Fyraxis's page
Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 87 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters.
Lisa Stevens wrote: Fyraxis wrote: One more question - how do I get the 'goblin squad member' tag to show up when I post?
The tag only shows up when you post in the Pathfinder Online forums, not the rest of the message boards.
-Lisa Good to know about the tag, thanks.
Where do I go (or who do I contact) about replacing the non-autographed Thornkeep book I received with an autographed one?
Then it looks like I do not have an autographed copy.
One more question - how do I get the 'goblin squad member' tag to show up when I post?
Hi, I just got my copy today and I have the same problem... Maybe I'm just not looking in the right spot? Where should the signatures be? The invoice that came with my subscription says 'autographed' copy, but like I said, I don't see any signatures in the book... The rest of my order, AP subscription and poster, both came through properly, so no complaints there.
P.S. Also, Is the autographed bookplate a separate item? Or is it part of the book?
Well, if it's that bad, then I guess it'll be the freedom fighting/ anti-slavery Andorans for my rogue. Too bad, I actually kind of liked the idea of working with the shadier (but NOT evil) side of the Pathfinders.
Jiggy wrote: If your goal is CG, why do you want the Sczarni faction in the first place? Knowing that might help answer your question.
Also, welcome to PFS! :)
I mostly want the Sczarni faction for a roleplaying kind of aspect- I plan on playing a half-elf with Varisian as the human half who traveled extensively with Varisian caravans until joining the Pathfinders. I think the Varisian background fits quite well with the Sczarni faction (the extended 'family' and the favours), but at the same time, I don't want to be handicapped by the choice, which is why I wanted to know how feasable it is to play CG in that faction.
I've been playing D&D for years, and Pathfinder ever since it came out, but I'm just starting in PFS. My main question is, how difficult will it be to play a CG rogue in the Sczarni faction? I've heard a lot about how 'morally ambigous' they can be and really want to know if it's possible to retain a CG alignment within the faction or if it's going to require passing on half the faction missions. The second character I'm creating is a LN wizard who will join the Shadow Lodge faction.
Thanks in advance for the advice!
Mikaze wrote: TriOmegaZero wrote: It's hard to say for certain, and I'm not sure the OP and his player are still around to comment. Just another paladin argument. :) Which makes me sad. I really wanted to know how things developed afterwards. Well, it's been a LONG time since it happened, but one of the things that happened was that I was given the Risen Martyr prestige class (from BoED) and continued my 'quest' in that manner. The rest of the story will have to come from Zealot...
Valegrim wrote: well now; hippie dudes I gots no use for; but hippie girls are down right snuggelable :) lez keep dem. Der is nuttin like lookin inta da vacant stare of a bubbly, smiling, treehugger ta spice up yer BBQ sauce n make ya want ta share yer pork sammich n beer. Sigh, might be a trap doh, I keep getting da ones who use dat deer in the headlights stare ta hide der shrewd intelligence n waspish natures; sheesh, somebody needs ta do some of dat inventin n come up wit a way ta sort da wolves from da sheep. yew kuwd git yerself a pet ilithid ta chek them hippie girls out, if days drop ded then it survz'em raht fer tryin ta trap ya, and if'n tha girl lives, then her hed really is vacant and she's all yers...
Mmmmmmmm cookies.... count me in!
Heathansson wrote: Beer? White litnin!!! Shore, might as well have me som o' dat stuff too... Um... which one do ah drink first?
Huh? Wha? Where am ah? Oh shoot! <rolls off lawn> That shor is a danejerous place ta sleep... Well, ah'm back, where's mah beer?
Sexi Golem wrote: All you guys hitting up elves for the ridiculous life span.... so cheap.
I'd totally go gnome monk. A silent little ball of unarmed destruction pulling pranks with cantrips and any magical dodads I could afford. Plus If I made it to 20th before I hit middle age I'd get immunity to ageing penalties and I'd be an outsider, they don't age ha! I'd be causing youthful mischeif forever! 4ft tall and beating through mountains with no weapons or magical help. Now that is awesome!
Not just the lifespan, they also have a natural affinity for magic... and they can do high magic! Who else can learn that? ;)
Valegrim wrote: What kina fool nonsensical drip is that fernaxirasis talkin bout? Our hot dogs er real dog n R hamburgers is real ham.
Now; here is a beer fer ya; keep drinkinit till ya start makin sense.
I say, I must now be quite inebriated as I can barely understand my own speech. Thank you Valegrim, that surely was an over-large frothy beverage that you gave me, but it may take some time before enough of the alcohol leaves my system that my speech returns to normal. I shall be sure to keep you updated... ;S
I'm sure you'd be the shining example of a whole new alignment set - Chaotic Snarky, you might even make it 'officially' recognized as a playable alignment ;)
Ah gots hot dogs, and evrone knows thet hot dogs ain't gots no 'real' meat in'em... and ifn ya wants, ya can make a burger without the burger (don't know why ya would) with jist tha bun, lettice, tomater, onion, cheese, etc.
Heathansson wrote: Stick gatherer's good too. Sure is, but it only works if you DON'T bury every stick you bring back! ;)
I think I'd have to go with elven wizard... the power, the knowledge, enough time time to accomplish/ learn just about ANYTHING... it'd be great! However, if I got sent to the Realms, a Tymoran priest would be aweful nice... Maybe a multiclass?....
Jist finished havin a big BBQ fer mah mama and grand-mama... It was grrrrrrrr-ate! Burgers, dogs, chicken, all the fixins, and plenty o' beer... Still gots plenty left fer anyone who wants ta dig in!
And happy mama's day to y'all!
Iz troo... I knows a guy, who knows a guy, who's cuzin's roommate's girlfriend's bruther died that way... He et sum sprouts, then 20 minutes later, jist keeld over all ded like...
The White Toymaker wrote: Fyraxis wrote: An awesome story about a ridiculously cool character. Hmm... not to sound pushy, but perhaps you could consider (if you play with the Book of Exalted Deads) talking to your DM about posthumously retraining into an exalted feat and playing him as a Risen Martyr? It sounds like, in this circumstance at least, you were playing the definition of an exalted character. Personal sacrifice for the greater good, and all that.
One way or another, kudos to you for roleplaying through the situation so well! Thanks! And yes, we do have the Exalted book (I was just starting to look at the Sacred Stike feat) so I'll definitely look up the Risen Martyr, and maybe talk to the DM about it.
And thanks to Heath for raising the frosty!
pres_man wrote: Fyraxis wrote: Because I took no action, the DM (Zealot) ruled it a coup-de-grace. Personally, I would say that is a bad call. If you were not held or helpless in some fashion, you are probably going to flinch when someone swings a sword at you. Did you get your saving throw for the damage? Flat-footed, sure. Helpless, nah.
It is also a bad call in that no player should ever have their character killed out of hand in such a fashion. And it did not allow the other players a chance to intervene after the paladin attacked.
If you guys were all ok with it, well to each his own I guess. Yet in the future, unless you are helpless, a coup-de-grace isn't really appropriate. I had the option of saving throws or skill checks, but I chose not to do anything in favour of not "starting a war" in the game.
As for the other PC's, oh, there WAS hell to pay afterwards.
And me, while I can't understand why the paladin's player did what he did, I don't hold anything against him personally. He thought he was doing the "right" thing (even if no-one else did) and I always try (harder with some than others) to keep in-game events and personal feelings seperate.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Wow, you sure miss a lot when you don't go online for a few weeks (Wizards, Paizo, Pathfinder, etc)
As the elf in question, here's the rest of the story: My elf was pure CG, he ignored or worked around given orders almost all the time, but always to do what he saw as beneficial to the greatest number of people (and usually without anyone knowing that he hadn't 'followed orders'). He also had the following feats from the Quintessential Elf 2- Star's Child, Star's Hope, and Star's Destiny, and he had the 'Chosen' character concept from the Quintessential Elf 1.
We were in the middle of an epic campaign (epic story, not epic level). The reclusive elven nations had been convinced to take part in a large scale war and were put under the 'command' of the paladin, who broke them up into smaller fighting units and put them under the command of the rest of the PC's.
After the war, with heavy elven losses, I had all the elves set up camp slightly separate from the other races, and when any non-elves entered the camp, the were very politely asked to leave- including another PC (half-giant) who had led a contingent of archers, but due to some bad rolls, he lost most of them and by the end of the battle, they hated him and blamed him for their losses. At the time, my character had the point of view that there was no one there to 'take care' of his people, so he appointed himself to the position. After I had taken care of everyone as much as possible, I waited for the star's to start coming out, then started to lead the 'Song of Mourning'.
When the paladin realized that one of his appointed 'commanders' (the half-giant) had not been allowed to camp with his troops, he got pissed! Right in the middle of the 'Song of Mourning' the paladin storms into the elven camp and starts yelling orders and calling the half-giant's troops to attention.
I told the elves to keep singing and tried to lead the paladin away for a talk. He got mad at me for 'shaming' him in front of the troops, warned me of 'consequences' to follow in the morning, then left- without allowing me ANY type of explanation.
Because I, as the elf, was worried where this could be heading, during the night I asked all the elves remaining (338) if they would like to stay with the army, or go home. Due in part to the paladin's outburst, 118 decided to leave, and I helped them go for fear of what might happen if they got caught. For the rest of the night, I talked with all the remaining elves about what could happen in the morning (I thought sentencing, punishment, maybe even imprisonment at WORST) and stressed that there was to be NO violence. If they HAD to fight, it was only to be for self-defense. (The last thing I wanted at this point in 'world-events' was for a race war to start and let the evil forces just walk across each army piecemeal.)
When morning came, the paladin was informed that a large portion of the elven army had disappeared. He then gathered his subcommanders and came to the elven camp.
I was waiting for him in my tent, wearing ONLY a travelers' outfit. When he entered, I rose to my feet, and he proceeded to stalk around me and declare all of my 'offenses'. When he was finished, he gave a 5 second pause, and when no one said anything, he demanded I go to my knees. When I didn't respond, he said “So be it.”, drew his sword, and swung- I took no action because I didn't want a race war to break out. Because I took no action, the DM (Zealot) ruled it a coup-de-grace.
Everything I did was in the interest of Role-Playing (my character is built around RP to the point of sacrificing in-game skills and abilities) and while I knew (as a player) that some of the things I was doing may not have been a good idea, I was playing my character, and I was still careful to keep everything 'fixable' with some fun role-playing.
Andrew Turner wrote: secretturchinman wrote: I think it will be good, but far from historically accurate, which makes wonder why is it ok for movies of actual events to be interpreted as seen fit. Yet comic book movies get labeled as crap(On these boards specifically) if the movie studio shows creative license? Accurate make-believe and make believe history. Personally, I am more concerned with history being accurate. Anyway 300 still looks awesome.
The events at Themopylae occurred almost 2500 years ago (480 BC)...our only "reliable" reference to the Greek side of the battle comes from Herodotus' "Histories" of Hellas. Herodotus was four years old when the battle against Xerxes was fought. The funny thing about Herodotus: if he didn't have the facts...he made them up. "300" is based on a graphic novel-adaptation, not Pressfield's novel, and is certainly intended to be entertainment. There's always someone that wants to pee in the pie. Its a good movie period.
Lilith wrote: Moff Rimmer's been studly in adding feats to the DM Tools site, but I have yet to find one that gives damage based on Dex instead of Strength. Lots of "dex for melee attacks," but nothing yet. If it is in a Dragon Magazine, those aren't in the database yet. Might try reading God's gift...the Player's Handbook II another book that has feats like that is the Book of Roguish Luck
Heathansson wrote: Why do any of us exist?
We exist to play D&D and to post on Paizo... not rilly all thet "heavy"... thet's just ur hippie act gittin the better of ya
Ya mite wanna ease up there fer a bit afore ya do urself sum perminint damage...
Beers anyone?
I hate to say it, but I've got the same problem, I wasn't sure how long it would take to get here, so I've been waiting patiently and hoping... but now that the next issue has shipped, I'm wondering what happened to my first magazine (#352) and who to contact about it...
Fatespinner wrote: Hats off to Saern for creating the most successful thread these boards have EVER seen.
As we near 2400 posts, I think it is amusing that the most successful thread is the one where people come to complain about stuff. Bravo!
I agree. Way to go Saern!
Lilith wrote: Fyraxis wrote: Hmmmm... And NO-ONE messes with the Sith... Interesting...
What kind of cookies? Tell me more... Today we have Double Chocolate Caramel Fudge Cookies and White Chocolate Toffee Macadamia. :D SOLD! My soul for some cookies and some Dark Powers, sounds like a sweet deal to me...
Aberzombie wrote: Arctaris wrote: Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads...to the dark side! As the saying goes - "Come to the Dark Side...We've got cookies" Hmmmm... And NO-ONE messes with the Sith... Interesting...
What kind of cookies? Tell me more...
I absolutely HATE two-faced, two-timing, sons-of-*bleeps*. Why do so many people insist on playing freaking mind-games!?! I HATE that people can't just leave things alone and mind their own dam business! I HATE people who pretend to be your friend while rolling as many freakin' d6's as they can hold to stab you in the back, then have the freakin' gall to be "shocked" when you find out and don't want anything to do with them. Then, your "mutual friends" still hanging out with those a-holes, because "he/she didn't do anything to me"... Well, just wait, and don't be so freakin' SURPRISED when they do the same thing to you... YOU SHOULD KNOW WHAT THEY'RE LIKE!!! Situations like this make me feel like becoming a recluse and hating the whole human race!!!
But then who would I game with... Oh well, guess I just have to deal with it...
At least there's an awesome place like this to rant about stuff, THANKS PAIZO!
Dang! That must be one a those "one-in-a-million" chances... Probly couldna had a better comment ifn I'd tried...
(Seriously, that IS funny though)
Could be he's still a little woozy from gittin his shots... It IS that time o' year ya know...
Heathansson wrote: I like the Palladium rpg's experience point system a lot. I definitely have to agree with you there! Especially since there's no emphasis on "killing the monster" as the only way to gain xp.
This "feat" already exists... as a weapon-proficiency called "Weapon Improvisation" in 2e (Dark Sun, I think) and it ran off of a Wisdom check. So, you could change the Str. requirement to Wis. and remove the penalty altogether (I'm pretty sure that's how it worked in 2e)... Hope this helps
I'm not sure, but I think that the Heritage Feats in the Complete Mage can be used by any character, but the ones in the PHBII are for sorcerers only...
Lilith wrote: Dark Sun - I can't remember his name, but he was in a series of books and he was a half-elf/half-halfling and had weird multiple personalities. Very cool character. Sorak. Yes, very cool... I used to play Dark Sun a lot back when, and still have some of the source books... somewhere...
I'd say that when you start eyeing up the neutral parties, and deciding what punishment THEY deserve, it would be a good time to step back and reflect on your (in character) actions... maybe wiping out all chaos isn't "quite" worth damning your soul for eternity by turning evil? Or maybe it is and now your just having fun... ;)
If y'all think it's gittin cold down there, y'all wouldn't wanna be up this ways... even the yeties is puttin on extra fur coats... 'course, that just makes 'em clearer targets...
mmmmm... yeti jerky....
Sebastian wrote: I'm sorry I complained about starting a new thread - it looks like this thread is becoming Detect Magic and Invisibility Part II rather than Detect Magic v. Detect Evil and Invisibility.
Here's the root of Fatespinner's question. He's not really asking if Detect Magic should pierce invisibility. He's asking whether Detect Magic should pierce invisibility given that Detect Evil does. In other words, is there any reason to believe that Detect Magic operates differently enough from Detect Evil that the behave differently with respect to Invisibility.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Tread Nazi
To keep on thread, YES, they should work the same... the decriptions in the PHB are almost identical except for exchanging the words "magic" and "evil"...
Heathansson wrote: I just reread both spells, and either one IMHO could detect the location of an invisible creature, AFTER 3 ROUNDS , during which the invisible creature has to stand right there like the exposure time on an old timey photograph.
Also, the detector has to be concentrating the whole time. So you don't just get to dispel the invisibility and that's that they're visible. You have to MAINTAIN CONCENTRATION on a pretty much immobile target.
What does this mean? I think it means you're right, Fatespinner.
After following the trend and rereading all three spells, I have to agree, both "Detects" should work... Invisibility is listed as an Illusion [Glamer], which I see as bending light in certain ways (or radio waves, etc. for Darkvision ;) ), so it wouldn't, in any way I can see, prevent detection magiks from locating auras...
Fatespinner wrote: Thread Ressurection!!!
Last week, however, when confronted by a creature using invisibility, he ruled that I could not detect invisibility by using detect magic because "a zero-level spell should not be able to pierce invisibility." He was being hypocritical in my opinion, and I called him on it. When I cited his detect evil trick from the previous adventure, he defended his arguement with "invisibility itself is invisible and cannot be detected but detect evil is looking PAST the invisibility and seeing the evil thing that it is trying to hide."
Ouch! Does the DM have a grudge against the warlock for some reason? Seriously, I think you were right to question that and it doesn't really sound fair... I used to have a DM that pulled that kind of stunt about once every two sessions or so, and eventually everyone got tired of it and we only game with him about once every two months now...
If anything, I could see your example working the OTHER way - invisibility hides the "person" so Detect Evil shouldn't work, but Detect Magic is looking for magic, not a person...
But, that's just what I think... *casting Protection from Fire*
Forgettng for the moment the actual "how" of aquiring the egg, I would think that, theoretically, you could raise a dragon as a companion. The key word being companion, as in friend, not pet... Once old enough, the dragon would decide on its own whether or not you were a good enough friend to merit sticking around...
Heathansson wrote: HELLFINGER wrote: Well, a more easy and dangerous way to get a dragon egg would be going into a dragon's lair and stealing one from its nest. I can garantee you that most of my players would rather face a furious mommy dragon than having to pay a trillion platinum for the lil' egg. You could even creae a 'mini adventure' involving the pc's going after the damn egg. Who knows? Yeah, but then the baby dragon grows up and asks you, "what happened to my mommy?"
And you say,...uh...I...killed her...for her loot....
And then a tear wells up in the baby dragon's eye. Then the baby dragon flambeauxes you. *Question: Are dragons born with their alignments, or only tendencies? Could an otherwise evil dragon (black, for example) be brought up and solidly aligned to good?
If so, the answer to the baby dragon's question would just be the truth... mostly. She was a completely evil force that had to be "taken care of" and the party is REALLY, REALLY sorry for the baby dragon... ;)
Celestial Healer wrote: Them hippies better not be thinkin they can git away with bein on meh lawn an not gettin shot in the knee just cause it's Christmas. You jus told'em what they's gittin fer Christmas... Yer only aimin fer the knee so's they gets ta stays home with ther hippie families... That's mighty fine a ya C.H.
Heathansson wrote: Fyraxis wrote: Merry Chrishmash, y'all! *hic!*
Happy Holidays to all the posters and all you guys at Paizo, hope everyone has a great new year! You too, Rudolph...;) If'n ya want, I could mebbe tries ta teach yer a little cantrip called "Ferment Grapes to Wine"... Good fer all occasions!
Merry Chrishmash, y'all! *hic!*
Happy Holidays to all the posters and all you guys at Paizo, hope everyone has a great new year!
The Black Bard wrote: A strict reading of the core rules will show that while you have a host of limitations, it never explicitly says that you can't make saves while helpless. You can suffer extreme penalties, and loose access to some class or racial abilities (evasion), but nothing in the game rules can deny you the ability to make a save; consider it your PC's first amendment right, the right to free saves.
However, if you want solid rulings on the matter, download the latest edition of the FAQ from the Official D&D website. Its in the combat section, round about page 44.
Thanks for the info. And now, back to your regularly scheduled thread...
The Black Bard wrote: but even a helpless character (sleeping, unconcious, hold person even) gets a reflex save (at a Dex of 0, mind you). Really!?! Where is this stated? My group has always played where helpless = no save = full damage/ effect...
(Sorry, don't mean to threadjack, but am REALLY curious...)