Monkeygod |

Cleric isn't the only class that should have gotten an unchained version, Fighter, Sorcerer, Bard, etc.
Nah dude.
Cleric is the worst offense of the entire Paizo line of classes(all of them, every single one).
Name one reason why you would ever continue past 8th level in a cleric, as opposed to multiclassing or entering into a PrC?
At the very least, fighter, sorc, and bard continue to actually gain new class features.
They may not always be awesomezor or uber leet or whatever, but they exist.
Cleric? Not so much. Hells, unless you really want the 8th level power from your domains, there's no reason to continue to even that level.

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I wonder if "feats to support characters with levels in a prestige class" are things like a more formalised version of the Eclectic Training and Esoteric Training guild rewards from Inner Sea Magic. That would be nice.
They are feats to support existing prestige classes. A character would require levels in a prestige class, such as Arcane Trickster, to benefit from such feats. The Extra Impromptu Sneak Attack feat is a good example of what to expect.

Bellona |

I wonder if "feats to support characters with levels in a prestige class" are things like a more formalised version of the Eclectic Training and Esoteric Training guild rewards from Inner Sea Magic. That would be nice.
They are feats to support existing prestige classes. A character would require levels in a prestige class, such as Arcane Trickster, to benefit from such feats. The Extra Impromptu Sneak Attack feat is a good example of what to expect.
That sounds interesting. I look forward to reading this sourcebook. :)

Alzrius |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Dreams come true! Every core, base, hybrid, and occult class is getting a new capstone! Everyone is here!
That includes the poor, neglected NPC classes too, right? Commoners who get to 20th level deserve a little something to show for it!

graystone |

The alternate capstone powers are still the most interesting thing about this book so far.
*shug* For me, the capstones are the only thing that I have no interest in as I see capstone abilities in play so little that if they just removed them from the game I might never notice it...
As to the rest...
Powerful traits that grow in strength with a character's existing traits: Sounds cool
New ways to improve the versatility of your favorite spells: I'm all for versatility
Feats to support characters with levels in a prestige class: I don't use prestige classes that often so anything to make them more usable is a good thing
Potent magic items: more options are good.
I just hope that there is a good mix of levels that the new stuff can be used at. I'd rather not see the majority of it be high level, for instance.

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What I'd like to see for FCB for prestige classes: Pick a base class for which you already are receiving FCB. The prestige class gives you the option to continue progression of that FCB.
That would particularly make sense for PrCs that are already flavored to a particular race, like the Lantern Bearers (for elves), Skyseekers (for dwarves) or perhaps Bellflower Tillers (for halflings).
I hope there will be options to continue advancing class features when taking a prestige class! A Brewkeeper with bardic performance would ROCK!
Yeah, I remember it was almost the last book published in 3.5 when D&D finally thought to include a cleric PrC that progressed Domain abilities, which gave the impression that nobody at WotC had ever taken a PrC with a Cleric... (since many of the Domain had features that didn't get good until higher level anyway)
I definitely would like to see some PrCs that progress bardic inspiration, domains, channel energy, wild shape, wizard's school abilities, bloodline powers, etc.

Fourshadow |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

UnArcaneElection wrote:What I'd like to see for FCB for prestige classes: Pick a base class for which you already are receiving FCB. The prestige class gives you the option to continue progression of that FCB.
That would particularly make sense for PrCs that are already flavored to a particular race, like the Lantern Bearers (for elves), Skyseekers (for dwarves) or perhaps Bellflower Tillers (for halflings).
Bardess wrote:I hope there will be options to continue advancing class features when taking a prestige class! A Brewkeeper with bardic performance would ROCK!I definitely would like to see some PrCs that progress bardic inspiration, domains, channel energy, wild shape, wizard's school abilities, bloodline powers, etc.
There are a few that do some of that...Path of the Righteous was an awesome PC. Still one of my faves. The Dawnflower Anchorite is so cool and gives options like that.

Aranel2000 |

And the capstone of the Magus? I like the class, but the cool abilities are all at the first levels. His capstone is not so great. If they could make one like the Warpriest: Magus spent some points of arcane pool to became a war/magic machine (like bab as a warrior and other things of the wizard for a short time)
Sorry for my bad English

David knott 242 |
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We shall soon see. Shipping has begun, but so far nobody has piped up to say that their copy shipped and they have their PDF. Maybe we will hear something tomorrow? Or maybe, if I am really lucky, I can be the source of the info....
(Testing the obvious jinx on an early shipment....)

Painful Bugger |

We shall soon see. Shipping has begun, but so far nobody has piped up to say that their copy shipped and they have their PDF. Maybe we will hear something tomorrow? Or maybe, if I am really lucky, I can be the source of the info....
(Testing the obvious jinx on an early shipment....)
Amazon has it listed as being released June 11. So let us cross our fingers...

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David knott 242 wrote:Amazon has it listed as being released June 11. So let us cross our fingers...We shall soon see. Shipping has begun, but so far nobody has piped up to say that their copy shipped and they have their PDF. Maybe we will hear something tomorrow? Or maybe, if I am really lucky, I can be the source of the info....
(Testing the obvious jinx on an early shipment....)
Street date is may 29th, Amazon is pretty late.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

But... this has magic tricks!
And the various Magic Tricks feats, as it turns out, are easily my favorite mechanical innovation this book adds to PF1.
This is a great mechanic that needs to be expanded in 3PP. Very impressed with this mechanic. Not sure who came up with it within Paizo, but Kudos on this whole concept. Love it!

Inquisitive Malefactor |

Vanessa Hoskins wrote:
But... this has magic tricks!
And the various Magic Tricks feats, as it turns out, are easily my favorite mechanical innovation this book adds to PF1.
This is a great mechanic that needs to be expanded in 3PP. Very impressed with this mechanic. Not sure who came up with it within Paizo, but Kudos on this whole concept. Love it!
Well Steel Wind, seeing how you seem to already have the PDF, would you please tell us a little bit about the alternative capstones? I definitely knoe of a few classes that could use a different one (i.e. something less blatantly evil for mesmerists, for instance)

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8 people marked this as a favorite. |

Vanessa Hoskins wrote:
But... this has magic tricks!
And the various Magic Tricks feats, as it turns out, are easily my favorite mechanical innovation this book adds to PF1.
This is a great mechanic that needs to be expanded in 3PP. Very impressed with this mechanic. Not sure who came up with it within Paizo, but Kudos on this whole concept. Love it!
The Magic Trick feat originally showed up in Distant Realms courtesy of John Compton. It was such a good idea that was ripe for expansion, that we couldn't close the book on 1E without giving it some love. Vanessa Hoskins did a wonderful job on taking that original idea and giving it that much needed love, as you can see!

The Purity of Violence |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

There's a capstone for every class, I counted 39, plus 12 more any 20th character if they meet the criteria for it, like having a familiar, or being able to channel energy, or have 4 bonus combat feats, etc, plus there is a grand hex and a grand discovery (called Vast Explosions) you can take in place of a capstone.
The relics, or Legacy items, are
Bracers of Antiquity
Carved King's Band
Conquerer's Breastpalte (as in Choral)
Ring of Sealed Souls
Scimitar of Deliverance
Totemic Figurine
Trailblazer's Boots
Unyielding Aegis
Wayfinder of Cooperation
No mythic stuff, but I saw one capstone which is a third party mythic feat plus a magic item.

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4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Steel_Wind wrote:The Magic Trick feat originally showed up in Distant Realms courtesy of John Compton. It was such a good idea that was ripe for expansion, that we couldn't close the book on 1E without giving it some love. Vanessa Hoskins did a wonderful job on taking that original idea and giving it that much needed love, as you can see!Vanessa Hoskins wrote:
But... this has magic tricks!
And the various Magic Tricks feats, as it turns out, are easily my favorite mechanical innovation this book adds to PF1.
This is a great mechanic that needs to be expanded in 3PP. Very impressed with this mechanic. Not sure who came up with it within Paizo, but Kudos on this whole concept. Love it!
Thanks for the shout out, Luis!
I loved writing the Magic Tricks feat section. Ever since I saw the force disk tricks in Distant Realms I wanted more. I even have a magus in a City of Seven Seraphs campaign who's signature look is flying around on her disk.
When Luis approached me to write for this book, I scooped up that section and decided to focus on classic spells. Now that they're out in the wild, I'm looking forward to hearing which ones people like the best!