
Kyobusa_Glabados's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


5 PCs plus me as the DM in Somerville, Massachusetts, adding six to the total.

Hey guys, my group is slowly dying and we need mroe memebrs to keep it going. Currently about ready to start running the Age of Worms Adventure path with one other game already going.

Even though we haven't started the AoW yet, we have lined up for the party:

Stephen: NG Male Human Bard
Alexander: LG Male Human Paladin of Hieroneous
Silvest: LN Male Human Cleric of Evening Glory
Kyoji: LG Male Human Monk

plus two yet to be done characters

You live in Somerville? So don't I! We're looking for two more players to bring us up to our max of 10. If you're interested, let me know.

A wonderful piece, as everyone else before me has said. I'll most definitly use it when I begin the AoW in a couple of weeks.

I'm personally going to be using a homebrewed setting for AoW, the fact that I can mold the world into my sick and twisted image, combine with the easy way you can fit Diamond Lake into any setting makes this easy as...........something else that's easy.

By reading this you've given me brief control of your mind.