On the whole I've had pretty consistent arrival on my subscriptions, but for some reason my Dungeon #131 still has not arrived 20 days after the supposed shipment date to subscribers. Usually takes 7-10 days to Lansing MI. Granted that the holidays sometimes slow down the works, when should I start worrying that this issue has gotten lost? Did it ship on the advertised date? Other posters on the AOW threads have been talking about this issue for over a week now, so I'm starting to get worried.
I haven't received 131 yet either. 130 was over 3 weeks late too. This suggests there's a serious distribution problem that needs to be addressed.
In a related note, there's still no on-line supplements for issues 128 and 129, and of course the supplement for 130 isn't avilable yet either.
You Paizo folk have created a real problem for yourselves. Folks are extremely excited about the AOW AP. It's terrific. So we want our stuff NOW! (if not yesterday). Nothing creates more problems than success.
Keep up the good work--and get me my magazines in a timely fashion!
Huzzah! It arrived today! Now I can finally find out if the "Prince of REdhand' is as good as everone says.
I have yet to receive mine either. I've had them come a little late before (1-2 weeks tops) but this is a new record. With the next issue release looming, I am starting to worry it isn't going to arrive. What gives?
Peruhain & Dr. Poly, replacements are on their way.
Yeah, I haven't received issue 131 either. Anyway of speeding the issue along? I'd appreciate it. Thanks
DogBone wrote: Yeah, I haven't received issue 131 either. Anyway of speeding the issue along? I'd appreciate it. Thanks On it's way...
I live in Los Angeles and have not yet received #131. Should I be concerned?
I see that my copy of Dungeon 131 was shipped on 12/20/2005 but as of today has not arrived yet here. This is a new subscription and I was wondering if this was normal?
That is like 28 days and I know that it is over christmas, but it seems way too long to me.
Your replacement is now on it's way.
You're slightly more complicated (at least your subscription is), so I sent you an e-mail. Check your inbox and get back to me, please.
Cosmo, thanks so much. I'm sure the fine people at Paizo are not at fault. This weekend I read a front page article in the LA Times about how bad mail service has gotten around here.
Cosmo wrote: Olmac,
You're slightly more complicated (at least your subscription is), so I sent you an e-mail. Check your inbox and get back to me, please.
I have read it and responded, thank you for your timely response.
I have to chime in here. My copy of Dungeon #131 has not yet arrived, and I am also waiting on my issue of Dragon #339 which is long overdue. I sent Paizo two e-mails about this, but have yet to receive a response.
I know that as a Canadian subscriber I should expect a few border delays, but this is crazy.
I'm sending you an e-mail regarding this, please check your inbox.
I guess you can include me in the list of people who never received issue #131. I sent two emails to customer service about the issue, and never got a reply. My account is under John Stater.
I have yet to receive issue 131, I have sent an email and have not received a status update. Please advise, it is now a month overdue.
Thank you.
I too have not yet recieved issue #131 of Dungeon, or issue #340 of Dragon for that matter. Thanks.
Cosmo--my replacement issue 131 arrived today. Thanks much for quick service.
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