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![]() Since you've gone through and addressed some of the issue posted Mike, like the Savant question from Tramarius, is there any word on my question regarding the Death Master? Here's is what my post had stated: Maybe I overlooked this, but my question is in regards to the Death Master. I didn't see anything conclusive regarding how the class receives its spells. Does a Death Master get 2 spells for free at each level and then has to purchase the rest like a wizard does? Or does he just have access to all of them (but does have to pay the cost to scribe them in his book) like a cleric does? Any insight on this would be appreciated. ![]()
![]() Mike McArtor wrote: So unless I hear a very compelling argument against it, I think that our future errata will say CL = 1/2 savant level. It's easy to remember and easy to use. And sometimes that's just the best way to go. :) I totally agree with the ease of play concept. There is one thing that I'd like to throw out there about this issue. It doesn't seem right that when a Savant is first able to cast Cure Light Wounds, he's doing 1d8+5 due to his caster level being 5 while a Cleric isn't that powerful until he's been casting that same spell for 5 levels. The same would be true with a fireball or magic missle. As soon as he's able to cast it, he's doing it as good as a wizard who's been casting it the same spell for many levels. I apologize if any of my numbers are off, I don't have my book in front of me. I can definitely see doing it either way, I'm not trying to say that you're wrong, I just wanted to toss out another viewpoint on it. ![]()
![]() I've definitely had some bad experiences, but fortunately, I cannot remember enough detail to post them. I have ran across the absolute worse experience that I have ever heard about. And I figured that everyone else would enjoy it. You can check it out here: http://thingsihate.org/article/123/the_worst_dungeon_master_ever_part_one ![]()
![]() Mike McArtor wrote: Thanks for bringing it to our attention without being harsh. :) No problem at all. I totally understand that sometimes things are missed and/or left out on projects like this. It was definitely a big undertaking to complete this project and I truly appreciate you guys compiling this compendium for those of us that love this game. Just don't forget about my question on the Death Master. : ) And you're welcome Tramarius. ![]()
![]() Per the request from Mike McArtor, I am re-submitting this post from the "Great Stuff" thread. This is the original post by Tramarius: I too am impressed with the Savant. I even slapped together a Wizard 7 / Cleric 7 / Rogue 6 just to compare the power levels. Pretty impressive. Maybe I'm just dense, but something's bugging me: what's the Savant's caster level? Say, for example, I have a 14-level Savant. Is he CL 14 for both his arcane and divine spells, or is he CL 10 for arcane and CL 5 for divine? I'm anal and like it when details like this are nailed down explicitly. Since the description is silent on this matter I get the impression he'd be CL 14, but for a guy who's just "tinkering" with magic via compiling notes and guess-and-test experimentation (as I envision it) to suddenly gain CL 5 to cast his first ever arcane spell and then suddenly gain CL 10 to do the same with divine magic seems to (IMO) stretch even fantasy credibility. My major concern is when, if ever does he meet the prerequisites for the item creation feats. Can he start forging rings right away at 12th? Just curious. And this is the reponse that I posted on that thread: I'm not seeing anything about CL for the Savant. If you look at the other classes that get spell casting as secondary abilities, such as the Ranger and Paladin, their CL is 1/2 of their class level. This wouldn't work for the Savant due to being both an Arcane and Divine caster at different levels. Without having any sort of official word, I would go with the Arcane CL being Savant level -4 and Divine CL being Savant level -9. So to go with your example of a 14th level Savant, the Arcane CL would be 10 and the Divine CL would be 5. As far as item creation feats, this would put it kinda far off. You wouldn't be able to get Forge Ring until you were a 16th level Savant. To me, this makes sense. As a Savant, you are a "jack-of-all-trades" so item creation feats would be further out of your reach as compared to a normal spell caster. I hope this helps you out. Wish I could have something more official instead of just my opinion on it. ![]()
![]() My first characters were Tanis the half-elf ranger and Tasslehoff Burrfoot the kender thief from Dragonlance. This was back in 88. To be honest, I'm not sure which one I enjoyed the most. The first character that I ever made was a couple of months after I started playing. Lastra Goldenarrow. A half-elf ranger/cleric who of course crafted his own golden-tipped arrows. He's still around and has been converted to 3.5, and he's now obviosly an epic character. ![]()
![]() Tramarius wrote: I too am impressed with the Savant. I'm not seeing anything about CL for the Savant. If you look at the other classes that get spell casting as secondary abilities, such as the Ranger and Paladin, their CL is 1/2 of their class level. This wouldn't work for the Savant due to being both an Arcane and Divine caster at different levels. Without having any sort of official word, I would go with the Arcane CL being Savant level -4 and Divine CL being Savant level -9. So to go with your example of a 14th level Savant, the Arcane CL would be 10 and the Divine CL would be 5. As far as item creation feats, this would put it kinda far off. You wouldn't be able to get Forge Ring until you were a 16th level Savant. To me, this makes sense. As a Savant, you are a "jack-of-all-trades" so item creation feats would be further out of your reach as compared to a normal spell caster. I hope this helps you out. Wish I could have something more official instead of just my opinion on it. ![]()
![]() Maybe I overlooked this, but my question is in regards to the Death Master. I didn't see anything conclusive regarding how the class receives its spells. Does a Death Master get 2 spells for free at each level and then has to purchase the rest like a wizard does? Or does he just have access to all of them (but does have to pay the cost to scribe them in his book) like a cleric does? Any insight on this would be appreciated. |