Thoughts about AOW's use of artifacts and past mag content

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I've been wondering how everyone felt about the use of past Dungeon adventures in Spire of Long Shadows (including Shackled City) and the artifacts that have found a home in AOW. I myself think that adding the Hand of Vecna will be quite a challenge to any party. What do you guys think?

It seems like a cool idea. I've been reading about these artifacts since I first bought a 1st edition DM's Guide back in the day, yet I never used them in my games because of fear of throwing everything out of whack balance-wise. (Plus back then it took so long for characters to advance level that we never got to a high enough level game to have such artifacts in play.) This is a chance for players who have heard of these things for so long to finally interact with them through their characters.

andrew berthiaume wrote:
I've been wondering how everyone felt about the use of past Dungeon adventures in Spire of Long Shadows (including Shackled City) and the artifacts that have found a home in AOW. I myself think that adding the Hand of Vecna will be quite a challenge to any party. What do you guys think?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

D&D artifacts have always found a home in my heart ever since I started playing the game. But one thing I want to know is where do I info on the Rod of Seven Parts? And I wonder if any other artifacts are going show up later.

I believe it's in the Arms and Equipment guide. It says so in the adventure where you get it.

Dark Archive

andrew berthiaume wrote:
D&D artifacts have always found a home in my heart ever since I started playing the game. But one thing I want to know is where do I info on the Rod of Seven Parts? And I wonder if any other artifacts are going show up later.

Yep, check out "Arms and Equipment Guide" for the stats on the Rod.

Also, I'd bet the cat on my lap that we'll see a Sphere of Annihilation by the end of the Adventure Path.

I'm tempted to throw in references to the head of Vecna. ;-)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Tor Libram wrote:
I'm tempted to throw in references to the head of Vecna. ;-)

Lol. That would send PC's running for their mommys I'd think. And thanks for the feedback and where I'll find rod info.

Liberty's Edge

Tor Libram wrote:
I'm tempted to throw in references to the head of Vecna. ;-)

heheh. A friend of mine mentioned hearing about that a convention event. Then it popped up in "Die, Vecna, Die" about a year later.

The Head of Vecna is a fake.
It's great for killing off stupid PCs who try to use every
artifact they find.
If you use the Hand of Vecna have the Eye completely
unavailable, like the other parts of the rod.
Use Artifacts spareingly. Too many and it cheepens them.

Liberty's Edge

Goth Guru wrote:

The Head of Vecna is a fake.

It's great for killing off stupid PCs who try to use every
artifact they find.

Even when I just heard about it as a second-hand rumor, I knew it wasn't the real head. It's +5 Munchkin-bane preserved head, plain and simple and that is why I still laugh over a whole party but 1 killing themselves over it.

andrew berthiaume wrote:
I've been wondering how everyone felt about the use of past Dungeon adventures in Spire of Long Shadows (including Shackled City) and the artifacts that have found a home in AOW. I myself think that adding the Hand of Vecna will be quite a challenge to any party. What do you guys think?

I rather like the inclusion of some of the classic artifacts of D&D lore in the adventure path - though a part of me is getting tired of seeing the Hand or Eye of Vecna involved in one or another D&D adventure. Sort of like seeing 'Count Dracula' appear too often in vampire films, I think I'd be a bit happier if they'd used some of the more obscure artifacts of D&D lore - just to give them a moment in the sunlight.

- The Invulnerable Coat of Arnd: This would have been keen as it could give a party champion protection enough to go toe-to-toe (for a bit) with the worst Kyuss has to offer.

- The Crystal of Ebon Flame: Hasn't put in an appearance in any adventure that I know of, it could have been given a chance to burn brightly for a party in need of a boost.

- The teeth of Da'va'nar (spelling error, but you know what I'm talking about!): Perhaps a means of boosting the party as a whole into epic levels of power - perhaps the trigger that allows them to REACH epic levels in the first place?

I'm not looking to pick and complain at this or that for the AoW path, but I'm thinking that the Hand of Vecna angle has been done a bit too much: I'd like to see some other artifacts for a change!

I thought the visions of the events that were lead-ups to the AoW were great. Shackeled City, Istivin, that giant egg that fell from the sky, etc. All a little treat for people who have been reading <i>Dungeon</i> for the past few years.

As for artifacts, I think it's high time for the Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga to make an appearance.

"As for artifacts, I think it's high time for the Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga to make an appearance."

Funny you should mention the Hut of Baba Yaga... Just last night I dug up the ol' 1st E DMG and went wandering down memory lane. Of course, i had to read the old descriptions of the Rod of Seven Parts, The various parts of Venca, and the Sphere of annihilation....I remebered using all those at one time or another. Then I saw the entry for the Hut... and thought," hmmm... never did use the Hut.... meant to get around to it... but never did... hmmm how about the Hut of Baba Yaga being one of those artifacts that the AoW ushers in as it approaches?"

I've been at work now crafting a wu Jen and oriental typ NPC party that I think my PCs will come across in the marsh on the way to the lizard folk lair. The NPC party will be looking for that green falling star that they'll all see in a night or two... And the Wu jen will have unearthed a Hut.... Thinking about some serious (old school) draw backs to just ensur that the Party DOESN'T want to pursue ownership though.

Why someone would not want to aquire certain artifacts.
Baba Yaga's hut. Baba Yaga lives in it.
Hand of Vecna. Vecna takes over whoever uses it.
If you're smart you will put the hand in a box and give it to
Baba Yaga.
Don't touch the Wand of Orcus.
An Orb of Oblivian is a lesser artifact only in the 3.5 rules.
It just destroys things. Controlling it is iffy.
You cannot equip it.
Nilspace is long gone because nitwits kept trying to open a gate to there or something. s

andrew berthiaume wrote:
D&D artifacts have always found a home in my heart ever since I started playing the game. But one thing I want to know is where do I info on the Rod of Seven Parts? And I wonder if any other artifacts are going show up later.

Yeah. I once actually ran a campaign that had the (admittedly high powered) characters pursuing various artifacts in order to lock them away in their patron's vault (think something like teh Friday the 13th TV series). Gave the characters a chance to play with an artifact for a little bit, and allowed them to get to know some of the classics.

I do, also, have a fondness for the Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga. That would be ever so much fun... and I have both adventures that featured the Hut prominently.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Wow. So much feedback. That's a first for me lol. Thanks you guys for posting. I'm glad to in a way hang out with some of the most helpful D&Der's (and I'm copyrighting that term too lol) on the boards.

somnamancer wrote:
andrew berthiaume wrote:
D&D artifacts have always found a home in my heart ever since I started playing the game. But one thing I want to know is where do I info on the Rod of Seven Parts? And I wonder if any other artifacts are going show up later.

Yeah. I once actually ran a campaign that had the (admittedly high powered) characters pursuing various artifacts in order to lock them away in their patron's vault (think something like teh Friday the 13th TV series). Gave the characters a chance to play with an artifact for a little bit, and allowed them to get to know some of the classics.

I do, also, have a fondness for the Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga. That would be ever so much fun... and I have both adventures that featured the Hut prominently.

that's funny...

I run a campain just like it in the Realms. The Characters are all followers of Mystra or Helm, and are a part of very secretive allience of those two churches to recover powerful items and keep them out of mortal hands.
I named it the Relic Hunters. Part of the fun for me was making up items for them to chase.

For some additional thoughts on ways you could foreshadow and hint at the other artifacts in AoW prior to their appearance in-game, check out some material cut from the Artifacts of Greyhawk article that Erik and I wrote in Dragon 294/Living Greyhawk Journal 10: sid=268

If you're looking to include additional artifacts/relics, my list @ may also prove helpful (the list in Dragon 299/LGJ15 was based on this one).


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