomas Covenant take the reluctant messiah thing to a new level
Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever
"Say to the Council of the Lords, and to the High Lord Prothall son of Dwillian, that the uttermost limit of their span of days upon the Land is seven times seven years from this present time. Before the end of those days are numbered, I will have the command of life and death in my hand. And as a token that what I say is the one word of truth, tell them this: Drool Rockworm, Cavewight of Mount Thunder, has found the Staff of Law, which was lost ten times a hundred years ago by Kevin at the Ritual of Desecration. Say to them that the task appointed to their generation is to regain the Staff. Without it, they will not be able to resist me for seven years, and my complete victory will be achieved six times seven years earlier than it would be else."

Koldoon |

Crimson Avenger wrote:I'm impressed that Lord Foul even got a mention. I was begining to think that only I had ever read those novels.
If you like anti heros, Thomas Covenant take the reluctant messiah thing to a new level
Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever
"Say to the Council of the Lords, and to the High Lord Prothall son of Dwillian, that the uttermost limit of their span of days upon the Land is seven times seven years from this present time. Before the end of those days are numbered, I will have the command of life and death in my hand. And as a token that what I say is the one word of truth, tell them this: Drool Rockworm, Cavewight of Mount Thunder, has found the Staff of Law, which was lost ten times a hundred years ago by Kevin at the Ritual of Desecration. Say to them that the task appointed to their generation is to regain the Staff. Without it, they will not be able to resist me for seven years, and my complete victory will be achieved six times seven years earlier than it would be else."
I actually read them as the second chronicles came out, and I remember waiting for the White Gold Weilder to be released and picking up Andre Norton's Witch World series to read while we waited.
- Ashavan

ghettowedge |

Carnage - He was the first (and I stopped reading spiderman a long time ago so he may be the only) villian in Spiderman that was actually going out and killing people. Characters had accidentally been hurt and a few kicked the bucket almost by accident, but Carnage killed. He could have easily been the same character as Venom, but he was more.
Oh, and the Iron Sheik.

KnightErrantJR |

My my, so many comic book villain citations, and yet no mention of the Lord of Apokolips . . .
DC Villains: Ra's al Ghul (so glad he finally made it into a Bat Film, though we needed Talia to show up to get the full effect), Darkseid (the man has corrupted the uncorrputable in screwing with Superman's head), Joker (c'mon . . . he's a serial killer thats funny . . . what's not to like), Lex Luthor (no powers and yet he manages to be the archvillain to the poster boy of every single power that is iconic to superheroes), Despero (how many times has he screwed with the Justice League?), and the Extreemists (who you ask? The "Marvel Villain" clones from the J.M. DeMattis run on Justice League that managed to destroy their own homeworld and then came over to the DC Universe and almost did the same thing all over again).
Marvel Villains: Magneto (the ultimate tragic villain that has a good purpose but wrong methods), Doctor Doom (for reasons enumerated above, and for being the only character not really portrayed accurately in the FF movie), the Red Skull (for being the iconic supervillain . . . he has a skull for a head, used to be a Nazi, and never stays dead), Dark Phoenix (if only Jean could learn to stay dead . . . ), Loki (perfect foil for Thor, and as the god of mischeif he is wide open as a villain), Venom (at least when he is not being neutered as a "sympathetic anti-hero"), and the Sentinels (hey, its okay to hate them . . . they have no redeeming qualities).
Pop Culture Sci-Fi: Khan (from Star Trek, perfect ego foil for Kirk), The Borg (see sentinels above, until Seven of Nine came along), Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine (hey . . . other villains take over the world . . . Palpatine took over the whole galaxy, and played both sides of a war to do it, while killing off the whole Jedi Order), Darth Maul (no, he wouldn't have amounted to much as a Sith Lord, but he was a great visual villain), Darth Vader (especially once you know the whole story line), The Master (Gotta love old school Dorctor Who), The Daleks ("Exterminate! Exterminate!), and Davros (and old man with a creepy third eye in a hoverchair . . . and then he makes robots that take over the world).

Majestico |
d13 wrote:
Hey Lilith,
You must've meant SANDOR Clegane AKA "The Hound". Gregor, AKA "The Mountain" is a friggin' monster!There are a lot of great villians in this series
It's possible - those books have a pretty large cast. "The Hound" was the one I was thinking of.
Both of them are right bastards, irregardless. :-P
Actually, when I met Mr Martin himself whilst he was in Glasgow last year signing copies of his new book 'A Dance of Dragons', I happened to mention that Ser Gregor Clegane was my favourite character in the series. At which he actually stopped signing, and gave me a somewhat bemused look, before asking;
'You mean Sandor, right?' To which I informed him that no, I meant Ser Gregor, much to his bemusement. Or perhaps it was amusement, as he actually laughed, and asked me why. When I told him my reasons, he chuckled again, and used the exact term Lilith used, exclaiming,
'Yeah, he is one nasty bastard!'
Oh and if Border Books, or any of Mr Martin's employee's are somehow reading this. I swear it I never meant to walk out of the shop with my new, signed copy without paying! It was only halfway home that I realised what I had done. Oh, and I have a theory that Ser Gregor, who is pretty much dead by the sound of things in Book 4, is set to make a dramatic return. My hunch was almost confirmed when the Measter given Clegane's poisoned corspe, tells Cersei that he has the ultimate champion ready to fight for her.

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I particularly like odd-balls and second stringer villains, but here's a sample
DCU: Vandal Savage (part of it's the archaeologist in me, but I like a 52,000 year old villain); the Mist (from Starman, both father and daughter); Deadshot; Bizarro (Me am not like him lots!); Psycho Pirate (very sad when Black Adam recently punched his mask back through his skull); the Injustice Society.; God (definitely the villain out of the Preacher).
Marvel Universe: Killer Shrike; Doctor Octopus, Mysterio; Arnim Zola (hey, he wears his face in his chest! how cool is that?); Legion; Proteus;
Others: Kriegaffe #10(the Nazi War Ape from Hellboy); Darth Vader; The Martians (War of the Worlds); Mr. Wednesday (American Gods)
Most every badguy from the incarnations of The Tick: The Chainsaw Vigilante; The Red Scare; The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs At Midnight; Chairface Chippendale; Protot Clown; The Angry Red Herring; Eastern Bloc Robot Cowboy, Apolcalypse Cow...
Two of my all-time favorites, as Drunken_Nomad said are Mr Croup and Mr Vandermar from Neverwhere. "Croup and Vandermar, the Old Firm. Obstacles obliterated, nuisances eradicated, bothersome limbs removed and tutelary dentistry undertaken."

The Jade |

What about Powers Boothe playing Jim Jones in 'The Guyana Tragedy'? Or is Jim Jones off the list because he's a real person? I guess we can call him a 'person'.
Every time I see Powers Boothe...he still frightens me.
Top Dollar from 'The Crow'.
and the "Locnar", the glowing orb from 'Heavy Metal'.
and Scut Farkus from 'A Christmas Story'...man, that kid TOTALLY deserved the beating that Ralphie dished up!
Walkin' Dude (Flagg) is another all-time pick.
Darth Vader.
Mr. Croup and Mr. Vandemaar are new adds to this All-Star Lineup.
Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty.
Fonda character from 'Once Upon a Time in the West'.Doc Doom, Thanos, Magneto, Darkseid, Mephisto, Anton Arcane, Kingpin from the world o' comix.
Brilliant list. You had me at Locnar but Scut finished me off.
The body snatchers, as a group, were a hivelike villain that certainly left their ichorous mark on a young boy long ago.

Majestico |
Erik Mona wrote:n1! lol!Lorraine Williams.
Erik, you'll have to refresh my memory on this one. Although, through some warped twist of fate, both the names' Loraine, and Williams do still manage in their own way to occassionally awake in the dead of night, screaming into my pillow in mortal fear!

drunken_nomad |

The body snatchers, as a group, were a hivelike villain that certainly left their ichorous mark on a young boy long ago.
"You're Next!" That was a great ending line! Kevin McCarthy was an amazing and underrated actor. And
When Donald Sutherland points his finger at the end of the remake and screeches that unearthly long note, I totally freaked out!
Oh, and sorry to the original poster...I went off comics and into different mediums.

Lilith |