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This is an old rant, but still a good rant.
I hate the fact that the State of Oregon has mandated that pseudoephedrine can only be purchased via a prescription. This means I have an insane amount of sinus pressure that is just making me miserable (and cranky). A minimum of a $25 co-pay (if I have insurance) so I can buy $5 worth of medicine. WTF?
Still not as bad as my friend, who got it so bad that his inner ears decided to hemorrahge because of the pressure.
I had to go to three different places two weeks ago looking for infant tylenol plus cold because of this whole deal.
The funny thing is, the people using it to make crank probably get the stuff from another country anyway.Idjits. Dee Dee Dee!!!!!

I’ve Got Reach |

Over 1,400 posts? Thats a lot of dissatisfaction!
Hey, I've got a bone to pick! Its a roleplaying bone thats been nagging at me for a long time. I like D&D; at one point in time it was easy to learn (before the 300 supplements), and it is by far the most supported of the roleplaying game titles eve. But I don't like it THAT much. In fact, I felt that there were other fantasy games during D&D 2nd Edition era that was superior to D&D: Runequest, Powers & Perils - my favorite.
Then 3.X came along with the d20 system, and the system became very good. So we play it almost exclusively.
But I get tired of D&D all day all night 24/7. I like hero games, spy games, robot games, cowboy games, hell, I even made a Ghostbuster before. Unfortunately I go to the book store, and every product on the shelf is d20. D20 is good for D&D. It is NOT good for other genres - not Star Wars, heroes, not WWE Wrestling, not Cowboys, NO!!!!
(This is why I champion White Wolf games, cling to 2nd Edition Star Wars, and have even created Role Playing games for Marvel Superheroes and Transformers.)
Stop publishing the d20 garbage!
Thanks. I feel better now.

Baramay |

My rant is about lazy players. That is right lazy players. What do I mean, I am talking about players who don't try to figure out the next step to move the campaign along but wait for the DM to send a NPC to tell them what to do because he spent 5 hours working on the adventure. So you say the DM should award experience for good ideas. The result of that was a barrage of ill conceived, idiotic ideas thrown out by the dozen in hopes of guessing correctly. I am not saying that people need to have brilliant ideas all of the time, in some cases the simplest solution can confound anyone. But please show that you put more than 5 seconds into your idea. That can really tick off the DM 5 hours of work vs 5 seconds of thought.
So I am playing in a King's campaign similar to Birthright, all of the players have their own small island kingdom and have put cabinets together. I assigned tasks to all of my cabinet immediately to find out as much as I could about my kingdom. The others had one or two people handling their problems. The result: The person I sent out takes three months to find out the same information that the other character's people find out in one month but started two months later. So in character I am thinking, are my people inept? Is their person that good? The answer was neither. Having the information would give my character and kingdom a distinct advantage over the others and as we all know from the DMG II one character having advantages over the others is not good. So my ideas get nerfed. If one character or kingdom is screwing up and making bad decisions and your kingdom is doing well by skill or luck. Look out there is a plague on the way.
Don't get me wrong I am not in favor of splitting up players, but even when they stay together it is a competition. I actually heard one players say to another, " At least I did not die before you did." Where does this mentality come from? Is there a way to fix it? If you cannot win an arguement with an idiot, can you work with someone competing against you?

Treima |

My rant is about lazy players. That is right lazy players. What do I mean, I am talking about players who don't try to figure out the next step to move the campaign along but wait for the DM to send a NPC to tell them what to do because he spent 5 hours working on the adventure. So you say the DM should award experience for good ideas. The result of that was a barrage of ill conceived, idiotic ideas thrown out by the dozen in hopes of guessing correctly. I am not saying that people need to have brilliant ideas all of the time, in some cases the simplest solution can confound anyone. But please show that you put more than 5 seconds into your idea. That can really tick off the DM 5 hours of work vs 5 seconds of thought.
So I am playing in a King's campaign similar to Birthright, all of the players have their own small island kingdom and have put cabinets together. I assigned tasks to all of my cabinet immediately to find out as much as I could about my kingdom. The others had one or two people handling their problems. The result: The person I sent out takes three months to find out the same information that the other character's people find out in one month but started two months later. So in character I am thinking, are my people inept? Is their person that good? The answer was neither. Having the information would give my character and kingdom a distinct advantage over the others and as we all know from the DMG II one character having advantages over the others is not good. So my ideas get nerfed. If one character or kingdom is screwing up and making bad decisions and your kingdom is doing well by skill or luck. Look out there is a plague on the way.
Don't get me wrong I am not in favor of splitting up players, but even when they stay together it is a competition. I actually heard one players say to another, " At least I did not die before you did." Where does this mentality come from? Is there a way to fix it? If you cannot win an arguement with an idiot, can you work with someone...
The scenario you have described is a good example, but the reason that I (on the rare times I'm on the player's side of the DM screen) would be qualified as a "lazy player" by your standard is because I don't know what kind of "cue" the DM is going to give to tell me "time to go find your next adventure!" One of my peeves with tabletop gaming are those times where I feel like I'm just ambling blindly through the DM's campaign world, waiting for the adventure to "trigger". Now if you're discussing metagamers (ie. "The DM will have to send me an NPC eventually or else his five hour prep will be for nothing!") I agree with you. Nothing is more irritating than those that think that D&D is a medieval combat simulation and refuse to do anything to any end other than finding the quickes way to beat up the next monster, but those players do exist.
One of the times where your idea proved true was during my paladin's campaign where I had to rescue a priestess from some wizard. The problem was, I had no idea where I was supposed to go to rescue her. On top of that, the Wizard had launched a maximized 15d6 lightning bolt at an NPC before, so the guy was at least CR 15. I was 3rd-level. At first my peeve alarm went off, but I suppressed it and decided to go on. Eventually I was led through the most thrilling and entertaining adventure of that entire campaign (so far; it's still going), all because I had made my own decisions on where to go and such rather than allowing an NPC to tell me where to go.
However, there are times when the DM should give some NPCs the ability to aid the player in their search for their next adventure hook, and those NPCs should help out the player. Having a burglar attack under the still of night, steal the player's equipment, and leave without a trace and expecting the player to instantly conclude where the burglar came from with no prior context or clues is bull, and it's that kind of crap that makes up most of my peeves with homebrew campaigns.

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However, there are times when the DM should give some NPCs the ability to aid the player in their search for their next adventure hook, and those NPCs should help out the player. Having a burglar attack under the still of night, steal the player's equipment, and leave without a trace and expecting the player to instantly conclude where the burglar came from with no prior context or clues is bull, and it's that kind of crap that makes up most of my peeves with homebrew campaigns.
Agreed. For every good DM out there suffering from apathetic players (and it happens all too often) there is also a good player suffering from a mediocre DM wondering why their players aren't being more proactive. Maybe the solutions are obvious in their own head, but that doesn't mean they've given their players a single clue.

Luke Fleeman |

But I get tired of D&D all day all night 24/7. I like hero games, spy games, robot games, cowboy games, hell, I even made a Ghostbuster before. Unfortunately I go to the book store, and every product on the shelf is d20. D20 is good for D&D. It is NOT good for other genres - not Star Wars, heroes, not WWE Wrestling, not Cowboys, NO!!!!Stop publishing the d20 garbage!
Thanks. I feel better now.
I can feel you. I think that d20 is cool, but it does seem a little bit extreme when every damn thing is d20. You mentioned the WEG Star Wars so I should push:
WEG's d6 system. A good, solid, universal system, simpler and more fun than GURPS.
For my money, D&D d20 is the best for fantasy, but d6 Space is the best supplement one can get for hi-tech sci-fi adventures. I haven't picked up d6 adventure yet, but I suspect the same.
I suggest to give a whirl.
That being said, Spycraft is one hell of a spy game. It's d20, and its good.

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This is an old rant, but still a good rant.
I hate the fact that the State of Oregon has mandated that pseudoephedrine can only be purchased via a prescription. This means I have an insane amount of sinus pressure that is just making me miserable (and cranky). A minimum of a $25 co-pay (if I have insurance) so I can buy $5 worth of medicine. WTF?
You think you have it bad, I have been having the hardest time making meth now that they've restricted that stuff. Don't they know I have a family to take care of. That's the problem with this country - no support for small at home businesses.

James Keegan |

Lilith wrote:You think you have it bad, I have been having the hardest time making meth now that they've restricted that stuff. Don't they know I have a family to take care of. That's the problem with this country - no support for small at home businesses.This is an old rant, but still a good rant.
I hate the fact that the State of Oregon has mandated that pseudoephedrine can only be purchased via a prescription. This means I have an insane amount of sinus pressure that is just making me miserable (and cranky). A minimum of a $25 co-pay (if I have insurance) so I can buy $5 worth of medicine. WTF?
Those fat cats in Washington and their special interest financiers! They get my goat every time! Always walking on the backs of independent "philanthropists" like you and I on their way bigger yachts and caviar wrestling matches! Bunch of D-list actors and retired astronauts, all of 'em! If it weren't for freedom fighters like us, those poor eight-year olds would never get the methanphedemines they need to operate heavy machinery at all hours of the night. Think of the children! Won't someone think of the children?!
I actually asked my father once (for reasons of personal curiosity and hearing this on a messageboard won't hold up in court) how much of a background in chemistry I would need to make meth at home, because he used to be a chemical engineer. He said, matter-of-factly, about three years of college chemistry. Assuming one doesn't want to risk blowing oneself up or poisoning oneself with fumes. Just sayin' is all.

The Jade |

I kind of hated Jericho, the new TV show. The first episode ends with a bunch of dead birds on the road because they got caught close enough to one of the many nuclear blasts that rocks America... and over this scene they play an uplifting rock song. Great, a happy end of the world. It clearly wasn't meant to be dreamlike (like BOC's Don't Fear The Reaper in The Stand) or symbolic... it was meant to be homey and charming.
Dawson's Apocolypse.
We're going to learn about the triumph of the human spirit aren't we? ::sigh::
And I caught the Rock Star Supernova finale... three people with so much eye liner on as they passed the microphone around that it looked like racoons fighting over a turkey bone.

The Jade |

I actually asked my father once (for reasons of personal curiosity and hearing this on a messageboard won't hold up in court) how much of a background in chemistry I would need to make meth at home, because he used to be a chemical engineer. He said, matter-of-factly, about three years of college chemistry. Assuming one doesn't want to risk blowing oneself up or poisoning oneself with fumes. Just sayin' is all.
Is that why they blow themselves up? Because they don't exactly know how to control the variables? I never knew. What a dandy drug... it makes 5 year users in their 20's look like... well picture Keith Richards these days but with half the teeth and body weight.

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Lilith wrote:You think you have it bad, I have been having the hardest time making meth now that they've restricted that stuff. Don't they know I have a family to take care of. That's the problem with this country - no support for small at home businesses.This is an old rant, but still a good rant.
I hate the fact that the State of Oregon has mandated that pseudoephedrine can only be purchased via a prescription. This means I have an insane amount of sinus pressure that is just making me miserable (and cranky). A minimum of a $25 co-pay (if I have insurance) so I can buy $5 worth of medicine. WTF?
(lol) I thought your posts seemed a little less frenetic lately...(just jokes).
heathansson (high on life)
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James Keegan wrote:I actually asked my father once (for reasons of personal curiosity and hearing this on a messageboard won't hold up in court) how much of a background in chemistry I would need to make meth at home, because he used to be a chemical engineer. He said, matter-of-factly, about three years of college chemistry. Assuming one doesn't want to risk blowing oneself up or poisoning oneself with fumes. Just sayin' is all.Is that why they blow themselves up? Because they don't exactly know how to control the variables? I never knew. What a dandy drug... it makes 5 year users in their 20's look like... well picture Keith Richards these days but with half the teeth and body weight.
Rednecks and chemistry...now THERE'S a winning combination...
And then there's "meth mouth."
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Heathansson wrote:What's that, exactly? Is it that skinny-old-man-who-left-his-dentures-at-home look?Rednecks and chemistry...now THERE'S a winning combination...
And then there's "meth mouth."
Teeth like candy corn. It's narsty. Of course, I'm one to talk.
Kids, brush your teeth!!!!I have more crowns in my mouth than a Burger King birthday party.

The Jade |

Teeth like candy corn. It's narsty. Of course, I'm one to talk.
Kids, brush your teeth!!!!
I have more crowns in my mouth than a Burger King birthday party.
Envision Jim Varney saying, "Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"
Speaking of Burger King parties... when I was 22 I went to a McDonald's Bday party for my drummer Jason. I'm a vegetarian and had to say no to all culinary offerings but it was still worth the trip for a few reasons:
A) Jason was 16... they rented him a kid's party as a gag.
B) They hired a Barney impersonator.
C) Barney REPEATEDLY goosed my guitar player Matt's ass.
D) Matt's face.

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Envision Jim Varney saying, "Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"Speaking of Burger King parties... when I was 22 I went to a McDonald's Bday party for my drummer Jason. I'm a vegetarian and had to say no to all culinary offerings but it was still worth the trip for a few reasons:
A) Jason was 16... they rented him a kid's party as a gag.
B) They hired a Barney impersonator.
C) Barney REPEATEDLY goosed my guitar player Matt's ass.
D) Matt's face.
I think the act of respiration within a McDonald's counts as eating meat...but you didn't miss anything not eating there.
I allers knew that Barney feller was a tinny bit peculiar.It's my daughter's favorite show, too. My son likes the one with the exorbitantly-priced train toys.
Heathansson out--going to his home where the computer is dead.

Lilith |

Rednecks and chemistry...now THERE'S a winning combination...
And then there's "meth mouth."
You've pretty much described Prineville here in Central Oregon - except you've forgotten to add alcohol and guns to the mix.
As a further attempt to fight "The Scourge" (yes, that's what they call it on the radio), they've got this MASSIVE billboard with a picture of a teenager with a mouth that would make a hag's dental plan appealing. The tagline is something to the effect of "Meth doesn't make it easier to pick someone up" or somesuch. It's a fairly vile picture, and I just so happen to notice that particular billboard when I'm driving back to work with a mouthful of fries. Yark. :(
Oh, and for those unfamiliar with "meth mouth", I bring you the power of Google Images. You have been warned.
Rant o' the Day:
People who b&$#$ and complain about the same damn thing every single time you see them. I sit and politely listen and think "Is there nothing else that you've done? How much energy have you wasted on this negativity?"
Oy vey.

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The dentist I had as a child (may he burn in hell forever) was a sadistic lunatic. I think he actually enjoyed drilling into our teeth without any kind of pain killer or deadening agent. He would say, "Don't worry, I won't feel a thing." That's right you bastard, because you have no heart, no soul, and are completely inhuman.
Man I feel better now.

farewell2kings |

I like the Redneck bit - but you can have fun with urbanites as well
When I was in the NY/NJ metro there were tons of billboards for paternity testing - sad
I was in a city with a high crime rate and I saw a billboard for "crime scene cleanup." That's pretty sad.
By the way, if you live in a U.S. city and want to see how your crime rate compares to other cities, I present to you the FBI 2005 Crime in the United States Report, by MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area)

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Kyr wrote:Don't get me wrong-I am a wee bit of a crimson nape myself.I like the Redneck bit - but you can have fun with urbanites as well
When I was in the NY/NJ metro there were tons of billboards for paternity testing - sad
And his talent for understatement is improving with every lip movement......

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Never underestimate the power of the force.
True your words are. Much pain feel you will. Strong the Darkside is. All your base are belong to us.
FH (Darth Brooks)
well I'm not dumb but I can't understand
How he can lift me in the air just by raisin' his hands
O' my Yoda, Yo-yo-yo-ooo-Yoda.

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Heathansson wrote:Never underestimate the power of the force.True your words are. Much pain feel you will. Strong the Darkside is. All your base are belong to us.
FH (Darth Brooks)
well I'm not dumb but I can't understand
How he can lift me in the air just by raisin' his hands
O' my Yoda, Yo-yo-yo-ooo-Yoda.
I think my theme song'll be Bad To The Bone, by Darth Thoroughgood.

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Heathansson wrote:Now I, Darth Canis, am the master.Aren't you a little 'short' to be a Sith Lord? Or did your time on Hoth just cause a little shrinkage?
I'm 6'1", 7'2" with the cowboy boots and hat. Sheesh! Did Ronnie James Dio have to put up with this crap?
Oh yeah. Telekinetic Sith Lord chokeout time.
Lilith |

Now I've been around but I ain't never seen
a guy who looks like a muppet but he's wrinkled and green
Oh, my Yoda. Yo-yo-yo Yooooo-da
I know darth vaders really got you annoyed
But remember, if you kill him, then youll be unemployedOh, my yoda
Yo-yo-yo-yo yoda
:D *quickly hides her Wierd Al music videos*
My my, this here Anakin guy, may be Vader someday later, but now he's just a small fry...

Bill Lumberg |
Oh, and for those unfamiliar with "meth mouth", I bring you the power of Google Images. You have been warned.
Oy vey.
I am sorry that I looked. I think proctologists have it better.

snappa |

Sorry Bros, but I have the feeling that I did not fully exploit the full potential of this Thread yet. So please bear with me:
I hate it when the lazy player at our table (who's been playing D&D for 3 years) grabs whatever die is closest to him to roll his attack (usually a D6 or D8). Or, when when he rolls for initiative and name his roll without adding his initiative modifier. We chipped in to buy him the PHB 2 years ago. Never read it, never bothered learning from those at the table. Still claim D&D is ace, but is silent most of the time at the table so he is clearly not in for the roleplaying either.
Man, I feel your pain. Along the same line, my roommate, who's been playing for 20 years, still hasn't learned to plan his actions during other people's initiatives. Then, to make matters worse, he still needs to look up the info on every spell he's going to cast (except magic missile, though he always forgets to add the +1 to each of the 4-siders). Combat just grinds to a halt whenever it's his turn to act.
Luckily, I killed him last session, and he's started a warlock to replace the caster. How much time can he really take with a warlock, they only have about 5 or 6 options of things to do.
Other rants:
I hate being the single guy with all the books, which are then 'borrowed' every session by my married friends with kids. Play something out of the PHB if you can't afford your own sourcebooks!
I hate the Forgotten Realms, where you can't turn around without tripping over the robe of some epic-level god-character who 'meddles' in the affairs of mere mortals.
I hate the RPGA Xen'drik Expedition intro modules where a party of 25-point-buy brand-new level 1s is expected to handle an APL 5+ encounter.
I hate running RPGA events in public forums, and getting stuck with the biggest smack-tards on earth at my table, while the other judge gets a great group of people who have a blast.
I hate WOTC putting out more character options books that I can evaluate for my campaigns, much less incorporate into the game, each month.
I hate myself for buying all of said option books, even though I know the number of stat-block errors, typos, and general poor editing is going to drive me up the wall.
I hate brick and mortar game retailers, whose lack of business acumen and general poor decision making drives them out of business, and then blame internet retailers for their loss.

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Daigle wrote:Now I've been around but I ain't never seen
a guy who looks like a muppet but he's wrinkled and green
Oh, my Yoda. Yo-yo-yo Yooooo-daI know darth vaders really got you annoyed
But remember, if you kill him, then youll be unemployed
Oh, my yoda
Yo-yo-yo-yo yoda:D *quickly hides her Wierd Al music videos*
My my, this here Anakin guy, may be Vader someday later, but now he's just a small fry...
He left his home and kissed his momma good-bye saying soon I'm gonna be a Jedi.
Although my favorite line from that one is the slow part towards the end where he sings......the battle droids were broken.

Luke Fleeman |

*makes Good points*
I feel you on alot fo the stuff you say. The RPGA's Eberron stuff is poorly balanced- either too beefy or too lame.
Amen on the FR stuff.
On character options: It does get out of hand. I want there to be alot fo things my PCs can play ro I can include, but there is just so much infor I can't get to it all. I think the Races/Completes were probably ok, but I am having a tough time with tome of Battle, magic, dragon magic, etc. A ton of new books giving new options, when we can't use all the ones we have! How about a new campaign setting?
On FLGS: I am kind of on board. I DO think internet retailers hurt FLGSs, but like you said, not alone are they responsible. I think a lot of FLGS are run by people who want to own a store because it would be cool, and they don't actually make an attempt at a good strong business. It still has to be a business; a bunch of books sitting on handmade shelves in a room filled with angst-y nerds who won't talk to customers will nto move product.
If more of FLGS owners tried to run businesses instead of living a geek's wet dream, more stores would survive.

Steven Purcell |

Hello all.
First time poster
One thing that is puzzling me a bit with Paizo is that when issues of Dragon have sold out in the past they post the PDF version of the issue in relatively short order, yet they haven't done so with 318 the Ninjas, Pirates and Dinosaurs one. Just curious as to why, and if they could perhaps post the PDF version in the near future. Edit: checked after I posted this and downloaded the 318 PDF, so apologies to Paizo.
No rants to speak of, life is going well. Live long and prosper, all. \\//. (Vulcan salute) or May Pelor, Torm, and the Undying Court bless you all.

Valegrim |

I hate waiting for the end of the year to come along so I can rant about how friggin miserable this year has been; probably the worst of my life of over 4 decades and that says a lot and the worst for so many of my close friends. Anyone got a mystic quarter or something to start this year over; sheesh, it keeps getting worse.

Ultradan |

Hello all.
First time poster
One thing that is puzzling me a bit with Paizo is that when issues of Dragon have sold out in the past they post the PDF version of the issue in relatively short order, yet they haven't done so with 318 the Ninjas, Pirates and Dinosaurs one. Just curious as to why, and if they could perhaps post the PDF version in the near future. Edit: checked after I posted this and downloaded the 318 PDF, so apologies to Paizo.
No rants to speak of, life is going well. Live long and prosper, all. \\//. (Vulcan salute) or May Pelor, Torm, and the Undying Court bless you all.
I don't have the answer to your question, but I would like to unofficially welcome you to the Paizo Messageboards Community. THIS is where you WILL eventually find everything you'll ever want to know about role-playing in general.
-"For everything, there is a first time..."
Spock, Star Trek VI

Ultradan |

You want to talk about commercials???
The one I hate the most is that Head-On commercial on TV...
"Head-on; Apply directly to the forehead...
Head-on; Apply directly to the forehead...
Head-on; Apply directly to the forehead..."
The product is supposed to heal headaches caused by its'commercials!!