Pathfinder Lost Omens: Rival Academies

Pathfinder Lost Omens: Rival Academies

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The finest mages, scientists, and academics of the Age of Lost Omens are gathering!

Journey to a fortress-city in demon-ravaged Sarkoris to learn the ancient magical secrets of the Magaambya's wizards, Lepidstadt's bleeding-edge theories on reanimating flesh with electricity, the extraplanar fey philosophies of the Cobyslarni, and the lore of more than a dozen other academies! With so many prominent scholars in one place, rivalries are sure to abound—whether in the classroom, on the sports fields, or during field trips to dangerous lands.

This 128-page book gives GMs and players a vibrant roster of luminaries, students, athletes, and wizards to build their very own magical academies. Whether players build bonds with classmates or clash with rivals, they'll gain diverse options like advanced spymaster gear, dazzling new martial arts techniques, or new wizard spells and schools, including the remastered Runelord!

Written by: Sharang Biswas, Jeremy Blum, Carlos Cisco, Aoife Ester, Laura Lynn Horst, Andrew Mullen, Kendra Leigh Speedling, Stephanie Lundeen, Mahpiya, Collette Quach, Mikhail Rekun, Erin Roberts, Navaar Seik-Jackson, Shahreena Shahrani, Gina Susanna, Tan Shao Han, Esther Wallace, and Landon Winkler.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-652-3

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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Paizo Employee Sales & eCommerce Assistant

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Announced for March! Product image and description are not final and may be subject to change. :)

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber


Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yes, Remastered Runelords are making a comeback! That alone has sold me.

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Real excited about new Wizard School options.

Horizon Hunters

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my biggest wish for this book is themed wizard subclasses for all the schools

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now here's a school book i'm excited about!

Horizon Hunters

I don't suppose there will be any updates on the Magus class in this book...?

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Magus Tata wrote:
I don't suppose there will be any updates on the Magus class in this book...?

Maybe? They didnT' talk about it yet, it's too early for that. They tend to reveal stuff closer to release.

But it's a Lost Omen release, so for them, to manage expectation, it's usually better to assume to buy them for lore first and rule contents second.

I might expect more "pure magical" stuff than magus though, but we never know. But yeah, right now, we ONLY know what is in that description above. Wizard options, spymaster gears, new martial arts stuff (so... monk? there could be magus there, but that's speculation), and guidelines to write stories set in magical academies.

Magus Tata wrote:
I don't suppose there will be any updates on the Magus class in this book...?

Oh I hope and I wish. Alas I'm not going to count on it. As Elf says, the Lost Omens books tend to be more about the setting than the mechanics.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Huzzah! As someone who loves the actual spell academies introduced and loves spellcasters, can't wait for this one!!!

I'm curious if this book will contain rules for players/GM's who wish to create/manage their own school (magical or otherwise)as teachers or founders? Was there anything like this in the Strength of Thousands AP? .
As to why I'm interested- well, I really love the concept of players building a town/settlement/country, but I've heard that the kingdom management system in kingmaker is just no good. But a magic school? That sounds complex enough to be interesting, but contained enough to be manageable- without as many issues that would break down the game (assuming ofc no magical faculty accidentally blows up the campus).

The idea is for the party to either lead an already established (but struggling) campus or build a new school where none yet exists.

Liberty's Edge

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Mammoth Daddy wrote:

I'm curious if this book will contain rules for players/GM's who wish to create/manage their own school (magical or otherwise)as teachers or founders? Was there anything like this in the Strength of Thousands AP? .

As to why I'm interested- well, I really love the concept of players building a town/settlement/country, but I've heard that the kingdom management system in kingmaker is just no good. But a magic school? That sounds complex enough to be interesting, but contained enough to be manageable- without as many issues that would break down the game (assuming ofc no magical faculty accidentally blows up the campus).

The idea is for the party to either lead an already established (but struggling) campus or build a new school where none yet exists.

This fondly reminds me of the Covenants (and their seasons) in Ars Magica a long time ago.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I do wonder if this will help to run Strength of Thousand post remaster :O

(also curious if magambyan telepath makes return from 1e xD)

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I need to go back and read what bits of Divine Mysteries made me even more hype for this book than before, but I just want to be on the record that I AM hyped for this one.

Vigilant Seal

And the Shadowdancer?

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Will the Magabayaan archetypes be remastered here?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Korkael Koronna wrote:
And the Shadowdancer?

Given that the entire reason Shadowdancer wasn't found in Player Core 2 is that it is Legacy Content from way back in 3rd Ed/3.5, the likelihood of it popping up in a Lost Omens Sourcebook borders non-existent.

Now the Shadow Magic stuff from Secrets of Magic, that might be a possibility.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Do we think that some of the Secrets of Magic archclasses will get revisited? I would like to see Flexible Spellcasting get remastered.

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It is a LO book, I wouldn't expect the more "rule" stuff to appear here. Mostly because there ARE people that play with "Only rulebooks, nothing from LO books cause I have a custom setting".

Could they be adding a feat or number of feats which, would allow wizards to try learn active spells they identify with the arcana skill (i.e. use some time to make a theory text from which the wizard could learn the spell in downtime or prepare a 'volatile' version of it in the field). Something like this could make a wizard feel more like a real scholar of magic.

There's been a bit of a shift in format the for Lost Omens books as far as rules go. The older books tended to have a smattering of feats for a wide variety of classes gathered together, while Divine Mysteries and the Tian Xia Character Guide focused on specific classes and new archetypes/subclasses. I'd expect most of the new player facing mechanics to be tied either to specific schools or to the scholastic experience.

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As a current Magaambyan Student I am looking forward to this haha

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Magus Tata wrote:
I don't suppose there will be any updates on the Magus class in this book...?

We will!

There's a new hybrid study, Resurgent Maelstrom, from the Monastery of the Unbreaking Waves.

Blog wrote:
The new approaches can be seen most clearly among those studying the Resurgent Maelstrom. Combining faydhaan spells and techniques with mortal ingenuity, a magus can use the power of water to turn any tool into a weapon and embrace their transience by shattering them against their foes.

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I would so love to have remastered Magus and Summoner. Yeah it's unlikely, but I want it xD

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BlocktheGM wrote:
I would so love to have remastered Magus and Summoner. Yeah it's unlikely, but I want it xD

Those definitely aren't coming in a Lost Omens release.

keftiu wrote:
BlocktheGM wrote:
I would so love to have remastered Magus and Summoner. Yeah it's unlikely, but I want it xD
Those definitely aren't coming in a Lost Omens release.

Probably not. I'm not really sure how much more change is needed for the SoM pats of the Magus after the errata that we've already gotten. More feats and hybrid studies in other books are always nice, though.

Oop! My order is pending!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
BlocktheGM wrote:
I would so love to have remastered Magus and Summoner. Yeah it's unlikely, but I want it xD

As has been heavily implied if not stated outright, the best chance at a rapid remaster for Magus & Summoner is if Paizo sells out all their physical copies of Secrets of Magic. As with Guns & Gears, instead of a re-print, they will likely do a re-master.

Unlike Guns & Gears, there is arguably a lot of mechanical need for a remastered Secrets of Magic.

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Can't wait to see the Runelord, and all the Wizard options.
And highly hopeful for some Witch options too.

Prince Maleus wrote:

Can't wait to see the Runelord, and all the Wizard options.

And highly hopeful for some Witch options too.

The blog posts make me think that we might be getting some Witch options through the Cobyslarni school.

I think we might be getting some Bard options through the Kitharodian Academy.

We are clearly getting Monk and Magus options from the Monastery of the Unbreaking Waves.

I wonder if there will be any general wizard feats or if it'll just be the schools and archetypes from the schools.

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I think Cobyslarni will be a Rare Witch Patron

Has anyone received their pdf and care to spoil any Witchy things?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Prince Maleus wrote:
Has anyone received their pdf and care to spoil any Witchy things?

Been seeing some in the pf2e reddit discord. And yes, you were correct about a new rare witch patron.

Got my notice yesterday but have not had the chance to look at anything.

Is there any reason this does not show up on demiplane?

Caldwhyn wrote:
Is there any reason this does not show up on demiplane?

Probably because it's not release yet. Unless Demiplane lists books before release. No idea how they usually handle this since I don't really use their website.

Blave wrote:
Caldwhyn wrote:
Is there any reason this does not show up on demiplane?
Probably because it's not release yet. Unless Demiplane lists books before release. No idea how they usually handle this since I don't really use their website.

Yeah that's the thing they usually offer a preorder for all new stuff but this book just doesn't show up over there. I can (and will) order it here if it's not available there but I have quite the collection on there already. Honestly, I like the way they turn the books into websites better than the pdf files.

Anybody get their copy yet?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
VerBeeker wrote:
Anybody get their copy yet?

I do. Is there something you'd like to know?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Evan Tarlton wrote:
VerBeeker wrote:
Anybody get their copy yet?
I do. Is there something you'd like to know?

I just got mine so thank you but no lol

I'd like to know if there's anything especially cool in the new water monk specialization, and if there's any interesting bits of equipment in there.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Are there new wizard schools? what are their themes?

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Three, but two are a bit atypical. The Sarkorian School of Reclamation is similar to the ones in the Player Core, but the Magaambya school includes five subcuriculums with additional spells and focus spells. I believe Thassilonian Rune Magic is exclusive to the Runelord class archetyp. It also comes with subcuriculums, one for each sin.

So I noticed that the Thassilonian Rune Macgic curriculum Spells, lists the 9th Rank Spell - Seize Soul as an 8th Rank spell.

Is that misplaced or do Runelords get an 9th Rank spell as an 8th rank?

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Prince Maleus wrote:

So I noticed that the Thassilonian Rune Macgic curriculum Spells, lists the 9th Rank Spell - Seize Soul as an 8th Rank spell.

Is that misplaced or do Runelords get an 9th Rank spell as an 8th rank?

Everytime this happened in the past, there have been errata fixing it, so I would assume that it's a mistake.

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As much as I may joke about Paizo trying to advertise recent releases woth scenarios... If the Dacilane Academy is at the Convocation, I really would like to see a scenario involving the Society chaperoning there.

You know I find it interesting that Nex didn’t want anyone to the Convocation but Geb did.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
VerBeeker wrote:

You know I find it interesting that Nex didn’t want anyone to the Convocation but Geb did.

...and that the one school that did attend that has ties to Nex (the Arcanamirium in Absalom) wasn't all that interested and only sent a token representation.

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