Kryptonian Scion's page
Organized Play Member. 31 posts (53 including aliases). 5 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.
Deree wrote: The one thing that immediately springs to mind is the dragon hoarde. Players could research the dragon and try to find its lair... along with a number of other groups (Kullen if he's still alive, Tira and her group, any other groups sponsored by the mine bosses/prominent figures of DL who all know a dragon's dead). Said dragon could have had baby dragons, loads of those crazy half-lizardmen/dragon hybrids or whatever they were from E at BK, possibly even a load of Spawn of Kyuss dragonkin or any number of other beasties - even the pillar room could be incorporated in order to get across a big cavern to the treasure room if you really like. The treasure found in GoW could be duplicated or even relaced by the monotary equivalent. Ilthane's hoard is addressed in "The Prince of Redhand."
I have some very top-notch players and deaths don't happen very often in my campaign - especially at the level of LoLR. They're just too resourceful, and they come up with incredible tactics that almost always work flawlessly (despite my best attempts to sneak in a way to throw in a monkey wrench once in a while).
That said, when I ran the "Dream Fight" and the hordes of undead just kept coming, two of the five PCs were left dead, and one was barely alive at -8 hp or so. When the dream ended they were sullen and quiet for a minute before the cleric said "We need to stop this." It filled them with an incredible fear of Kyuss and his Age of Worms.
So if your PCs are rugged SOBs who have been cutting down every encounter with relative ease, I highly recommend it. You may even want to send in a few extra waves of knights just to insure that a few characters die - just to get that same point across.
wampuscat43 wrote: z28camaro90 wrote: I still have it if you could give me your address I will get it out to you this weekend. either post a reply here or email me at z28camaro90@hotmail.com Color me bitter but I could have used this two weeks ago, as requested in the original thread, especially considering this battle proved to be the finale of the campaign. I agree. I still haven't heard word back, either, and it's getting pretty frustrating to have absolutely zero response. Unfortunately I'm betting that unless some miracle happens, I'll be relying on the ol' Tact-Tiles for Dragotha's lair. :-/
So much for passing around a piece of art that many groups can enjoy and benefit from, eh?
I just sent you an email as well. My group will be picking up after a long hiatus, and should be entering the Tabernacle either August 4th or 11th. I have been waiting for a month for a response.
Hojas, if your session is before mine and you receive the lair, could you send it to me afterwards? I can email you my address, etc. If your group will be using the lair after the beginning of August, perhaps I can get it first and then send it on to you? Thanks.
wampuscat43 wrote: bigbubba2 wrote: wampuscat43 wrote: Has anybody seen this lately? I sent and email to z28camaro90 and haven't had a response. We're going after Draggie this week or next, so I'd really like to have it. Appreciate any help. I play with Z28camaro90 and I will check with him today for you. Check back on the board about 300 CST today
Kevin Outstanding, Bubba - anything you can do would be much appreciated. Wampus, did you ever hear back? Still waiting on this end and hoping to get my hands on this before we get to the Tabernacle. Thanks.
I have been waiting for a response, as well. We ended up taking a hiatus from our campaign due to real life personal issues for one player, but will be hitting this encounter shortly after we start up again.
I probably shouldn't nitpick and point out that, by 3rd Edition D&D standards, the depicted weapon is a flail and not a morning star, huh?
z28camaro90 wrote: I still have the Dragotha lair. If anyone is wanting to use it please email me at Jsmit4@uis.edu with you address and I will mail it to you. I hope someone does this is a really cool add on for the AoW. Hey there! I emailed but thought maybe I should post here as well just in case. I've got a crew hitting Dragotha in about three weeks - maybe a week or two more, if they're slow. I'd love to have the lair, if you've still got it.
If it takes a little longer to send, I can put off the Dragotha encounter for a couple of weeks. I'll just have someone else DM a short adventure or two while we wait - I think it looks worth it. :)
I am awfully sick of the "villains redeem themselves" trend in the Spider-Man movies. Norman kind of did it in the last few seconds of his life, asking that his actions be hidden from his son; then Ock did it by DROWNING FUSION (I won't even start to rant on that); then in one film both Sandman and Harry redeem themselves? Ugh.
I could have done without Harry going hero. Spidey's victory should have been 100% Spidey.
Venom was okay. His lack of duality made me frown. Every time he said "I," I thought to myself: "he means we."
Thomas Haden Church will be Lowell from Wings for the rest of his life, for me. There is no part he can play - no matter how hostile or tragic, where I won't giggle and think of him sticking a screwdriver into a light socket over and over.
And finally, I'd like to state that I can happily live the rest of my life without ever hearing Kirsten Dunst sing another note. Her performance scenes were absolutely ear-grating, as well as mind-numbingly boring.
I loved the fights, though. Do you all really think Venom is gone for good? We didn't see a corpse, right? The scene ended very abruptly, and I'd assumed he'd pretty much vanished in a burst of fire. I truly hope he's not gone, because there is nothing I want to see LESS in a Spider-Man film than Carnage, who would be on deck next.
I believe my first was issue 200, with the circular hologram on the cover between a pair of battling wizards. I quickly scrambled to find as many back issues as I could.
If you Paizo folks can get Monte Cook to come back to game design and contribute to Pathfinder in some capacity, you may consider my $20 per month subscription a guarantee.
I just realized that the last few issues will stop short, BARELY, of the October issue of DRAGON.
Every year I am able to discount my dread for the approaching April issue (sorry guys) with "well, October will make up for it!"
Dammit. Why couldn't the license have expired after issue 360?
James Jacobs wrote: Since we can't use any of the campaign settings owned by WotC, we'll be creating a brand new setting as a background for Pathfinder. The adventures themselves will be closely tied to the core fantasy swords & sorcery experience. In other words, Shackled City, Age of Worms, and Savage Tide would have fit perfectly into our new campaign setting. Except that you have to remove the beholders, mind flayers, and every other monster not found in the SRD.
I'm not trying to be a jerk, but seriously. Lack of license means lack of classic monsters. There is a huge downside to this transition, and it's going to hurt.
Erik, I chose to switch my credit over to Pathfinder, but my Subscriptions page says I'm getting issues 2 (in September) and 3. I don't want to miss issue #1 - what's up with that?
“Today the internet is where people go to get this kind of information,” said Scott Rouse, Senior Brand Manager of Dungeons & Dragons®, Wizards of the Coast. “By moving to an online model we are using a delivery system that broadens our reach to fans around the world. Paizo has been a great partner to us over the last several years. We wish them well on their future endeavors.”
B~*~~&%+, B#!$*!@&, B!!+#+!+.
I, for one, cannot stand being forced to read gaming content on the internet. That's why I print out Dungeon's Web Enhancements and purchase BOOKS from WotC.
And most people who go to the internet for content, get it for free. If Wizards thinks they're going to get as many web subscribers as Paizo has DUNGEON and DRAGON subscribers, they're in for a rude awakening.
This is ridiculous.
Is it the intent of the Savage Vampire template's Wild Shape special quality to allow the vampire to assume a form with more hit dice than he has?
The ability states that the vampire can transform into an animal as if it were a druid of level equal to 10 plus 1/2 his hit dice. I am wondering if the intent was only to give the vampire the abilities of a high level druid as cited in the text - i.e. number of wild shapes per day, size and types of creatures whose form can be taken.
There is no mention of whether or not the new form still cannot exceed the vampire's hit dice.
I've been running AoW in Eberron.
GVDammerung wrote:
A "fair" appraisal or "direct" appraisal is one divorced from the authorship and even the topic, to a substantial degree. It looks at just the language used and how the author presents his or her material within the specific medium and to what end in terms of reader comprehension, bearing in mind that we are talking about a game, which imposes a unique set of conditions on the writing And despite the fact that people will retaliate to GVD's post calling him negative and a whiner, his appraisal is not only valid, but well-worded.
Someone demanded a better criticism from him than "following the alpha male," and he gave it. Whether or not you like Ed Greenwood, the points he made are incredibly true.
Nonetheless, Forgotten Realms fans will declare that this is complete BS. If nothing else, the Forgotten Realms has a fanatical fanbase, all of whom are willing to be completely blind to the worst writing and supplemental material available on the gaming market.
Grow up. Seriously.
Steev42 wrote:
So, the question is, can anyone help me find a clarification of this ruling?
Thanks for your help.
The wording on page 7 of Complete Arcane refers to invocations as spell-like abilities - plural. Semantically, the plural use in the entry implies that each invocation is a separate spell-like ability.
T-Bone wrote: I'll pick at the bones of any adventure I have lying around but what the h@!!s a dragon shard anyway? I believe in October, the usefulness and purpose of Dragonshards will become better detailed.
The last two Eberron adventures and "The Queen with Burning Eyes" were not very good, IMO, but if written well I love any Eberron content.
In fact, since the tournament adventures were printed maybe Dungeon can also get their hands on Death in Darguun and the other "limited" Delve adventures run for the Mark of Heroes campaign.
I keep checking this site for the Dungeon #124 enhancement, so that I can read the Adventure Path 2 opener in Eberron context (I don't use other campaign worlds anymore - it caused me to cancel a Planescape campaign with 3 months of preparation behind it).
So, I would absolutely love more Eberron content. In every issue. On every page. Yeah.
I'll settle for whatever I can get, though.
Give the Eberron bashing a rest. It's been a year. Alot of time, resources, and publicity have gone into the setting.
It's not going anywhere, thankfully.
Grow up and let go of the constant whining. Your ranting and pleas to kill it aren't going to give you results, they are just going to irritate everyone who has heard the complaints over and over for a year.
You lost the war. Eberron is successful. Boo hoo.
I picked up FABLE on Tuesday afternoon, and have spent every waking hour that I'm not at work with controller in hand. I have even pondered pulling fire alarms, calling in bomb threats, and going into the basement and hacking open gas lines in order to get out of work early to go home and play. ;)
It is really a sweet game, and I purchased the XBox solely in preparation for it. Luckily, in the few weeks before FABLE's release I picked up Manhunt and Dragon's Lair 3D on ebay - also very cool games, IMO.
Steel Shadows was incredible, despite the opinions of anti-Eberron readers who find any flaw possible in the setting, without actually giving it a chance.
This was the first adventure I have ever read that presents a real murder mystery feel, and gives multiple clues leading the PCs to the villain.
Keith Baker has once again proved that his writing is on par with authors like Monte Cook and Bruce Cordell. I can't wait for the next Eberron adventure, whether it's written by Keith or someone else.
Fleetfang wrote: For the record, I don't LOATHE FR or Eb, but I'm not really that interested in seeing anything that's world specific unless the nations and people of Greyhawk got the same treatment.
...splintered readership, indeed. :)
I love Greyhawk, I grew up gaming in the Flaeness - but over the years I have seen gaming groups come and go. I now play with a relatively new group of players who don't have any knowledge of the long, long history of Greyhawk or it's movers and shakers.
I also don't have time to write up a 200-page campaign world guide to my own world - I tried it, and got tired of trying to come up with more history and political figures after about 5 pages. The real world also puts a damper on my ability to create enough depth in my own world to make it interesting.
Enter Eberron. I linked my gaming group to the web articles, hyped it up on our message boards, passed around the Countdown to Eberron articles, and in June we all grabbed it up off the shelves as quickly as possible. Starting at square one with the introduction of this world and bits and pieces of its history, I can get my gaming group onto the same page, and won't be asked "What's the Horned Society?" in the middle of an adventure.
Monthly tidbits in Dragon would help my group, and hopefully others, to further explore the details and politics of the world and enrich their gaming experience.
I wholly respect every DM out there who has a homebrew world they have labored for hours upon hours refining. I have done the same, but always get bored and have new ideas to incorporate. Time is a luxury I don't have these days - and neither do alot of DMs. Being able to add something new that is "official" to the campaign without waiting 4 months for a book release would be a blessing.
Fleetfang wrote: PS: frankly, I'm hearing the word Eberron too often right now. The fact that monsters in the MMIII is going to have a paragraph on Eberron-placement just kind of makes me sick. :P~ The same book is going to devote equal amounts of space to placing those monsters in Forgotten Realms. Why does THAT not make you sick?
Each monster is going to hog up an entire page, anyway. That space the Eberron paragraph (and/or the FR paragraph) takes up would be taken up by extraneous art or the like. From what I've seen, not every monster is going to have one of these paragraphs anyway - only a select few (likely the ones where they needed some filler text, honestly).
Hopefully, future Eberron adventures in Dungeon will not be accompanied by "here's how to do it with D&D Miniatures tiles" maps like the first one was. I liked the adventure alot, but the lack of character in the dungeon map lessened it.
Dhakaan was supposely a vast, powerful empire with very unique and solid architecture - the "map" included in the Queen With Burning Eyes made it feel like a mashed together series of chambers assembled by a novice 13-year-old gamer.
I look forward to the six or so issues per year that feature Eberron adventures. I also hope to see plenty of Critical Threats focusing on Eberron, or with a "placing this in Eberron" section.
We get a monthly Forgotten Realms article - usually two between the special locations and Prestige Classes. They only take up 2 or 3 pages each, so it's not a horrible thing for the few people like myself who loathe FR.
That said, I think there are plenty of us that would love some monthly material focused on Eberron - adventure sites (Manifest Zones, lost ruins, aberrations' lairs), NPCs and their stats, write-ups on Gods of the Sovereign Host and their followers (and holy symbols).
A two-page printout of Keith Baker's "Dragonshards" every week is not enough for me, personally, and every other article is flavor I could have made up on my own - do I really need a web article TELLING me that there are magewrights whose occupations rely solely on lighting lamps, mending garments, or preparing food?
So, yeah. This was a way too long post which could have been summed up with two words: More Eberron.
Chiming in with a "love the new site" post.
The new layout is great - hope to see lots more web enhancements and reprints of maps and player handouts.