A Character a Day Keeps the Tarrasque Away!


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New third-party Pathfinder Roleplaying Game supplements!

You'll never run out of character ideas with all of the choices available from third-party Pathfinder Roleplaying Game publishers!

With the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, you have 7 races and 11 classes to choose from—nearly 100 options right off the start, but that's just the beginning! Since the last round up of third-party Pathfinder offerings, nearly 100 new options for additional material have shown up on our site, adding up to a significantly larger pool of options to choose from to create your character! Give your tank some talent with The Genius Guide to More Fighter Talents, or perhaps create a battlefield-hopping dimensional knight with Tome of Spell and Sword, or pick new options for a long-lived elf in Player's Options: Elves, the shadow-bending wayangs with Amazing Races: Wayangs! There's even a new race of godspawned sentient oozes in Subterranean Races: The Puddlings that will give you new choices should you decide to start a game in the dark caverns beneath the lighted realms!

Check out the huge variety of third-party Pathfinder Roleplaying Game material right here at Paizo.com!

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yay! Front page mention for Player's Options: Elves!

Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks Liz!

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