kahoolin |

I think alot of the old cartoons also suffer from a golden age of nostalgia thing - I saw a couple of episodes of He-Man a wile ago, and it was some of the most god-awful pap I've ever laid eyes on. I had thought up until then that that show was a classic. My favourite the TMNT is also not as good as I remember it. I think maybe kids are easily impressed, no matter what era we're talking about, so the makers of cartoons don't try very hard.
By the way, did you guys know that He-Man was developed to sell the toy range, just like YuGiOh etc? It's not a new thing.
Apparently they made all these toys to go with the Conan the Barbarian movie, (fantasy was big at the time) but when Mattel saw how violent the film was they quickly pulled their support, punched out a bunch of blond heads to replace Conan's and quickly re-named him "He-Man." My brother swears this is true, and even if it's an urban myth it's still pretty cool :)

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Aberzombie wrote:I hate some of the crappy-ass cartoons they play for kids these days. What ever happened to the old classics like Loony Toons, Tom and Jerry, Woody Woodpecker, Speed Racer, and Johnny Quest. Hell, I'd even settle for Robotech.What kind of gamer are you to leave out Voltron, Thundercats, Starblazers, Thundar the Barbarian, G.I.Joe, and Transformers?!?! Least you got Speed Racer in there.
FH (Racer X, who is secretly Speed's older brother Rex Racer)
Ah yes, more spectacular classics, just like the ones I already named. And lest I forget, there's also the Jetsons, Captain Caveman, Scooby Doo, Underdog, and the old black and white Popeye the Sailor cartoons.

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They need to bring back the damn Herculoids.
Oh holy s*#!, I completely forgot about them. They were awesome. That big rock dude, and the rhino-type thing that shot stuff out of his horn (that didn't sound right). Then there were the dragon-thing, and the two squishy-amoeba things.

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With Ookla the Mok and Princess Ariel? No, I don't remember it. Or the lizard-horses that they rode.
I really can't watch Speed Racer anymore... A few years ago I woke up entierly too early, was still exhausted but couldn't get back to sleep, so I plopped down in the front room and turned on the TV while playing solitare. Flipping around at random, I settled on Telemundo because they had a really cute AM announcer chick and it wasn't showing any frickin' infomercials. After a bit, Speed Racer came on and I sat in slack-jawwed stupefication as a Proto-anime cartoon dubbed in Spanish rolled along. It was about the time that Pa Racer was bouncing from foot to foot shouting "Donde es Chim-chim?" that I shook my head and decided that the cross-cultural melange was just a little to much for that time of the pre-dawn. I haven't been able to go back since.

kahoolin |

I hate that TV networks and studios have finally figured out how to make money off the cult audience, which used to be the one part of the market they couldn't really touch. If they made shows to appeal to wierdos then no normal people would watch them and they couldn't justify the advertising so they ujust put em on late. If a show did get a big enough cult following (eg. Buffy) then it ran for ages and rightfully earned a place in TV history.
Now some bright spark/evil executive henchman has figured out a golden solution:
Step 1: Make heaps and heaps of quirky, awesome, cult shows with no intention of making money off advertising. Let the talented writers and performers actually make what they want.
Step 2: Pull the show after one season when it's had enough time for those interested to get a taste for it.
Step 3:Flog the DVDs like they were a corral of dead horses.
I am SO sick of seeing a great, original show and thinking "finally, someone with a bit of imagination actually got loose in the studio." And then after catching 3 or 4 episodes the series is cancelled with a message to the effect of "if you enjoyed (blank), buy the DVDs! Coming soon!"
All this time the network keeps up with it's endless stream of reality TV, Funniest Home Videos and Simpson's re-runs. Every episode of the Simpsons I watch for the 11th time is half an hour of my life I'll never get back.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Heathansson wrote:Hey, everybody. Gavgoyle's new nickname is Chim Chim!Chim Chim's Badass Theory of Religiosity.
If you try, you will catch on.
I love you matt!
Languages on fire that are launched, start here. The warning of the word goes out to all the above all the below and all who have been cast aside. For everyone who is re-energized, criticized or disguised. From the roof of the powerhouses to the ground floor of your soul. To all who can fathom a subsidiary atmosphere and to all who can listen to the sound of cyber-fear. Chim Chim's Badass Revenge...equals the imaginative mind that enables us to resist the strategies of containment brought on to us by political thunder whores from on high
It's the coming of the digital freak swing vs. ape kills master. If you try you will catch on...
Inhospitable cellular chain gangs and the slaves speak of consumerism. And in the monsters of plastic that await behind the hidden corners of the new hype.
Chim Chim's Badass Revenge...
The surrender of our dignities and the disintegrate of the Whammo Frisbee within us all are the side effects of the emerging techno psychology. The push-button landscape of the coming millennia and it intellectual discriminations can't be avoided, they can only be down-graded, repudiated and
athroplacentrically renovated. The history distorting legislative heartbeat of the coming century aligns itself with weakness and over indulgence.
Chim Chim's Badass Revenge suggests that you structure your acceptance of the frequencies according to hope and man and a kick ass outlook.
If you try you will catch on.
The reinvention accelerates from this point for it is with these words and the spirit of Chim Chim's Badass theory of religiosity that we bring you the only antidote that humanity will ever know...

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Donde es Trixie?
Anyway, I have a new rant. Bear with me here, cause this might piss some folks off.
I hate the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica. In the original series, the humans were being mercilessly hounded by a bunch of cybernetic lizards. The main reason cylons were trying to kill humans is because they were evil bastards.
Now as I understand it, in the new series the cylons were former robotic servants and soldiers of the humans. They eventually rebelled, there was a big fight, and the cylons were defeated. Now they are back with a vengeance and trying to conquer the human race. The basic message seems to be that humanity brought the problem on itself. In my opinion, this is no different from a lot of other mindless drivel coming out of Hollywood these days. And come on, AI running rogue (see, I spelled it right) and turning against humanity is a topic that has been beaten nearly to death in the last few years. Come up with something new.
That said, I've also come to understand that a lot of people consider the show to be extremely well written and have some great acting. Hoorah!
I just prefer the original.

James Keegan |

I am honestly really sick of getting calls from other peoples' bill collectors. This is the first time since getting my cell phone two years ago that this has ever happened. I'll get a call from an unavailable number or an 800 number and if I don't pick it up, I get a message (or half a message if it's from a machine) for someone else regarding an outstanding debt. And sometimes these people call a few times. My answering machine states explicitly who you are reaching. Why don't they get the clue? And even when I answer the phone, there's always that 10 seconds of silence where you know a machine is waiting to give you a message or a person with a bank of monitors and four phone calls going at once is waiting to hear a human voice.
I'm never giving money to a political cause of any stripe again because they will not leave you alone once you've done so. I gave money to the freaking "Human Rights Campaign" last year (read: gay rights campaign) and every other day I get an email like "Gays and lesbians are being killed for their fur this winter! Only you can help!" Everybody's a victim, and everybody's after my unbelievably meager bank account.
I wish I could play D&D more often. I also wish I had a few more solid ideas for the marathon Saltmarsh game that I'm going to run over the Thanksgiving break.

matt_the_dm |

matt_the_dm wrote:Heathansson wrote:Hey, everybody. Gavgoyle's new nickname is Chim Chim!Chim Chim's Badass Theory of Religiosity.
If you try, you will catch on.
I love you matt!
Languages on fire that are launched, start here. The warning of the word goes out to all the above all the below and all who have been cast aside. For everyone who is re-energized, criticized or disguised. From the roof of the powerhouses to the ground floor of your soul. To all who can fathom a subsidiary atmosphere and to all who can listen to the sound of cyber-fear. Chim Chim's Badass Revenge...equals the imaginative mind that enables us to resist the strategies of containment brought on to us by political thunder whores from on high
It's the coming of the digital freak swing vs. ape kills master. If you try you will catch on...
Inhospitable cellular chain gangs and the slaves speak of consumerism. And in the monsters of plastic that await behind the hidden corners of the new hype.
Chim Chim's Badass Revenge...
The surrender of our dignities and the disintegrate of the Whammo Frisbee within us all are the side effects of the emerging techno psychology. The push-button landscape of the coming millennia and it intellectual discriminations can't be avoided, they can only be down-graded, repudiated and
athroplacentrically renovated. The history distorting legislative heartbeat of the coming century aligns itself with weakness and over indulgence.
Chim Chim's Badass Revenge suggests that you structure your acceptance of the frequencies according to hope and man and a kick ass outlook.
If you try you will catch on.
The reinvention accelerates from this point for it is with these words and the spirit of Chim Chim's Badass theory of religiosity that we bring you the only antidote that humanity will ever know...
What a geat album. I wondered if anyone would catch that reference.

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I think right now it's Lost. It was South Park, but IMO Wednesday's show was lacking, and I think they might be on the way out.
It was a disappointing episode, other than the shocking violence in the oval office, which cracked me up.
Can we rant about Trey Parker and Matt Stone running out of ideas?

The Jade |

Can we rant about Trey Parker and Matt Stone running out of ideas?
They certainly are. In an inverse of my earlier approval, I seem to despise 90 percent of their last two seasons. Then again, I loved the world of warcraft episode. I don't understand how you go from WOW one week to Hardly Boys with "raging clues" and a gaggle of it-was-funny-for-a-second poop euphemisms the next. It's as if their comedy writing gauges are busted.
AS FOR THIS LAST EPISODE OF LOST... What do you do when you have a hit show topping the ratings? I know, you jam in a commercial break every nine minutes at most, so that the act of watching the show involves delving into a fictional reality only to be uncomfortably plucked from it and thrown into happy oatmeal commercials over and over and over again. I'm gonna have to go and get political and start a one man boycott if they do that again. I know I can just record the episode to hard drive and speed past the commercials but I deeply resent when commerce and art, which can work together beautifully as far as I'm concerned, mix together such that art is the one wearing the red rubber ball gag, chest down on a prostration table.

The Jade |

Fake Healer wrote:FH (Racer X, who is secretly Speed's older brother Rex Racer)
C'mon?!? No Spoiler Warning?!?
Sheesh... Totally ruined the whole show for me now...
When I was three I had serial dreams I'd return to each night whereby I was speed racer's brother, and yet also the son of Tony the Tiger. I drove a tiny car and piloted a tiny plane fashioned out of yellow styrofoam with color flecks in it. With these vehicles I would assist the team in any way necessary, whether it was fighting monsters or fighting my crush on Trixie. Was she Speed's sister? I didn't have much of a handle on incest at age 3.
Good times. :)

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I think right now it's Lost. It was South Park, but IMO Wednesday's show was lacking, and I think they might be on the way out.
Lost has me too. Still mulling over Jericho, haven't formed a hard opinion on it. I guess I keep waiting to either be wowwed or let down. Missed Battlestar Galactica and need to set up the Tivo to record it but still haven't. My guilty pleasure is MXC, plays on Spike channel. Something about skinny chinese dudes doing permanent joint damage to themselves is just too cool to not watch.

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All these shows sound interesting. I think I spend much too much time watching neverending Law and Order repeats (in their various incarnations) on TNT and USA. Whenever you can't find anything to watch, there is always Law and Order on somewhere. And it draws you in like some kind of hardcore narcotic.

Saern |

Doesn't seem to be much love here for the CBS lineup. I can't stand sitcoms and reality shows, but CSI (the original), Numbers (or Numb3rs to be correct), Close to Home, Without a Trace, and Cold Case are all great shows. CSI: New York isn't bad, but Miami sucks. The new show Shark is actually pretty good.
I've never seen any Battlestar Galactica. It's on the Sci-Fi channel, which is enough to turn me off right there. They seem to have some type of mandate against quality television 90% of the time.
In the end, however, my favorite station is the Science channel. Discovery channel is a sell-out piece of crap, but at least they had the decency to move all of the actually valuable shows over to another channel so you can watch consistently good information. Cosmos with Carl Sagan is golden, and Survivorman never ceases to entertain. I can't understand how people don't find education entertaining.

Arisoul2002 |
Abrupt topic change!!
I've said it before and I'll say it again: girls drive me nuts. And judging from the way folks 10-20 years my senior end up in their relationships, it won't get any easier. When it's just friendship pure and simple, everything is fine. But throw emotions and infatuation in to the mix and holy crud. And let's assume you don't want to go back to just being friends after the debacle is over. You wind up with a drawn out arguement and what may turn out to be a stalker putting her nose in your business every two weeks. Jeez!
I mean, I know I'm awesome. But I'm really not THAT awesome. It's not like I throw pizza and ice cream parties or anything.
well it ain't any easier on the other side buddy...all i did was sit beside a fellow gamer and leaned back on the chair beside him and now he's dressing better at games...insisting on sitting beside me...man i just wanna game...

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Doesn't seem to be much love here for the CBS lineup. I can't stand sitcoms and reality shows, but CSI (the original), Numbers (or Numb3rs to be correct), Close to Home, Without a Trace, and Cold Case are all great shows. CSI: New York isn't bad, but Miami sucks.
So, basically you watch the same show with a different title 5 days a week. ;-)
Police procedurals aren't my cup of tea. It's not a fair complaint, but the liberties taken with the law drive me batty. Particularly whenever a suspect confesses. Numb3rs also bugs me on an irrational level - it's like a tv executive sat down and said "we need a new police procedural show and a gimmick." Various other executives shot off ideas (ghosts, canine partner, a nun, uses zen meditation to solve cases) and some guy says "wait! He uses MATH to solve the crimes!" At that point, someone should have slapped that guy and said "that doesn't make any damn sense."
I generally agree re: Sci-Fi channels aversion to quality. I also generally am not a fan of sci-fi shows (including, but not limited to: Star Trek (all incarnations), Babylon 5, Andromoda, Stargate, etc), but I love BSG and would recommend it to anyone and everyone who asked. It is about the same quality as Lost (they're fairly different shows, but in terms of technical production, casting, stories, dialogue, and acting, they are similar). If you think Lost is quality, you will most likely think BSG is quality. I expected BSG to look like Star Trek, and it absolutely does not.

Lilith |

I've said it before and I'll say it again: girls drive me nuts.
Yep, me too. ;)
I watched Carlos Mencia's "No Strings Attached" DVD last night and my rant is related to that.
Quit being so uptight and have some fun, for godsakes! The world ain't gonna collapse in a neon green tidal wave of worms if you can't laugh at an off-color joke! Sheesh!
If you ain't laughin', you ain't livin'!

Arisoul2002 |
Arisoul2002 wrote:I've said it before and I'll say it again: girls drive me nuts.Yep, me too. ;)
I watched Carlos Mencia's "No Strings Attached" DVD last night and my rant is related to that.
Quit being so uptight and have some fun, for godsakes! The world ain't gonna collapse in a neon green tidal wave of worms if you can't laugh at an off-color joke! Sheesh!
If you ain't laughin', you ain't livin'!
I just meant to tell james that girls get it that way too...All you do is sit beside a guy and he gets all dopey..there's one that just has to sit beside me now...I just tell him I'm here to kill things...lol

Lilith |

I just meant to tell james that girls get it that way too...
All you do is sit beside a guy and he gets all dopey..there's one that just has to sit beside me now...I just tell him I'm here to kill things...lol
*psst - I'm a girl too!*
We get crazy too - certainly not denying that, I have a few stories of my own. All of which are carefully buried and locked away in a chicken egg guarded by Baba Yaga's hut.The last half of my post was unrelated and a rant of my own. :P

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AS FOR THIS LAST EPISODE OF LOST... What do you do when you have a hit show topping the ratings? I know, you jam in a commercial break every nine minutes at most, so that the act of watching the show involves delving into a fictional reality only to be uncomfortably plucked from it and thrown into happy oatmeal commercials over and over and over again.
Hehe...that's why I don't complain about not having satellite/cable. My hubby and I are always a year behind everyone else, but it's so much more enjoyable to watch our favorite shows on DVD. We're finishing up Lost Season 2 tonight. And we figure we've spent about $320 on all of the boxed sets of Stargate, but that's less than a year of cable --and we can watch them whenever we want. Booyah!
Oh, ahem, for a rant: I hate that my one goal this semester is to survive the semester and have it behind me! Of course, then I'll be completely done with classes, but man am I tired of putting together power point presentations and writing specifics aim pages...I came here to do science, for crying out loud. /end rant.

Saern |

Saern wrote:Doesn't seem to be much love here for the CBS lineup. I can't stand sitcoms and reality shows, but CSI (the original), Numbers (or Numb3rs to be correct), Close to Home, Without a Trace, and Cold Case are all great shows. CSI: New York isn't bad, but Miami sucks.So, basically you watch the same show with a different title 5 days a week. ;-)
Police procedurals aren't my cup of tea. It's not a fair complaint, but the liberties taken with the law drive me batty. Particularly whenever a suspect confesses. Numb3rs also bugs me on an irrational level - it's like a tv executive sat down and said "we need a new police procedural show and a gimmick." Various other executives shot off ideas (ghosts, canine partner, a nun, uses zen meditation to solve cases) and some guy says "wait! He uses MATH to solve the crimes!" At that point, someone should have slapped that guy and said "that doesn't make any damn sense."
I generally agree re: Sci-Fi channels aversion to quality. I also generally am not a fan of sci-fi shows (including, but not limited to: Star Trek (all incarnations), Babylon 5, Andromoda, Stargate, etc), but I love BSG and would recommend it to anyone and everyone who asked. It is about the same quality as Lost (they're fairly different shows, but in terms of technical production, casting, stories, dialogue, and acting, they are similar). If you think Lost is quality, you will most likely think BSG is quality. I expected BSG to look like Star Trek, and it absolutely does not.
You are a legal professional, are you not? Just out of pure curiosity, could that be the cause of some of your aversion to such shows? Just wondering. The one thing that gets me a little bit is the overlap. It wasn't so bad when they did CSI and Without a Trace; one is local PD and one is FBI. Numb3rs kept this tradition, as they're FBI, as well. But then you get Close to Home, and now Shark. They end up solving the crime in the courtroom. As far as I know, one is supposed to have the entire case built and the crime more or less solved before going to trial. And why is it the lab guys do all the detective work in CSI? And why is it that part is glossed over in the others?
However, then the mystery/intrigue element of trying to follow it and piece it together in my own head gets back to me and I stop caring about those little nuances. Besides, I like the characters and the human element of those shows as much as anything.
However, I'm glad we can both agree that Sci-Fi generally sucks. I wish they still had Mystery Science Theater 3000 on.

James Keegan |

Lilith wrote:Arisoul2002 wrote:I've said it before and I'll say it again: girls drive me nuts.Yep, me too. ;)
I watched Carlos Mencia's "No Strings Attached" DVD last night and my rant is related to that.
Quit being so uptight and have some fun, for godsakes! The world ain't gonna collapse in a neon green tidal wave of worms if you can't laugh at an off-color joke! Sheesh!
If you ain't laughin', you ain't livin'!
I just meant to tell james that girls get it that way too...
All you do is sit beside a guy and he gets all dopey..there's one that just has to sit beside me now...I just tell him I'm here to kill things...lol
I can sympathize. In general, interactions between the opposite and/or attractive sex is largely painful, awkward and ultimately futile. Now that I've actually got a number of female gamers at my table (and I got my sweating and drooling under control...just kidding) I've noticed that those stereotypes about female gamers being more plot and roleplaying intense than male gamers are just that: stereotypes. I've never seen someone more enthused to bash in a goblin skull with a dwarven waraxe. And engage in in-character idiocy with the other crazed, sword waving jerks.

Arisoul2002 |
I can sympathize. In general, interactions between the opposite and/or attractive sex is largely painful, awkward and ultimately futile. Now that I've actually got a number of female gamers at my table (and I got my sweating and drooling under control...just kidding) I've noticed that those stereotypes about female gamers being more plot and roleplaying intense than male gamers are just that: stereotypes. I've never seen someone more enthused to bash in a goblin skull with a dwarven waraxe. And engage in in-character idiocy with the other crazed, sword waving jerks.
LOL....exactly...I'm playing a sorceress/rogue and the funniest is when marching order is called and the guys put me in the middle....hey I'm a rogue I should be out front disabling traps and killin things coming out of em but oh well I stay in the middle and watch'em trip the traps and get creamed and then I'll bash things in...lol....a dwarven waraxe is good but a lochbar axe is better...slice and smash...is all i gotta say...

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hey now, noone's talking about Heroes...
does that mean it's not being watched? or is it simply assumed that we are all as glued to it as Lost? (not that im watching anything but Heroes and UFC lately...just got a new job as 911 dispatcher, so its been "gettin kinda hectic, just gettin kinda hectic")
OT: i hate that we have to bill lots of moneys to relatively poor people to bring them to necessary Dr.'s appts, because the insurance wont cover it!
and here in CT, insurance is making moneys hand over freaking fist!
-the hamster

The Jade |

The Jade wrote:
AS FOR THIS LAST EPISODE OF LOST... What do you do when you have a hit show topping the ratings? I know, you jam in a commercial break every nine minutes at most, so that the act of watching the show involves delving into a fictional reality only to be uncomfortably plucked from it and thrown into happy oatmeal commercials over and over and over again.Hehe...that's why I don't complain about not having satellite/cable. My hubby and I are always a year behind everyone else, but it's so much more enjoyable to watch our favorite shows on DVD. We're finishing up Lost Season 2 tonight. And we figure we've spent about $320 on all of the boxed sets of Stargate, but that's less than a year of cable --and we can watch them whenever we want. Booyah!
That's the easiest way to go but I like seeing things as they air. My shows act as a file folder tab to tell the weeknights apart. Then again, I never minded being a year behind with videogames... the price drops so dramatically after a year that as long as I manage to stay behind the curve, I'll be a few hundred richer and ever impressed by the previous year's state of the art. It's an imposed retardation of expectation. Hope it spreads to every cell of my existence.

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hey now, noone's talking about Heroes...
does that mean it's not being watched? or is it simply assumed that we are all as glued to it as Lost? (not that im watching anything but Heroes and UFC lately...just got a new job as 911 dispatcher, so its been "gettin kinda hectic, just gettin kinda hectic")
OT: i hate that we have to bill lots of moneys to relatively poor people to bring them to necessary Dr.'s appts, because the insurance wont cover it!
and here in CT, insurance is making moneys hand over freaking fist!
-the hamster
I love the idea of the show and the way it is going but if they use shock/gore much more I will lose interest and be sorely disappointed. What is with TV where a story can't be told without over-the-top gore scenes or actors making naked grapple checks? The story is great the writing is great, you don't need to show me a body impaled to a staircase with 200 sharp household items. It only serves to de-value human life a little more and is a cheap method of trying to tell a story. I have an imagination, sometimes what I can be lead to imagine is scarier than what is on screen.
I don't want to see mangled corpses on network TV between 9 and 10 at night. Part of the reason I don't watch the CSIs and stuff like this.

farewell2kings |

I've noticed that those stereotypes about female gamers being more plot and roleplaying intense than male gamers are just that: stereotypes. I've never seen someone more enthused to bash in a goblin skull with a dwarven waraxe. And engage in in-character idiocy with the other crazed, sword waving jerks.
Most assuredly so. My 3 lady players love nothing more than hack and slash. Role-playing is nice, but they want to KILL, KILL, KILL!!

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I hate it when players play the same freaking character in every game, campaign, one-shot, whatever, especially when that character is annoying, unbalancing, or a thinly-veiled excuse to force PvP. We have two archetypes in my local group: (1) the completely amoral rogue type who hides from combat yet somehow manages to get to the corpse of all fallen opponents by virtue of the fact that the player shrieks the words “LOOT THE BODY” before anyone else, and (2) the “secretly” evil necromancer whose player consorted with the DM during character creation so that the entire game is about his plans to destroy everyone else and take over the world. This has happened more than once with these people.
I hate that 75% of all RPG’s run in my group when I’m not DM are completely random nonsense-fests that are supposed to be funny based on how CRAZY they are. Whoo, God appears and you kill him! Isn’t that CRAZY? Hey, now you turn into a 10-foot tall cyborg monkey, and you turn into a crackhead with the power to destroy the world! CRAZY!!!
Now, I want to phrase the next rant to avoid generalizations. I don’t have any problem with people having varied styles of gameplay. If you and your friends have a good time playing in a way that’s different from the way I do it, that’s great. But I hate that I have to play with people who came to the game from MMORPG’s, and as a result they see the game as an exercise in making their character the best to the exclusion of everything else, including the fun of other players. I don’t mean to suggest that this is typical of people who started out with online gaming, but it certainly is the case with my group – the people most obsessed with WoW are the ones who ignore everything but their own characters, b**#~ about how the game is lame or boring when things don’t go their way (literally down to their failure to make a roll), and then spend hours talking about how great their characters are or how great their “plans” were, when those plans only involved them pulling random crap out of nowhere and the DM randomly deciding that it worked, no RP’ing involved.
I also hate that, as a result of the abovementioned players, there is little to no actual RP’ing going on in our RPG’s, outside of short and bloody interrogation of fallen foes. I hate that important NPC’s have no dialogue through the course of a campaign because of this and are reduced to plot points. I hate that half of the players painstakingly create realistic characters with compelling backgrounds which are ignored for at best fifteen seconds of exposition in favor of another player’s fifty-third necromancer and his demon buddies.
Another thing I really hate hate hate is having to drive over an hour to DM a game, then always having to buy my own food when I arrive there, when I’d be perfectly content to host the game and switch off providing food for everyone. I wind up buying a bunch of food with them and then leaving the leftovers – basically subsidizing their groceries! I also hate that, upon arriving to DM the game, the host randomly puts on some DVD in the background (Lord of the Rings wasn’t so bad, but after that was Dodgeball and Futurama). Not the most conducive environment to gaming.
And yet I love D&D so much that I’m willing to put up with all of this and more just to play it on a semi-regular basis. Whew.

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That's the easiest way to go but I like seeing things as they air. My shows act as a file folder tab to tell the weeknights apart. Then again, I never minded being a year behind with videogames... the price drops so dramatically after a year that as long as I manage to stay behind the curve, I'll be a few hundred richer and ever impressed by the previous year's state of the art. It's an imposed retardation of expectation. Hope it spreads to every cell of my existence.
Once your used to it, it's no biggy. And when you get to the end of the cliffhanger episode, you can laugh maniacally at the poor saps who had to wait a week while you click "next" on your remote. Mwahahaha...
It's an imposed retardation of expectation.
That's hilarious. Seriously. Great description. ;-p