Running Life's Bazaar - the Malachite Fortress

Shackled City Adventure Path

This last weekend my group pretty much finished with Jzadirune and ready to enter the Malachite Fortress. I have a couple weeks before we run this again, we switch off campaigns every week, but I want a chance to really prepare for the game.

One question I have is there anything in this part of the adventure that I am going to need to look out for or keep in mind?

Also, I havent had the chance to introduce Fario and Felian yet, should I attempt to introduce them at any point, even if the party doesn't end up needing any help.

Any other advice that could help me run this part of the adventure would much appreciated.

Hey The Mind

I have tried looking in the threads but the exact one I was after may have been archived.

What I was looking for was a document one of the guys/gals had made up showing the reaction time for the fortress's occupants and how long it took them to arrive at combat. Sure it was not perfect for everyone but it might be good for you, or with the suggested modifications other people in the thread made.

If anyone can remember it, or find it, please can you link it here :)

And my apologies for not remembering the submitters name :\

Tearlach wrote:

What I was looking for was a document one of the guys/gals had made up showing the reaction time for the fortress's occupants and how long it took them to arrive at combat. Sure it was not perfect for everyone but it might be good for you, or with the suggested modifications other people in the thread made.

If anyone can remember it, or find it, please can you link it here :)

And my apologies for not remembering the submitters name :\

You may have been thinking of my timeline. It worked fairly well, but it can be brutal on the PCs if they didn't react quickly - I plotted it out over 14 rounds of combat.

Mind, if you want it, I can throw it your way. It's also got the statblocks for all the monsters in the MF as well.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

I wouldn't mind getting a copy of that. Thanks a lot.

The Shining Fool wrote:
I wouldn't mind getting a copy of that. Thanks a lot.

Drop me an email at Rushing D /at/ aetna /dot/ com and I'll toss it your way! (Work email, so if it hits my filters, it may take a day for me to respond.)

Gwydion wrote:
Drop me an email at Rushing D /at/ aetna /dot/ com and I'll toss it your way! (Work email, so if it hits my filters, it may take a day for me to respond.)

Would it be ok if I dropped you an email and got a copy?

I have emailed Gwydion as well as I lost my original of his post :(

Damn dog deciding it had a new bed.

Apologies if this is not acceptable Gwydion.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

There was also a thread covering how the guards would prepare the entrance area, if the group would take a rest period in Cauldron above.

Here: goblinReactionToSlayingOfElevatorGuard

I'd be more than happy to send my outline to anyone who wants it - just drop me a message at the above email.

There are a lot of good discussions about the early stages of the SCAP, but you'll have to do some digging through the archives. I'm at work, otherwise I'd look 'em up for you. =)

The Mind wrote:

This last weekend my group pretty much finished with Jzadirune and ready to enter the Malachite Fortress. I have a couple weeks before we run this again, we switch off campaigns every week, but I want a chance to really prepare for the game.

One question I have is there anything in this part of the adventure that I am going to need to look out for or keep in mind?

Also, I havent had the chance to introduce Fario and Felian yet, should I attempt to introduce them at any point, even if the party doesn't end up needing any help.

Any other advice that could help me run this part of the adventure would much appreciated.

Mine are also ready to take the elevator down but they slew a reinforced guard patrol because the Dark ones escaped and spoke about adventurers.

I think that the Fortress will be ready but they already slew more hobgobelins and the way will be easier for them unless they wait for some days and Kazmojen has time to get more from the underdark.
Fario and Fellian are important, I introduced them earlier, they spy on the group but can help them if they believe they act the right way, don't forget the mind link with Meerthan, the group think that they are from the Last Laugh....

I would very much have Fario and Fellian at the very least following them discreetly down. The MF can be a meatgrinder; my party barely made it through the "ogre" and the stone spike without being dropped.

The Striders make /excellent/ unforeseen reinforcements.

Thanks for that Gwydion

Is there a space or _ between the Rushing and the D?

*mental note get glasses checked.

Tearlach wrote:

Thanks for that Gwydion

Is there a space or _ between the Rushing and the D?

*mental note get glasses checked.

Sorry, my attempt to avoid cherrypicking may have confused you!

RushingD would be the way to be! :)

Thanks for all of the replies. I will probably have Fario and Felian be following discretely, and if the party gets into too much trouble then I will have them help. Otherwise, I will have them show up to help escort the prisoners back to safety when the time comes.

Out of curiosity, at what point did you have Vhalantru(sp?) show up in the battle with Kazmojen?

Tearlach wrote:

Hey The Mind

What I was looking for was a document one of the guys/gals had made up showing the reaction time for the fortress's occupants and how long it took them to arrive at combat. Sure it was not perfect for everyone but it might be good for you, or with the suggested modifications other people in the thread made.

I wouldn't be too harsh on the PCs. I believe the HC said all the doors where stone and very difficult to hear through. So I would let the PCs plough through the first few rooms without raising the alarm.

The final fight is quite difficult. Prickles is a big damage dealer.

IMC the pc dealth with the ogre, stone spike, animated chain etc They found a secret door and got to one of the guard rooms and were able to capture and interrogate a hobgoblin. They asked to be brought to the leader, so he complied. The party went straight for the head honcho and belted it out. Afterwards (after the surprise visit from the beholder) they returned the children upside and came back the next day.

I had the hobgoblins (zarkad) make an intelligence check. He was smart enough to figure the do-gooders would be back and if they can beat kazmojen, they can beat him. So he cleared out, leaving only a couple goblins to do whatever they wanted.

I left all the other prisoners still alive, since I didn't want to needlessly penalise the party with their corpses. (Afterall the party did a pretty good job of saving the kids)

The Mind wrote:
Out of curiosity, at what point did you have Vhalantru(sp?) show up in the battle with Kazmojen?

I played this scene twice with both groups of mine.

For the first group, PC stated to fall under Pyckles and Kazmogen power, so they had to flee, looking the safeness of the illusion walls near the jails. Finally they had some rounds to heal before Kazmojen appears and could beat him. Being Kazmojen dead, hobgoblins stated to flee to the underdark, and in a reconnaissance trip through the Malachite Fortess Valanthru appeared claiming for Terrem.

The second group almost died against Kazmogen. There were only Fellian and the wizard left when Valanthru appeared killing and disintegrating hobgoblins through the main door and bargaining with Kazmojen for Terrem. Then PC realised that it was far easier to negotiate for the rest of the kids instead of trying to kill Kazmojen, so they paid the price and left the fortress leaking their wounds.

In both scenes, Valanthru apparition was a shock for players, and I think so far (I’m in Flood Season) one of the most memorable of this campaign.

IMC, once kids had been rescued, there is a trial for Keyghan Ghelve, which in both cases ended with Keyghan guilty and his house demolished and access to Jzadirune and Malachite Fortress closed forever. So they couldn’t return to it.

Sorry for my bad english.

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