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Just wondering what people started out as and why.
Also what got you interested in D&D in the first place?
After playing 2 or 3 DnD adventures, I went on AdnD, 20 years ago. My first character, Dryalf de Totenhosen was a M human LG ranger 1st lvl. By that time, he went to fight a troll alone : the DM was very kind (but I didn't know) since that was my first PC and I killed the troll. I kept that character for years, 'til he reached lvl 15. Then I switched to 1st lvl mage (that was more fun). I played "queen of the demonweb pit" and other adventures, til he reached aroud 17-18 lvl of mage. When 3rd (3.5) edition came out, I converted him in a fighter/mage/spellsword (around 30 levels) : he is more than 50 years old by now, looks 38 (has used several youth potion) and I use him as a powerful NPC. He lives between Sunndi and Idee, in the so-called Province of Free Spirit : he lead an army to repel South Province armies during the Greyhawk wars in 582-584, and only that province from Sunndi didn't fall under the heels of the evil armies. He declared independance of the Province (belonging to the new Iron League), knows Cobb Darg mayor of Irongate (and think he knows his secret identity), but has retired from leading the province. He now acts as a diplomat and counsellor to the new leader of the province, and can be found part time in Greyhawk, working with the good mages of the circle of 8 (he almost applied). I play his children now (he has 7), and I enjoy very much playing 3 of them (mostly) : Ian (cool LG paladin 12 of Pelor), Clift (CG fighter 4 / thief 5) and Ridley (stern and rigid LG fighter 3 / cleric 9 of Heironeous).
I began because most of my friend did play by that time, because I like games, dreaming and fantasy, and I was not yet interested in girls and studies at 13.

Stormrunner |

I don't remember my first character, I think it was a pregen. My mom ran me and my sister through In Search of the Unknown, but she didn't really understand it and after that I was on my own.
My first memorable character was Snakey, the lizardwoman magic-user. I had gotten fascinated with dinosaurs at about age 3-4, and since then had been making up stories and drawings about dinosaurs and lizard-people. In fact, that was what indirectly got me into D&D: my uncle Tom had a subscription to Games magazine, and on a camping trip he brought along an issue that had a review of this brand-new game called Dungeons and Dragons. "Here, you're always making up stories, you might be interested in this." So I pestered my parents to get me the blue-and-white box set, and later the AD&D books as they came out. I created many PCs over the years, but Snakey remained a perennial favorite and I kept re-doing her writeup as new rules came out. Her most recent incarnation was while playing The Fantasy Trip (which later became GURPS); among other things, she got married (a traditional lizardfolk group marriage, 4 males and 3 females including Snakey), and died kicking on the end of a spear due to a bad initiative roll and a critical hit by the charging human.
To replace Snakey in the TFT campaign (no Raise Dead spells), I rolled up Stormrunner, a female centaur ranger/barbarian/druid type. She became my new perennial favorite, and I still play some variation of her frequently. I haven't forgotten Snakey, though, and someday I may convert her to 3.5 stats.

Warlock Mephisto |

My first character was a hobgoblin fighter named Gon. In that campaign there were 6 elves of 10 characters, with 2 humans and 1 halfling, so Gon was a great contrast. I choosed him because I liked them being capable warriors with handy racial abilities like darkvision. I loved that character and even got to 20th level with it, building my own castle along with another PC: Dextor the 20th level elven wizard.

DragonLich |

My first character was an elvish paladin named Aust. Don't laugh because it sounds like the duster. I didn't think it did at the time. As to when I started, my friend had a book of gold(it was kind of gold in colour but to me it was GOLD) and the first page I opened up to was the one were Tordek is fighting the red dragon...from there my young imagination took over!

Rajaat |

My first character was a D&D basic (circa 1990) human cleric called Donovan Godsprayer (I couldn't come up with a cool name so my DM chose for me). Died in an encounter with a Renegade Drow Wizard (a dragonlace black robe wizard so twisted he became 'renegade').
I never made it to level 2.
Then I became DM.
They never made it to level 2...
Then we switched to Rifts rpg. They never made it to level 2...

voodoo chili |

I was in the single digits when my brother and i got our first basic boxed set so i don't remember much. Probably a fighter named Taran (i was really into Lloyd Alexander's Black Cauldron series at the time). I seem to recall a quick death by green slime in the Keep on the Borderland?
First AD&D character, a paladin (also Taran) because i really dug the illustration of the Paladin in Hell in the 1 ed. PHB. I never got to play him though as my brother had lost interest.
Years later in High School I finally got to play again: Female Drow Cleric/Assassin named Kalla Kadaver. Wow, that was a bit of a change, eh?

jaren |

I started playing in 1987 when i was 16. My first character was a human plainsman fighter named "Dapar" who became double specialized in the long bow. I was gaming with an experienced group and on his first adventure out was taken into an ancient temple overrun with orcs. After an extremely long battle and a mountian of bodies surrounding "Dapar" and no other party members left standing. I was hooked. Dapar continued on to 18th level journied to the 6th level of hell and back and is a legend on a distant world.
Most of our gaming was based on Dragon Lance and my most fun character was Jaren Farlost "Kender/Handler". Much to my DM's
dismay managed to find more things then someone 4'3" should be allowed to. I'm the DM now and have yet to have any Kender in my world for the knowledge of how much of a headache they can be to the game. But if I wasn't DM I would love to play one again.

Detrusor |

It must have been ´85 or ´86, a friend got the red box set (german translation) for birthday, two other friends made a dwarf and a cleric, so I made a wizard, named him Gregor, put my natural 17 on Intelligence because my DM advised me so, and started to play. It became my longest campaign (Mystara), running very frequently for about three years, and got my addicted to playing the wizard (or DM). We played until level somewhere beyond twenty, with our own baronies, castles, armies, ... Eventually our DM got tired and killed us all in a slaughter of a dungeon crawl (We had so much magic and resources, we prevailed far longer than he expected, and as a good DM he played with the rules, but he was fatally determined.

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My first character was back in the times of the Red Box, a human wizard obsessed with fireballs, who only cared about casting fireballs everywhere. His name was Odin.
For AD&D my first character was a Ranger. Got him a belt of strenght and switched from melee to tossing daggers. The DM was forced to disallow my tactic because it was really disruptive.
Needless to say, since then I have stopped trying to abuse the mechanics of the game and focused on just having fun playing.

Ledax |

My first characters were Tanis the half-elf ranger and Tasslehoff Burrfoot the kender thief from Dragonlance. This was back in 88. To be honest, I'm not sure which one I enjoyed the most.
The first character that I ever made was a couple of months after I started playing. Lastra Goldenarrow. A half-elf ranger/cleric who of course crafted his own golden-tipped arrows. He's still around and has been converted to 3.5, and he's now obviosly an epic character.

Marc Chin |

My first character was a straight-up Human fighter, with average stats rolled with 3d6 x 6 dice; I didn't want to run a spellcaster because I was 12 and had only the experience of playing Tunnels & Trolls for about 3 months.
I played through the Caves of Chaos solo (with hirelings), with my brother DMing; the character retired at 2nd level, married and bought a shack in front of the Keep on the Borderlands with his treasure.
It was the summer of 1978.

Rendclaw |
Original red box. I had a mage named Yoda (I know, original. Not.)who made it to 4th level before he was killed.
The second one I made was a fighter named Killian (created 6/30/82) who went through the conversion to AD&D 1e, then went into a lethal and wacky campaign where the DM was throwing in ideas from everything from Star Wars (especially once he got his hands on the Star Frontiers rules) to Lord of the Rings. The power levels rose and rose until I finally retired the character at level 66. I still have the original character sheets, too.