Valegrim |

I was wondering if anyone else did anything special to get into character before playing. For example, I have dubbed theme songs for each of my characters over the years and listening to that particular song reminds me of that characters attitude and demeanor so regardless of the day I had good or bad; I can slip into the role of dark, bitter bad guy struggling to reform or jovial thrill seeker or noble, patient religous guy.

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I hope this thread gets alot of responses. I am having really bad trouble "getting into" the role of my current character. I just don't connect with him at all. I used to use music to do as the Original Poster mentioned to get into character but I can't find anything that fits. It may be time to do something memorable and heroic with him. I used to draw up portraits for characters or use a voice from a movie or
tv show as my pcs voice but it ain't working for this guy. I have an LSJ character for conventions that I use the "Slingblade" voice for. Sometimes I give the character a fetish or habit that I can do at the game table (obviously a bondage fetish or something like that wouldn't work!) to focus on the character, maybe he twirls a ring on one hand that was passed down from his father, or taps the tip of his nose while thinking, or carries a piece of his murdered wife's scarf that he constantly smells to feel close to her. Pretty easy to act out at the table without being a total psycho, and helps get you in the game. I just wish I could connect with my current character.

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In some of the games I played in, I was able to mentally overlay the idea of the character onto myself. For example, when I was playing a lizardman paladin in a TORG game many years ago, I got myself to think about what made him different from me. I stress that because, for a lot of us, the core of our characters' personalities come from a single part of us magnified. Alot of times, I also figure out what that character would truly enjoy eating in the modern world and ask why. Sorry if I bounced around getting to my point.

farewell2kings |

I really don't do anything special, other than reviewing my campaign log and character sheet. That helps prepare me mentally, I guess. I take great care to play my characters true to the personality, goals and alignment that I've set for them. I like having them go up levels and get magic toys, but playing a character true to a personality vastly different from my own is the greatest enjoyment I get out of RPGs.

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Technically, wouldn't the best thing be to break into an "evil" person's house, kill everyone there, and take all their stuff? That's basically what most adventurers do anyway.
Seriously, though, the song thing is a pretty good idea. I also like to write out a journal from the point of view of the character after each playing session. Before the next session, I re-read the journal and ponder what the character has done and why. Helps alot.

R-type |

I usually check over my notes then try to write something for my character to say and do in the following session. I jot down a few witty/dumb names to call the Uthgart barbarian in the party and think of what other fun things I could do to toy with him (he's the 'straight man' to my strange wizard dandy). ;)
As DM I always write up a brief summary of the last games events and mention any important plot turns or happenings, then write an introduction to set the mood for the opening scene of the session, I usually choose the music I'll use during the game while writing this and get everything set-up for when the players arrive.

teknohippy |

I don't get to play much as I'm always DMing.
I do some prep for that though to get "in character" as it were.
I go over all my notes and logs from last nights session. Then I do a little bit of quiet meditative mental preperation. Then I have to make sure our gaming cellar is stocked up with enough candles, incense and authentic trail rations.
Finally I put on my DM Robes and contact lenses and get ready for people to arrive.

Bob the fighter |

what i do depends on the character i am playing it all is related to music but what music is dependant on the character. I play a majority of fighters so i tend to listen to metal more of than not especially when i know i have a big fight coming. Other than that i prep time comes in the form of cooking for the group to boot we actually role play out our meals sometimes by making trail meals or cheese summer sausage or ham with breads. or we get really elaboate at times when we get to higher levels hero's feast takes new level's when you actually get a steak in front of you.

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I Bang my head against the table until my head is bleeding and the blood is flowing over my eyes so I am in a blood haze to prepare the death about to rain upon the enemy.

Steve Greer Contributor |

I speak in different character voices in my truck while I'm driving to my DM's house until I get the right one I want to go with. I do the same thing when working up an NPC for my own game-you know, one that actually gets to say something before he gets FUBAR'd by the PCs ;)
Lots of TV and movies help. Lots of characters there that I like simulating. And then there's ones that are just straight out of my demented head. When I'm rehearsing the right character voice, I usually have a few catch phrases made up to go along with the character and try to work those into the game at some point. I had an NPC once that spoke like Jimmy Stewart and I got to use the line "...Why in the whole scheme of things, you're nothing but a scurvy little spider..." from It's a Wonderful Life.
It's a lot fun, but I'm sure I look like a total lunatic to anybody looking at me as I drive by when I'm "getting in character" in my truck in route to my buddy's place.

Lilith |

I've been blessed with the ability to do different voices, accents and mannerisms when I DM. One NPC has a wheezy old man voice, kinda nasal, that's an instant recognizable tone for my players. Others I try to change their cadence of speech enough so that they can tell the difference (I'm hoping its working) and changing how I look at my players when I'm in that NPC's frame of mind. To get in the proper head, I take a mental picture of how I imagine the NPCs to look and go from there.
For some reason, all my street urchins (kids that hang out on the street) have a British Cockney accent that's mixed up with some Planescape slang. Don't know why, but it seems to work out well.
As a player, I review my game notes and character sheet and go from there.

Celiwyn |

Normally for me if it was an online D&D game I read carefully over the logs to make sure my charaters mood does not change between sessions. I also often spend some time either drawing the charater in question or doing something the charater would do. Often before my current game where I am playing a middle aged soc. gnome who owns a weaving and rugs shop I spend some time knitting and muttering, where as before I play my some what self-consious ice castor I might dress nice and listen to music or read.
Also often I'll have little mini roleplaying sessions with Thanis and make jokes about our charaters since we often play together.

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I've been blessed with the ability to do different voices, accents and mannerisms when I DM.
haha. I do this too. I hope my players appreciate it. I don't usually think up what voice I'm going to use until about 5 seconds before I introduce the NPC. I slowly build up a personality from that voice (and the description in the adventure) to try to make him memorable.

Big Jake |

Somewhere in the creative process of making a character, I try to tie some sort of music to his/her personality. That way I can listen to the music before a game and get into character that way.
For a halfling psion I ran from 1st to 24th level, it was house/dance/techno and Dirty Harry (Gorillaz) that got me into character. I would listen to Technotronic, the Killer Instinct soundtrack, Eurythmics, Erasure, and other stuff. I always felt energized to get into the game.

farewell2kings |

My friend Cory (El'Rohir on these boards) is an absolute master at doing voices and characters when he DMs. He can also make up authentic sounding exotic language phrases right there on the spot and make it totally convincing.
I wish I had that gift.....one time our party had just killed an ogre when Cory had the ogre's children emerge from its cave and start lamenting their dead mother, with Cory doing a totally convincing imitation of wailing ogre children.
My wife, who was new to role-playing at the time, nearly burst out in tears, that's how good he is at that stuff.

Devilfish |

Well, we game on Sundays, so the ritual now is: I pick up one of our players and we have breakfast at the local IHOP, where we talk about the game. Then on the ride over, if we're not running late, I like to stop at my FLGS and usually end up buying at least a mini or some dice. On the long ride over we listen to an eclectic mix of soundtracks, power metal, cool stuff like Darkest of the Hillside Thickets and Bill Hicks out-takes, and other sundrie oddities.

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Ultradan wrote:A bit like this
Describe "DM Robes".
Thats what you get for asking, Ultradan!

Valegrim |

Hmm, I was hoping to get some description of dm robes also; for xmas I bought all my gamers game type T shirts and typically wear the "for those about to roll, I salute you" AC/HP with the center d20 on it. Our gaming group is big on trying to wear cool fantasy or humor or d&d type shirts on gaming days. A buddy of mine usually wears "the voices aren't real, but they have some good ideas" when playing his cleric/assassin that is inhabited by a banshee. So besides theme songs this would also be part of the getting into gaming prep for the right mindset.

farewell2kings |

I got my wife the Rules Lawyer T-shirt that says "not only are you wrong, the rules also say you're a dick." She was amused at first, but then when she realized that I was poking fun at her habit of arguing with the DMs, she won't wear it any more and gives me dirty looks when I ask her why she won't wear it any more.....ahh....marriage!

Ultradan |

teknohippy wrote:Ultradan wrote:A bit like this
Describe "DM Robes".
UltradanThats what you get for asking, Ultradan!
I guess I had that comming...

Blackdragon |

The second group that I played D&D with in high school was made up of almost all the guys from the drama club (myself included), so there were some pretty dramatic voices and manerisims when playing. Ever since then, I've used different voices and inflection for different characters when I'm DMing and even when I'm playing. Some times I run two of three characters at the smae time, doing different voices for each, having all three of them talking to the group and my players can tell whick NPC they are talking to based on the voice I am using.
Some of my characters I associate with different songs, but more often I just listen to alot of really violent heavy metal before Dming, just to get me into the mood to kill characters. Gwar, Disturbed, Drowning Pool, And Zombie are some of my favorites. Mainly, I just foccus my mind back into the story while I'm setting my stuff up, and getting my notes straightened out.

Lilith |

I got my wife the Rules Lawyer T-shirt that says "not only are you wrong, the rules also say you're a dick." She was amused at first, but then when she realized that I was poking fun at her habit of arguing with the DMs, she won't wear it any more and gives me dirty looks when I ask her why she won't wear it any more.....ahh....marriage!
I've gotten my other half his Rifts T-Shirt, but I'd like to get him the following t-shirts:
"Don't Make Me Roll For Initiative"
"Step Any Closer And I'll Make An Attack of Opportunity"
Of course, since he works graveyard shift, I'd also like to get him one that says "Do not expose to direct sunlight." Jinx has some really awesome t-shirts as well. The D&D Logo T-Shirt should be required wearing as well. :-D My co-worker got me a "Bow Before Me, For I am Root" t-shirt - also useful for game.
I've been known to play really really good drunks in game, even though I'm stone cold sober. (And for the record, I've only been really really drunk maybe twice in my life.) And little kids as well. Pouty faces and puppy dog looks are easy - it's all about the dimples. :-P

Celiwyn |

Celiwyn wrote:
...Boom chicka Wooow wooow.
Cute... very cute.
Seriously though, considering the game we spent the most time playing together his charater was my charaters dad and his cohort was my mom...Getting into charater for my half-fey bard/cleric was often spent remembering all the ways I tried to get away with things when I lived with my parents. Thanis' charater would *MAKE* my charater prepare "Blinding Beauty" (Book of Exalted Deeds) and cast it every other day to make sure my charater wasn't doing anything since one of the spell's components was to abstain from sexual activity for a week.
She was very upset with her father for dying without even having had a boyfriend and when she was raised from the dead she made sure to let Daddy hear it... until Mom told her to pipe it down.

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Fake Healer wrote:Celiwyn wrote:
...Boom chicka Wooow wooow.
FHCute... very cute.
Seriously though, considering the game we spent the most time playing together his charater was my charaters dad and his cohort was my mom...Getting into charater for my half-fey bard/cleric was often spent remembering all the ways I tried to get away with things when I lived with my parents. Thanis' charater would *MAKE* my charater prepare "Blinding Beauty" (Book of Exalted Deeds) and cast it every other day to make sure my charater wasn't doing anything since one of the spell's components was to abstain from sexual activity for a week.
She was very upset with her father for dying without even having had a boyfriend and when she was raised from the dead she made sure to let Daddy hear it... until Mom told her to pipe it down.
Sounds like a good game. You guys are lucky to have such a creative group. My group could use some lessons in roleplaying. Most rarely even do any character developement at all. "I am a Druid, I like to keep the balance in nature". That's about it.
Time for a change soon I think.FH

Alasanii |

I like to listen to music too, to help get into character. I also write a lot about the character. Where did he come from, what happened to him before the campaign. Does he have any family. I then try to get more in depth. I will usually then write about he environment in which he was raised.
If I know how he was raised that can bring into play his moral code and how that was developed.
Also a friend of mine on the way to the DMs house when I pick him up we go over what has been happening and how our charaacters are going to handle it and what can be done. We usually are in character by the time we get to the DMs house. As for NPCs a brief backstory, usually helps.

The White Toymaker |

Celiwyn wrote:Cute... very cute.
Seriously though, considering the game we spent the most time playing together his charater was my charaters dad and his cohort was my mom...Getting into charater for my half-fey bard/cleric was often spent remembering all the ways I tried to get away with things when I lived with my parents. Thanis' charater would *MAKE* my charater prepare "Blinding Beauty" (Book of Exalted Deeds) and cast it every other day to make sure my charater wasn't doing anything since one of the spell's components was to abstain from sexual activity for a week.
She was very upset with her father for dying without even having had a boyfriend and when she was raised from the dead she made sure to let Daddy hear it... until Mom told her to pipe it down.
Sounds like a good game. You guys are lucky to have such a creative group. My group could use some lessons in roleplaying. Most rarely even do any character developement at all. "I am a Druid, I like to keep the balance in nature". That's about it.
Time for a change soon I think.FH
It was a fun game. Got the direction for the entire campaign when I was rolling up a random dungeon and found a floor that had one room containing three drow men and another room containing two orcs, a pedestal holding a religious idol, and a manger. Simple enough to trade the two orcs in for one drow woman and throw in a "Hidden treasure" that consisted of one bag of gold and two bottles of smelly stuff. ;) Even better when the Half-Fey tried to charm the baby they found and got herself charmed in spite of her immunity to enchantment. The last session, they (except for the Paladin) sat down and had tea with the main antagonist (the aforementioned baby, all grown up). "No reason not to have tea, so long as it's not poisoned." "Umm... one moment." *Drow hastily clears the table and sets out new cups of tea.*
She was a fun character, even if I only got to actually use her once.
Generally, to get into character, I'll think back over my character's backstory (or, more recently, backstories. One character, six backstories. He/She is a lot of fun to play.) If I've found theme music for them, I'll play it (or try and remember some of it, if it's not on hand.) Generally though, it's just a matter of looking over my character sheet and reacquainting myself with my abilities and whatnot. "Oh yeah, that's right. I'm a good liar. And I use that ability to make everyone more gullible before I try to cheat at cards."