What books are you currently reading?


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Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

I just finished Rant by Chuck Palahniuk last night.


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Last three were:
Current: Swords of Dragonfire, Ed Greenwood. Literally only just started.
Previous: Every Which Way But Dead, Kim Harrison.
Before that: Secrets of Sinharat, Leigh Brackett (Planet Stories)

Just finished "No Country for Old Men". Simply great, polished it off in about 4 hours. Better than the movie. Picking up Andrzei Sapkowski's "The Last Wish" based on The Witcher. Loved the video game, hope the book doesn't disaapoint.

I just read the Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao. It's about a Dominican DnD geek. Anyone else hear about it or read it?

Currently reading "Sailing to Utopia," by Michael Moorcock, which is a compilation that includes the following stories: "The Ice Schooner," "The Black Corridor," "The Distant Suns," and "Flux."

Let me warn you about something, bibliophiles. Do not get drunk at dinner and then wander into a Barnes and Noble to use the restroom.

I walked out, still a bit tipsy and said,"You know what, I'm gonna go CRAZY!"

I woke up six hours later, laying in my bathtub, surrounded with paperbacks. With no memory of how I had bought them or if they were going to be any good. I think I may have even signed up for the discount card.

So be careful. Just saying.

James Keegan wrote:

Let me warn you about something, bibliophiles. Do not get drunk at dinner and then wander into a Barnes and Noble to use the restroom.

I walked out, still a bit tipsy and said,"You know what, I'm gonna go CRAZY!"

I woke up six hours later, laying in my bathtub, surrounded with paperbacks. With no memory of how I had bought them or if they were going to be any good. I think I may have even signed up for the discount card.

So be careful. Just saying.

That's hilarious. Were the pages in the books tear-stained as well, James?

Uh...yeah. Tears.

Richard Baker - Swordmage

Scarab Sages

Sergej Lukianenko: Spektrum
(German Title, I don't know if the book is out in the US)
Science Fiction, original, evocative. I think this russian writer is one of the best SF / Fantasy writers at the moment.

Sovereign Court

Physics of the Impossible - Michio Kaku
Vegan Express - Nava Atlas
Conan: The frost-giant's daughter and other stories - Kurt Busiek
MCTS: Microsoft Windows Vista, Configuring
Keep on the Shadowfell - Mearls/Cordell
Pathfinder Alpha 3 - Paizo

I can't remember the last time I was just reading "a" book.

Liberty's Edge

Blood Ravens - The Dawn of War by C.S. Goto; Warhammer 40k. Pretty good.

Reading Minette Walters "The Chameleon's Shadow"
If amazon would pull its gnarled digit from out of some moist orifice I should be reading The Blood Knight , by Greg Keyes.

Scarab Sages

The Zombie Survival Guide, by Max Brooks.

Aberzombie wrote:
The Zombie Survival Guide, by Max Brooks.

Hey! Stop trying to figure out ways to keep us from survivng, you freak of nature! Down with zombies! Up with living people!

Aberzombie wrote:
The Zombie Survival Guide, by Max Brooks.

Hey! Stop trying to figure out ways to keep us from surviving, you freak of nature!

Down with zombies! Up with the living!

Jit wrote:

Reading Minette Walters "The Chameleon's Shadow"

If amazon would pull its gnarled digit from out of some moist orifice I should be reading The Blood Knight , by Greg Keyes.

I just finished The Blood Knight. I thought it was pretty good; I read that and the previous two in a really short amount of time since I just couldn't put it down. I've heard mixed reviews of The Born Queen, though, so I may wait until that comes out in paperback before picking it up.

Sovereign Court

Storm Front by Jim Butcher.

The Lensmen Series by E.E.Doc Smith---The Father of Sci-Fi.

The Mist---Stephen King.

The Peoples History of the United States--Howard Zinn

Just finished The Last Wish based on The Witcher video game. Surprisingly three dimensional character with some theological discussion and intelligent, exciting reading. I recommend it.

Currently reading Storm Front by Butcher and The Mexican Mafia by Tony Rafael.

William Faulkner's Go Down, Moses and Beowulf in the Old English

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Just starting "The Sky People" by Stirling.

Just finished Book 2 of The Swans War by Sean Russell: The Isle of Battle. Number 3 is on order, and I'll be grabbing the last book of the Lady Penitent series soon.

James Keegan wrote:
Jit wrote:

Reading Minette Walters "The Chameleon's Shadow"

If amazon would pull its gnarled digit from out of some moist orifice I should be reading The Blood Knight , by Greg Keyes.
I just finished The Blood Knight. I thought it was pretty good; I read that and the previous two in a really short amount of time since I just couldn't put it down. I've heard mixed reviews of The Born Queen, though, so I may wait until that comes out in paperback before picking it up.

Yeah, with two stars on amazon its not worth it :)

Reading the glass menagerie -tennessee williams

Just finished the Diamond Age by Neil Stephenson. Now onto Barak Obama's biography.

James Keegan wrote:

I walked out, still a bit tipsy and said,"You know what, I'm gonna go CRAZY!"

Woooo, baby! Check out the spine on that hot little number!

I get like that when I surf on Amazon; my wife has to take my credit card away or I'll be ordering the complete works of Ludwig von Mises in a heartbeat. I still haven't finished my complete works of Clark Ashton Smith, even!

Now reading Howl's Moving Castle: good story, confused plot, terrible writing. I actually thought those were editing mistakes, but then I realized the author has a gift for writing malformed sentences.

Liberty's Edge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Game of Thrones..

I am near page 300...really good so far! I can not believe I did not pick this one up earlier.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I just finished "Goblin Quest" by Jim C. Hines. It's a fun book and a quick read. It takes some of the fantasy stereotypes we're familiar with and...plays with them. It pays homage to some of those stereotypes and others are turned on their ears. It is a story about a puny goblin named Jig who is picked on by his peers. Jig runs into a party of adventurers in the dungeon and hilarity ensues.

I expected an ironic little story in which the author would be content to merely mix things up simply based on the perspective from which the story was told. What I got was much better. This book actually manages to be clever and entertaining. I would recommend it without hesitation.

Now I'm going to go back and try to finish either "Dawn" by Tim Lebbon or "The Lies of Locke Lamora" by Scott Lynch...

Finally reading "The Blood Knight" by Greg Keyes and eating noodle salad.

Scarab Sages

World War Z

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
World War Z

I'm listening to the audiobook version. Three words: HENRY MOTHERF&!+ING ROLLINS.

Liberty's Edge

- "Neverwhere" by Neil Gaiman
- "Into the Wild" by John Krakauer
- "Black Coffee Blues: volume 2" by Henry Rollins

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
World War Z

World war Z is INCREDIBLE. I think people would be calling it modern literature if it wasn't about zombies. And to anyone who did a double-take at the last sentence, read it. Max brooks is an almost mind-bogglingly talented writer and as with Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel, I almost forgot World war Z was fiction a few times while I was reading it. I'm still a little stunned at how thoughtful and intelligent a book about ZOMBIES can be...

Liberty's Edge

I'm currently reading America's Hidden History by Kenneth C. Davis.

Liberty's Edge

Timespike wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
World War Z

World war Z is INCREDIBLE. I think people would be calling it modern literature if it wasn't about zombies. And to anyone who did a double-take at the last sentence, read it. Max brooks is an almost mind-bogglingly talented writer and as with Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel, I almost forgot World war Z was fiction a few times while I was reading it. I'm still a little stunned at how thoughtful and intelligent a book about ZOMBIES can be...

I especially liked the interview with Howard Dean... I mean, "The Whacko"...

Scarab Sages

Currently reading "The Vampire Genevieve," Omnibus, by Jack Yeovil. For a Warhammer Fantasy novel, it drags. I've begun going back and forth with another Warhammer fantasy novel, "Vampire Wars: The Von Carstein Trilogy," Omnibus, by Steven Savile.

I've read all the Drizzt novels, minus the Cleric Canticles... drag, and will continue to read them as they are released. Unfortunately, they are "pg-13," at best, where the Warhammer Fantasy novels definitely are "R." The "R" is for violence, bloodshed, and horrific themes and descriptions, coupled with great stories.


Liberty's Edge

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Timespike wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
World War Z

World war Z is INCREDIBLE. I think people would be calling it modern literature if it wasn't about zombies. And to anyone who did a double-take at the last sentence, read it. Max brooks is an almost mind-bogglingly talented writer and as with Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel, I almost forgot World war Z was fiction a few times while I was reading it. I'm still a little stunned at how thoughtful and intelligent a book about ZOMBIES can be...

I especially liked the interview with Howard Dean... I mean, "The Whacko"...

I really got to like that soldier that was interviewed a couple of times.

Silver Crusade

Timespike wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Timespike wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
World War Z

World war Z is INCREDIBLE. I think people would be calling it modern literature if it wasn't about zombies. And to anyone who did a double-take at the last sentence, read it. Max brooks is an almost mind-bogglingly talented writer and as with Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel, I almost forgot World war Z was fiction a few times while I was reading it. I'm still a little stunned at how thoughtful and intelligent a book about ZOMBIES can be...

I especially liked the interview with Howard Dean... I mean, "The Whacko"...
I really got to like that soldier that was interviewed a couple of times.

North Korea is still the creepiest part of the book for me...

Although I'd always suggest the book over the abridged audiobook, it's still worth checking out just for the strong performances by a genuinely impressive cast. Aforementioned soldier was played by Mark "The Joker" Hamill. I had to pick it up for that alone.

Liberty's Edge

My Summer Reading for Honors 11th grade English Class
~"In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote
~"Carrie" by Steven King

But last year read "World War Z" along with the "Zombie Survival Guide" and I enjoyed both of them very much

currently reading The Analects of Confucius: With Selections from the Traditional Comentaries Translated by Edward Slingerland.

Don't Know Much About Mythology by Kenneth C. Davis, which actually covers a wide range of mythology,
Star Wars: the Last Command by Timothy Zahn.

"Kane of Old Mars," by Michael Moorcock.

Other than the 4e books, I'm reading the Commemorative Edition of the Necronomicon. It really reaffirms my love of the mythos. Soon, I'll be starting Small Favors, the 10th book in the Dresden Files series.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Shem wrote:
Just starting "The Sky People" by Stirling.

Oooh. Please post a review when you're done. I'm very interested in reading this eventually when I get some free time.

Currently reading:

Sword Woman by Robert E. Howard
Skull-Face (the Berkley compilation) by Robert E. Howard
Hok the Mighty by Manly Wade Wellman
Across the Zodiac by Percy Gregg (ugh. Can't finish this one.)

I just finished Jongor of Lost Land by Robert Moore Williams, one of my guilty pulp pleasures.


Just finished Eisenhorn omnibus (Xenos-Hereticus-Malleus) by Dan Abnett... A must read for fan of the Dark Heresy RPG (Warhammer 40K)...
I'm currently reading Ravenor, another title by Abnett...

The Exchange

Just finished Perdido Street Station by China Mieville and liked it so much I just ordered two more by him (see Dragon Magazine 352 for more info). Recently read an historical mystery called An Instance of the Fingerpost, and am about to start on the 5th Dresden novel.

Liberty's Edge

The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico by Miguel León-Portilla.

Fatal Revenant, the second volume of the Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, by Stephen R. Donaldson

Memories of Ice - Steven Erikson (excellent series)

Liberal Fascism - Jonah Goldberg

The first in the Han Solo trilogy

Orphans of Chaos, by Wright

Jane Eyre

Sovereign Court

Steerpike7 wrote:

Liberal Fascism - Jonah Goldberg

Is this good? I have seen it in the bookstore a lot.

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