Created for Pathfinder fans by Pathfinder fans, this marks our twenty-second and FINAL issue of the ENnie Award-winning Wayfinder fanzine, where we explore the magnificent islands of Kortos and Escadar! This free fanzine includes dozens of articles, including original fiction, monsters, NPCs, classes and options, magic items, and a side trek adventure on the Isle of Kortos—just a small portion of what we packed into this issue! And it's all free!
Contributing Authors: James Abendroth, Adrian Von Almen, James Anderson, Jeffrey Anderson, James S. Austin, Tineke Bolleman, Michael Bramnik, Charlie Brooks, Mischa Catalan, Brite Cheney, Felix Dritz, Aaron Filipowich, Andrew D. Geels, Doug Edwards, Ivis Flanagan, Tommy Gaddy, Adam Jones, Adam Kessler, Ryan King, KM Kovalcik, Michael Kuehne, James Long, Jacob W. Michaels, Marceline Miller, Robb Miller, Jess Miller-Camp, Daniel Angelo Monaco, Scott Nolan, Alexander J. Ogilvy, Betty Osthoff, Mark Rivett, Corey Roberge, David Schwartz, Sen.H.H.S., Rodney Sloan, Victoria Sullivan, Benjamin Tait, and Nick Volpe.
Contributing Artists: James Anderson, James S. Austin, John Bunger, Paul Chapman, Tyler Clark, Taralee Colton, Jeremy Corff, Catarina Eusébio, Peter Fairfax, Bob Greyvenstein, Frank Hessefort, Meaghan Ingram, Adam Koča, Danny Hedager Krog, Stephen McAndrews, Michael McNeill, Frank Michienzi, Dionisis Milonas, Carissa Pedrosa, Tanyaporn Sangsnit, Liberty Smart, Ashton Sperry, Victoria Sullivan, Todd Westcot, and Moth Yacyshen.
Cover Art by Bob Greyvenstein
Foreword by Tim Nightengale
Wayfinder #22 is a 76-page full-color PDF suitable for printing or viewing on your computer. It is released under the Paizo Inc Community Use Policy.
This fanzine uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc, which are used under Paizo's Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This fanzine is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Inc. For more information about Paizo's Community Use Policy, please visit For more information about Paizo Publishing and Paizo products, please visit
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Huge props to everyone behind not only this particular volume of Wayfinder, but every single one of them that's come out over the last 15 years! Every volume has been a huge accomplishment and an excellent example of dedication from those responsible for putting them out—writers, artists, graphic designers, editors, and of course Tim's steady hand on the wheel.
End of an era. Wayfinder was a big part of how I got into freelance TTRPG layout, editing, and design. A fantastic community and it was a blast being part of it.
Thanks, Tim, and Liz before you, for providing such service to the Paizo community. So many authors, artists, and Paizo staffers cut their teeth in Wayfinder. I know I wouldn't have thought writing was something I wanted to do if I didn't have the experience of working with Wayfinder. You changed my life, and I'll be forever grateful. And while Pathfinder Infinite is the "heir apparent" in some ways, Wayfinder was the best.
It's good to see this come out, though I'm sad it's the last issue. As Garrett and Scott said, Wayfinder was very helpful early in my game design experience and I really enjoyed contributing to it. It was important to me to keep submitting (and later editing!) as a way of trying to give back a little to the community.
Wayfinder was my very first TTRPG publication, and I don't know if I'd have gotten started in freelancing without it. I always loved submitting (and later helping edit/proofread) and reading the issues, seeing what everyone had come up with. It's sad to see it go.
Thanks to Tim and everyone else who kept Wayfinder going over the years. It's been a great run.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Really happy to see this get a release! I don't have the time to work on updating the Foundry module with this content now, but I'll put it on the giant to-do list along with updating the issue 21 data to current Foundry standards.