Bloodhawke wrote:
DragonLich wrote:
I just have a few questions to ask. . .
~Can I make a True Name library that can research the true names of outsiders?
~In the epic level hand book the Vegeful Gaze of God spell has a Spellcraft DC of 419. . .does that mean that I must be at least level 416 to use it?
Well, if were your DM, i'd say....
1. yes
2. what the deuce are you talking about? Why would you need to be level 416? There are plenty of ways you could use at, say, level forty or so. I remember those two solars in my old campain that killed eachother with it, and they were each around level 50.
But it says in the Players Handbook that you can only have a skill that is 3 higher then your level. . .so if the spells DC is 419. . .it would be level 416 to use it right?. . .or can you just put all of you skill points into it. . .