Who is in your party?

Age of Worms Adventure Path

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We have rather curious party as all of us are wizards (three of us have now multiclassed and one will at some point).
We are doing rather fine though things have been developing slowly and we have had some other adventures on the way (level recommendations for adventures are too high for us). All of us are now on level 5 when we haven't started the Three Faces of Evil adventure yet...

So, our merry party:
We were apprentices for Artificer guild which managed to gather too powerful enemies and thus was destroyed, as far as we know we are the only survivors and currently lying low in Diamond Lake (since we were only apprentices apparently we were below notice). While adventuring and gathering power, wisdom and money we are planning on continuing our studies, now by ourselves.

Waderna, female human conjurer. Impulsive, likes animals.

Terebra, female human necromancer/barbarian. Our resident alchemist and despite her chosen specialty rather cheerful person.

Valeria, female gnome illusionist/bard. Curious and inventive.

And yours truly, Magdalena, female half-elf diviner/monk (now with two levels of monk, I'll be switching back to wizarding...). One of my grandfathers was human even if I never knew his name so strictly I am a quarter-elf...anyway, my human heritage always made me feel like an outcast in my home so I decided to leave to search for my human side.
(GM's note: Magdalena can actually make account of all her ancestors for the last 20 generations and there is not a drop of human blood there...she is Gray elf nobility who thought it a romantic idea to be half-elf and has thus become a shame for her family by living among humans and learning wizardry from them...nevertheless she is still pretty clueless about what makes them tick)

Our gaming group likes to make PC groups based on some theme or idea, this time we went for "female wizard with item creation feats", all just happened to go for specialists...

1. Halfling LN bard (exotic dancer/ex-consort from the Emporium)
2. Human Druid
3. half-elf CG warrior (ex-mine guard)
4. Human N Cleric of Boccob (recently arrived form Greyhawk)
5. Elven CN Rogue (freelance thief, run out of Greyhawk for not joining the thieves guild)

The Dead Book: - womanising CN rogue (human). Spent the first adventure on the run from the crooked sheriff AND the garrison guards, for allegedly selling drugs to the commanders daughter. He was innocent of this - but HAD got her pregnant...
Anyway, he ended up one of Filge's zombies when he tried to 'go solo' in the observatory.

After encountering Kullen and Co. we have:

Abellard Ironfist, 2nd level NG Dwarf Conjurer.

Alvern Glenburg, 2nd level CN Dwarf Cleric of Tempus

Hennah, 2nd level LG Elf Paladin of Hieronius

?, 2nd level CN Gnome Rogue

Yes, we've got followers of both a Greyhawk god and a FR god. Talk to the DM.

We just started last week and here is the line up:

Mawdryn, male human rogue.
Royce, female human fighter.
Arturus, male human warlock.
Fael, male tiefling wizard.
Malix, male elven ranger.
Condraell, female elven druid.
Gibson, male 1/2 elf cleric of Tymora.

Even though we haven't started the AoW yet, we have lined up for the party:

Stephen: NG Male Human Bard
Alexander: LG Male Human Paladin of Hieroneous
Silvest: LN Male Human Cleric of Evening Glory
Kyoji: LG Male Human Monk

plus two yet to be done characters

Aw, heck, I can't resist. I always swore I'd never start a conversation with "Let me tell you about my campaign..." ;)

Bors Splintershield -- male dwarf cleric/fighter
Zerric Splintershield -- male dwarf fighter
Ivagmar -- male half-orc ranger
Vadir di'Cazzeo -- male human rogue/warlock
Doran Stout -- male human wizard

Compared to my Shackled City party, this is practically a group of iconic characters!

I think I created a monster with a definitive write-up of allowed races (LA-0 or +1), but this is what I got going during the character creation session for a Greyhawk AoW campaign:

Skrymir Gallahee, CG azurin (Suel) avenger* of Trithereon
Strodus Muret, NG Aasimar cleric of Pelor
(going for Radiant Servant of Pelor)
Kaman-Nasht-Thah, LN tiefling monk of the Twilight Monastery
(planning on going rogue/shadowdancer)
"Ember" CN Suel bard (major red dragon bloodline)
Bloodmoon, N half-giant psychic warrior
unnamed-as-yet half-elf sorcerer w/fiendish familiar graft

Don't think everyone's aware of the LA lag, but they'll learn. Had them do a quick meet-and-greet at Lazare's house (with an interruption by Khellek) and they're now following the muddied bard after he was thrown out in the square for arguing with Lazare.

* the avenger is a variant paladin from Dragon 310. We'll see how the incarnum factor works out

Scarab Sages

we're starting with 1st level characters on the 8th. our main characters are in the middle of Night Below (midsummer-586cy). We going to run the 4 published adventures of the AoW in 592 cy.

the party:

Human/M Paladin(Heironious)
Human/M Fighter
1/2Elf/F Bard
1/2Elf/ Druid (Obad Hai)
1/2Elf Ranger

Grand Lodge

I have two groups going through this. One is a group I have been playing with for more than 15 years, some of them even longer. This group has greater than 150 years total D&D experience. The other group is my cousins family. They have decided to take up D&D this summer. They now have a total of ~64 hours D&D experience all totaled up.

The Vetern group has:
Half-Elf Rogue
Half-orc Barbarian
Human Cleric
Human Paladin
Human Scout
Human Wizard

The Novice group has:
Elf Cleric
Human Wizard
Human Fighter
Halfling Rogue

All started at first level.

Scarab Sages

I'm running my (heavily setting-modified) AOW game in the Iron Kingdoms setting by Privateer Press. At current, I have the following:

Human Male Paladin 5
Human Female Monk 2/ Rogue 3
Human Male Favored Soul 2/ Battle Sorcerer 3
Human Male Druid 5
Human Male Bard 3/ Fighter 2

I am using Gestalt Rules (wanted to try them out). Here is what my group looks like so far...

CG Human Female Rogue/Swashbuckler 1
LN Human Male Wizard/Warmage 1
LG Human Male Cleric/Paladin 1
CG Half-Orc Male Barbarian/Fighter 1

We haven't actually started yet... will be a few weeks but we can't wait to play.

I've got three players -- I let them start at ECL 2 and bolstered the party with an NPC (now two of them), as the group is small, there were no pure-fighter types, and the campaign is by all accounts deadly.

CN male human Sorceror
N male half-ogre Cleric
NG male half-elf Rogue
LN male orc Fighter/Monk (NPC)
CN female planetouched elf Warlock (NPC, elven tiefling)

So far so good, but I don't like running lots of tag-along NPCs, so I'm waiting to see which one dies :)


I am running an Iron Kingdoms variant of AoW, with 5 PCs.

Human (Thurian) Wizard (Allustan's apprentice)
Human (Caspian) Cleric of Morrow, Markus Ascendant (son of the garrison blacksmith)
Human (Tordoran) Fighter (boyhood friend of the Cleric)
Goblin Rogue (professional busboy at the Feral Dog)
Human (Rynnish) Gun Mage (new in town)

The best part is that the gun mage's name is Alister. I can't wait til they meet Alastor land, with the ensuing chaos. ("Tell Alister we'll help him." "What?" "No, the OTHER Alister.")
I've always wondered about the fact that everyone in a given campaign has different names, what with the proliferation of Mikes and Johns in the real world. It seems inevitable that there would eventually be some repetition. heh.


GlassJaw wrote:

I'll be playing in the AoW so no spoilers please!

I'm just wondering what some of the parties look like that have started the AoW.

We haven't finished Shackled City, but already some characters are being prepped for "Age of Worms."

So far, two of us have character concepts:

Hail Dewtreader - Human Druid/Conjurer/Arcane Hierophant - this will be a somewhat weakish character around 4th-5th-6th level, but will thereafter pick up speed, I think. This will be mine, and I can't wait to finally play again. I'm going to be the "fifth" character - idea being that for some episodes of the Adventure path, my better half is going to DM, and I'll get to play, while when I DM, Hail will polymorph into an NPC.

Andiel Swift - Human Rogue/Fighter/Dervish - my fiance is playing this one, a fellow who ends up with one heck of an ability to slashy-slashy with enemies. He'll also do the polymorph into an NPC thing when mister man DMs.

They'll start as Druid and Rogue respectively, so while the Rogue component of the group is checkmarked, no one else has decided yet if they're going to be a Cleric, or a Wizard. Hail will be a Druid for his first two levels, then add Conjurer (and the Practiced Spellcaster (Conjurer) feat at 3rd level), so there'll be some arcane power if no one decides on being a wizard or sorcerer, it'll just be delayed.

Liberty's Edge

I've got my group playing through the Whispering Cairn, in a homebrew world. We started playing before the adventure path started, so they started off escorting the youngest son of the local baron, who they have successfully got kidnapped!

A clue sent them to the Cairn, but they had to find out its location from Allustan...Who is writing a four volume book on the various cairns and who insisted that they sign a contract agreeing to properly explore the cairn if he told them where it was, heh heh heh.

Four of the six have just hit level 3, after exploring about half the cairn. I actually think that the adventure has been tough enough to challenge my six level 2 characters, that might change with four level 3's and two level 2's...

The group consists of

Habejian - halfling monk 3
Shug - half-elf ranger 3
Alex - human favoured soul 3, of Entropy (homebrew CN deity)
Tulip - human fighter 3
Hurc - half-orc bard 2
Valshebnik - human wizard 2

Four of the six players are fairly new to the game, and are learning the hard way that sometimes max. skill ranks is the only way to reliably succeed at something!


Liberty's Edge

Same party make-up as mentioned previously. I have an NPC ranger from the Bronzewood Lodge (James of the Gnarly, hm, Rgr4/Ftr1) in the wings to help with Three Faces of Evil, having already planted with the PCs that he's been sent by the Ranger Knights of the Gnarly tracking a "flock" of kenku.

Yes, this is also a blatant bump to keep party make up threads consolidated in one topic (hopefully).

4 players started, all at 1st level:

Human cleric of Pelor: sent round to DL to see about setting up a local church. DL doesn't look too promising for a parish, but the rumours of unkillable undead are interesting...

Human scout: assigned to the garrison, but bored, and looking for a way to buy herself out of her service commitment and get out of town.

Half-elf ranger: lives in the Bronzewood Lodge extended community, knows the scout from the garrison, and also --

Elven druid: part of the Bronzewood Lodge, interested in the cairns.

After the first session we added another player, who started out at 2nd level to match the rest of the party:

Human warmage: as a young teenager he was apprenticed to Allustan. He had something of a temper, and got into a lot of fights, so Allustan arranged to have him admitted to the ranks of the warmages at Tarth Moorda -- a much better fate than ending up one of Smenk's bully-boys (or getting killed by one).

my campaign is in a personal psuedo-Faerun/Greyhawk. My group started w/:
Human/Rogue juggler @ the Emporium
Human/Cleric of Heironious @ the Garrison
Human/Wizard appretice to Allustan
Elf/Druid of Bronzewood Lodge/Guide for Garrison
and a later add on as the party went to the Lands Farm,
Dwarf/Fighter mercenary cousin of one of the Greysmire Dwarves and a mercenary employed by the garrison occasionaly.

They didn't seem to have too much trouble dealing w/ the encounters in the WC as most groups seemed to, even when the Rogue set off the Wind Trap w/ the Druid behind him.

Each player brought a character to the table, pre-made...hence the party is unbalanced but has ended up being quite enjoyable. We're just starting the 4th adventure.

Darvarian aka. Fancy D, Lvl 7 M Human Mage
Delldrin, Lvl 7 M Human Warlock
Gak, Lvl 5 M 1/2 Orc Fighter
Elithian Ra'alin Vaerd aka. Eli, Lvl 7 M Elf Mage
Burburbee Rumpkin Gorp, Lvl 6 M Gnome Illusionist
Shirene, Lvl 3 F Human Cleric of (Kord? God of fire?)
Roan, Lvl 3 M Human Paladin
????? (can never remember this name), Level 6 M Zeff Mage

Deceased: Amalric, Lvl 5 M Human Thief

Very magic heavy, and weak in the healing department which will cost them. muhahaha... Anyways, it's been a surprisingly fun group to play with. The level 3 characters haven't been able to play much so that leaves the party primarily magic users. Fun!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

5th level cleric of Mielikki (elven)
2nd level rogue/3rd level ranger (elven)
5th level Wizard (human)
5th level fighter (dwarf)
3rd level cleric of Kelemvor/2nd level fighter

The group above is the second group, the first group that TPD in the Banite temple was:

3rd level Elven Rogue
3rd level warlock
3rd level Fighter
3rd level fighter
3rd level Favored Soul of Cyric (posing as a Kelemvorite)

One of the fighters, the rogue and the warlock were just rescued with the defeat of the faceless by the second party (not certain what the players will want to do with them now that they have them returned)

The Exchange

I started them all slightly above level 1 ECL.

Irkla – Male Goblin Blue Psion2 (Kineticist).
Has a ‘magic act’ at the Emporium
Sister Danetta – Female Human Monk2.
On the run from authorities in the Free City
Vinna Ten a.k.a. Violet – Female Dark Elf Rogue1.
Working toward Shadowdancer
Shev - Male Ork Cleric 2 Domains War and Animal
Backup chaplain for the garrison
Jythian - Male Grugach Elf Scout1/ Sorcerer1.
Hunting Filge for a bounty
Gavin - Male Human Exp1/ Bbn2.
Int5 stablehand based on Xu Zhu from Dynasty Warriors

We play in Forgotten Realms

My partie is :
- a Cleric Human of Lathander
- a Barbarian/Rogue Human
- a Fighter/Paladin of Tyr Aasimar
- a Druid Human of Chauntea
- a Wizard Human
- a Bard Human

Five characters, set in Faerun, starting at 2nd level:

Sir Lucius Alidore: A 42 y.o. LN "retired" ranger. A loyal devotee of Helm, he quit adventuring two decades ago due to moral qualms. Rumors of ominous doings have helped to settle his misgivings. He now intends to set off again with a renewed sense of "the greater good". He has posted a general call for like-minded individuals on a quest to cleanse the land of evil.

Chalren Reinhorn: LG cleric of Azuth. Part of a local cult that venerates Kelemvor, Mystra, and (in this version) Azuth, Chalren is a young man with a strong sense of duty. When he noticed a public posting in search of intrepid heroes to join a band dedicated to flushing out evil, Chalren immediately went to his superiors. Like most of the local youth he had heard rumors of a haunted cairn in the Forlorn Hills. This Sir Alidore, seemed to be speaking directly to Reinhorn.

Olidoc Dirtstar: NG Halfling rogue. Olidoc's very large family was swindled out of their mine holdings by Smenk and have recently resorted to menial labor to support the many Dirtstar children. Olidoc himself was sweeping floors at the Emporium, when tales of the financial possiblities from adventuring reached his ears. He took notice of Sir Alidore's posting and has offered what services he has.

Zigmund Feud: NG Warmage. The third son of a roadside innkeeper, Ziggy was picked to apprentice to Delfen "Yellowknife" at an early age. His training specialized in magic for the defense of Daggerford. And now with his apprenticeship about up, Ziggy had intended on a life as an adventurer. Sir Alidore's posting just happened to be the first such chance.

The fifth member of the group is an as yet unnamed halfling barbarian/druid. Associated with the Bronzewood Lodge of Silvanus, he is actually being sent by Nogwier to keep an eye on this group that plans on traipsiing through the Forlorn Hills in search of adventure, as well as to investigate the strange rumors coming out of the area.

The game starts next Saturday.

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