Zherog Contributor |
As these meetings draw nigh, I get so jazzed up I can't sleep. It's like being a kid at Christmas time. I don't know if I'm just really sick in the head or if the electric anticipation of these meetings is experienced by others as well.
Well, if you're gonna force me to choose, I'll go with the former. :P
helium3 |
Usually your spam filter saves the email for a while. I use gmail so the spam gets saved for a LONG time before being deleted. I checked my spam folder a number of times since my submissions and never found an email.
Based on people's comments in this thread, I don't think you'll hear back on a submission until you get a yes or no from the committee.
Russell Brown |
I haven't received word back about my CW yet from the gatekeeper- is that a good sign? Will I get word prior to meeting? Did my spam filter eat my rejection letter? These are great mysteries.
Slinky - the sages that delve into the mystery that is adventure selection have determined, with rare concensus I might add, that the Campaign Workbooks run under a completely different process - they are not part of the "Big Meeting" ceremony.
One of three things happens when I send in a CW article. Within a few weeks I might get (1) a polite "no thank you this is good but it isn't what we're looking for" message, or I may get (2) a "we have received your article and we are considering it." The second response is good - it means it made it into the pile of CWs that someone (Mr. Sutter?) digs through to select the articles for each issue - this is where your beautiful article will live out the rest of its days until published. I have also had articles for which (3) I received no response for months. When this happens, I wait three or four months, then send an email to the editor, or to dungeon@paizo.com, asking them if they received them - Dungeon is very good at responding to these messages and clearing things up, though the response may take a week or two.
Slinky |
Okay, fair enough. It's only been about a month or so and they sound busy, so I'll just hang loose and keep writing for the time being. I can't really check my spam filter for messages- I get about 150 legitimitely spam emails a day, so sifting isn't really an option.
EDIT: Actually, it might be more like two weeks. I'm just antsy.
Nicolas Logue Contributor |
Nicolas Logue Contributor |
Shroomy |
Shroomy, care to share the name?
We need to put the name list back up. I forgot what I submitted already.
ia ia proposal meeting! ia ia proposal meeting!
Here are my five:
"The Oasis of the Golden Peacock."
"Finnegan O'Malley Needs Your Help!"
"A Bright Shining Lie"
"The Cottage by the Lake"
"The Dumping Ground"
While the odds are certainly against me, the process is almost reward enough for me.
Thanks Nick, and good luck to you too (I love your work). For that matter, good luck to everyone!
Great Green God |
Just shot off another collaborative masterpiece entitled:
"Valley of Gargantua" (wilderness/dungeon)
Oh hell, here's the rest of the current list of adventure proposals:
"Black Water" (Stormwrack/underwater)
"City in the Depths" (Stormwrack/dungeon)
"City on the Edge of Shadow" (urban/planar)
"Cold and Alone" (Frostburn/horror)
"The Fish Singer" (water)
"Harbinger of the End" (planar)
"Junk" (epic/planar)
"Plague of Madness" (urban/horror)
"The Next War" (one chapter in an arc/Eberron)
"Spirit Dance" (diplomacy/Mystara)
"Tiger, by the Tale" (strange wilderness/dungeon/Mystara)
"Trollheim" (wilderness/Mystara)
"The War Eaters" (urban/war)
Well that's all I can remember right now. What I find a bit scary is that I have yet to recieve anything from the render about stuff being nixed. Usually that happens pretty quick and then the meeting with the proposals that make the cut happens later. There are still a few I'm still hammering out including "All's Fairie in Love and War", "Red Box Set", "The Faceless One", the middle bit of one collaborative arc, and the end bit of another.
Weird Dave |
It's been so long I almost forgot mine, but here's my current list:
"The Dead of Night" (low level urban horror)
"The Barrow of Nul'Zar" (high level dungeon)
"The Pearl of Blood" (mid level aquatic)
"The Glacier-Tomb of Tundraggon" (high level Frostburn)
"Vault of the Lost Thane" (high level dungeon)
"Legend of the Landshark" (short high level wilderness)
"The Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga" (ummm ... high levelish?)
"Return to Needlespire" (high level underground)
"Valley of the Faceless God" (high level wilderness)
"The Face of the Devourer" (epic planar)
"Crusade of the Iron Hand" (high level dungeon)
"The Ghosts of Taer Sadaen" (high level Eberron)
Most of them go back to September/October ("Face of the Devourer" was submitted on Halloween), but one must never give up hope. Never surrender! Fight the Render to your very last, 'til your body lies broken upon the blood-smeared flagstones leading up to Castle Dungeon. To arms, comrades! To arms!
... or not.
Russell Brown |
G-cubed, I love the name "Trollheim"! I'd run that adventure just so I could say the name over and over.
Here's what I have in the Render Pit (no collaborations - I'm sort of a writing hermit)
"Screams of the Clockwork Contract", mid lvl, sonic and insomnia
"Thunderstone Golemforge", FR, mid lvl, comet awakens ancient golem
"Gond's Breath", FR, low lvl, steam elementals/inside a geyser
"Sigilstar Landship Company," Eberron, low lvl, faction intrigue
"Face of Misery," FR, low lvl, goblinoids, very short
Steve Greer Contributor |
Man, I wish I could produce as many queries as you guys do. I have plenty of ideas in my head, but it takes me a while to flesh them out and get them working...oh well. I'm starting my sixth project tonight, I'm just gathering up my source materials now.
Shroomy, on this very thread I once said that I believed in the "throw enough mud on a wall and some of it will stick" theory to writing adventure submissions. While I still believe in that, I just don't have the time to throw that much mud up against the wall anymore. So, now I aim well, make sure it's good and sticky, and hope it makes a good impression. :)
My submissions at the moment include:
Rats in the Walls (a dark & creepy collaboration with Richard Pett that's destined to be rejected because it's too perfect for mortals to comprehend)
Prisoner of the Castle Perilous (high level/planar)
Valley of the Gargantua (the collaboration previously mentioned by G to the 3).
Steve Greer Contributor |
Timault Azal-Darkwarren |
Waiting to hear about the following manuscript:
Barpazreal Complex - high-level Sandstorm/desert plus high altitude
And the following queries which are meant to be a three-part Forgotten Realms arc entitled Vilhon Vectors:
One Mile to Mussum - low-level that can be used as a party-origin adventure
Two Years until Southsands - low to mid-level that allows the PC's to comepete against each other and heavy on the roleplaying
Three Tears for Talona - mid-level ghost town crawl
Great Green God |
G-cubed, I love the name "Trollheim"! I'd run that adventure just so I could say the name over and over.
I can't take the credit for Trollheim. Its an "actual" place in the Known World setting. I love the sound of it too. Even better it's filled with -you guessed it- trolls and norsemen.
PS Congrats on this month's "Muster of Morach Tor". Very cool. Everyone, read this man's adventure.
Great Green God |
Shroomy wrote:Man, I wish I could produce as many queries as you guys do. I have plenty of ideas in my head, but it takes me a while to flesh them out and get them working...oh well. I'm starting my sixth project tonight, I'm just gathering up my source materials now.Shroomy, on this very thread I once said that I believed in the "throw enough mud on a wall and some of it will stick" theory to writing adventure submissions. While I still believe in that, I just don't have the time to throw that much mud up against the wall anymore. So, now I aim well, make sure it's good and sticky, and hope it makes a good impression. :)
My submissions at the moment include:
Rats in the Walls (a dark & creepy collaboration with Richard Pett that's destined to be rejected because it's too perfect for mortals to comprehend)
Prisoner of the Castle Perilous (high level/planar)
Valley of the Gargantua (the collaboration previously mentioned by G to the 3).
I know how you feel. I had one thing in the last meeting "Witching Season", which suffered the fate of the many other hag related adventures that glutted that meeting. Worse still "Cold and Alone"? It features a hag....
Doomed I tell you, doomed!
PS Castle Perilous sounds too perilous, you should let me (or maybe John Cleese) handle that one. ;)
PPS Good luck everyone (especially Dave and the "...Dancing Hut").
Steve Greer Contributor |
Heathansson |
Russell Brown wrote:G-cubed, I love the name "Trollheim"! I'd run that adventure just so I could say the name over and over.I can't take the credit for Trollheim. Its an "actual" place in the Known World setting. I love the sound of it too. Even better it's filled with -you guessed it- trolls and norsemen.
PS Congrats on this month's "Muster of Morach Tor". Very cool. Everyone, read this man's adventure.
Trolls and norseman. Yesssssss. There is a (great green)God.
Uri Kurlianchik |
So I heard that there was this meeting where all of our queries were so magnificant they opted for a second magazine called Delve. This of course filled out the DnD trifecta of official magazines and kept with the alliteration.
Is this about right, Paizo staff?
Meeting?! Has there been a MEETING?!
Shroomy |
So I heard that there was this meeting where all of our queries were so magnificant they opted for a second magazine called Delve. This of course filled out the DnD trifecta of official magazines and kept with the alliteration.
Is this about right, Paizo staff?
Is are you serious, I mean about the meeting part, not the Delve part?
Ashenvale |
I believe I'm the only poster hoping there hasn't been or won't be a meeting today. I've got a gem of an adventure idea, but haven't suffiently polished it to be able to set it into a lustrous and sparkling query yet. One or two meeting-free days and I'll make this round . . .
My pending queries this round, in order of submission, are:
Above the Mountains of Madness (mid-level, soaring alpine wilderness/dungeon, high-adventure with horror themes)
Dreams of a Forgotten God (mid-level, planar/dungeon, high adventure in uniquely wacko setting)
The Stricken (mid-level, frigid alpine wilderness/dungeon, classic-style high adventure)
Holding Out ‘Til Dawn (single-session, low-level, desperate-scramble-to-escape-the-city-during-zombie-plague hack-fest)
The Mystery of Crafthall Manor (collaboration: single-session, low-level, mystery/creepy horror)
True Malevolence (low-level, urban/dungeon, mystery/horror)
Mystery of Maps (low-level, urban/wilderness, Indiana-Jones-style high adventure)
Odd, I just noticed I didn't submit a comic adventure in this pack. Probably a good thing. Comedy is hard. And I'm not that funny.
Best of luck to everyone!
Richard Pett Contributor |
James Sutter Contributor |
Timault Azal-Darkwarren |
So I heard that there was this meeting where all of our queries were so magnificant they opted for a second magazine called Delve. This of course filled out the DnD trifecta of official magazines and kept with the alliteration.
Is this about right, Paizo staff?
I apologize if my attempt to brighten these boards with a little light humor got anyone riled up. Who am I but a simple writer in upstate NY awaiting a snowstorm...
Nicolas Logue Contributor |
Phil. L |
No meetings held or planned! Everybody calm down and take your Ritalin... we'll let you know, I promise. :)
That's good news for me. I just sent in two more proposals.
As for H.P.L. has everyone seen the Elder Evils book coming out in December(a long time away I know)? I'm surprised James (Jacobs, that is) or the other Lords of Madness writers aren't involved in that one.
Nicolas Logue Contributor |
Nicolas Logue Contributor |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
As for H.P.L. has everyone seen the Elder Evils book coming out in December(a long time away I know)? I'm surprised James (Jacobs, that is) or the other Lords of Madness writers aren't involved in that one.
Just because my name's not been mentioned in connection to said product doesn't mean I didn't have any contribution to said product...
Steve Greer Contributor |
Phil. L |
Phil. L wrote:As for H.P.L. has everyone seen the Elder Evils book coming out in December(a long time away I know)? I'm surprised James (Jacobs, that is) or the other Lords of Madness writers aren't involved in that one.Just because my name's not been mentioned in connection to said product doesn't mean I didn't have any contribution to said product...
Don't get me wrong. I was sure that you were involved. I'm just surprised you weren't more involved! Does that make any sense at all??
Nicolas Logue Contributor |
Phil. L wrote:As for H.P.L. has everyone seen the Elder Evils book coming out in December(a long time away I know)? I'm surprised James (Jacobs, that is) or the other Lords of Madness writers aren't involved in that one.Just because my name's not been mentioned in connection to said product doesn't mean I didn't have any contribution to said product...
Awesome! Now I'm buyin it. "James Jacobs" on the cover equals my money in WotC's hands as far as I'm concerned.
Mike McArtor Contributor |
Awesome! Now I'm buyin it. "James Jacobs" on the cover equals my money in WotC's hands as far as I'm concerned.
From what I understand, sitting less than 15 feet away from James, is that there might be other names associated with the book that might also draw your wallet.
Or your ire.
I guess it just depends.
Nicolas Logue Contributor |
Nicolas Logue wrote:Awesome! Now I'm buyin it. "James Jacobs" on the cover equals my money in WotC's hands as far as I'm concerned.From what I understand, sitting less than 15 feet away from James, is that there might be other names associated with the book that might also draw your wallet.
Or your ire.
I guess it just depends.
Did you work on it Mike!!!??? Awesome! Who among the Mighty Lords of Paizo lent their ink to Elder Evils??? Tell us! GUAYAKI!!!
Nicolas Logue Contributor |
Phil. L |
Nicolas Logue wrote:Awesome! Now I'm buyin it. "James Jacobs" on the cover equals my money in WotC's hands as far as I'm concerned.From what I understand, sitting less than 15 feet away from James, is that there might be other names associated with the book that might also draw your wallet.
Or your ire.
I guess it just depends.
What names...
Aliah Warden?
Barzai the Wise?
The Black Pharoah?
Charles Dexter Ward?
Wilbur Whately?