Justin Fritts |

I don't feel like digging out my ECS, but they're only immune to Kyuss Worms if they're immune to ability damage. If not, they still take damage, and still die when indicated, they just don't turn into Spawns of Kyuss, since they aren't of the proper type.
... I think. They don't have a Natrual Armor bonus of +5, so they don't have immunity. (they get armor bonus, but not natural armor)
Still something to keep in mind.

Russell Jones |

Fritts has the right of it. Warforged are immune to ability drain, but not ability damage if I remember my living construct traits correctly. Therefore they can die, just not rise as spawn.
An interesting sidenote I posted on the What Happens If They Fail? thread... should the horrific events in The Champions Belt come to pass in Eberron, and Sharn finds itself facing off against thousands of wights, the warforged are the most logical group to fight them since they'd be immune to their ability.

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An interesting sidenote I posted on the What Happens If They Fail? thread... should the horrific events in The Champions Belt come to pass in Eberron, and Sharn finds itself facing off against thousands of wights, the warforged are the most logical group to fight them since they'd be immune to their ability.
Holy smokes, would that ever be something.
The fully-living denizens of the Cogs either flee the city or barricade themselves in their vaults, while the warforged go free.
Then, a force marches out of the dead-gray mist of the east, across the expanse of Breland, undeterred by the still-in-turmoil military. A Lord is coming to claim Sharn as his new seat of power.
Now, Sharn is literally crawling with undead abominations, and it is only a matter of time before the Lord of Blades uncovers the abandoned creation forge of Merrix d'Cannith.
On the topic of warforged and Kyuss worms, another subscriber recently posted in another thread the possibility of Silver Tracery (from "Races of Eberron") really putting the kibosh on the danger of the worms. Thoughts?

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Fritts has the right of it. Warforged are immune to ability drain, but not ability damage if I remember my living construct traits correctly. Therefore they can die, just not rise as spawn.
An interesting sidenote I posted on the What Happens If They Fail? thread... should the horrific events in The Champions Belt come to pass in Eberron, and Sharn finds itself facing off against thousands of wights, the warforged are the most logical group to fight them since they'd be immune to their ability.
Politically, it could also make the creation of warforged legal again.

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Going through my library, I see that the Silver Tracery would indeed put some serious hurt on the Kyuss worms for that character. But in my games, such a feat requires some logic behind the acquisition of this tracery along with some down time to get it "installed".
Looking at the description of the Spawn of Kyuss in MMII and Encounter at Blackwall Keep, it never mentions once that it only affects humanoids. But logic would dictate that only a living creature could become a zombie or spawn of Kyuss.
As far as warforged go, they may be immune to energy drain, but there is nothing in any of their three descriptions (ECS, Races of Eberron, or MMIII) about them being immune to ability drain/damage, only energy drain. And I've heard it said multiple times, treat the warforged as any other character race except where mentioned otherwise. This has been said by Keith Baker amongst others

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I thought the worms did their damage by burrowing through the host creature and eating its brain. Isn't it that Warforge don't have an organic brain. Aren't they constructs with a magical artifical intelligence. So there would be no organic brain for the worms to munch on, right?
good point. i think to account for a warforged's metal body and brain(at least, i assume it's metal), I would have the worm take twice as long to reach the brain and have it deal intelligence damage every other round.

Nicolas Logue Contributor |

Since Kyuss is such a sick and thorough fellow, it might be cool to have him design a bio-mechanic "worm" that animates a warforged's dead husk of a corpse, turning it into a shambling
"undead-like" production factory for these bio-mechanic worms. Would be cool if they didn't exist at first, but were the product of Ebon Triad experimentation as a solution to their Warforged Problem. Maybe Filge was doing preliminary research on this. It would be cool, because warforged characters would assume that their kind cannot become Spawn, but then later in the path would encounter old buddies of theirs, now just twisted shambling messes producing wormswarms or something like that. Might make a nifty new Kyuss Spawn creature. Warspawn...or something. :-)

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also, a wormforged should be invulnerable to silver, able to survive outside a host, and incapable of turning nonwarforged into spawns, though able to killing them.
Also, a neat monster would be a Warforged titan infested with wormforged.

Nicolas Logue Contributor |

also, a wormforged should be invulnerable to silver, able to survive outside a host, and incapable of turning nonwarforged into spawns, though able to killing them.
Also, a neat monster would be a Warforged titan infested with wormforged.
By jove we may just be onto something here... :-)

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I'm now stewing over ideas for a warforged artificer accomplice of Bozal Zahol who was betrayed by his partner after the structures and magics under the Arena are in place.
He'll have died from mass infestation of Kyuss worms, returned as a unique intelligent undead (similar to some of the new nasties in "Spire of Long Shadows"), and then created or spawned the 'wormforged'.
Now, I have to hope that when my players create characters this coming Monday, one of them will be a warforged, mwaha.

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also, outside Ebberon, wormforged could be able to control any construct. However, with most constructs having no intelligence scores, there would be some difficulty redesigning the mechanics for kyuss worm infestation...
#1:the point when the worm would get to the brain if the construct had one, the construct instantly dies and becomes a spawn of Kyuss.
#2:substitute a different ability score (wisdom seems like the most obvious choice) to take damage in the place of intelligence.

Justin Fritts |

Don't Kyuss worms only affect humanoids?
I don't own the book the Spawn are in, but judging by what is written in "The Spire Of Long Shadows", ALL creatures are affected by Kyuss worms, save for those with Natural Armor of +5 or greater. Just that only Humanoids (Monstrous Humanoids too, I guess?) rise as Spawn upon death. Others do not rise, but still die when indicated. (Even if this isn't RAW, I'm sure it's RAI. It's what I'd do, anyway...)
As for AoW in Eberron? Well, yes- The existance of such things as Warforged do indeed put a spanner in the works. Silver Tracery would take the bite out of Kyuss worm attacks, and the very nature of the Warforged lessens the horror of the Spawn.
... Or does it? While Kyuss has not been in the world for over a thousand years, surely his minions have been active. Perhaps they have developed ways to turn even Living Constructs into Spawn. Perhaps they turn into Scions of Kyuss instead.
Or... If Warforged are indeed products of the ancient world, then perhaps the Harbinger of Worms already foresaw this. Or perhaps he did not (unlikely, but Spell Weavers are erratic creatures at best), but as the Age of Worms draws nearer, perhaps the Kyuss worms overcome the seeming immunity of the Warforged on their own.
As with all published adventures, it is completely up to you how to run it: If Warforged aren't even in your party, then it hardly matters. If they are, but don't pose too much of a problem in Spawn battles, then don't worry about it. If they do?
As I've displayed, the Age of Worms is a frightening and unpredictable time indeed...

Russell Jones |

Even if you have no warforged in your party, Wormforged (MY GOSH what a brilliant name :) could still be a way to put some more Eberron flavor in the game.
Here's an example of something I'm possibly going to try:
In the Spire of Long Shadows there is an encounter between a Ghaele Eladrin and two Sword Archons that have become corrupted. I'm replacing this with a group of Wormforged, originally sent by the Lord of the Blades to check the place out (after hearing about Kyuss' experiments with ancient schemas and their relation to undeath). When they got there, the group was captured by the spell weaver lich, an ancient being who recognized some bit of Eberron's antiquity in their design. To sate his boredom he twisted the will of the group's artificer to do his bidding, then worked with the now-corrupted artificer to make necro-artifice worms that simply kill the living, but make the warforged rise as corrupt Wormforged. Unfortunately, now the entire group was stuck behind the Ring, but now the lich had another weapon to use when the Age of Worms releases him, and a gift to present to his master: the Wormforged.
It's possible a member of your party might even find a potion with a slow forgeworm inside... and release a whole new evil on the world :D

Blubbernaught |

I thought the worms did their damage by burrowing through the host creature and eating its brain. Isn't it that Warforge don't have an organic brain. Aren't they constructs with a magical artifical intelligence. So there would be no organic brain for the worms to munch on, right?
My understanding was that Warforged are living constructs, but not necesarily made entirely of metal. I seem to remember that wood and other organic materials make up part of their composition. They don't have 'natural armor', instead they have composite plating of various degrees based off of feats. I always pictured them more as a primitive attempt at robotics, with more readily availible materials. A metal skeleton, overlaid by wood/leather/cords to form the inner workings, with armor plated on top of that. As to the brain? Who knows, but it could be something as odd as a bubbling liquid contained inside their head.
I could be wrong, I don't have my Eberron book ready to hand.

Jarrod |
I've got a campaign with two Warforged in it. Little do they know, the original Warforged (not these modern knock-offs) were designed as a major effort against Kyuss/the original Rajah. The originals had natural armor sufficient to stop the worms and couldn't rise again if the worms did kill them.
Unfortunately, the modern ones aren't really designed the same way. I think it'll take the worms twice as long to munch them (half effect from healing spells, so it kinda balances).
On the other hand, _anyone_ who was around early on (AKA thousand years ago) will recognize a Warforged and put them first on the list of things to be hurt. "I see, the Constructs return. You think you can stop me? Your puny masters may have made you immune to my gifts, but I have less... pleasant... methods."

Bocklin |

I've got a campaign with two Warforged in it. Little do they know, the original Warforged (not these modern knock-offs) were designed as a major effort against Kyuss/the original Rajah. The originals had natural armor sufficient to stop the worms and couldn't rise again if the worms did kill them.
That's a pretty cool approach. I like that a lot.
At the same time you tie the Warforged to the AP, but you do not give them any kind of undue advantage. Nice fluffy backstory to make the players feel special without actually giving them anything overpowered (e.g. immunity to worms).

Goth Guru |

I was going to suggest adding golem eating worms.
Wormforged is a great idea.
As for normal worms attacking Warforged,
how long can a worm survive outside a living host?
Two, three, or four rounds?
Then it dies and rots, no longer doing damage.
Put wormforged worms in repair oil vials.
Note that as golems, Wormforged worms can exist indefinitely
outside a host.
I cannot see how size would be an issue.
The worms that affect Warforged would not affect Homoculie.
Each type would be for a specific type of artificial creature.

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Sadly, none of my three players created a Warforged character--two Changelings and a Half-Orc.
I'm revamping the Pitch Blade duo from "Champion's Belt" to be a pair of Warforged instead, so that might provide another opportunity to introduce the Wormforged in our game. They'll be Warforged Juggernauts, so I don't think they'll have much to fear from Kyuss worms.
Until, after they're dispatched during the games by the heroes, their remains fall into the clutches of Zahol's Warforged Artificer assistant....

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Warforged and the Worm...
First off, Warforged are not Constructs, they are humanoids with the "Living Construct" Template.
Because they are alive (I refrain from the cliche of 'living, breathing...') and available as a PC race, I've ruled that they can in fact be effected by the Kyuss Worms. Otherwise, they prove an unfair race for the campaign, and no fun for DM's.
As James said, the Warforged take Intelligence damage just like everyone else. What I ruled is that after the Worm has eaten the semi-bio, semi-construct brain of a warforged, the worm replaces it. The Warforged husk rises under the command of the worm, and starts converting the living, fiberous material that make up the warforged into new worms. Because the Worm is essentially using the Warforged as a host, it retains all of the Warforged feats that the 'Forged had before it's death. Spawn of Kyuss meets Adamantine Body...
As a plot device, the Lord of Blades WANTS the Age of Worms to come about, as he belives that the Warforged are immune to the Worms. His agents actively harass the party until one of his own is transformed into a Kyuss-forged (has a little more flair than Wormforged, and is a little more ominous). Then we may see an alliance between the PC's and the Lord of Blades as each fights desperately to stop the comming apocalypse.
Maybe the Draconic Prophecy saw all of this comming...
As I finish the stats on my Kyuss-Forged I'll post them here for comment and critique. I'm aiming at a CR slightly above a standard Spawn of Kyuss on either an undead or construct chassis.
Everyone should fear the worm...

Belfur |

This thread is already old, but I had an idea about warforged and Kyuss worms (and I will use it in my campaign!):
A Kyuss worm infesting a warforged will not kill the warforged, but he will need to make Fort saves until he fails once. Then he takes 1d4 Con drain (or damage which cannot be repaired), as the worms form a colony inside him, slowly nurishing from his life-force and replicating (just like slow worms). And at one point, the WF will be a infectious machine, losing worms everywhere and infesting everyone he touches or who is touched by him. I'm really looking forward, when my warforged player suddenly has worms crawling out of his mouth and eyes. He always stays very cool, not caring if he thinks something cannot harm him, so I think he will be the first being "infected".

NPC Dave |
Now I wish I was running my game in Eberron!
LOL, you still can. Get a second set of players together, and run both groups through the same adventures at the same time, with appropriate themes and mods for the Eberron group of course.
Kyuss has to be stopped on both worlds to prevent the new age of course.