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Eberron rules!
Yes, yes. Eberron does rule. While I am excited about the Age of Worms Advenure Path, I am glad to see Shards of Eberron get squeezed in to Dungeon 124. First, because I like the Eberron content. Second, to vex the Eberron haters.
Happy gaming.
Don Kenneth Brown
Salt Lake City, Utah

T-Bone |

No I do not use eberron content. Even though my current "in the works" campaign has mechanical beings, warforged based adventures don't work for me. The latest eberron adventure with drow...come on drow...I do not use drow even in Forgotten Realms campaigns. That is not to say I will never use eberron content, I'll pick at the bones of any adventure I have lying around but what the h@!!s a dragon shard anyway? So the answer is no.

GVDammerung |
I am a Greyhawker. I do not use Eberron content in Dungeon and find it less than useful.
I do not, however, "hate" Eberron. If you _actually read_ the Eberron sourcebook, and most especially the Sharn: City of Towers sourcebook, there are a lot of cool ideas there that can be borrowed for other campaigns. I can see how people can like Eberron as Eberron. It is not a bad or "dumb" setting. While I do not personally choose to play their, Sharn is IMO a brilliant piece of design and a capital idea, well worth considering in any number of ways.
The problem with Eberron in Dungeon, IMO, is that the Dungeon adventures have failed to capture the cool bits of Eberron and are too much generic adventures with an Eberron varnish (excepting the Warforged, who have been exposed well-enough). The Dungeon adventures sell Eberron short.
As for those who "hate" Eberron, I'd be interested in whether any of them have _actually read_ the sourcebook and especially Sharn (which plays an outsized role in the setting and in the published adventures). If anyone has not read these books, I recommend them, especially Sharn. Brilliant design. Now, if we can get that translated to the Dungeon adventures . . . who knows.
BTW - An actual MAP of the setting, one with DETAIL, would be nice. Some brainiac at Wizards forget the detailed map. The one published in Dungeon already was pitiful.

Obscure |

If you _actually read_ the Eberron sourcebook, and most especially the Sharn: City of Towers sourcebook, there are a lot of cool ideas there that can be borrowed for other campaigns. I can see how people can like Eberron as Eberron. It is not a bad or "dumb" setting. While I do not personally choose to play their, Sharn is IMO a brilliant piece of design and a capital idea, well worth considering in any number of ways.
The problem with Eberron in Dungeon, IMO, is that the Dungeon adventures have failed to capture the cool bits of Eberron and are too much generic adventures with an Eberron varnish (excepting the Warforged, who have been exposed well-enough). The Dungeon adventures sell Eberron short.
BTW - An actual MAP of the setting, one with DETAIL, would be nice. Some brainiac at Wizards forget the detailed map. The one published in Dungeon already was pitiful.
I agree with you on all counts, GVD. As for an Eberron map, check out this web enhancement on the WotC site:
it's pretty detailed (ignore the thumbnails' lack of detail -- when you click on them, you get detailed maps).

wraith2021 |

I plan on using the Eberron content from Dungeon & Dragon magazines in my campaign which begins this Friday. I'm excited and a little nervous at the same time. This is my first D&D campaign since high school (I graduated in 1998) so I have been pretty busy reading and re-reading the core book, Sharn City of Towers and the 3 part adventure that was published last year. I think that my players are in for a REAL treat.
I am also planning after the adventure trilogy - I have tailored the rest of the campaign to the party (somewhat) by using character background to create more story and conflict. When they realise what I'm going to do, it's on, lol.
I am eager to read The Five Nations when it is released and the rest of the Eberron supplements as they come out this year. I love the setting and I think WotC should do another campaign setting search sometime in the future. Who knows what we might find next?

Drevan The Hunter |

Eberron content to me is very much like the Wil Save article...
But at least Wil is amusing at times.
I believe that the Eberron campaign world is well set up and opens doors to new ideas and adventure possibilities. Whether the exact adventures are used as published or not, they add fuel to the fire already burning in a good DM's mind.

Kordak |

Put me down for a vote for "more" eberron-related content. There just isn't enough out there at the moment. The other settings have had years to build up a significant amount of published material - not the case with Eberron.
If I was to run a campaign in any other setting, I'd be able to go out and purchse something right now from a number of different vendors, but with Eberron (and the slow release schedule at WoTC for new adventures), Dungeon is the only hope...

Kryptonian Scion |

I'll pick at the bones of any adventure I have lying around but what the h@!!s a dragon shard anyway?
I believe in October, the usefulness and purpose of Dragonshards will become better detailed.
The last two Eberron adventures and "The Queen with Burning Eyes" were not very good, IMO, but if written well I love any Eberron content.
In fact, since the tournament adventures were printed maybe Dungeon can also get their hands on Death in Darguun and the other "limited" Delve adventures run for the Mark of Heroes campaign.
I keep checking this site for the Dungeon #124 enhancement, so that I can read the Adventure Path 2 opener in Eberron context (I don't use other campaign worlds anymore - it caused me to cancel a Planescape campaign with 3 months of preparation behind it).
So, I would absolutely love more Eberron content. In every issue. On every page. Yeah.
I'll settle for whatever I can get, though.

Obscure |

I am a little surprised there aren't a few people miffed at the latest Eberron adventures. I found them very short and lacking in 'Eberonic' details. On the plus side they are very easy to use in a more fantasy oriented campaign, so maybe that was the point.
I'm slightly miffed, but I'm so grateful to see anything even vaguely Eberronish in print right now that I don't really feel like complaining. It's obvious that the Shards of Eberron arc has been designed to be as portable as possible, which means the Eberron flavor has been watered down significantly.
The short lengths of the modules is less excusable. I was excited to hear that there would be four adventures in #123, but having read that issue, I would *much* rather have issues with three full length adventures than have some modules being pared down to what are essentially "side-treks" or "adventure locales."
However, if Paizo is willing to do more oversized issues now and then, four advenutres might work.

otter |

I don't think I've weighed in yet...
To me, Greyhawk and the Forgotten Realms are both irritating as hell. Greyhawk in particular... It wasn't built so much as congealed. I can't stand the thought of using it... It's such a boring, generic world that it pisses me off. Sorry Erik. ;-) It's just that it's a generic fantasy realm, with a bunch of cool places beaten into it wherever they'd fit. Forgotten Realms isn't really all that bad, it's just never really piqued my interest... Basically, I've always thought, "Meh, I could make something more interesting than that." It's just not terribly inspiring. Plus, Salvatore ruined it for me. :-) Actually, the same sort of thing happened with almost every other D&D campaign world I looked at. I'd look at any of them and think, "So what's so special about this that justifies me skipping the fun world-creation stuff?"
So when Eberron came out, I initially refused to even look at it. Actually, I was a little disgusted when I saw all the kerfuffle about it... "Oh great, yet another useless campaign world." Then I was in the store one day visiting a friend who works there, and he was temporarily busy with a customer, so I picked up the Eberron book and flipped through it to see if there was anything that interested me. Five minutes later, I'd bought the book and was sitting down to read it. I don't know if I'll ever actually run an Eberron campaign, but I do love to see the content.
For me, what makes Eberron better than Greyhawk, the Realms, or any of the other worlds, is that it's got *flavour*. It's got unique character, a special feel that no other world really has. Adventures adapted from other worlds to Eberron may function on a technical level, but they don't have quite the same texture to them that a true Eberron adventure does. And again, while I may never run an Eberron campaign (and hence adventure) I love to see the content, because I can analyse it and figure out how the author worked Eberron's feel into the campaign.
So, basically, I'm a definite "Yes". I don't use the Eberron content directly, but I definitely put it to good use. :-)

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I simply use every available bit of Eberron content that I can get a hold of.
In fact, I plan to stay with Eberron and have Greyhawk and Faerun as back ups for other ideas.
Since the onset of Eberron, I have been doing more converting of generic adventures and world specific adventures into Eberron adventures. In fact, my players are just now heading to the final two parts of the Shackled City adventure path, which I had converted over to Eberron.
So I guess that was a big fat yes, I use the Eberron content.

Quex Ul |

I run a game for my students and fir the first few months I ignored all of the Eberron content. Then I read the Warforged article in Dragon and kinda liked it. I run a "standard" campaign (which is really a heavily homebrewed potluck).
One of my students wanted to run a Warforged character, so I I let him. Hey, I'm the art teacher; I'm not known for being strict. The rational I provided to enter them in a quasi-high fantasy setting is that at an archeological dig they uncovered the warforged buried like the Terracotta soldiers in China.
see here: http://www.travelchinaguide.com/cityguides/xian/terracotta.htm
A construct army from 1000 years past no longer needed was buried and as they are uncovered they are being slowly activated.
...and of course my student is spending all of his fighter feats on DR.

Jeremy Mac Donald |

I am a little surprised there aren't a few people miffed at the latest Eberron adventures. I found them very short and lacking in 'Eberonic' details. On the plus side they are very easy to use in a more fantasy oriented campaign, so maybe that was the point.
I am a little behind in my reading but I hope that is not the case. If it is I think it kind of misses the point. Eberon players should expect to get material focused on their world with all its flavour intact and enhanced where possible. Those still sitting on the fence should have the opportunity to evaluate some of the interesting aspects of the world.
For myself I'm not going to be playing Eberon no matter what is written or how good it is. But if I am going to read about Eberon for the entertainment and maybe to take apart for cool ideas then I would expect that I would be more entertained by adventures that forcus on the flavour of Eberon. I might not ever be able to run an adventure based on the hijacking of a lightning rail - but it could be a cool read.
If I'm motivated enough I can still take that theme and rework it into my own campaign world and if not that then maybe the train would make interesting ruins of some strange artifact - or its the latest greatest invention from Minoi of Mount Nevermind (in which case add lots of levers and remove any means that would allow it to actually move).

Nick Trandahl |

I have pretty much done away with published settings (though I still buy every Forgotten Realms sourcebook just in case) and devote all my dming to my homebrew, but if I had the money to buy the Eberron books and didnt have the time to create my own material I think I would use the Ebberon content. The setting is very original. good work Keith

Lex Talinis |

Heck yeah I use it! And to be honest, Eberron has an extremely rich history and back-story, and when it has been around as long as FR has... My bet is that it will rival it. The differences are, compared to the 100,000 deities of Greyhawk and FR, Eberron has 20, that is it. Three of those, aren't actually deities but are "cults", and only one has a tangible, visible, manifestation of it's deity (the silver flame). Religion in Eberron is treated much differently, and it is much more to my taste, one of the many reasons I converted over to it. Also Mr. Baker keeps coming out with new info on it all the time, further developing the rich history in his Dragon-shard articles. It has a greater potential to have more intrigue and "pulp" feel to it with out as much DM fudging, because that is how it was designed... to be played like that.
Some people don't like that style of play, that is fine too. It is like preferring apples over oranges.
I have played for 13 years, and started off in Greyhawk... but I did not like the setting and moved to FR, which I found to be much more to my style.... BUT I am one who prefers the feel that Eberron naturally gives off with out trying: intrigue. I have also noticed that my PCs have enjoyed playing their much more than FR or Greyhawk. In fact, they prefer Eberron now (with one exception, but he is not happy unless we are playing white wolf, so his opinion does not carry much weight when brought into the context of this discussion).
I think it is the same as when 3.5 came out... everyone criticized it, then about half the people fell in love with it. We have 1st Ed. purists here, and those who prefer 2 Ed., even those who do not want to move to 3.5 because they are happy with 3.0. Settings are the same way, they cater to different play styles, so what may seem "bland" to one is exciting to another, what I see as needlessly complicated may come across as perfectly reasonable to another. In the end, there are enough of us Eberron people out there to justify having it in dungeon more than just 4-5 times a year.

Wolf70 |
Do you use the Eberron content in Dungeon (or plan/want to use it in the future)? Sound off with a "yes," "no," or "other" and feel free to explain your choice.
No. I don't use it. I play Greyhawk or homebrew. My homebrews are nowhere close to being "Eberronic." I have read some of it and it just doesn't fit my style preference.