Silver Circle |
Must admit im kinda anxious to see how my party deals with MADTOOTH the Froghemoth (big frog like monster) and the Apostle of Kyuss (ulgurstasta - fiend folio page 180), as both seem kinda tough encounters especially if like my group u have only 3 pc's and 1 npc.
Any thoughts on how your groups will deal with each??
QBert |
Must admit im kinda anxious to see how my party deals with MADTOOTH the Froghemoth (big frog like monster) and the Apostle of Kyuss (ulgurstasta - fiend folio page 180), as both seem kinda tough encounters especially if like my group u have only 3 pc's and 1 npc.
Any thoughts on how your groups will deal with each??
An ulgurstasta is nasty, yes, but not out of the realm of the capabilities of a ~10th-level party. 5th level spells are brutal. Remember, the thing doesn't use its *devastating* breath weapon unless desperate. By that time the PCs should be close to killing it. The difficulties I can see are swallow whole, DR and SR. The breath weapon will be a bit of a crapshoot (a high roll could kill several PCs at once, a low one could be a pain but ultimately not that dangerous, esp. if they pass saves). However, it only has one attack dealing an average of 23 points of damage per hit. Power Attack is an option, but using too much could result in the thing missing a lot. With "only" 110 hp and AC 17, a focussed party with the right equipment could take it down rather quickly. I've fought creatures with over 100 hp at level 4 and won. It will be a challenge, but an appropriate one.
As I don't have the module, I can't comment on the froghemoth other than to say "what the hell is that?"
Silver Circle |
Froghemoth is a new monster, CR13 huge abberation, hp210, AC21, 4 tenticle attacks +25 (2d6+12), tongue +23 (1d8+6), and bite +23 (2d6+18). improve grab/swallow whole (2d6+12 and 1d8+4 acid per round while inside gut) Partial elec immune/30 fire res.
Monster your group has to fight in the areana after being miss fed info to make ur group think u are fighting a frost salamander so they stock up on fire spells. Nasty touch.
Rexx |
Well, not really. It first appeared in 1st edition's "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks" adventure. Glad to see Ol' Froggy make the conversion!
Excellent!! I love seeing the old 1E critters that defy logic that sneak into well-conceived products. As long as the froghemoth is not toting laser guns it's all good. I wonder what's next from S3...Vegepygmies? Good to see you on the boards Sean...
Now if that goofy rabbit-on-a-stump-that's-not-a-stump critter sees legitimate print in 3.xE, I'll be amazed.
I'd love to see the tirapheg (original Fiend Folio) receive treatment; it's artwork freaked me out as a young lad. Perhaps it can be tied to Kyuss since it hasn't seen print since the 'ol Fiend Folio.
I'm looking forward to #128 arriving in my mailbox to say the least. If trends hold, I still have a couple weeks to wait...
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Bringing back the froghemoth to 3.5 was actually one of my main goals when I started working on Dungeon... up there with Kerzit and the nabassu. Next up... I'm not sure. Maybe the squealer?
ANYway... the battles with the monsters in "Champion's Belt" are intended to be tougher than normal for one main reason. The PCs know they're going into these fights, and can not only plan ahead with spells and have the chance to get up some prep spells. Also, they know that they don't have to hold back anything in reserve, since they're single fights.
The key to both fights is to avoid melee, really. Or in the case of the apostle, to stop it before it even begins.
Erik Mona Chief Creative Officer, Publisher |
Crust |
A froghemoth? That's awesome. They were detailed in a 1E Monster Manual, I think. Also in one of the 2E MM Annual issues. Tough monster, and very cool.
If your group isn't ready for one of the modules, throw something else at them. Go to and download some web enhancement modules (there are tons of great ones there), use Sons of Gruumsh or some other pre-made module, or toss in another module from your collection of Dungeon magazines.
I can't wait to incorporate Sons of Gruumsh into the campaign as sort of a nod to Obould and his influence in the north.
bshugg |
I wonder what's next from S3...Vegepygmies? Good to see you on the boards Sean...
man I hope so. I have been stockpiling "thorn" minis from the DnD miniatures lines in the case that they do. I have already converted them myself, but seeing something more official would be neat.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Whatever you do, just make damn sure that the fire children stay deep in their unmarked grave. :)
Heh. No worries there. Just as there are some monsters I'd really love to see updated to 3.5, there are some that I'd really love to see the world forget. I assume "fire children" = lava children, in which case, yeah. No lava children in the future of Dungeon. Nor will you see dire corbies or clubneks or stwingers.
Rexx |
No lava children in the future of Dungeon. Nor will you see dire corbies or clubneks or stwingers.
OMG, I totally forgot about stwingers.
Inspiration comes from all directions though. I think I have my game concept for DunDraCon this year: pregen characters made up of everyone's favourite hated races.
Flumph sorcerer
Tirapheg rogue
Stwinger bard
Lava child paladin
Perhaps I can convert Candyland into a linear adventure for these PCs...
Thanks for the inspiration, James.
Rexx |
The old Tome of Horror also has an updated version.
Sure enough, there it is. Along with the flumph. Hmm. So how does that "work" when third party companies produce material for critters from previous editions of D&D and subsequently they're produced by an official licensee of D&D? How much did Necromancer's froghemoth version play as a starting point for the Paize/WotC version?
For camparison, here's the gist of Necromancer Games' version:
Froghemoth Huge Aberration
HD: 16d8+lots (¡Ö 152hp)
AC: 16
Attacks: 4 tentacles @ +14; tongue +12; bite +12
SA: Improved grab, swallow whole
SQ: Electrical & fire resistance
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 13, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 11
CR: 13
Damage is based on the square die in varying degrees of commonality. Yes I'm being vague so as to avoid any potential Necromancer Games copyright ninjas.
Flipping through the book again (it's been a couple years) I see what attracted me to the book as a lot of the old "staples" from 1E are in the book. I see the Stench Kow is present, BTW. The Al-mi'raj. A bunch of the old beetles from the original MM. The carbuncle (high on my lame chart). Death dog. The goodness (and badness) goes on and on. If it's a .pdf on RPGNow, it's worth the download.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Sure enough, there it is. Along with the flumph. Hmm. So how does that "work" when third party companies produce material for critters from previous editions of D&D and subsequently they're produced by an official licensee of D&D? How much did Necromancer's froghemoth version play as a starting point for the Paizo/WotC version?
I'm aware of the Tome of Horrors version of the Froghemoth and all the other converted monsters, but when we do conversions of older D&D creatures, it's best to go right to the source and convert from there. I also don't feel bound by the first version's hit dice or special attacks or any other factors; what worked in 1st or 2nd edition doesn't always work in 3rd edition.
Chris Wissel - WerePlatypus |
I just got got my issue of #128 in the mail yesterday (Gulf Coast), and I've only read about half of the Champion's Belt so far, but I have to say. . .
I want to run the Froghemoth encounter RIGHT NOW!!
This fight is beautifully set up, from Raknian's little tricks with the guards and the long wait time, to the arrival of the box and the crowd chanting. It's devious, challenging, and has some very cool, slow-building tension.
I have to say this is now on my "favorite encounters in Dungeon" list. Well done.
Big Jake |
I have to say this is now on my "favorite encounters in Dungeon" list. Well done.
I agree... I often change encounters to make them "sneaky." Get the players used to a certain way of doing things, then change a few things in the end and bring on the hurt!
Very good fight coming.
Phil. L |
the frogemoth has always been one of my favourite monsters and the picture of it is absolutely awesome! One of the things that Wizards and Paizo does (as opposed to ToH) is update the monster to the 3.5 game so that they are cooler and tougher.
I do disagree with one thing that James has said, though. Monsters like dire corbies are only so uncool because of the fact that they were so lamely envisioned when they first saw print (not to mention the unfortunate picture). They couldn't fly, had no special abilities, and got beaten in a war by giant bats! What I would like to see is the dire corbie reenvisioned for 3.5 so they become cool and dangerous opponents.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
I do disagree with one thing that James has said, though. Monsters like dire corbies are only so uncool because of the fact that they were so lamely envisioned when they first saw print (not to mention the unfortunate picture). They couldn't fly, had no special abilities, and got beaten in a war by giant bats! What I would like to see is the dire corbie reenvisioned for 3.5 so they become cool and dangerous opponents.
Well... if it got updated to 3.5 and was made cool, it wouldn't be a dire corby anymore. It'd be a kenku.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Eric Boyd Contributor |
Phil. L wrote:I do disagree with one thing that James has said, though. Monsters like dire corbies are only so uncool because of the fact that they were so lamely envisioned when they first saw print (not to mention the unfortunate picture). They couldn't fly, had no special abilities, and got beaten in a war by giant bats! What I would like to see is the dire corbie reenvisioned for 3.5 so they become cool and dangerous opponents.Well... if it got updated to 3.5 and was made cool, it wouldn't be a dire corby anymore. It'd be a kenku.
I can't believe I'm playing devil's advocate for dire corbies, but I thought RA Salvatore did an interesting job depicting a flock (?, not sure of the appropriate term of venery) of dire corbies in the novel Exile. Granted they came to a bad end, but if they were to be saved as a viable monster race, I'd like someone to use the depiction in the novel as a building block.
Onrie |
Qstor wrote:Will the newer Dungeon monsters like the frogemoth and flumph be in the MMIV?That's pretty much up to Wizards of the Coast. A few from the magazines showed up in MMIII, certainly, so there's a pretty good chance that they might show up in MMIV.
Wow, they are going to make a MM 4... I thought V. 4 was coming out in 2007 or something. I wonder how many books they will try and fit before then.